Bio Answers

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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

Semana, Dynah Janine B.

General Biology 2
1. Asexual Reproduction: The reproductive process where offspring are generated
without the involvement of gametes or the merging of genetic material from two
2. Sexual Reproduction: The reproductive process that involves the fusion of
gametes (such as sperm and egg) from two parents, resulting in offspring with a
combination of genetic traits.
3. Fission: A method of asexual reproduction where an organism divides into two
or more distinct individuals, each of which develops into a complete organism.
4. Fragmentation: A type of asexual reproduction where a parent organism breaks
into fragments, and each fragment develops into a new individual.
5. Budding: An asexual reproduction mechanism where a protrusion or bud forms
on the parent organism and eventually separates to become an independent
6. Sporulation: The process in which specialized reproductive structures known as
spores are produced, often as a means of asexual reproduction in certain
7. Isogamy: A form of sexual reproduction where gametes from two parents are
morphologically and functionally alike, typically without discernible differences
between male and female gametes.
8. Heterogamy: A type of sexual reproduction involving the fusion of dissimilar
gametes, usually possessing distinct male and female reproductive structures.
9. Bisexual Reproduction: The reproductive process that requires the involvement
of either male and female reproductive structures or organisms.
10. Development: The sequence of changes and growth that transpires in an
organism from the fertilization of an egg to the maturation of all its structures and
11. Haploid: Referring to cells or organisms containing a single set of
chromosomes, typically represented as "n," constituting half the usual number of
chromosomes found in diploid cells.
12. Diploid: Describing cells or organisms having two complete sets of
chromosomes, typically denoted as "2n," with each set inherited from each parent.
13. Gametogenesis: The process of producing specialized cells called gametes
(such as sperm and eggs) through cell division and differentiation.
14. Fertilization: The merging of a sperm cell and an egg cell, leading to the
fusion of their genetic material and the formation of a zygote.
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

15. Cleavage: The rapid division of cells that occurs during the early stages of
embryonic development, resulting in the creation of a multicellular embryo.
16. Gastrulation: The process during embryonic development in which cells of a
blastula rearrange and differentiate into distinct germ layers, establishing the
fundamental body plan.
17. Organogenesis: The process of further differentiation of germ layers during
embryonic development, giving rise to specific organs and organ systems.
18. Growth: The augmentation in size, mass, or complexity of an organism as a
consequence of cell division, cell enlargement, and/or the addition of new tissues.
19. Follicular phase: The initial stage of the menstrual cycle in females,
characterized by the development of a follicle in the ovary and the preparation of
an egg for release.
20. Ovulation: The discharge of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian
tube, usually occurring in the middle of the menstrual cycle in females.
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


Identify and describe the types of Life cycles.

Types of Life Cycles Description

The haplontic life cycle is
characterized by a dominant haploid
phase. It begins with a haploid
organism that undergoes cell division
1. Haplontic Life Cycle to produce gametes. When
fertilization occurs, a diploid zygote is
formed, which then goes through cell
division to generate haploid cells,
restarting the life cycle.
The diplontic life cycle is
characterized by a dominant diploid
phase. It begins with a diploid
organism that goes through meiosis to
generate haploid gametes. Following
2. Diplontic Life Cycle
fertilization, a diploid zygote is
formed, which then develops into a
diploid organism. The cycle continues
as haploid gametes are produced
through meiosis.
The haplodiplontic life cycle, also
known as alternation of generations,
consists of alternating haploid and
diploid phases. The haploid phase,
known as the gametophyte, produces
haploid gametes via cellular division.
A diploid zygote is created during
3. Haplodiplontic Life Cycle
fertilization, which develops into the
diploid phase known as the
sporophyte. The sporophyte goes
through meiosis to produce haploid
spores, which subsequently develop
into new gametophytes, completing
the life cycle.
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

