Oficiales - Civime - TN - 240 Questions - May 23

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1. Rihanna _____ a singer.
a. are
b. ‘s
c. ‘m
d. aren’t
e. not

2. A: ________________ B: I’m a doctor.

a. What’s your name?
b. What do you do?
c. Are you Mr. Jackson?
d. Where are you from?
e. What’s your nationality?

3. Ben’s a teacher. ______ last name is Johnson.

a. Her
b. My
c. Its
d. Your
e. His

4. A: ___________________ B: S-T-E-V-E.
a. What’s your last name?
b. Is that Steve?
c. Where are you?
d. How do you spell your name?
e. Are you Steve?

5. A: Where is the office? B: ___________.

a. Thanks
b. No, I’m not
c. Right over there
d. And you
e. In the office
6. My brother and sister ___________.
a. are chef
b. are chefs
c. are a chef
d. are a chefs
e. ‘s chefs

7. We go to work ______ bus.

a. by
b. in
c. at
d. on
e. of

8. My _____________ is Mary.
a. daughter name
b. daughter name’s
c. daughter’s name
d. daughters names
e. daughter’s name’s

9. Choose the CORRECT sentence.

a. Sam’s sons handsomes.
b. Sam’s sons are handsome.
c. Sam sons is handsome.
d. Sam`s sons is handsome.
e. Sam’s son’s are handsome.

10. A: When is the soccer game? B: ______ Saturday evening.

a. On
b. In
c. At
d. For
e. Of

11. A: The next class is at 11 am. B: Oh, no! It´s 11:20 now. We´re
a. early
b. on time
c. in class
d. late
e. before
12. A: Is your favorite TV series ___ Monday? B: Yes, it is ___ 9 pm.
a. on – on
b. at – on
c. at – at
d. on – at
e. in – at

13. It´s __________ . We’re hungry. It´s time for lunch.

a. midnight
b. noon
c. 12 o’clock at night
d. evening
e. morning

14. My new neighbor _______ two pretty sisters.

a. has
b. have
c. is having
d. are
e. is have

15. The kids __________ cartoons on TV after lunch.
a. watches
b. are watch
c. watching
d. is watching
e. watch

16. What __________ in your free time?

a. you do
b. do you do
c. do you doing
d. you doing
e. do

17. My aunt and uncle live on the ninth floor. Let´s take the __________.
a. bus
b. elevator
c. taxi
d. train station
e. garage
18. A: _______________________? B: It´s big and comfortable.
a. Where does Kelly live
b. What’s Kelly’s address
c. What’s Kelly’s apartment like
d. Does Kelly live alone
e. How much is Kelly’s apartment

19. Where _______ your husband __________?

a. do – work
b. does – works
c. does – work
d. is – work
e. are – working

20. _______ your daughter _________ the clothes?

a. Does – wash
b. Does – washes
c. Is – wash
d. Are – washing
e. Do – wash

21. A: What are you doing? B: I ______________ music.

a. listening to
b. ‘m listen to
c. listen
d. ‘m listen
e. ‘m listening to

22. How many _________ are there in the box?
a. oranges
b. an orange
c. orange
d. an oranges
e. the oranges

23. __________ any milk in the fridge?

a. Is there
b. There’s
c. Are there
d. There are
e. There isn’t
24. We have ________ carrots on the shelf.
a. a
b. some
c. any
d. not
e. one

25. Choose the CORRECT sentence.

a. My dad cook on Sunday.
b. My dad is cook on Sunday.
c. My dad cooking on Sunday.
d. My dad cooks on Sunday.
e. My dad does cooks on Sunday.

26. The children love ____________.

a. cookie
b. a cookies
c. cookies
d. one cookies
e. this cookies

27. My sister is not here now. She _______________ at the coffee shop.
a. working
b. work
c. ‘s working
d. ‘s work
e. does works

28. Where _______ they early this morning?

a. is
b. was
c. did
d. were
e. am

29. My cousin is a ________ singer. He sings _______.
a. good – good
b. good – well
c. well – well
d. well – good
e. good – goodly
30. Let´s watch a film. _______ you please turn on the TV?
a. Do
b. Could
c. Should
d. Did
e. Does

31. A: ________ were your parents born? B: In Arequipa.

a. Was
b. Where
c. Did
d. Is
e. Do

32. We _____________ friends this weekend.

a. ‘re going out with
b. going out
c. ‘re go out with
d. are go out with
e. is going out

33. A: What are your plans for the future? B: _________________.

a. I became a lawyer.
b. I’m becoming a lawyer.
c. I’d like to become a lawyer.
d. I want become a lawyer.
e. I become a laywer.

