SNC - National Consensus Charter

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Syrian National Council (SNC) National Consensus Charter The heroic Syrian people continue to offer a vivid example

of a revolutionary, peaceful and civilized struggle on Syrias blessed ground. They have made clear their determination to rid Syria of the tyranny that it has lived through for decades, and build a proud and dignified nation that accommodates its entire people, who hail from different backgrounds and ethnicities. It is clear to observers that a consensus exists among all spectrums of the opposition to forge a serious national project that will support the revolution and accomplish its objectives for change. This project is a pressing necessity and its absence is an offense against the revolution. Therefore, after reviewing the previous initiatives offered by the different factions of the Syrian revolution, we offer this charter, which contains the most important agreed upon principles to serve as a framework for revolutionary practices, and define the features of Syrias future: First: The objective of the national revolution is to overthrow the regime, including its head, pillars of support and representatives, by all lawful means. Second: The consensus principles among all national initiatives since the beginning of the revolution until today can be summarized as the following: 1- Affirming that the Syrian revolution is a revolution for freedom and dignity 2- Maintaining the peaceful nature of the revolution 3- Affirming national unity and rejecting any call for sectarianism or monopolizing of the revolution 4- Recognizing Syria is for all Syrians on an equal footing 5- Rejecting foreign military intervention Third: The principles jointly adopted by all national initiatives to identify the features of Syria's future include the following: 1- Syria is a modern civil state in which its constitution guarantees: equal rights among its citizens, the peaceful transfer of power, independence of the judiciary, rule of law, respect of human rights, freedom of the press, and political, cultural, religious, and personal rights for all components of Syrian society, within a context of national unity.

2- Syria is a state with a democratic system that is based on the separation of powers and political pluralism. 3- Syrians are all one people, with equal rights and responsibilities. No one be it a man or a woman has any extra privileges over others, neither can anyone take away rights from others based on ethnic, religious or sectarian backgrounds. 4- All ethnic and religious groups that exist in Syrian society have equal rights in Syrias future on the basis of citizenship without discrimination. Each group has rights and responsibilities on an equal footing with everyone else. This includes a constitutional recognition of Kurdish national identity and the creation of a just democratic formula for the Kurdish question within the framework of unity of the homeland. 5- The rule of law applies to everyone and accountability is an overarching principle. 6- A non-politicized military institution, whose mission is the defense of the homeland and the protection of its borders against foreign aggression and is subject to the authority of the constitutional political system with its three branches will be a guiding principle in Syrias future. 7- Syrians must strengthen the role of civil society and its institutions to contribute to further deepening the concepts of citizenship and participation in national development. 8- The new Syria will be engaged in the persistent pursuit of justice in national wealth distribution, recognizing that national resources are owned by all Syrians within a framework of good governance, and the fruits of development are directed toward improving the living standards and incomes for all segments and regions, especially the most deprived. 9- The future Syria is free with an independent will that maintains its sovereignty and commitment to international agreements on the basis of national interests. 10- Foreign relations are based on the principle of goodwill with neighbors and the mutual respect with the international community.

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