1. Nutrient: Substances that are vital for an organism's growth, metabolism, and
maintenance, supplying energy and serving as fundamental components for
various biological functions.
2. Autotrophs: Organisms capable of producing organic compounds, like
carbohydrates, from inorganic sources using energy obtained from sunlight
(photosynthesis) or other chemical means (chemosynthesis).
3. Heterotrophs: Organisms that acquire energy and nutrients by consuming
organic matter produced by other organisms.
4. Symplast route: The pathway through which substances move between plant
cells, traversing the interconnected cytoplasmic network via plasmodesmata.
5. Apoplast route: The route through which substances travel in plant tissues,
passing through extracellular spaces such as cell walls and intercellular gaps,
bypassing the cytoplasm.
6. Root hairs: Elongated extensions on plant roots that enhance the surface area
for absorption of water and nutrients from the soil.
7. Root nodules: Swellings on the roots of specific plants, often formed in a
symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, where atmospheric nitrogen
is converted into usable forms for plants.
8. Mycorrhizae: Mutually beneficial associations between plant roots and fungi
that enhance nutrient absorption by enlarging the root system's surface area and
facilitating nutrient exchange.
9. Calorie: A unit of measurement for energy, used to quantify the energy content
of food and the energy expenditure of organisms.
10. Carbohydrates: Organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen, serving as a primary energy source for organisms and playing a structural
role in cellular components.
11. Proteins: Large molecules made up of amino acids, serving diverse functions
in organisms, including providing structural support, enabling enzymatic activity,
and participating in cellular communication.
12. Fats: Organic molecules consisting of glycerol and fatty acids, serving as a
concentrated form of energy storage in organisms and playing roles in insulation
and cushioning.
13. Amino acids: The fundamental building blocks of proteins, characterized by
an amino group, a carboxyl group, and a unique side chain that determines their
specific properties and functions.
14. Fatty acids: Organic molecules composed of a hydrocarbon chain and a
carboxyl group, essential as structural components of fats and involved in energy
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

15. Phagocytosis: The cellular process wherein solid particles or microorganisms

are engulfed and internalized into vesicles called phagosomes, often performed by
specialized cells like macrophages.
16. Pinocytosis: The cellular mechanism by which fluid droplets or solutes are
engulfed and internalized into small vesicles called pinosomes, enabling the
uptake of extracellular substances.
17. Digestive system: The collection of anatomical structures and organs
responsible for the intake, breakdown, absorption, and elimination of food and
nutrients in organisms.
18. Endocytosis: The general cellular process involving the internalization of
substances or particles by the invagination of the cell membrane to form vesicles.
19. Ingestion: The act of taking in food or substances into the body through the
mouth or specialized structures, initiating the process of digestion.
20. Digestion: The process of breaking down complex food molecules into
simpler forms that can be absorbed and utilized by the body.
21. Absorption: The process by which nutrients and other substances are taken up
and transported from the digestive system into the bloodstream or cells for
22. Elimination: The process of excreting undigested materials or waste products
from the body, typically through specialized excretory organs or systems.
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

1. Give three examples of nutrient deficiencies in plants and the
corresponding symptoms.
a. Nitrogen Deficiency:
- Symptoms: Stunted growth, yellowing (chlorosis) of older leaves starting from
the base of the plant, reduced leaf size, and overall pale or yellowish appearance.
b. Iron Deficiency:
- Symptoms: Interveinal chlorosis, where the leaf veins remain green while the
areas between them turn yellow or white. This chlorosis often starts on younger
leaves and progresses as the deficiency worsens.
c. Potassium Deficiency:
- Symptoms: Marginal chlorosis and necrosis (death) of older leaves, followed
by wilting, curling of leaf margins, and reduced overall plant vigor. The leaves
may develop brown or yellow spots, and the plant may be more susceptible to
disease and environmental stress.
2. Research on examples of parasitic plants and predator plants. Give an
example for each. What structural adaptations are present in these plants that
allow them to acquire nutrition through parasitism and predation?
a. Parasitic Plant: Dodder (Cuscuta spp.)

- Structural Adaptations: Dodder is a parasitic plant that lacks chlorophyll and

cannot produce its own food through photosynthesis. Instead, it attaches itself to
the stems of host plants and obtains nutrients directly from them. Dodder has
several structural adaptations that aid in its parasitic lifestyle:
- Haustoria: Dodder produces specialized structures called haustoria that
penetrate the host plant's tissues. These haustoria establish connections with the
host's vascular system, enabling the transfer of water, nutrients, and sugars from
the host to the dodder.
- Reduced Leaves: Dodder has highly reduced or absent leaves as it doesn't
need to perform photosynthesis. This adaptation reduces the energy expenditure
on leaf production and allows the plant to focus its resources on acquiring
nutrients from the host.
b. Predator Plant: Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
- Structural Adaptations: The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant that captures
and digests insects for its nutrition. It possesses unique structural adaptations for
- Modified Leaves: The Venus Flytrap has modified leaves that form a trap-
like structure. Each trap consists of two lobes with sensitive trigger hairs on their
inner surfaces.
- Rapid Closing Mechanism: When an insect touches the trigger hairs, the
Venus Flytrap rapidly closes its trap, trapping the prey inside. The rapid closure is
facilitated by a specialized hinge-like structure that allows the leaves to snap shut.
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

