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gcor prehension Check yee © (NCERT Page 20) why is the Giant called selfish? The Giant is called ‘Ans: selfish bee: ; fi ause h one '@ children said " ony we are here!” Later they ee happy we were there!” : What are they referring to in both the cases? . in both the cases, the children are referring to the Giant's beautiful garden, which asa perfect play ground for them, {9 When spring came, it was still winter in the garden. What does winter stand for or indicate here? ans. The winter, in the story, stands for lack of joy and activity. It stands dead in contrast to tne blossoms of the spring, the sound of birds snging and the perfumed fragrance of the fowess. (i) Winter has been presented like a story with its own characters and their activities. Describe the story in your own words. |Ans. Winter had permanently come to reside in the selfish Giant's garden. Winter, then, called its kith and kin. It called snow, frost, hail and the North wind. The snow put its layer on the grass, ‘The Frost painted the trees silver. The hail rattled till it broke the slates and the North wind broke the chimney pots. Winter along with its companions proved to be destructive. Was the Giant happy or sad over the state of the garden? ‘Ans. The Giant was not happy looking at the state of his garden. He worried with astonishment as to why the change in seasons dign't change the condition of his garden. What effect did the linnet’s song have over hail and the North wind? - ‘Ans. The linnet’s song made the rattling hall and the roaring wind stop. “How CHECK® evcerr Page 24) 1. (i) The Giant saw a most wonderful sight. What did he see? [Ans. The Giant saw his ifeless garden regain its beauty. He saw children sitting in the branches of every tree, the tree laid with fruit and blossoms He could smell the perfumed fragrance of the flowers and hear the birds singing. (i) What did he realise on seeing it? Ans. He realised his mistake. He realised that the real beauty was to be found in children. 2. Why was it still winter in one comer of the garden? ‘Ans. In one corner of the garden, there continued to be winter because a little boy was unable to climb the tree. 3. Describe the first meeting of the little boy and the Giant. ‘Ans. The first meeting between the little boy and the Giant takes place when the Giant had realised his mistake. The Giant picks up the little boy in his arms and helps him to climb the tree. The boy was surprised at the Giant's act of kindness and hugged and kissed him, in return. 4, Describe their second meeting after a long interval. ‘Ans. The second meeting between the Giant and the boy takes place many years later when the Giant had grown old. The Giant runs with joy to meet the litle boy, when he sees him. The litle boy smiles at the Giant. Despite winter, the Giant sees white flower blossoms at the place where the boy stood. ‘The boy informs the Giant that he had come to take the Giant with him, to his garden, the Paradise. 5. The Giant lay dead, all covered with white blossoms. What does this sentence indicate about the once selfish Giant? Ans. This sentence indicates that the Giant had been blessed with Christ's love and mercy. White flowers are indicative of peace and compassion, something that the Giant had learnt from the children in his garden. TECK® (cert Page 24) scuss the following topics in groups. 4. The little child's hands and feet had marks of nails. Who does the child remind you of ? Give a reason for your answer. Ans. The little child reminds us of Lord Christ. Christ don his hands and was crucified on @ cross: naile feet, the impressions ‘of which the child had on his hands and feet. 2. Isthere something like this gi live? Would you like one (without the arden near where you Giant perhaps) and why? What WOUIG YOU GO to keg, “Dit, good shape? Ans. Yes, | have 2 beautiful garden in front of Of tn house. It has many colourful flowers and sw; play on. The garden is loved by all the peo NGS 4, stay there. Ple Wh, The elders use It for exercise and the childr, to play. To maintain it properly, we should oa se, that more and more plants are planted ang ake gy, litters the place. Nobo,” common Noun and Pro a , (de za the following sentences Per Noun in , The house is On main Sheet Shashi played with her sister. |) Sita is a girl. Y australia iS a Country, w Ram goes to bank. yw Ewent to the city. ‘.) Mr Brown is a kind man, vi) Vihaan went on a holiday. x) Joe is my Cousin. 0 Mrs Wood took her baby to the park, wx) New Delhi is the Capital city of india, «xi) Kashish likes her new dress. os ) Anita is bad. xiv) Peter has a bag of lollies, xv) Our new classmate came from Africa. (xvi) Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India. (xvi) The crowd was very: big. xviii) We went to the zoo in Melbourne. (xix) | go to the temple on Monday. 0%) The Godavari is a river. pronoun ‘on of Pronoun ian isa word that replaces a noun ora noun phase rote y He is going to the market. °F iy George is talking to his mother. {ii) The brothers are not talking to each other, pefinit ginds of Pronoun ‘rhe pronoun are classified into eight categories. personal Pronoun ‘The personal pronoun are classified depending upon their person (firs syed) and also number (Singular and plural) st, second and erson speaking or writing. Ie includes: I, me my, },First Person Pronoun The first person pronoun refers to the p we, our, us etc. 3 eg. (i) Lam writing this note. (i) The dogs were running behind ¥S- (iii) We are Indians. 