34. Kate ________ have two children, a boy and a girl.

a. like to
b. ‘d likes
c. would like
d. ‘d to like
e. would like to

35. At 85, some people ________ dance, but my grandpa _______.

a. can’t – can’t
b. can – can
c. can’t – can
d. can – can’t
e. can to – can’t
36. ______´s going to correct the homework?
a. Where
b. Which
c. How often
d. Who
e. When

37. A: What´s your ________? B: I´m an architect.
a. address
b. work
c. job
d. office
e. rank

38. Kenyi was born in Okinawa, but his ___________ is Tokyo. He grew up there.
a. house
b. address
c. nationality
d. hometown
e. country

39. Are you busy next Friday _______ the evening?

a. in
b. on
c. from
d. at
e. of

40. A: Do you know Helen´s address? B: It´s _______________.

a. in 334 Pine Street
b. on 334 Pine Street
c. in Pine Street
d. 334 Pine Street
e. at Pine Street

41. A: Hey, ____________? B: Not much. Just looking out the window.
a. Where are you
b. What’s up
c. Are you ok
d. When was it
e. Is that true
42. Are your grandparents _______ Spain?
a. from
b. of
c. on
d. at
e. out

43. The library is _________ the art gallery.

a. next
b. across from
c. near to
d. from
e. of

44. A: Is your sister a ballet dancer? B: No, she _______. ________ a producer.
a. is – She’s
b. isn’t – She
c. isn’t – She’s
d. isn’t - She’s not
e. is – is

45. Fred and Vilma are married. Vilma is __________ wife.
a. Freds
b. Fred’s
c. Fred
d. Freds’
e. Fred’s’

46. Tom and Jerry are brothers. They look so much alike. They´re ___________.
a. twins
b. cousins
c. married
d. single
e. friends

47. Who ________ at home?

a. work
b. ‘s work
c. works
d. working
e. does Works
48. _________ is an example of a beverage.
a. Coffee
b. Apple pie
c. Chicken soup
d. An appetizer
e. Fruit salad

49. How many __________________ on the table?

a. dish is there
b. dishes are there
c. dishes is there
d. dish are there
e. dishes there

50. George married a woman with a boy. That boy is George´s ___________.
a. son-in-law
b. nephew
c. cousin
d. niece
e. stepson

51. A: ____________________? B: Hmm. I think I´ll have the lasagna.

a. Where is it
b. How is it
c. What are you in the mood of
d. Could you recommend a place
e. How much is the Bill

52. Your sister has a baby girl. That girl is your ___________.
a. cousin
b. sister
c. aunt
d. nephew
e. niece

53. My uncle’s car is old, but it is working well. It is _____________.
a. a lemon
b. in good condition
c. driving me crazy
d. defective
e. in bad shape
54. Mike’s cell phone is obsolete.
a. It’s a new one.
b. Its technology is modern.
c. It’s not new.
d. It’s not an old item.
e. It’s modern.

55. Many people love __________ home videos.

a. scanning
b. taking
c. making
d. reading
e. writing

56. Is it fixable?
a. Will you buy it?
b. Did you fix it?
c. Can you repair it?
d. Can you buy it?
e. Will you break it?

57. Our new Smart TV is not working. I _________ get someone to fix it.
a. have
b. doesn’t
c. can to
d. have to
e. need

58. When did they get back?

a. stay
b. leave
c. visit
d. go
e. return

59. Our trip vacation was pretty __________. There were a lot of nice things to see.
a. comfortable
b. boring
c. short
d. scenic
e. terrible
60. They´re swimming at ___________.
a. the pool
b. a track
c. a golf course
d. a volleyball court
e. the garden

61. These blue jeans look ___________ the others.
a. more large that
b. larger than
c. large than
d. large that
e. more large

62. It´s getting colder. You ________ put on your sweater.

a. have
b. could not
c. should
d. need
e. will to

63. Passengers show their _____________ before they go into the plane.
a. baggage
b. cancellation
c. gate change
d. boarding pass
e. suitcases

64. This orange cake is the __________ my grandma has ever made.
a. more good
b. good
c. better
d. most good
e. best

65. I think this smartwatch isn´t _______________.

a. good too
b. enough good
c. enough
d. good enough
e. good so
66. A: How much are you planning to spend? B: ___________________.
a. All I have is $100.
b. That’s too expensive.
c. I can’t spend.
d. That’s it.
e. Is that too expensive?

