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Introducing Web Pages and HTML : An overview of HTML, Adding

1 Some Structure to a Page, Formatting Text and Pages, Linking Pages to
the World, Including Pictures in a Page.
2 HTML II- Creating Lists, Arranging Items within Tables, Getting
Feedback with Forms, Splitting a Page into Frames.
Understanding the HTML Document Life Cycle: Developing
3 Documents, Planning Document, Planning for Maintenance,
Organizing your Documents, Creating Documents, Testing Documents
before Publication.
Formatting the Body Section of your Pages: Using Block-Level
4 Elements to Structure your Documents, Using Text-Level Elements,
Using Font-Style Elements, Using Phrase Elements.
5 Dividing a Window with Frames I : Understanding the Use of Frames,
Creating Frameset Documents.
Dividing a Window with Frames II : Using Targeted Links,Providing
6 Alternate Content with the No Frames Element, Using INLINE Frame
Element to Create Inline Frames.
7 DHTML - Introduction to DHTML, Advantages of DHTML,Document
Object Model,.Data Binding.
Exploring and Navigating Dynamic HTML :Using DHTML in Internet
Explorer: Heading and Horizontal Line, Hidden Messages, Messages
8 at the Centre of the Page, Moving boxes, Changeable Box, A Word
about Colour, Scripting and Dynamic Effect, The Whole File, Using
DHTML in Navigator.
9 Introducing JavaScript :JavaScript and Browsers, JavaScript and
10 JavaScript II: Embedding JavaScript in HTML, JavaScript Comments,
Generating HTML, and Variables-Value store houses.
11 Creation of Dynamic Web pages using JSP : Dynamic Web Page.
12 JSP : Introduction of JSP, Pages Overview, JSP Scripting, Standard
Action, Page Directive, Include Directive.

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