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This is a simplified UML sequence diagram to represent the flow of actions for enrolling a

student in courses, viewing student attendance, managing student grades, and generating student
reports. Please note that this diagram assumes a basic interaction between the actors (student,
instructor, and administrator) and the system.

In this diagram, the interactions start with the student registering in the system. The system
confirms the registration and allows the administrator to enroll the student in courses. The
system confirms the enrollment and allows the instructor to mark attendance. The system then
updates the attendance records based on the instructor's input. The instructor can also manage
student grades, which are updated by the system accordingly. Finally, the administrator can
generate a student report, and the system displays the generated report.
Please note that this diagram provides a high-level overview and may not include all possible
interactions or details. The specific implementation details may vary based on the system
requirements and design decisions.

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