67. A: _______ would you like to pay for these items? B: Credit card, please.
a. When
b. What
c. How
d. How much
e. How many

68. Our plane ____________ for New York in half an hour.

a. goes to leaving
b. leaving
c. leave
d. ‘s leave
e. ‘s going to leave

69. ________________ is a way to greet a person.
a. Washing your hands
b. Dancing
c. Shaking hands
d. Closing your eyes
e. Calling you

70. I ____________ that tall girl before.

a. don’t see
b. didn’t seen
c. haven’t saw
d. haven’t seen
e. ‘m seeing

71. They´ve ridden a motorcycle _________.

a. ever
b. yet
c. tomorrow
d. still
e. several times before
72. _______________ in the new Italian restaurant around the corner?
a. Are you eat
b. Have you eaten
c. Did you ate
d. Do you eaten
e. Have you eat

73. Oscar said he had a ____________ vacation trip.

a. excite
b. thrilled
c. thrilling
d. thrill
e. excited

74. Jane has worked as a designer _________ almost five years.

a. for
b. yet
c. since
d. ever
e. still

75. Dafne missed the 7:15 bus. She got to class late.
a. She took the bus.
b. She didn’t get on the bus.
c. She went by bus.
d. She saw the bus.
e. She called the bus.

76. A: How much do I owe you? B: Nothing. _____________.

a. That’s past my bedtime.
b. I overslept.
c. It’s on me this time.
d. What else?
e. It was ok.

77. Elizabeth ___________ us here at 8:30 pm.
a. will meet
b. will to meet
c. will meets
d. will to meet
e. will met
78. Who _____________ the laundry this weekend?
a. will do
b. will it do
c. will does
d. will doing
e. will it does

79. Responsible drivers pay close attention to the road.

a. They drive very fast.
b. They drive aggressively.
c. They drive carefully.
d. They are irresponsible.
e. They’re dangerous.

80. My brother is traveling alone. He needs ____________.

a. a business center
b. a double room
c. a bellhop
d. baggage
e. a single room

81. Who _______________ on the phone at 11:00 yesterday night?

a. talk
b. ‘s talking
c. was talking
d. talks
e. was to talking

82. We got that information by word of mouth.

a. Someone told us.
b. We used our mouth.
c. We read it.
d. We watched that.
e. We wrote it.

83. Betty often _________ running if she doesn´t have to go to work.

a. will goes
b. go
c. goes
d. does goes
e. can to go
84. A: Will the test be the day after tomorrow? B: Yes, ___________.
a. it does
b. it’s
c. it’ll
d. it will
e. it did

85. Is there still ________ toothpaste in the bathroom?
a. any
b. a lot
c. a few
d. many
e. few

86. The new girl turned down our invitation.

a. liked
b. said yes to
c. thought about
d. said no to
e. listened to

87. A: Did our city use to be as crowded as it is now? B: ______________.

a. Yes, it is
b. Yes, it does
c. No, it didn’t
d. No, it wasn’t
e. Yes, it was

88. Who´s cooking today? It ___________ delicious!

a. look like
b. smell
c. tastes like
d. smells
e. feel

89. _____________ said anything about who left the door open.
a. No one
b. Some
c. Anybody
d. No
e. Any
90. The woman didn´t want to talk to ___________ after she fell down the stairs.
a. someone
b. anyone
c. any
d. no one
e. some

91. Susy ________________ cook when she was single,but now she has to.
a. use to
b. used to
c. used
d. didn’t use to
e. didn’t used to

92. The boy is really hungry. He has a craving for chocolate cake.
a. He hates it.
b. He really wants it.
c. He doesn’t like it.
d. He bought some.
e. He doesn’t love it.

93. Kathy says she´s not really into science fiction films.
a. She loves them.
b. She’s a big fan of them.
c. They’re her favorite.
d. She does not like them.
e. She’s crazy about them.

