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4, Which words or phrases sug: asense of relief from the NCERT Folder & Working with the Poem (NCERT Page 123) 4. Discuss with your partner the follawing definition of a poem. A poem is made of words arranged In @ beautiful order. These words, when read aloud with feeling, have a music and meaning of thelr own. Ans, Itis true that poetry is made of words arranged in a beautiful order. The words create music and produce a certain rhythm because of various poetic ‘elements such as rhythm, rhyme and meter, fused harmoniously into one another. 2, ‘The poetry of earth’ is not made of words. What is it made of, as suggested in the poem? Ans. The poetry of the earth is made of various sounds. 3. Find in the poem lines that match the following. Chapter Practice & Very Short Answer Type Questions 4. What happens to birds during summer? ‘Ans. The birds become faint and quiet under the hot sun. 2. Where do the birds hide to avoid the heat of the sun? ‘Ans. The birds hide themselves under the shade of the trees in order to protect themselves from the heat of the sun. 3. What happens during winter? ‘Ans. The frost casts complete silence over all aspects of nature during winter. gest a sense of relief from the heat of summer in stanza 1? ‘Ans. ‘Cooling trees’ and ‘pleasant weeds’ offer heat of summer in stanza 1 (y The grasshoppers MAPPINEES Nev cn, anen ‘ans, "He nas never done wih his deligh» (i) The cricket's 09 has a warmth that ny decreases: ‘the oricket's 80ng, In warmth increasing. i wza 2 is opposite it | it fi ni In meaning, 4. Which word in star ‘the frost’? ‘Ans. ‘Warmth. 5, The postry of earth continues round the yeq through a cycle of {WO SeASONS. Mention each with its representative voice ‘Ans, The two seasons that seem to create a Ans inuous natural cyole are Summer and win, Fhe grasshopper’s song is a representative vee the summer and the cricket's song is a representative voice of the winter 5. Who are half lost in drowsiness and why? ‘Ans. During winter, people get half lost in drowsiness because of the weather ‘that spreads a chilling numbness. Short Answer Type Questions 4. Discuss the common features between the grasshopper and the cricket? ‘Ans. Both the grasshopper and the cricket are f representative voices of nature's music or poet Both offer a soothing effect from the extremities climate. ‘The grasshopper's song balances th during the summer by providing musi comforting and pleasing. The cricket during winter. 19 extreme 8) ie that is does the s* 5 why does the poet beliove that the pooty ot * darth is never dead? Ans. The poet believes that poony of nat ending ot ts : never _consing because. neve tens 10 offer Daly Over is inhabits ent wpe year, ‘espectivo of change in rence mange sv day and night and sa'on. Thee ate so mary Soathung SOUNGS IN Nature thal provide retet fe people trom the harsh climate g Extract Based Questions Extract 1 dons (Q.Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below ny answer the following questions, on The poetry of earth is never dead When all the birds are faint with the hot sun, And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead, 4+. Whose voice would run from hedge to hedge? (2) The grasshopper (b) The cricket (c) The poet (a) The nature Ans. (a) The grasshopper 2. Name the poet. (a) Wiliam Blake (c) PB Shelley ‘Ans. (b) John Keats 3. The word cooling means Ans. (2) comforting 4, Why do the birds become faint? ‘Ans. The birds become faint because of the neat of the hot sun. (b) John Keats (d) Edward Lear 5. What does the poet mean by ‘the poetry of earth’? ‘Ans. By the phrase, ‘the poetry of earth’, the Poet means the sounds of the birds, the sounds that are abundantly found in nature. ‘ of 6. Tho grasshoppar's song is representative which season? Ans. the arsationpors song tn repre pgentalive of the summer Extract 2 Directions (Now. 1.6) Read the extract given helow and answer the fallowing questions On alone winter evening when the frost Has weought a silence, from the stone there shrill The cricket's song, in warmth increasing ever, And seems to one in drowsiness half lost, The grasshopper's among, sume grassy hills 1. Whose voice is heard from the stones? {a) The grasshopper (bb) The cricket (c) The poet (d) The nature ‘Ans. (bb) The cricket Which element of nature has been personified in these lines? sa) Winter (b) Frost (c) Silence (d) Wrought Ans. (b) Frost - Who does the cricket's song resemble to People lost in drowsiness? Ans. (a) The grasshopper - What happens during winter? ‘Ans. During winter, hardly anyone steps out and there is silence everywhere . Who is lost in drowsiness? Ans, The people are lost in drowsiness, owing to the extreme cold during winter. Why does the cricket's song spread warmth? Ans, The cricket's song pours a soothing balm, when everything around is encompassed with death like silence.

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