Class 9th Summer Vacation 2023 Importanat Short and Long

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Native Schools

Chapter: No: 1 Fundamentals of Chemistry
1. Which branch of chemistry deals with preparation of paints and paper?
2. In which branch of chemistry behavior of gases and liquids is studied?
3. Brass is a mixture of?
4. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative analysis?
5. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture?
6. Define relative atomic mass and value of 1 amu in grams is?
7. Define industrial chemistry and nuclear chemistry?
8. What is empirical formula and molecular formula?
9. What is the relationship between empirical formula and formula unit?
10. Define element and write the name of some early ages elements?
11. Define Valency and symbol?
12. What do you mean by variable Valency?
13. What is the relationship between the Avogadro number and mole?
14. Differentiate between atomic number and mass number?
15. Differentiate between molecular mass and formula mass?
16. 16 Give the scope of Bio chemistry?
17. How many elements were known at early ages?
18. Which properties are associated to physical properties?
19. Write the classification of matter?
20. Differentiate between cation and anion?
21. Differentiate between atom and ion?
22. Define molecular ion give example?
23. What do you mean by free radical?
24. Differentiate between gram atomic mass and gram formula mass.

Note: All question from exercise and test you self of chapter -1
must be learned and include.

Important Long Question

1. Differentiate between compound and mixture.
2. Differentiate between molecule and molecular ion.
3. Define molecule and explain its types?
4. Write a note element.
Native Schools
Chapter:No:2 Structure of Atoms
1. Define plum pudding theory?
2. Who discovered an electron, proton and neutron?
3. How does proton differ from a neutron?
4. Define canal rays?
5. Write two properties of proton.
6. Write two properties of neutron
7. What are two observation of Rutherford gold foil experiment?
8. What are the two defects of Rutherford atomic model?
9. Define nucleons.
10. Name the particle which determine the mass of an atom?
11. How atom said to be neutral?
12. Define electronic configuration
13. Differentiate between shell and subshell.
14. Practice all the electronic configuration of atoms mention in table 2.1 on page -37.
15. How many subshells are there in second shell?
16. What is maximum capacity of a shell (K, L, M and N)?
17. How many electrons can be accommodated in M shell?
18. How many the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodate in p-subshell?
19. Define isotopes and write the name of isotopes of hydrogen
20. Define use isotopes in medicine and radiotherapy?
21. When U-235 breaks up, it produce a large amount of energy, how is this energy used?
22. Define carbon dating.
23. Write down the rules for writing electronic configration

Note: All question from exercise and test you self of chapter -2
must be learned and include.

Important Long Question

1. Write five characteristic/ properties of cathode rays.
2. Write five characteristic/ properties of Proton rays.
3. Explain Rutherford gold foil experiment and give its five results?
4. Define quantum theory and explain Bohar atomic model.
5. Define isotopes and explain how many isotopes hydrogen have with examples.
Native Schools
Chapter:No:3 (Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties)
1. How Newland arranged the elements?
2. What is Mendeleev periodic Law?
3. Define Law of Traids?
4. Who introduced the name Periodic Table?
5. What was the contribution of Dobereiner towards classification of elements?
6. From which elements lanthanide series starts?
7. What is modern periodic law?
8. Differentiate between group and period?
9. How many elements are in 2nd period, write their names and symbol?
10. Why the elements are called s or p blocks elements?
11. Define block of elements?
12. What are SI units of atomic radius?
13. Write the name of first period elements?
14. Which element has the highest electronegativity?
15. Why does the bigger size atoms have more shielding effect?
16. Define transition elements?
17. Define electron affinity and write its trend in group and period?
18. Define shielding effect?
19. What do you mean by atomic radius and write its trend in group and period
20. Define ionization energy and electronegativity give examples?
21. Write the trend of ionization energy in group and period.

Note: All question from exercise and test you self of chapter -2
must be learned and include.

Important Long Question

1. What are the silent features of periodic table
2. Write a note on periods.
3. Define electron affinity and its trend in group and period
4. Define ionization and its trend in group and period
5. Define Atomic Radius and its trend in group and period.
Native Schools

1. Define physics.
2. Define mechanics and heat
3. Define sound and light optics
4. Difference between atomic and nuclear physics
5. Difference between plasma geophysics
6. Difference between base and derived quantities
7. Difference between base and derived unit
8. Define prefixes with example
9. What is scientific notation
10. What is meter rule
11. What is measuring tape
12. Define vernier calliper and write its least count
13. What is screw gauge and write its least count
14. Write the name of measuring instrument
15. What is physical balance
16. Explain the working of electronic balance
17. Define stop watch and write its type
18. Define significant figures
19. Estimate your age in second
20. What is meant vernier constant?

