Superman 1.week

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Monday Workout

The Monday Superman workout is a strength workout. The core exercises (Back Squat, DB
Press, Deadlift) in today’s workout push you to do as many reps as you can in 60 seconds.
After that, rest for 90 seconds. Then, repeat the set 2 more times.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Notes

Cardio 1 10 Min - Warm Up

Wall Squat 2 5 30 sec

Air Squat 2 10 30 sec

Goblet Squat 2 5 1 min

Back Squats 3 Max Reps 60 secs 90 sec 135 lbs.

Deadlift 3 Max Reps 60 secs 90 sec 135 lbs.

Seated DB Press 3 Max Reps 60 secs 90 sec 2x 35 lb.

Biceps Curls 3 12-15 - Superset #1

Hammer Curls 3 12-15 60 sec Superset #2

Cardio 1 10 Min - Cool Down

Tuesday Workout

The Tuesday Superman workout is a recovery/endurance workout. Henry Cavill used these
workouts to promote a fat burning metabolism. He used a low-carb diet to intensify his weight

For Tuesday, do a 60 minute, easy pace (low-intensity) cardio workout. Choose from one of
your favorite aerobic activities, including:

• Jogging
• Rowing
• Swimming
• Bike Riding
• Elliptical/Treadmill

Henry Cavill used a restricted calorie diet to get his body ready to be Superman. With a low
amount of glycogen in his system, he lost weight because his body had to convert fat into
energy during these long bouts of exercise.
Wednesday Workout

For Wednesday, Henry Cavil uses an endurance training workout. It involves lifting, aerobic
and bodyweight exercises.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Notes

Wall Squat 2 5 30 sec

Air Squat 2 10 30 sec

Goblet Squat 2 5 30 sec

Deadlift 3 5 30 sec 55% of Max

Deadlift 3 5 30 sec 65% Max

Deadlift 5 2 90 sec 75% Max

Rowing 8 20 sec 10 sec HIIT (On/Off)

When you’re done with 4 sets of the rowing sprints, rest for 2-3 minutes. Then, finish with 4
more 20 secs on/ 10 secs off sprints. Finish Wednesday’s workout by holding yourself in
pushup position, arms extended, for as long as you can.

Thursday Workout

The Thursday workout is a power/endurance workout using a “Big” and “Little” routine. The
5 “55” workout is where you do 55 reps of 5 different exercises in a circuit format (meaning
you do one set of each exercise in that circuit, then move right onto the next one). You end up
doing 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each exercise total.

Exercise Sets Notes Circuit

Air Squat 10 Bodyweight Circuit 1

Pushups 10 Bodyweight Circuit 1

Walking Lunge 10 Bodyweight Circuit 1

Sit-Ups 10 Anchor Feet Circuit 1

KB Swings 10 44 lbs. Circuit 1

Bench Press 10 135 lbs. Circuit 2

Goblet Squat 10 53 lbs. Circuit 2

Pullup 10 Bodyweight Circuit 2

Exercise Sets Notes Circuit

Box Jump 10 24" box Circuit 2

Deadlift 10 135 lbs. Circuit 2

Do 10, then 9, then 8, then 7, etc. 6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each, immediately moving onto the next
exercise in the circuit. (Never do more than 1 set of an exercise, move onto the next one in the
circuit). After the circuit is complete, rest one minute. Then, do the circuit again (if you did 10
reps, the next round you do 9) until you’ve gone down to just one rep of each. Finally, move onto
Circuit 2 and perform the same routine.

Friday Workout

The Friday Superman Workout, like Tuesday’s workout routine, is another cardio/endurance
workout. Henry Cavill chiseled his way into playing Superman by using these long cardio
workouts to burn fat. Do a low-intensity 60 min (easy pace) cardio workout, choosing from:

• Jogging
• Rowing
• Swimming
• Bike Riding
• Elliptical/Treadmill

Saturday Workout

The Saturday workout involves strength and endurance (HIIT) cardio. Start with the typical
warm up of cardio/leg exercises, then work your way toward doing heavy deadlifts. Finish
with a rowing challenge, where you do 6 intervals of 30 secs rowing/resting.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Notes

Cardio 1 10 Min Warm Up

Wall Squat 2 5 30sec

Squat 2 10 1 min

Goblet Squat 2 5 1 min

Deadlift 1 8 30 sec Warm Up

Deadlift 3 2 1 min @ 60-65% Max

Deadlift 5 3 1 min @ 75-80% Max

Rowing 6 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec (On/Off)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Notes

Cardio 1 10 Min Cool Down

Rowing is a great exercise because it is one of the safest things you can do in a gym. Actors
can’t afford to get hurt when there is a film to shoot. So, their trainers like them to use the
rowing machine as the best way to burn fat. In your gym, you can use an alternate piece of
equipment, as long as the intensity/intervals are the same.

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