94. A: _______ you like the dessert? B: In fact, I did, but I´m on a strict diet.
a. Don’t
b. Weren’t
c. Aren`t
d. Haven’t
e. Didn’t

95. Some people are afraid ___________________.

a. of flying
b. about to fly
c. in fly
d. flying
e. of to fly
96. Choose the CORRECT question.
a. Is broken the glass?
b. The window is broken?
c. Is the window broken?
d. Did the window broke?
e. Is the window break?

97. Gold and silver _______________ to make jewelry for centuries.

a. have used
b. is used
c. have been used
d. was used
e. used

98. Who ___________________?

a. was that letter written by
b. that letter was written by
c. that letter wrote
d. did write that letter
e. was write the letter

99. What are you planning ____________ on your vacation?

a. doing
b. to doing
c. to do
d. for doing
e. do

100. My son wants _____________ some time off after graduation.

a. take
b. taking
c. to take
d. to taking
e. takes

101. Your dad never smokes, _______ he?
a. isn’t
b. doesn’t
c. aren`t
d. is
e. does
102. The boy has a high fever. He ______ be feeling terrible.
a. might not
b. must
c. isn’t
d. can’t
e. may not

103. When I got to class, I ________ eaten yet.

a. ‘m not
b. hadn’t
c. wasn’t
d. won’t
e. didn’t

104. They would both like to eat ice cream, _____ they?
a. won’t
b. hadn’t
c. would
d. wouldn’t
e. will

105. Vicky hadn’t _______ to her older cousin for years.

a. speak
b. spoke
c. speaking
d. speaks
e. spoken

106. I won’t _______ you after school today.

a. able to meet
b. be able to meet
c. be able to met
d. able be meet to
e. to meet

107. It’s bad table manners to pick up a soup bowl and drink soup from it.
a. rules for polite behavior when eating
b. the habit of being on time
c. usual or traditional
d. rules for polite behavior in society
e. direction to get to a place
108. I called the doctor’s office, but I got no answer. She ______ be in today.
a. could
b. will
c. mustn’t
d. must
e. have

109. Mrs. Johnson, my neighbor, is still feeling a little weak after her surgery.
a. feeling you are to vomit
b. terrible pain
c. short of breath
d. happy times
e. not strong, without energy

110. The dentist ____ be able to see you today, but I’m not sure.
a. will
b. must
c. would
d. had
e. may

111. Thank you very much for fitting us in.

a. making time for an appointment
b. right now
c. arranging time to come
d. what the problem is
e. helping

112. A: What are the patient’s ______? B: She feels dizzy and short of breath.
a. treatments
b. medications
c. symptoms
d. emergencies
e. pills

113. A: What are the side effects of this medicine? B: It might cause ______.
a. symptoms
b. decongestant
c. therapy
d. nausea
e. diagnosis
114. By the time our train arrived in Boston, the tour bus had _____ for the city.
a. yet left
b. already left
c. already leave
d. left yet
e. still leaving

115. My arm aches. It’s ______ from the shot I got this morning.
a. very
b. sure
c. not
d. probably
e. so

116. Would you like to tell me _____I can buy a good watch?
a. that
b. where
c. whose
d. who
e. whom

117. Selena will get her brother _______ her hair dryer.
a. to repair
b. repair
c. repaired
d. repairs
e. repairing

118. The secretary is having some letters _______ right now.

a. copying
b. copied
c. copy
d. copies
e. to copy

119. Why don’t you have the waiter _____ your hat and coat?
a. take
b. to take
c. taking
d. taken
e. takes
120. A: Have the students done their homework yet? B: I ________.
a. think not
b. think don’t so
c. don’t think so
d. not think so
e. think

121. I’d like to know ______ anyone can recommend reading this new novel.
a. who
b. that
c. what
d. which
e. if

122. It’s taking me a long time to read these statistics because they are _____.
a. page-turner
b. travel book
c. hard to follow
d. trash
e. a cliff-hanger

123. Could you ______ us what you heard at the conference?

a. say
b. told
c. said
d. tell
e. to say

124. I’ll have the secretary ______ a note for you.

a. wrote
b. writes
c. to write
d. write
e. writing

125. A: Do we need to set the table now? B: I _____. I’m very tired.
a. don’t hope
b. hope not
c. hope don’t
d. hope
e. not hope
126. Choose the CORRECT sentence.
a. I wonder who new friend is Sophia.
b. I wonder who is Sophia’s new friend.
c. I wonder who Sophia’s friend is new.
d. I wonder who Sophia’s new friend is.
e. I wonder who’s Sophia new friend is.

