U6 L3 Sea Cadet Recruitment

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Overview Supporting the recruitment and retention goals of the unit is an important
responsibility for a cadet petty officer. The recruitment and retention of
quality prospects is important to a Sea Cadet unit’s efficiency and
sustainability. Every member of the Corps is a recruiter.

Sea Cadets units are required to maintain a minimum number of cadets.

Units that fall below minimum enrollment have fewer options for
rewarding and varied drill experiences, and fewer leadership opportunities.
They may also face command probation if enrollment is not increased.

Generally, cadets who stay with until they age out have better prospects
for the future than cadets who quit the program before they age out.

Topic Learning Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to EXPLAIN the
Objective (TLO) responsibility of a cadet petty officer to support the recruitment and
retention of cadets.

Learning In this lesson, you will:

Objective (LO)
• IDENTIFY Sea Cadet recruitment best practices
• IDENTIFY the criteria for favorable personnel actions
• IDENTIFY the criteria for unfavorable personnel actions
• PROPOSE ways to improve recruitment and retention

The information in this lesson is based on the following references:

1. U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Regulations
2. NSCC Administrative Manual
3. NSCC Training and Operations Manual
4. How We Recruit and Retain. NSCC In-Focus Guide

NSCC Recruitment and Retention

Guiding The key to success in recruiting and retaining quality cadets is a high
Principles quality training program. This keeps cadets interested and motivated to
participate in drills and activities.
The most effective recruitment asset is the cadet. Word of mouth
continues to be the number one source of referrals.

Characteristics As published in lesson references, units with strong recruitment and

of Strong Units retention programs have some things in common:
• Good leadership at all levels that promotes teamwork and purpose
• Fun activities that lead to public exposure
• Joint training with other groups
• Active recruiting programs – open house – bring a friend
• Empowered cadets

Best Practices As published in lesson references, some best practices for recruitment and
retention include:

1. Set response time guidelines and other measures to help the unit meet
its goals.

2. Evaluate open enrollment or specific enrollment periods.

3. Involve parents.

4. Establish enrollment fees with ownership and commitment in mind.

5. Consider the motivation of different age groups and design approaches


6. Recruit quality cadets who want to be there.

7. Create and exciting and varied training program using staff talents and
cadet input.

8. Know your cadets - and what motivates them.

9. Communication between drills is important.

10. Provide leadership opportunities for every cadet.

Personnel Actions

Favorable Favorable personnel actions include:

• Enrollment
• Retention
• Advancement
• Leave of Absence
• Separation (Good Standing)
• Honorable Discharge
• Transfer to Midshipman
• Administrative Remarks

Unfavorable Some unfavorable personnel actions include

• Administrative Remarks
• Reduction in Rate
• Suspension
• Separation (interest of the Corps)
• Termination

Standards Lesson references contain standards for the different types of personnel
1. U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Regulations
2. NSCC Administrative Manual
3. NSCC Training and Operations Manual

Professional Public Contact

Attitude A positive and professional attitude is especially important. You want the
prospects and their parents to have a pleasant, enjoyable, and safe
experience that reflects credit upon you, your unit, and the Sea Cadets. Treat
prospects with courtesy, dignity, and respect.

Poise Remember that you represent the nation’s sea services as well as the Sea
Cadets. That’s why it’s important to maintain dignity and military bearing
at all times. Follow the “honor-dignity-precision” values.

• ALWAYS HONOR the flag, the uniform, the unit, and the Corps.
• NEVER discredit the flag, the uniform, the unit, or the Corps.
• ACT with poise and DIGNITY.
• To the best of your ability and skill, perform with PRECISION.

Professionalism Professionalism can apply to a voluntary youth program. When you

represent the Corps as a recruiter, you are there because you have
demonstrated a certain standard of military bearing and ability to interact
with the public. Remember that “voluntary” does not mean “amateur.”

Some examples of professional behavior include:

• Keeping commitments
• Practicing
• Being on time, in the proper uniform of the day
• Helping shipmates
• Being well-informed
• Giving accurate information to the public
• When you don’t know something, saying so, then finding out or asking
for help
• Keeping personal opinions or disputes private, particularly when they
relate to cadet program, host command, or guests

Case Study: How to Increase Recruitment and Retention

10 Cadets in 30 Referring to the Homeport reference, discuss the approach to gaining ten
Days cadets in 30 days in nine easy steps:

1. Motivation

2. Logistics

3. Preparation

4. Marketing

5. Handling Prospects

6. Orientation

7. Follow-Up

8. Enrollment

9. Training


Summary and Review

Summary In this lesson, we explored the responsibility of a cadet petty officer to

support the recruitment and retention goals of the NSCC. Every member
of the Corps is a recruiter.

We identified the requirements for enrollment and retention in the

program as a member in good standing. For the few who cannot or will
not conform to NSCC standards, we also identified the criteria for
disciplinary action and unfavorable personnel actions, including reduction
in rate, separation for cause, and termination from the program.

Lastly, we explored ways to improve the recruitment and retention of

quality cadets.

Review 1. Name some of the criteria for enrollment in the NSCC.





2. Describe the benefits of an honorable discharge from the NSCC.





3. Describe the purpose of Administrative Remarks.





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