- Digestive Enzymes: Once the trap is closed, the Venus Flytrap secretes digestive
enzymes to break down the prey's soft tissues. It then absorbs the nutrients
released from the digested insect.

3. What contributes to the absorption capacity of the small intestine?

- Villi and Microvilli: The villi and microvilli further increase the absorptive
surface area. They are lined with specialized cells called enterocytes, which
possess numerous microvilli on their surface, forming a brush border. The
microvilli increase the surface area of the individual cells, maximizing the
absorption of nutrients.

4. Why doesn’t gastric juice destroy the stomach cells that make it?
- The gastric juice in the stomach is highly acidic and contains various enzymes,
such as pepsin, as well as hydrochloric acid (HCl). While the gastric juice is
capable of breaking down food particles and initiating the process of digestion, it
does not destroy the stomach cells that produce it due to several protective

5. What are the cells making up the gastric glands of the stomach?
a. Mucous Cells
b. Parietal Cells,
c. Chief Cells,
d. Endocrine Cells
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


1. Respiration: The natural process through which living organisms interact with
their surroundings, exchanging gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide to fuel
cellular functions.
2. Cellular Respiration: The internal metabolic process that takes place within
cells, converting organic substances, especially glucose, into usable energy by
consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
3. Positive pressure breathing: A breathing technique where the respiratory system
receives air by raising the pressure within the lungs, typically achieved by
muscular contractions.
4. Negative pressure breathing: A breathing mechanism in which air is drawn into
the respiratory system by reducing the pressure within the lungs, usually
accomplished by expanding the chest cavity.
5. Air sacs: Delicate structures located in the respiratory system of certain
animals, like birds, serving as sites for the exchange of gases between inhaled air
and the bloodstream.
6. Oxygen transport: The process of moving oxygen from the lungs or respiratory
organs to the body's tissues, commonly facilitated by red blood cells that bind to
oxygen and transport it through the circulatory system.
7. Carbon dioxide transport: The process of transferring carbon dioxide, a
byproduct of cellular respiration, from the body's tissues to the lungs or
respiratory organs for elimination, often carried out by red blood cells or dissolved
in plasma.
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

1. Identify the Organs of the Respiratory System and its functions.
A. Nose and Nasal Cavity:
- Function: The nose and nasal cavity serve as the entry point for air into the
respiratory system. They filter, warm, and moisten the incoming air, removing
impurities and dust particles.
B. Pharynx:
- Function: The pharynx, commonly known as the throat, serves as a passage for
air from the nasal cavity or mouth to the larynx. It also plays a role in swallowing
and speech.
C. Larynx:
- Function: The larynx, or voice box, is responsible for producing sound and
protecting the lower airway. It houses the vocal cords, which vibrate and produce
sound when air passes through them.
D. Trachea:
- Function: The trachea, also called the windpipe, is a tube-like structure that
connects the larynx to the bronchi. It provides a passageway for air to move in and
out of the lungs.
E. Bronchi and Bronchioles:
- Function: The bronchi are the two main branches that extend from the trachea
and enter each lung. They further divide into smaller bronchioles, which
eventually lead to the air sacs called alveoli. The bronchi and bronchioles conduct
air into the lungs, and their branching structure helps distribute air to different
regions of the lungs.
F. Lungs:
- Function: The lungs are the main respiratory organs where gas exchange
occurs. They are spongy, elastic structures situated within the chest cavity.
Oxygen from inhaled air enters the lungs and is exchanged with carbon dioxide,
which is then expelled during exhalation.
G. Alveoli:
- Function: The alveoli are tiny, air-filled sacs located at the ends of the
bronchioles in the lungs. They are the sites of gas exchange, where oxygen
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Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