127. I always get my pants and suits _______ at Lava Clean.

a. to dry-clean
b. dry-clean
c. dried-clean
d. dry-cleaned
e. dried-cleaned

128. I bought a book which was a fast read.

a. very popular
b. easy to read
c. too many pages
d. difficult to understand
e. really cheap

129. I didn’t know ______ your grandpa had written this book.
a. than
b. what
c. which
d. that
e. who

130. A: Are you going to repair the microwave? B: I __________.

a. don’t believe it
b. so believe
c. don’t believe so
d. believe don’t so
e. believe don’t

131. You __________ loved your grandma very much. She was so nice.
a. may had
b. should have
c. would have
d. must have
e. could be
132. Roxana _______ to marry Bob, but she changed her mind.
a. would
b. is going
c. wasn’t
d. going
e. was going

133. A harvest festival is an example of a ________ holiday.

a. seasonal
b. political
c. religious
d. historical
e. social

134. Jimmy was born with talents in both music and art.
a. experience
b. skills
c. qualifications
d. responsabilities
e. requirements

135. We _________ taken the train instead of this slow bus.

a. could be
b. couldn’t
c. must to have
d. could have
e. must not

136. John White was the first neighbor ______ moved in here some years ago.
a. who’s
b. which
c. when
d. who
e. where

137. Bastille Day is a historical ______ that is celebrated in France.

a. holiday
b. experience
c. art
d. parade
e. march
138. The flowers ______ arrived yesterday were really beautiful.
a. than
b. who
c. that
d. whose
e. when

139. We thought we would be late, but ______________.

a. we won’t
b. we weren’t
c. we were
d. we would
e. we did

140. A ________ holiday is related to people’s beliefs.

a. religious
b. seasonal
c. get together
d. historical
e. happy

141. Oscar wanted to be a rock star, but then his tastes ________.
a. change
b. to change
c. changes
d. changing
e. changed

142. Beatriz _________ studied Italian because she speaks it very well.
a. should have
b. may not have
c. could have
d. must have
e. shouldn’t

143. Keith shouldn’t _________ that big pickup truck. It uses too much gas.
a. has bought
b. had buy
c. have bought
d. had bought
e. have buy
144. Miguel thought he would get a good grade, but he _______ the exam.
a. won’t pass
b. didn’t pass
c. haven’t passed
d. passed
e. passes

145. We all believed the politician was telling the truth, but ________.
a. he is
b. he did
c. he wasn’t
d. he didn’t
e. he does
146. If I ______ you, I would get a new blender.
a. ‘m
b. be
c. were
d. been
e. am

147. We decided ______ the new movie.

a. our friends to see
b. see
c. not see
d. to see
e. seeing

148. Health ______ more important than money.

a. is
b. are
c. be
d. been
e. were

149. I wouldn’t have gone to class if I _______ I had the flu.

a. had known
b. known
c. have known
d. knew
e. know
150. That movie is too violent for the child _________.
a. for see
b. for seeing
c. to see
d. to seen
e. see

151. If television _____ invented, I would have read more when I was growing up.
a. hadn`t be
b. hadn’t been
c. had been
d. wasn’t
e. were

152. Some people don’t like _______ about politics.

a. to talked
b. talking
c. talked
d. talk
e. to talking

153. This area of the beach is not safe enough ______ because of the sharks.
a. for swim
b. swimming
c. to swimming
d. for swimming
e. swim

154. If you saw an inexpensive TV set, ______ you buy it?

a. would
b. can
c. will
d. ought
e. does

155. Our mother always encourages _______ a good breakfast.

a. us to eat
b. to eat
c. eat
d. eating
e. ate
156. There are tons of mosquitoes in the mountains this time of year.
a. a large number
b. a few
c. some
d. several
e. any

157. If I had lived 200 years ago, I __________ a farmer.

a. would been
b. would be
c. would have been
d. would had been
e. ‘d be

158. There are a lot of bears around here. It’s ________ for you to hike alone.
a. too safe
b. too worse
c. too high
d. too late
e. too dangerous