Note: All question from exercise of chapter -1 must be learned and


1. Define kinematics
2. Difference between rest and motion
3. Define translatory motion with example
4. Difference between linear and circular motion
5. What is meant by random motion
6. Define rotatory motion
7. Define vibratory motion
8. Difference between scalars and vectors
9. Define displacement
10. What is distance
11. Define speed and write its formula
12. Define velocity and write its formula
Native Schools
13. What is uniform velocity
14. Define acceleration and write its formula
15. Define uniform acceleration
16. Define retardation
17. What is meant by the motion of freely falling the bodies
18. Explain how the vectors can be added
19. Can a body moving at constant have constant acceleration
20. How can vectors quantities be represent graphically
21. Why vector quantity cannot be added or subtracted in scalar quantity?

Note: All question from exercise of chapter -2 must be learned and

Chapter -3
1. What is dynamics?
2. Define force with example
3. Define inertia
4. What is momentum and write its formula
5. State newton first law of motion
6. State newton second law of motion
7. Write two difference between mass and weight
8. State newton third law with example
9. What is the relation between force and momentum
10. State law of conservation of momentum
11. Define friction with example
12. Define coefficient of friction
13. What is limiting friction
14. Write two method of reducing friction
15. Define circular motion
16. Define centripetal force and write its formula
17. Define centripetal acceleration
18. Explain the banking of road
19. What is law of inertia
20. Why is the dangerous to travel on the road of bus
21. When the gun is fired it recoils why?

Note: All question from exercise of chapter -3 must be learned and

Native Schools
9th Biology
Chapter# 1
1. Define major division of biology.
2. Define branches of biology.
3. What is molecular biology?
4. Define biotechnology.
5. Define medicine and surgery.
6. Write name and contribution of any 2 Muslim scientists.
7. What are bio elements? Write their symbols and percentages.
8. What is molecule? Define it’s types.
9. What is tissue? Give examples
10. Differentiate between population and community.
11. Define species.
12. What is zone of life ?
13. Differentiate between simple community and complex community.
14. Compare unicellular, colonial and multicellular organization.
15. Write names and uses of parts of mustard plant.
Note: exercise mcqs, exercise questions and terms to know are included.

Solving a biological problem
1. What is biological method? Write steps involved in this process.
2. What is biological problem?
3. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative observation.
4. What is hypothesis? Write it’s characteristics.
5. What is deduction?
6. What people think about malaria in ancient time?
7. What is quina-quina and cinchona? Write their importance.
8. How did plasmodium was observed for the first time?
9. What were four major observations about malaria?
10. Write observations of A.F.A. king.
11. What was contribution of Ronald Ross?
12. How Culex mosquito was used by Ross?
13. Differentiate between theory and principle.
14. What is data ?
15. What is data organization?
16. Differentiate between proportion and ratio with example.
17. What is statistics?
18. What is bioinformatics?
Note: exercise mcqs, exercise questions and terms to know are included.
Native Schools
1. Define biodiversity. Write it’s importance.
2. Define taxonomy and systemics. Write it’s importance.
3. What is taxonomic hierarchy?
4. Write taxonomic classification of pea plant and human.
5. How infertile offspring can produced?
6. Write Name and contributions of scientists for classification systems.
7. Differentiate between autotrophs and heterotrophs.
8. Why fungi are placed in separate kingdom?
9. What is base of five kingdom classification?
10. Who modified five kingdom classification and how ?
11. Why viruses are not placed in five kingdoms ? Explain with reasons.
12. Differentiate between viroids and prions.
13. What are rules for writing scientific names?
14. What is significance of binomial nomenclature?
15. Write any 4 scientific names and their common names.
16. Differentiate between endangered species and extinct species.
17. What are causes of species extinction?
18. What are causes of deforestation?
19. What are effects of deforestation?
20. What is importance of forests?
21. What is overhunting?
22. What are reasons for failure of conservation of biodiversity?
23. Write any 4 steps by Pakistan for conservation of biodiversity.

Note: exercise mcqs, exercise questions and terms to know are included.

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