diffuses from the alveoli into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide moves from the
bloodstream into the alveoli to be exhaled.
2. Identify the Plant structures responsible for gas exchange and its functions.
A. Stomata:
- Function: Stomata are small openings or pores typically found on the surface
of leaves, although they can also occur on stems and other plant organs. They
regulate the exchange of gases, water vapor, and transpiration in plants. Stomata
open and close to control the intake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and the
release of oxygen and water vapor during respiration and transpiration.
- Structure: Each stomatal pore is surrounded by two specialized cells called
guard cells. These cells have the ability to change shape, allowing them to open or
close the stomatal pore. When the guard cells swell and become turgid, the
stomata open, facilitating gas exchange. Conversely, when the guard cells lose
water and become flaccid, the stomata close, reducing water loss through
B. Lenticels:
- Function: Lenticels are small, raised structures found on the surface of stems
and woody plant organs. They are involved in gas exchange, particularly in woody
plants that have a protective layer called the periderm, which restricts gas
exchange. Lenticels allow for the diffusion of gases between the inner tissues of
the plant and the surrounding environment.
- Structure: Lenticels are formed by loosely arranged cells with air spaces
between them. These cells allow gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, to
diffuse in and out of the plant. Lenticels are more prominent in older, woody
tissues and can be observed as small dots or elongated slits on the surface of stems
and branches.
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. C
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


What are the functions of xylem and phloem?

A. Xylem is a plant tissue composed of tracheids, vessel elements, fibers, and
parenchyma cells. Its main function is to transport water and minerals from
the roots to the rest of the plant. Xylem provides mechanical support and
contributes to the rigidity of stems.
B. Phloem is another plant tissue made up of sieve tube elements, companion
cells, fibers, and parenchyma cells. It is responsible for the transport of
sugars and other organic compounds from the leaves to different parts of
the plant. Phloem plays a crucial role in translocation and also transports
other organic molecules. Companion cells support the functioning of sieve
tube elements in phloem transport.
1. Xylem: Xylem is a plant tissue responsible for transporting water and
minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant.
2. Phloem: Phloem is a plant tissue responsible for the transport of organic
molecules, such as sugars, from the site of production (usually leaves) to other
parts of the plant.
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3. Diffusion: Diffusion is the passive movement of molecules or particles from
Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015
Effectivity: of higher
February 2021 concentration
to an area of lower
Revision: 02 concentration. Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

4. Cell transport: Cell transport refers to the processes by which substances

move in and out of cells.
5. Circulation: Circulation refers to the movement of fluids, such as blood or
sap, through a system of vessels to transport substances throughout an
6. Arteries: Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from
the heart to the various organs and tissues of the body.
7. Veins: Veins are blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the
heart from the organs and tissues.
8. Valves: Valves are specialized structures present in veins and some other
vessels that prevent the backward flow of fluid.
9. Systemic Circulation: Systemic circulation refers to the part of the
circulatory system that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the body's
tissues and organs, supplying them with oxygen and nutrients.
10. Pulmonary Circulation: Pulmonary circulation refers to the part of the
circulatory system that carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
and returns oxygenated blood back to the heart.
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


1. Internal Environment: The controlled and maintained environment within an
organism's body to support its proper physiological functions.
2. Osmolarity: The concentration measurement of solute particles in a solution,
indicating the number of osmoles per liter of the solution.
3. Osmosis: The movement of solvent molecules, typically water, through a
selectively permeable membrane from an area of lower solute concentration to an
area of higher solute concentration.
4. Osmoregulation: The biological process through which organisms regulate and
balance the levels of water and solutes in their bodies to maintain stable internal
osmotic conditions.
5. Osmoconformers: Organisms that adjust their internal osmotic conditions to
match the osmotic conditions of their external environment, commonly found in
environments with relatively constant osmotic conditions.
6. Osmoregulators: Organisms that actively control and maintain stable internal
osmotic conditions regardless of the osmotic conditions in their environment.
7. Ammonia: A nitrogenous waste product generated by the breakdown of
proteins and nucleic acids, frequently eliminated by aquatic organisms.
8. Urea: A nitrogenous waste product produced in the liver from the breakdown of
proteins, excreted by mammals, many adult amphibians, and certain fishes.
9. Uric acid: A nitrogenous waste product resulting from the breakdown of nucleic
acids, excreted by reptiles, birds, insects, some land snails, and humans.
10. Filtration: The separation process that involves passing a mixture through a
filter or membrane to separate solids from liquids or gases, commonly utilized in
biological systems to remove waste products from the blood during kidney
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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

Identify the structures and functions of the Kidney.

