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n English Meaning i Dibya’s eyes through which he detected the comet Introvert not interested in things outside oneself a & Comprehension Check CHECK® (cert Page 77) 1. Why does Indrani Debi dislike Duttada’s ‘hobnobbing’ with Dibya? Ans. indrani Debi disliked Duttada’s ‘hobnobbing’ with Dibya because he spent most of his time with his telescope. 2. She is complaining and smiling. Why is she smiling? Ans. Indrani Debi was smiling because she thought that her husband didn't bother about the practical problems of living. He hadn't shut the door and didn't even care to wear his sweater, while it was placed on the bedside. 3. (i) What was Duttada’s secret ambition? ‘Ans. Duttada’s secret ambition was to one day discover a new comet. (ji) What did he do to achieve it? ‘Ans. He had purchased a telescope with the money he got after retirement. He used to spend hours observing the stars in a hope to be able to discover a comet 4. What is the difference between a planet and a comet, as given in the story? Ans. A planet has a fixed orbit. Comets, on the other hand, could be new as they come from remote corners of the solar system. Like the planets, comets too orbit around the sun, but their orbits are not fixed. 5. Why was Duttada hopeful that he would discover a new comet soon? Ans. Duttada was hopeful that he would discover a new comet soon because only amateur astronomers like him bothered about comets. Professional astronomers didn't pay much attention to comets. Also, against the background of same old stars, Duttada had discovered a faint stranger. 6. Why does Duttada say~“l almost w, not discovered this comet”? Shas 4 ‘Ans. Having discovered the comet a comet's finding been confirmed by the Institute of Astrophysics, the comet yy ty atter Duttada. His name appeared in "hy newspaper and he gained alot of puss, He was also invited to a couple of soqi functions. Being an introvert, Duttada vat this much and therefore regretted hay discovered a comet. 7. Why is his wife unhappy about the digg, Ans. Duttada’s wife, Indrani Debi, was about her husband's discovery becausy thought that comets bring ill luck, She She didn’t wish her husband to be assog with the discovery of something that wag ominous. iateg CHECK ® (wcerr Page 80) 1. How did Sir John get hold of James’ orging manuscript? Ans. Sir John got holf of James original manuscript from the editor of ‘Nature’, Mr. to whom James had submitted his paper for publication. 2. What is the important point the paper makes? Ans. The paper talked about Comet Dutta colliding with the Earth, which could mean the end of existence on the Earth. 3. Why does Sir John say that James paper should not be published? ‘Ans. Sir John wortied that the paper and its findings might cause panic among the people. He, therefore, asked James to tone down the truth by adding ‘if's and but's’. 4. What do the two men finally decide to do? Ans. The two men, finally, decided to involve more scientists and astronomers and old a confidential international Conference to cisast ways to control this disaster. aint word unpre s «att schedule agend@ | ea naasnns state : wenvaeaes Hn naiberation Se Cee SO pues ete oe dismiss mpage pian peliet eeseeenee wyammoth very large... nating Setting tof intercept stop or block ‘Affinity likeness Rendezvous meeting place attacked Bombarded & Comprehension Check CHECK® (Page 83) 14 For a moment James wondered if he had done his sums right.” Why was James doubtful about his sums and calculations? Ans. Seeing the star studded peaceful night was dificult for James to imagine that a calamity was awaited in the future. Therefor if he had done his sums right. 2. What did the scientists at the conference say about James's ‘sums’? Ans. The scientists confirmed that James’ ‘sums’ were right. 3. Immediate action was needed, the scientists decided. Give one example each of ‘defensive! and ‘offensive’ action mentioned in the text. Ans. The defensive action would be to live in underground bunkers. However, offensive action was decided to be more appropriate. Offensive action would be to deflect Comet Dutta from its path. 4. “| am not buying and Christmas presents till 15th December.” What did Sir John mean by that? Ans. Sir John was not sure about the success of the experiment. He was not sure if the threat that the Comet Dutta posed could be warded off. Therefore, Sir John wanted to wait till 15th December, which was the date by when the final results of the experiment would become clear. ICK® CHECK® page 87) 1. What is Duttada expected to do on his return from London? Ans. Duttada is expected to perform a ‘santi yajna’ on his return from London. 2. What is his reaction to the proposal? Ans. Duttada gets irritated by such superstitious and irrational rituals and refuses to perform the yajna. 3. (i) What does ‘Project Light Brigade’ refer to? ‘Ans. Project Light Brigade was the code name given to the experiment that the experts decided to conduct in order to prevent Comet Dutta from colliding with the Earth 'e, he wondered iy What does Sir John say aboy bi ‘etter to Duttada in Cann thea, in his letter to Duttada that g, "is October, he informed Duttada hy, had begun and he was hoping wo ne ey 4. pid Sir John buy Christmas prose vg Dig epecember? How did Duttag'®cn know about it? ‘Bet ty ‘Ans. John Macpherson wrote a jen, Duttada on 18th November telling hey the success of the operation, Light Hl aby, and telling him that now he would pg 2%, Christmas presents on 15th Decemip eh On 15th December, the comet came « Gihe Earth; it could be seen with these eye. ake 5. why, according to Indrani Debi, hag th, comet not been disastrous? Do you a with her? eg ‘Ans. According to Indrani Debi, the ‘sp, yaina’ that was performed in her housee! fesponsible for warding off the evil spi behind the comet. Therefore, the comet proved not to be disastrous. No, the com was not disastrous because of the ease taken by the expert committee. ty 6. |s Duttada’s general outlook (i rational? (iii) traditional? Choose the right word. Say why you thnk right. Ans. Duttada's outlook is surely rational. He doesn't invest any faith in anything that cag be proved by reason. -£ Ans. I i) morae & Exercise (Page 88) Discuss the following topics in ‘small groups. Write: answers afterwards. 4. Should a scientist's findings be suppressed they seem disturbing? Give reasons for and against the topic. ‘Ans. No. A scientist's findings should never ® suppressed no matter how disturbing it is. masses have the right to know the truth. Also, there is a possibility that the truth opers up new vistas of knowledge and exploration Hiding it is never a solution 0 you think ours is a traditional society? What 4. he things we do to bi ‘ome oft be called a nal? DO YOU find these things useless or t" ysetll? det i ours is et initely a traditional society. Ans: inal pelieve in rituals simply We Ose they have been followed from wel ations» rome. superstitions are nothing but obsolete mths of an age long over. Despite that, we nin ue to have belief in them because our foretatners did that or said that. nese things are of course useless. They are a warn ete wastage of time and bind us by te glement of fear and put a check on our free thinking. 5, ee qwo or three examples to show how " goience has been useful to us. . Give one exampl Ans. Scionce is responsible for our movernent from the Stone Age to the present: science could be used in reducing time that Is needed to complete a work and we could do it efficiently too. For Instance, the boon that we find in varlous appliances and gadgets. Sciegce also helps in treating several diseases and thereby increases the longevity of life. fe to show how science has been misused and has as & result been harmful to us. Ans. A knife could be used to cut vegetables or to kill another person. It is entirely on the user how he uses a certain product. Similarly, some people have misused science too torment mankind. For example, the use of weapons, nuclear power and deadly massacres like Hiroshima and Nagasaki show us the flip side of science

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