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Target audience - young adults (16-25)

Why I chose this production
I have always been inspired by silent movies. By not including dialogue, the imagery and sound takes on even more of
an importance. It is up to the audience to interpret the story for themselves in what is visually/audibly given to them.
I have also been inspired by experimental films where genres/topics have been mixed, so decided to combine
hallucinations with a psychological thriller.
Based on the feedback I received in Lo1, I decided to blend two of my original ideas together creating an even more blended
I also decided to use only one character in my film as I believe this helped the audience feel isolated, concerned for
just one protagonist.
Issues I faced during the process

I had storage/drive errors.

Premiere pro crashed unexpectedly during exports.
Camera batteries died (a lot).
It unexpectedly started raining during a shoot so had to stop filming and
re-shoot another day.
Rail strikes.
Tripod plate broke so had to use tape and a steady hand.
For a shot I planned on strapping a book to a tree I was unable to do, so
ended up doing it in post which slowed down the editing process.

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