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Cost of recycling - The cost of recycling has decreased as a result of technological advances

and consequently closing the gap between virgin plastics and the recycled plastic value. In
perspective of our country Bangladesh, the technological advancement is yet to happen. As a
result of advancements in wasting and sorting technologies, non-bottle packing recycling has
become possible in Europeans countries such as Spain, Austria, Italy, Norway and Germany.
Further, compared to other waste types, a greater number of different technologies are required
to recycle plastics and therefore development of new technologies for recycling plastics should
be on the agenda of recyclers. (Arbesh Telukdarie 2018)
Accessibility - Accessibility to recycling facilities is a key factor that determines such
possibility. Lack of effective facility not only physically limits the possibility to recycle but
also lower people's expectation about how possible their recycle intention can be
materialized. In other words, accessibility to effective infrastructure influences the realization of
recycling behavior both physically and psychologically. (Suopeng Zhang 2016)
Regulation- enforcement of producer responsibility regulations to encourage collection of plastic
wastes was identified as one of the most critical strategies for the recovery and recycling of PSW under
the environmental concerns and legislations strategies. (Arnesh Telukdarie 2018)
Priority- local government and manufacturers have a responsibility to make plastic recycling
easier. As recycling is simply not a priority for many individuals, efforts should instead be placed on
providing greater scaffolding to make the process of recycling less tedious, confusing, and more habitual.
Visual cues on product packing and recycling resources can address ambiguity about which plastic
materials can/cannot be recycled and increasing opportunities to recycle (via consistent availability of
recycling bins) can reduce the physical burden of accessing recycling resources. Such interventions,
based on environmental restructuring and enablement, may increase motivations to recycle by reducing
the cognitive and physical burden of recycling, supporting healthier recycling habits. (Emma Berry 2022)

CSR- Manufacturers of plastic products were perceived to have some responsibility for any
problems caused by plastic pollution. Participants suggested that manufacturers should produce
less plastic or find alternative forms of plastic, and, in some cases, this was seen to be more
effective than individual behavior to deal with plastic pollution.

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