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Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


1. Innate immune response: The immediate and nonspecific defense mechanism of
the immune system that rapidly responds to pathogens without prior exposure or
2. Adaptive immune response: The specialized and acquired defense mechanism
of the immune system that identifies and targets specific pathogens by generating
specific immune cells and molecules.
3. Immunity: The capacity of an organism to resist and protect against pathogens,
preventing or limiting the occurrence of infectious diseases.
4. Humoral response: The immune response facilitated by antibodies, which are
generated by B cells and circulate in bodily fluids to neutralize or eliminate
5. Cell-mediated response: The immune response carried out by specialized
immune cells, like T cells, that directly attack and eliminate infected or abnormal
6. Antibodies: Protein molecules produced by B cells in response to specific
antigens, capable of recognizing and binding to antigens to aid in their
neutralization or removal.
7. Antigen: A foreign substance or molecular structure recognized by the immune
system as non-self, triggering an immune response.
8. Infection: The intrusion and establishment of pathogenic microorganisms in a
host organism, disrupting normal physiological functions and potentially causing
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Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

ACTIVITY: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:

1. Describe when inflammation is good and when it is bad.

- Inflammation is good when it is a normal and necessary response to injury or

infection, helping to initiate the healing process and protect the body.
However, it can be bad when it becomes chronic or excessive, leading to
tissue damage and contributing to various diseases.
2. What are the five hallmarks of inflammation?

- The five hallmarks of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss
of function. These characteristics are commonly observed in inflamed tissues
and reflect the local response to injury or infection.
3. What is the importance of inflammation in the immune response?

- Inflammation is crucial in the immune response as it helps to eliminate

pathogens, clear damaged tissues, and initiate the repair process. It activates
immune cells, increases blood flow, and enhances the recruitment of immune
cells to the site of infection or injury, playing a vital role in the body's defense
against pathogens.
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Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


1. Nervous System: A complex network of specialized cells and structures that
coordinate and control communication and responses within an organism.
2. Peripheral Nervous System: The part of the nervous system consisting of
nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord, responsible for
transmitting signals between the central nervous system and the rest of the
3. Central Nervous System: The division of the nervous system composed of
the brain and spinal cord, which integrate and process sensory information and
coordinate motor responses.
4. Brain: The central organ of the nervous system located in the head, which
regulates and coordinates various bodily functions, processes sensory
information, and enables higher cognitive functions.
5. Spinal Cord: The elongated bundle of nerve fibers and associated tissue
enclosed within the spinal column, relaying sensory information and
coordinating motor responses between the brain and the rest of the body.
6. Motor Neurons: Specialized nerve cells that transmit signals from the
central nervous system to muscles, glands, and other effectors, enabling
voluntary and involuntary movements.
7. Sensory Neurons: Nerve cells that detect and transmit sensory information
from the environment or internal body conditions to the central nervous
system, facilitating perception and awareness.
8. Autonomic Nervous System: The part of the peripheral nervous system that
regulates involuntary bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, and
respiration, operating without conscious control.
9. Axon: A slender, elongated projection of a neuron that carries electrical
impulses away from the cell body, facilitating the transmission of signals to
other neurons or target cells.
10. Myelin Sheath: A protective layer of fatty tissue surrounding certain nerve
fibers, formed by specialized glial cells, which enhances the speed of nerve
impulse conduction.
11. Neurons: Specialized cells that serve as the fundamental functional units of
the nervous system, responsible for transmitting electrical signals and
facilitating communication within the nervous system.
g e r l = 12.
n e r = tHypothalamus:
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=s = l brain
k u = situated below the thalamus,
involved in regulating various physiological processes such as body
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Effectivity: hunger, thirst, and hormone
24 February 2021 secretion.
Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

13. Tropisms: Growth or movement responses exhibited by plants in reaction

to external stimuli, such as light (phototropism), gravity (gravitropism), or
touch (thigmotropism).
14. Thermoreceptors: Specialized sensory receptors capable of detecting and
responding to changes in temperature, relaying information about the thermal
environment to the nervous system.