9, Second Person Pronoun The second person pronoun refers t You is used both in the singular and plural form eg. (i) Youare writing this note. (ji) The dogs were running behind you. (iii) You are an Indian. o the person spoken to. It includes: you. 3. Third Person Pronoun ‘The third person pronoun refers to she, her, it, they and them. Only the thi feminine and neuter gender). eg. (i) Heis writing this note. (iii) They are Indian. the person being spoken of. It includes: He, him, rd person pronoun has three genders (masculine, (ii) The dogs were running behind them. Alsnone English ~ Class ou Fomons Subject Object Possessive Reon f i Mo My Mysel We Us Our Oureehes. w You You Your “ Yoursettiyourselves a a ° ‘she Her Her Herself it rt “ts Itself, ‘They Them Ther ‘Themselves Possessive Pronoun ‘The possessive pronouns are used to refer to a specific 1g belonging to a person. They are classified person or a thing possessive pronouns and into two categories: adjectival pronominal possessive pronouns. 1. Adjectival Possessive Pronouns The adjectival possessive pronouns are used to tell us about the following nouns. e.g. (i) These are my class notes. (ii) This is his shirt. (iii) This is our house. 2, Pronomial Possessive Pronouns The pronomial possessive pronouns are used on their ‘own, They are classified depending upon the person, number and gender. e.g. (i) Look at these pictures. Mine is the small one. (ii) | found my book in the garden, but | couldn't find yours. (iii) This bag is his. (iv) age at Simar's clothes but couldn’t look at es. Reflexive Pronoun Reflexive pronoun is used when we want to refer back to the subject of the sentence. Reflexive pronouns end with ‘-selfin case of singular or ‘-selves’ in case of plural. eg. (i) Ihave done the homework myself. (ii) Why do you always blame yourself? (iii) Miche! sent himself a copy of e-mail (iv) Mary has made this wall hanging herself. fourth sentence, the reflexive been used as ‘Emphasising Pr, ‘the fact that ‘nobody else bus ., fake this wall hanging, M In the ‘herself’ has emphasises on the effort to m: Relative Pronoun ‘A relative pronoun is @ pronoun used to introduce a relative clause. The ; pronoun includes who, whose, whom, which ang ‘eg. _ (i) The designer who made your dress jc, outside. ey (ii) The man whose bike was stolen has, FIR. i (iii) The assault victim had nobody tp turn for help. (iv) I saw the dog which ate the cake, (v) We did not know the tune that ha played. ben Interrogative Pronoun ‘An interrogative pronoun is used while agi. questions. The interrogative pronouns are a} Gepending upon their usage as a ‘subject’ oy a ‘object’. ea Wren ‘Subject Object Person” Who. Whom Thing ~ Person/Thing Which Person Whose () Who told you? James told you. (ii) Whom did you tell? | told Radhika. (iil) What is this? This is a book. (iv) Which student came first? Ram came first. (W) Which is your favourite car? The Porsche 911 is my favourite cer. (vi) Whose key did you find? | found John's key. site — oe A we nonstrative pronoun is used to. Tepresent a thi w™ gemonstrative pronouns are classified a thing or tance or time. (Near and far) ied depending Near eee singular This That” plural These : @ This tastes good, jy Have you ever heard about this? ji) That is beautiful! i Have you seen that? 7 demons rative pronouns are also used for comy (i This is heavier than that, ji) These boxes have more bottles than those. paring. ¢inite Pronoun Ve yse indefinite pronouns to refer to People or things saying exactly who or what th . 2 ley are. We use ‘uns ending in -body or -one for people and pronouns in thing for things. first category includes pronouns that refer to a nonspecific noun. .-.. Something Anything Nothing Everybody Everyone Everything . : everyboey ©. (A classic is something th VV ants 19 wants to have read and nol read. it is Ci) Everything is funny as fon 2 happening to somebody else. ii) 1 don’t know anything about music- * The second category includes pronouns that tefer to a specific noun. All Neither Either Any Some Many — Each Another One Few Both Several ©.g. (i) Of those who say nothing, few are silent. (ii) All in the courtroom must be seated. (iii) Many missed the bus. Reciprocal Pronoun A reciprocal pronoun is used to express a mutual action or a relationship. The reciprocal Pronouns include ‘each other’ and ‘one another’. When the antecedent is two things use each other as the reciprocal pronoun. However, when the antecedent is three or more things, use one another. e.g. (i) Tommy and Jane hate each other. (ii) Our two dogs and your cat love one another. 1. Identify the correct form of pronoun in the following sentences. (i) Many of them came, but few stayed long. (ii) Give everybody something to eat before they leave. (iii) What did you bring? (iv) Did they teach themselves how to speak French? (v) After he cut himself, h shot. All of those are expensive. | know the girl whose name is Jane. She walked downstairs. The boy ate his dinner. Mia and Jones love each other. e went for a tetanus (vi) (vii) (viii) () ®) 2. Inthe following sentences use pronouns in place of nouns wherever you can. (i) From the top of the hill, Shyam and Sundar saw the Northumberland straight. (ii) The soup was delicious! - (iii) Karl rode the horse. (iv) Meeta and Seema performed in the talent show. (v) Gianna petted the puppy. (vi) Louis cleaned the house. (vil) Lisa and | baked the cake. (viii) Kamal is my friend. (ix) The presentation was very interesting. (x) Mark and Joe did well on the science project.

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