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Names: Khaliq Vincent JD PHYS1005 The Inclined Plane Lab

Lab #: 2

Title: The Inclined Plane

Aim: To demonstrate the relationship between the acceleration due to

gravity, angle of incline and velocities using an inclined plane.


The inclined plane is a simple machine which consists of a flat

supporting surface tilted at an angle from the vertical direction and is
used for the purpose of raising heavy objects, it was first experimented
with by Galileo Galilei but was originally theorized by Archimedes of
Syracuse .

Apparatus and Materials:

- Inclined plane with lengths measured by a ruler, stop watch, brass

bob (marble).


1. Set up the inclined plane as well as the brass marble

2. Mark each distance on the plane starting from 85cm
3. Set up a timer device
4. Time the release of the brass marble and record its distance and
the time taken.



a= g sin ø=a/g=2.15

where a is acceleration down the inclined, g is acceleration due to

gravity, ø is the angle of inclination.


Average velocity = d/t = ½(v+u)= ½(59.8+0)=29.9m/s

where d is total distance, t is time, v is final (instantaneous) velocity

and u is initial velocity.
Thus from (2) and since u=0 we obtain v = 2d/t=17.372x10^3

Recall a = (v – u)/t = 21.1m/s^2

To get the mass (M) of the hollow marble sphere the density formula was used,
rho = M/V.

Now V, the volume of a sphere is given by, V=4πr³ where r is the radius of
the marble.

And similarly the volume if the hollowed out cylindrical portion is given by
πr²d .

Take the diameter of the sphere as 1.88 cm and the radius of the hollowed
cylinder to be 0.1 cm

Thus the actual volume of the hollow sphere is

V=4πr³ - πr²d=-0.68m^3


Distance (m) Time (T) (s)

0.85 1.47
0.75 1.26
0.65 1.23
0.55 1.1
0.45 1.07


A=g sin ø=a/g=21.1/9.81=2.15

Sources of Error:

1- Start/stop timing errors.

2- Imperfections in the inclined plane.
3- Air resistance.
4- The marble did not always roll in a straight line.


1. Ensure that the plane is frictionless apply lubricant if needed

2. Ensure that the weight of the brass ball is optimal.


In the experiment the trend of the longer the distance, the longer the
time it took for the brass ball to roll off the plane and the faster the
acceleration as the gravity increased, we could have properly timed the
roll of the ball to account for our differences with the known values.
The increase of the incline from each subsequent attempt at the
experiment would increase the angle at which the brass ball would roll
stopping it from being at a perpendicular angle and decreasing the
force of gravity.


Inclined planes are most commonly used/seen in ramps, stairs and



We observed that as the brass marble rolled down the plane its
acceleration would increase uniformly before being stopped by an
outside force or colliding into an object similar to Newton’s first law of
motion and the principle of conservation of momentum.

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