1. What are the divisions of the nervous system?

 The divisions of the nervous system are the central nervous system (CNS),
which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous
system (PNS), which consists of the nerves and ganglia outside of the
CNS, responsible for transmitting information between the CNS and the
rest of the body.
2. Differentiate the functions of the endocrine and the nervous system

 The endocrine system is responsible for regulating bodily functions

through the release of hormones into the bloodstream, acting on target
cells in a slow and long-lasting manner. In contrast, the nervous system
uses electrical and chemical signals to rapidly transmit information
between cells, allowing for immediate responses to stimuli and
coordination of bodily functions.
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r = h y =s =k u
l =

Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


1. Photoreceptors are specialized sensory cells that detect and respond to light,
allowing for the perception of visual stimuli.
2. Mechanoreceptors are sensory receptors that respond to mechanical stimuli,
such as pressure, touch, and vibration, providing information about physical
3. Chemoreceptors are sensory receptors that detect and respond to chemical
stimuli, enabling the perception of taste, smell, and internal chemical changes.
4. Thermoreceptors are specialized sensory receptors that detect changes in
temperature and transmit this information to the nervous system, contributing
to the perception of thermal stimuli.
5. Pain receptors are specialized sensory receptors that detect potentially
harmful or damaging stimuli, triggering the sensation of pain.
6. The sclera is the tough and protective outer layer of the eyeball, providing
structural support and shielding the internal components of the eye.
7. The cornea is the clear, transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris
and pupil, aiding in the focusing of incoming light onto the retina.
8. The conjunctiva is a thin and transparent membrane that covers the front
surface of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids, contributing to eye
lubrication and protection.
9. The retina is the light-sensitive layer located at the back of the eye,
consisting of photoreceptor cells that convert light into neural signals for
visual processing.
10. The optic nerve is the nerve pathway that carries visual information from
the retina to the brain, enabling the perception and interpretation of visual
11. The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube connecting the middle ear to the back
of the throat, responsible for equalizing pressure and draining fluids from the
middle ear.
12. A hydrostatic skeleton is a skeletal system found in certain invertebrates,
where the body cavity is filled with fluid, providing support and facilitating
13. An endoskeleton is an internal skeletal system found in both vertebrates
and some invertebrates, consisting of bones and cartilage, which provides
support, protection, and allows for movement.
GENERAL ARTEMIO appendicular
SENIORskeleton refers to the bones of the limbs, pectoral girdle,
g e
n er l = a r =t em iO r ic
r = t e s in = y o
r = h y =s =k ul =
and pelvic girdle, supporting movement and serving as attachment points for
Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015
Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

1. Explain echolocation in bats.
Echolocation in bats involves emitting high-frequency sound waves and
listening for the echoes that bounce back from objects in their environment.
By analyzing these echoes, bats can navigate, locate prey, and avoid obstacles
in the dark.
2. Discuss the evolution of the vertebrate eye
The evolution of the vertebrate eye is believed to have occurred through a
series of gradual changes over millions of years. It started with light-sensitive
cells that evolved into more complex structures, eventually forming the
sophisticated eyes found in modern vertebrates, allowing for vision and visual
3. Draw the differences among striated or skeletal muscle, smooth muscle
and cardiac muscle.
g e
n e
r l = a
r =t e
m iO r ic
r = t e s in = y o
r = h y =s =k u
l =

Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0 ISO 9001:2015

Effectivity: 24 February 2021 Revision: 02 Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259


1. Homeostasis: The ongoing process in which organisms utilize physiological
mechanisms to keep their internal conditions stable, ensuring optimal
functionality and survival.
2. Positive feedback mechanism: A regulatory process in which the response
to a stimulus enhances or strengthens the initial change, triggering a series of
events that amplify the response even further.
3. Negative feedback mechanism: A regulatory process in which the response
to a stimulus opposes or counteracts the initial change, working to maintain a
stable balance or desired state.


