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Activity 9: Essay

Write an essay explaining your stand on the question bellow

How do the consequences of one’s action affect the lives of others and the environment? “500

Each and every person's life is connected. May it be obvious to an individual or possibly not. Accidents
happen, don't they? But it leaves many people asking the "What if's".

Let's say that someone got hit by a car at a red light. What if that person moved a few steps faster? What
if that person moved a few steps slower? What if the person driving followed the traffic rules? What if the
person driving decided to drink coffee before leaving their house? What if the person driving didn't forget
to set an alarm so that they wouldn't be in such a hurry? What if a single person made a different choice?
Just a small choice could've made a huge difference.

The person who got hit wouldn't have to admitted to the hospital. The person who got hit wouldn't have to
get countless loans to pay hospital bills. The person who got hit wouldn't have to lose their ability to walk.
The family and friends of that person wouldn't have to struggle and suffer watching someone they love
get their life ruined.

A single choice. And the rest could be God's will, luck, fate, or whatever it is, but we might never know if
taking the chance to eat breakfast in the morning instead of rushing to school could save us from an
accident. All it takes is a small and seemingly insignificant choice could save or harm someone — may it
be the person who made that choice, or someone else entirely.

Another fine example would be this: Should you find Hitler drowning in a lake, knowing what he would
do in the future, would you save him or would you let him drown? Just a single life. Just a single choice.
And the impact it will leave behind could either be written in the history books or history could change
As mentioned before, everything is connected. Whether we want to accept it or not. A decision or the
very existence of a person could change the fate of many others. Another example could be two people
who randomly met on a cafè at some street. Had they made a different choice that day — they might
never have become a couple. They might never have been married. And most of all, they might never
have given birth to a child.

The cycle does not stop. That child and their actions will become like a ripple in a lake that will
reverbrate the waters around it and causing disturbances or changes — may it be for ther better or for the
worse. The cycle will not stop as long as humans exist, and that humans have what is known as 'free will'.

Truth be told, diving deeper into every possible choice to make and the possible consequences of it could
drive a person into insanity. Because once an action has been done, there is nothing that can turn back
time and change what has happened. All we can ever really do is just trust our selves and keep moving
forward. Have faith in God, luck, or whatever there is to keep you safe as much as possible.

Many things are uncontrollable by humans. The weather, time, existence, and so much more are
examples. We can do something to prevent such things, but there is no such thing as an escape from the
inevitable or pssibly known as "God's Plan". To accept and ponder every now and then on the things we
do might help us live a little longer and be safe a while longer.

People's drive to act and their behavior can be influenced by their surroundings. ... Mood can be
influenced by the surroundings. Rooms with bright light, both natural and artificial, can improve health
outcomes like depression, agitation, and sleep, according to the findings of various research studies. This
principle emphasizes the importance of people recognizing that they must be accountable for their acts
and that every action has a consequence (both intended and unintended). It is known that acts can have
both personal and social ramifications. Overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation
are all ways in which humans have an impact on the physical environment. Climate change, land erosion,
poor air quality, and unusable water have all resulted from such changes. Reduced water quality,
increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, loss of natural resources, and contribute to global
climate change are all common side consequences. Some of them are the direct outcome of human act,
while others are the result of a succession of acts and reactions that have taken place.

To act or to react that is the question. How do you act and not re-act. The transition from human persons
towards human individuals.

A person becomes self aware that personality is of contingent, relative and temporal, value. This
realization might prompt a person to initiating a process towards individualization, which entails, among
other factor and variables, building the ratio.
Sentiency and reasoning equidistance<>equivalent to/from each other, in balance, conforms the
hypothetical ratio, or measuring tool par excellence to measure ourselves, environments and milieus.

Then human individuals are able to gather pertinent probable realities and synthesize all of them into the
one with the highest score to be the real one.

In other words, by distinguishing reality from appearances we build our own true humanity.

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