159. Honolulu is ______ the island of Oahu ______ the state of Hawaii.
a. on – in
b. at – of
c. in – of
d. of – in
e. in – on

160. Our family won’t be able to manage _______ on time.

a. to arrive
b. arriving
c. arrive
d. arrived
e. to arriving

161. Samuel seems to be interested _____ becoming a lawyer.
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. of
e. about
162. The students ________ to do homework.
a. reminded
b. were remind
c. remind
d. were reminded
e. are remind

163. Mr. Brown gave up ________ many years ago.

a. to drink
b. drinking
c. drink
d. drank
e. drinks

164. Joseph has been _______ to rock music _______ he was a little boy.
a. listening – for
b. listened – since
c. listened – for
d. listening – since
e. listened – from

165. Many women volunteered _____ as nurses in the war.

a. to work
b. working
c. worked
d. work
e. works

166. A: Have you been playing the guitar lately? B: Yes, _______:
a. I did
b. I had
c. I have
d. I was
e. I do

167. We have always been taught _______ with our mouths full of food.
a. not talk
b. talking
c. talk
d. don’t talk
e. not to talk
168. I’ve already ______ three memos for my boss this week.
a. written
b. been writing
c. wrote
d. write
e. to write

169. Rebeca came to our party wearing eccentric clothes.

a. strange
b. new
c. regular
d. conventional
e. normal

170. The passengers were advised _________ at the airport at noon.

a. arrive
b. arriving
c. to arrive
d. arrived
e. have arrived

171. A: ______ have you been doing Activity # 2? B: 15 minutes.

a. How much
b. How many
c. How old
d. How long
e. How far

172. _______ the workers required to be back from lunch at 2 pm?

a. Do
b. Was
c. Were
d. Did
e. Is

173. Japanese and Chinese characters are just _______ symbols to me.
a. careles
b. powerless
c. painless
d. timeless
e. meaningless
174. Betty was so _________. She couldn’t sleep.
a. restful
b. careless
c. helpful
d. restless
e. careful

175. What they really liked about the song _______ the message.
a. was
b. are
c. were
d. does
e. has

176. My dad’s car was fixed, painted, and _______.

a. sell
b. selling
c. sold
d. to sell
e. have sold

177. Juliet wishes she _______ those cheap sneakers.
a. hasn’t buy
b. hadn’t bought
c. didn’t buy
d. hadn’t buy
e. doesn’t buy

178. My bicycle is gone. I should have _______ it in a safe place.

a. leave
b. left
c. leaving
d. leaves
e. to leave

179. We heard some weird voices coming from our neighbor’s house.
a. known
b. popular
c. tough
d. light
e. strange
180. I have ________ of nice jackets, but I never wear them to the office.
a. much
b. any
c. a great deal
d. a good number
e. a little

181. By Monday morning, the electrician ________ all the work.

a. will have finish
b. will finished
c. will have finished
d. will finishing
e. will has finished

182. This new machine is so hard to put together.

a. assemble
b. take apart
c. separate
d. disperse
e. split

183. None of the kids stayed in their houses. ______ them went to the park.
a. A great amount of
b. A great deal of
c. Any of
d. All of
e. Some of

184. I’ll have finished _______ these chairs by the end of the day.
a. paint
b. painting
c. to paint
d. painted
e. to painting

185. The five of us chipped in and bought a gold necklace for mom.
a. took away
b. interrupted
c. sold
d. contributed
e. delivered
186. Why ____ Paul wish he hadn’t bought that second-hand motorcycle?
a. will
b. does
c. is
d. can
e. should

187. Cesar usually doesn’t have ______ time to share with us.
a. some
b. many
c. few
d. enough
e. lot

188. _______ of the children were invited to Pedro’s birthday party.

a. Much
b. A Little
c. Any
d. Little
e. Most

189. By this time next year, Susy expects ___ enough money to buy a new car.
a. to have saved
b. having save
c. save
d. have saved
e. saving

190. That girl wears really funky clothes.

a. modern and attractive
b. temporarily popular
c. unchanging style
d. of high quality
e. old

191. Uncle John was brought up to be thrifty and never to get into debt.
a. extravagant
b. prudent
c. generous
d. big spender
e. funky
192. I knew her as a hard-working, modest, and honest lawyer and politician.
a. simple
b. arrogant
c. generous
d. self-confident
e. complex