1. Identify and describe 10 disorders that result from the disruption of

 Diabetes mellitus: A disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels due
to insufficient insulin production or insulin resistance.
 Hypertension: A condition where there is persistently elevated blood
pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.
 Hyperthyroidism: Overactivity of the thyroid gland, resulting in an
excessive production of thyroid hormones.
 Hypothyroidism: Underactivity of the thyroid gland, leading to insufficient
production of thyroid hormones.
 Dehydration: A condition where there is an inadequate amount of water in
the body, disrupting the body's fluid balance.
 Anemia: A disorder characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or
hemoglobin, resulting in reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.
 Osteoporosis: A condition where there is a loss of bone density, making
bones weak and prone to fractures.
 Hypernatremia: An electrolyte imbalance characterized by abnormally
high levels of sodium in the blood.
 Hypocalcemia: A condition where there is an abnormally low level of
calcium in the blood, leading to various complications.
 Acidosis: A disturbance in the body's acid-base balance, resulting in an
g e
n e r = t accumulation
r l = a r = t e s of
m iO r ic
e in acid
r or
=y o = loss
h y =of
s =bicarbonate.
k u
l =

Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001 Version: 1.0

Effectivity: 2. Identify
24 February and explain
2021 five (3) positive
Revision: feedback
02 and five (3) negativeISO 9001:2015
Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

feedback mechanisms present in the human body.

Positive Feedback Mechanisms:
 Blood Clotting: When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets adhere to the
site and release chemical signals that attract more platelets. This triggers a
cascade of events where platelets aggregate and release more chemical
signals, leading to the formation of a blood clot to prevent excessive
 Uterine Contractions during Labor: As the baby's head pushes against the
cervix, it stimulates nerve impulses that cause the release of oxytocin.
Oxytocin then stimulates stronger uterine contractions, which further push
the baby's head against the cervix, leading to more oxytocin release and
intensified contractions until delivery.
 Action Potential Generation in Neurons: When a neuron is stimulated, a
small depolarization occurs, which opens voltage-gated sodium channels,
allowing sodium ions to rush into the cell. This influx of sodium further
depolarizes the membrane, opening more sodium channels and generating
an action potential, leading to a rapid and amplified nerve impulse
 Lactation: The suckling of a baby at the mother's breast stimulates the
release of oxytocin, which causes the mammary glands to contract and
release milk. As the baby continues to nurse, the increased stimulation
leads to more oxytocin release, further enhancing milk production.
 Fever response: When the body detects an infection, it releases pyrogens
that raise the body's temperature. This increase in body temperature
triggers metabolic and immune responses to fight off the infection, leading
to a positive feedback loop where higher temperatures further stimulate the
immune system.
Negative Feedback Mechanisms:
 Body Temperature Regulation: When body temperature rises above the
normal range, sensors in the skin and hypothalamus detect the increase and
activate mechanisms such as sweating and vasodilation. Sweating
evaporates heat from the skin, and vasodilation increases blood flow near
the skin's surface, promoting heat loss and reducing body temperature back
to normal.
 Blood Glucose Regulation: When blood glucose levels rise after a meal,
the pancreas releases insulin, which stimulates the uptake of glucose by
cells and promotes its storage as glycogen in the liver. As cells take up
glucose and store it, blood glucose levels decrease, leading to reduced
insulin secretion. This negative feedback loop maintains blood glucose
levels within a narrow range.
g e
n er l = ra = t Blood rPressure
m iO r ic
e = t e s in Regulation:
r = h y = sWhen
=y o l =blood pressure increases, specialized
=k u
pressure sensors in the blood vessels
Document Code: 340747-CI-QF-001
the change and send signals toISO 9001:2015
the brain.
Effectivity: 24 February 2021 In response, the brain triggers
Revision:the02relaxation of blood vessels and
Certificate Reg. No. QAC/R63/0259

reduces heart rate, leading to decreased blood pressure. Conversely, if

blood pressure drops, the brain initiates vasoconstriction and increases
heart rate to raise blood pressure back to normal.
 Calcium homeostasis: When blood calcium levels drop below the set
point, the parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone (PTH), which
stimulates the release of calcium from bones, enhances calcium absorption
in the intestines, and reduces calcium excretion by the kidneys, resulting in
an increase in blood calcium levels back to normal.
 pH regulation: If the blood becomes too acidic, the kidneys excrete
hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions to restore pH balance, while
the respiratory system increases the rate of breathing to eliminate excess
carbon dioxide, helping to decrease blood acidity back to the normal

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