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I was an employee of a reputed company in Mumbai. I was

sitting in a train beside the window to go Bangalore to
celebrate Diwali festival. It was 6 o’clock in the morning, a cold
breeze blowing at the railway station of Mumbai. The train had
just a few minutes to leave. I was looking out the window. In
front of a stall at the railway station, a beautiful young woman
in a white dress was chilling. That young lady was gorgeous.
Her eyes, nose, and red apple-coloured lips fascinated me. Her
beauty attracted me towards her.

I looked at the young woman for a while, and suddenly the

young woman turned to me. She knew I was looking at her. I
turned my eyes elsewhere in fear. But the young woman was
looking at me. The train started to leave. when I once again
turned to her to look at her, the young woman laughed at me,
and I laughed too. The girl smiled and ran into my

She sat down on the front seat of mine. I scared and I was
pretending to read a Kannada novel book. The train was
moving so fast that it left Mumbai station but the young lady
was looking at me. I surprised with fear. I had never seen that
young woman before. The first time I saw her, she was a
stranger to me, but I could not understand why she was
looking at me. After a while the young lady came to me and sat
down beside me and looked at the Kannada novel which was
in my hand. She asked me “Are you from Karnataka?” I told her
“Yes”. She replied that she was also from Karnataka.

This made me very happy. After a while she asked “where are
you going?” I told her that I was going to Bangalore. She
replied that she was also going to Bangalore. From this
acquaintance, little bit friendship developed between us.

I started to like her very much due to her beauty. But I had no
idea whether she was married or not. With lot of hesitation. I
asked her, “Are you married?” She replied that she was not
married. She asked me the same question and I was eagerly
relied “No”. After this there was some silence between the two
of us. I delighted to learn that the young woman was single. I
started to love her as the ‘English sayings’ “LOVE AT FIRST

After a while the young woman said, “I was in search of my life

partner. But my search for this is over.” I did not understand
her words. I looked at her with a very confused face. “Didn’t
you understand it? She asked me. I replied “No”. Then she told
me she was in search of a boy who would marry her. And that
search was over. On hearing this, I at once, asked her, who the
lucky young man was, and she laughed and said, “You.” I
delighted to hear her words “Will you marry me?” She asked. I
nodded my head with extreme happiness.
The romance between the two of us grew as fast as the train
was moving. She asked about my parents whether they accept
her or not. When I ensured, they would accept her .she felt
very happy and insisted me to marry at once. I tried to
convince her,” First we go to our parents and with their
permission, we get marry.” But she was not ready to listen my
words She told “First, we get marry then we go to your parents.
”I Couldn’t understand why she was forcing me to marry at
once. Once again, when I was trying to convince her, suddenly
our train slowed down. When I looked out the window, the
train stopped at a small railway station. As soon as the train
stopped, four men got down from a jeep and rushed into our
compartment and started dragging the young woman.
The young woman shouted loudly, “help me! save me!” I stood
up and stopped the men and asked, “Why are you taking this
girl? “One of them asked me “who are you?”. I told them, “we
are loving each other and we are getting marry soon”. The
guys said “He must be mad”. I once again replied them “I am
not a mad, I am really loving her, and we are going to marry”.

When they heard this, they forced me into a jeep and started
taking me with the girl. I didn’t know what to do. The jeep
went very fast and stopped at a large hospital. When I got
down, I saw that it was a mental hospital. But I did not know
why they brought us here. But she laughed and ran into the
hospital with shouting that it was her home. I, too, forcibly
dragged to the hospital and packed into a room.

Then I understood. I was with the girl, a mental patient who

had just escaped from the hospital. So, I have gathered here
knowing that I am also a mad. Knowing this, I shouted out the
window of the room. “I’m not a mad. Let me go”. Hearing this
shout of mine, a hospital staff member came up to me and
shouted at me. I requested him, but he did not listen to me.
Two days later, the hospital staff, knowing that I was not a
mad, allowed me to go from there.

The memory of that crazy girl haunts me again and again when
I see some stranger girls comes up to me, while I’m traveling
by train.

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