193. The money might be ______ somewhere in this room.
a. hide
b. hid
c. to hide
d. hidden
e. hiding

194. Josh doesn’t want ______ after 10 pm.

a. being disturbed
b. be disturb
c. to be disturbed
d. disturbed
e. disturbing

195. It is not easy to put up with people who are irresponsible.

a. refuse
b. oppose
c. tolerate
d. hate
e. be

196. A: _______ can be prepared in advance? B: The salad.

a. Who
b. What
c. Where
d. How
e. When

197. Neither Ms. Jameson nor her sons _______ Italian.

a. speak
b. speaks
c. speaking
d. spoke
e. spoken
198. We expect ______ when there is a change to the schedule.
a. being told
b. to be told
c. telling
d. told
e. to tell

199. Neither my sister nor my mother ______ willing to cooperate.

a. are
b. is
c. were
d. does
e. do

200. A: ______ the assignment have to be submitted tomorrow? B: I guess so.

a. Can
b. Do
c. Does
d. Has
e. Was

201. Mom can`t stand our ______ our friends while having lunch.
a. text
b. texting
c. to text
d. texted
e. having text

202. _______ during the movie was upsetting.

a. John talks
b. John is talking
c. John talks
d. John’s talk’s
e. John’s talking

203. Some people think it is ____polite to ask a woman about her age.
a. dis-
b. un-
c. im-
d. in-
e. re-
204. People think that wild animals ________ in cages.
a. should be keep
b. shouldn’t keep
c. should be keeping
d. shouldn’t to keep
e. should be kept

205. My daughter doesn’t like broccoli, and neither ________ I.

a. am
b. do
c. don`t
d. can’t
e. did

206. A: I have never been to Spain. B: I haven`t ________.

a. too
b. either
c. neither
d. also
e. so

207. A: I’m really annoyed by smoking in public places. B: _________.

a. So am I
b. Neither am I
c. So do I
d. Too am I
e. I am so

208. A: _______ puppy might be adopted first? B: The white one.

a. How
b. Who
c. Whose
d. When
e. Which

209. The children love _____ candy on birthday parties.
a. be given
b. being give
c. be give
d. gave
e. to be given
210. All the people cracked up at Jim’s joke.
a. laughed a lot
b. failed
c. calmed
d. declined
e. looked

211. When they met again after 10 years, they just choked up.
a. yelled
b. shouted
c. released
d. started crying
e. cracked up

212. It is their expect______ that they win the game.

a. -tion
b. -ance
c. -ation
d. -ment
e. -sion

213. The spicier the dish, ______ I think it tastes.

a. the better
b. the worst
c. the best
d. better
e. the good

214. The boy has been a bit blue because he failed his final exam.
a. angry
b. hungry
c. sad
d. cheerful
e. happy

215. These classrooms really need _______ painted.

a. been
b. be
c. to be
d. being
e. to been
216. The noise coming from outside makes me get on my nerves.
a. irritate
b. cheer
c. calm
d. support
e. cry

217. The boys always enjoy ______ to the park.

a. be taken
b. take
c. to be taken
d. being taken
e. to be taking

218. This restaurant serves good food at affordable prices.

a. not expensive
b. pricey
c. costly
d. premium
e. delicious

219. Jane dislikes _______ by her co-workers.

a. be ignore
b. being ignored
c. ignore
d. to be ignored
e. ignoring

220. A: Let me pay for your coffee. B: Thank you. I _________.

a. choke you up
b. crack you up
c. hit you in the heart
d. owe you one
e. splurge

221. A: Would you like to be informed about our new items? B: Yes, I _____.
a. do
b. am
c. like
d. may
e. would
222. A person who can not control his or her shopping urges is a _________.
a. vandalic
b. shopaholic
c. relic
d. workaholic
e. rebel

223. The company’s ________ decreased after they fired about 30 workers.
a. product
b. productivity
c. productive
d. products
e. produce

224. I think young people are sometimes disrespectful in their speech.

a. reverent
b. angry
c. polite
d. rude
e. nice

225. Joan must _________ to lock the front door.
a. has forgotten
b. have forget
c. have forgotten
d. forgets
e. forgot

226. When I was a child, I ________ play Monopoly.

a. will
b. be going to
c. used
d. would
e. was

227. It is obvious from what he told us that something is wrong.

a. vague
b. subtle
c. evident
d. complex
e. hard
228. The little girl danced _________ in the school show.
a. safely
b. extremely
c. physically
d. beautifully
e. hardly

