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Native Schools

10-A Off Durand Road, Lahore, 0423-6303206

PaperDate 16/05/2023 Class: Pre 9th
Student Graphic Paper
Subject: Designing
Roll#: Code:

Paper Time: T-Marks: 30

Objective Type Section

Question.1: Mark the correct answer from given options. 6)
(I): . photoshop was developed in.
a) 1987 b) 1897 c) 1988 d1999

(II): Blur tool located in _______ option in photoshop

a) filter b) view c) edit d) effect

(III): Raster graphic is a

a) dot matrix b) pixels c) polygons d) none

(IV): __________ tool selects a consistently colored area

a) lasso tool b) quick selection c) magic wand d) None

(V): The shortcut key of burn tool is

a) “b” b) “o” c) “r” d) “n”

(VI). To access History choose ________ option in menu bar of photoshop

(a) Image b) windows c) help d) edit


Short Questions Section

Question.2: Write short answers of given questions.
I. Define Adobe photoshop?
II. Differentiate between sponge tool and dodge tool?
III. What is meant by content aware tracing tool?
IV. How to blur a photo in photoshop?
V. List the names of important file formats in photoshop?
VI. Define custom workspace of photoshop?
Subjective Type Section

Question.3 : define photoshop? Explain how to export content from photoshop?


Question.4 : Write a note on any 2 basic tools in photoshop? (6)

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