229. A: Weren’t you supposed to bring the snacks for the party? A: Yes, I ____.
a. do
b. was
c. will
d. did
e. are

230. A: Did you ________ to watch cartoons as a child? B: Yes, I did.

a. used
b. use
c. to use
d. be used
e. being use

231. It is debatable whether nuclear weapons actually prevent war.

a. sure
b. certain
c. questionable
d. conclusive
e. positive

232. Someone must have _______ my books. They were right here a minute ago.
a. been taken
b. took
c. take
d. taken
e. to take

233. Our pet ________ by one of our neighbors.

a. may have been poisoned
b. might has poisoned
c. must have poison
d. could been poisoned
e. will poison
234. We would go ________ every Saturday night.
a. dancing
b. to dancing
c. dance
d. danced
e. for dance

235. Helen’s purse ________ by anybody after she left the cafe.
a. might have been found
b. might be found
c. might have be found
d. may find
e. might has be find

236. A: I wonder if the Nazca Lines were made by aliens. B: ___ might have been.
a. Their
b. They
c. It
d. Theirs
e. Their’s

237. A: _______ we supposed to get a permit to fish in this lake? B: Sure.

a. Do
b. Are
c. Can
d. Will
e. May

238. I ________ where John is. He said he would be here by noon.

a. suppose
b. guess
c. speculate
d. think
e. wonder

239. Every weekend, we _______ go for a walk in the park.

a. would
b. used
c. had
d. ‘re supposed
e. have
240. By the time the student started his presentation, he was a nervous wreck.
a. calm
b. quiet
c. worried
d. relaxed
e. happy

1. B 26. C 51. C 76. C

2. B 27. C 52. E 77. A
3. E 28. C 53. B 78. A
4. D 29. B 54. C 79. C
5. C 30. B 55. C 80. E
6. B 31. B 56. C 81. C
7. A 32. A 57. D 82. A
8. C 33. C 58. E 83. C
9. B 34. E 59. D 84. D
10. A 35. C 60. A 85. A
11. D 36. D 61. B 86. D
12. D 37. C 62. C 87. C
13. B 38. D 63. D 88. D
14. A 39. A 64. E 89. A
15. E 40. D 65. D 90. B
16. B 41. B 66. A 91. D
17. B 42. A 67. C 92. B
18. C 43. B 68. E 93. D
19. C 44. C 69. C 94. E
20. A 45. B 70. D 95. A
21. E 46. A 71. E 96. C
22. A 47. C 72. B 97. C
23. A 48. A 73. C 98. A
24. B 49. B 74. A 99. C
25. D 50. E 75. B 100. C

101. E 126. D 151. B 176. C

102. B 127. D 152. B 177. B
103. B 128. B 153. D 178. B
104. D 129. D 154. A 179. E
105. E 130. C 155. A 180. D
106. B 131. D 156. A 181. C
107. A 132. E 157. C 182. A
108. C 133. A 158. E 183. D
109. E 134. B 159. A 184. B
110. E 135. D 160. A 185. D
111. A 136. D 161. A 186. B
112. C 137. A 162. D 187. D
113. D 138. C 163. B 188. E
114. B 139. B 164. D 189. A
115. D 140. A 165. A 190. A
116. B 141. E 166. C 191. B
117. A 142. D 167. E 192. A
118. B 143. C 168. A 193. D
119. A 144. B 169. A 194. C
120. C 145. C 170. C 195. C
121. E 146. C 171. D 196. B
122. C 147. D 172. C 197. A
123. D 148. A 173. E 198. B
124. D 149. A 174. D 199. B
125. B 150. C 175. A 200. C
201. B 211. D 221. E 231. C
202. E 212. C 222. B 232. D
203. C 213. A 223. B 233. A
204. E 214. C 224. D 234. A
205. B 215. C 225. C 235. A
206. B 216. A 226. D 236. B
207. A 217. D 227. C 237. B
208. E 218. A 228. D 238. E
209. E 219. B 229. B 239. A
210. A 220. D 230. B 240. B

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