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The City School

PAF Chapter

Comprehensive Worksheet

December 2019

Science (Answer Key)

Class –8

Candidate Name: _________________________________________________________________

Index Number: _____________________________________________ Section: _____________

Branch/Campus: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________

Maximum Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes
 Write your name, index number, section, branch/campus and date clearly in the space provided.
 Read and follow the instructions of the given questions.
 Answer all the questions in the space provided.
 Select only one answers when made to choose, otherwise no marks will be given.
 Check your answers before handing your paper in.
 Marks for each section are shown below.
 This paper consists of 07printed pages including the cover page.
……………………For Examiner’s use only…………………

Sections Section A Section B Total

Question 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Max. Marks 15 10 10 10 5 10 1 5 5 4 10 4 6 1 2 2 100




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Q1: Choose the best answer. [ / 15]

1. A rich source of protein is:

(a) Fish meat (b) Cereal

(c) Palm oil (d) Vegetables

2. Which of the following is not amicroorganisms?

(a) Yeasts (b) Bacteria

(c) Amoeba (d) Virus

3. The speed of light is

(a) 30 000 m/s (b) 300 000 000 m/s

(c) 3000 m/s (d) 300 000 000 000 m/s

4. When light rays enters a glass block it:

(a) Absorbs (b) Reflects

(c) Refracts (d) Radiates

5. Which of these is not a part of alimentary canal?

(a) Mouth (b) Stomach

(c)Kidneys (d) rectum

6. Milk is a rich source of the following nutrients except

(a)Iron (b) Calcium

(c ) Protein (d) Carbohydrate

7. Which of the following basic nutrient is needed for building and repair of tissue in the body, found in
beef, eggs and nuts.

(a) Fiber (b) protein

(c )Mineral (d) Carbohydrates

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8. An image formed with a lens that can be projected onto a screen is called a

(a) Objective (b) Imaginary

(c ) Real(d) Virtual

9. The process of bending light is called

(a) Reflection (b) Refraction

(c ) dispersion (d) Convection

10. The primary colours of light are:

(a) Red, green, blue(b) Pink, purple, white

(c ) Blue, red, orange(d) Blue, yellow, red

11. The involuntary wave like contraction by which food is moved through alimentary canal is called:

a) Breakdown b) Peristalsis

c) Excretion d) Digestion

12. Animals that are able to digest cellulose are called:

a) Rodents b) Predators

c) Ruminants d) Prey

13. Function of large intestine is to absorb:

a) Vitamins and Minerals b) Fats and Proteins

c) Carbohydrates and Proteins d) Water and Minerals

14. Convex lens

a) produce upright image b) produces magnified image

c) used as cosmetic mirrors d) used as dentists’s mirror

15. Light year is the distance light travels in

a) One year b) Two years

c) Three years d) Four years

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Q2. : Answer the following questions briefly. [ /10]

1. What are digestive enzymes? That speeds up the digestive process in the body

2. What is the end product of protein digestion? Amino acids

3. Which bacteria is used in making yougurt? Lactobacillus Bacterium

4. What happens to the length of metals as temperature rises? It increases

5.Why does bread rises when baked? The Carbon dioxide is given by yeast cells during respiration is
trapped in the dough as bubbles. These bubbles expand and dough rises.

6. Why does a swimming pool appear shallower than it actually is? Due to refraction

7.What is the speed of light in the vacuum? 300,000,000m/s

8.What kind of an image does a dentist’s mirror produce? Upright, magnified, virtual

9. Write the mirror image of the word “AMBULANCE”.

10. In general, what will happen to solid, liquids and gases when they gain heat? Their particles will
vibrate more and faster

Q3: Match Column A with Column B and write the correct alphabet in Column C. [ / 10]

Q.4 Complete these sentences. [ /10]

1. On entering a denser medium, the light bends ___towards_______ the normal.

2._______Antibodies____________ are proteins produced by the body to fight germs.

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3. Hot food cools down because the temperature of the food is higher than room temperature, as a
result ______heat_____ flows from the food to the surroundings.

4. When a metal rod is heated, it ___expands________. This is because the particles __vibrate_____
faster and so move each other further apart.

5. _________Convection_____ is the transfer of heat from one part of a fluid to another part by the
circulating movement of the fluid itself.

6. Chickenpox is a ________viral_______ infectious disease.

7. Carbohydrates are divided in to two major groups; simple carbohydrates and __complex___________

8. The micro-organisms which cause infectious diseases are called ______pathogens/ germs____.

9. Apparent depth and dispersion of white light are the effects of _____refraction__________.

Q.5 State whether True or False. [ /5]

1. Temperature is a measure of degree of coldness. True

2. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. True

3. Bile is produced by the pancreas and is stored in the liver. False

4. Digestion of excess water and minerals takes place in the small intestine. False

5. Concave mirrors produce a magnified image if the object is near to the mirror. True

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Q.1 This diagram shows the digestive system in the human body. ( /10)

(a)Name the following parts:

A. ___liver_________ B. ___large intestine_____

C. ___gullet________ D.__stomach__________

E.__pancreas_______ F.__small intestine________

(b) X is a gland below the mouth. What substance does X secrete?


(c) Y is connected to the liver. Which substance is stored in Y?


(d) D contains a strong acid. What is the purpose of this acid?


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(e) What process takes place in B?


(f) What is the function of C?


(g) Name at least two enzymes found in the juice secreted by E?


Q.3 [ /1]

a) The diagram below shows cups of hot drinks at different temperatures. Which
one will lose heat fastest?

_B will lose heat


Q.2 The diagrams P, Q and R show a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass block.( /5)

a) What is the process of bending light like this called? Why causes this process to happen?

a) __What is the process of bending light like this called? What causes this process to happen?

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The process is known as refraction of light. It is caused because the speed of light is different
in different media. When the light enter from one medium to another it speed changes.
b) Which diagram, P, Q or R, shows the correct path of the light?
Diagram Q shows the correct path of the light ray.

Q.3 Sunlight is split up into a spectrum of colours by a triangular prism, as shown below.( /5)

1. What name is given to the splitting up of sunlight in this way?


2. What colour is the light at X?


3. How does the prism split white light up into a spectrum?


4. White light is shone at a green filter. What colour is the light transmitted by the green filter?


5.Grass looks green in white light because it reflects green light and absorbs all the other colours.
Explain why a blue flower looks blue in white light.


Answer: 3

a) Dispersion
b) Red
c) The different colours in white light are refracted by different amounts by the prism
d) Green
e) The blue flower reflects blue light and absorbs all the other colours

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Q.4 Distinguish between physical and chemical digestion.( /4)

Q.5 Explain why? ( /10)

1. Can malaria be treated with antibiotics?

No malaria cannot be treated by antibiotics as antibiotics stop the growth of bacteria and malaria is
caused by the parastitic micro-organisms.

2. Fiber is not digested by human beings yet it is an essential part of a balanced diet.

Fiber is essential part of the diet as it keeps the intestine working properly but it cannot be digested in
human beings as there is no enzyme found to break it down.

3. Convection cannot take place in solids.

It cannot take place in solid because the particles are arranged closely together and cannot move from
their fixed positions.

4. A swimming pole appears to be shallower than it actually is.

It is because of the refraction or bending of light when it enters from one medium to another.Frequent
washing of hands can prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

The frequent washing helps us prevent the spread of diseases because the lather of the soap engulfs the
germs on our hands and water washes them off our hands.

Q6: A balanced diet includes carbohydrates, proteins and fats. ( /4)

(a) Name two natural (not processed) sources of dietary carbohydrate.

Any fruits….. Grains, potatoes, rice.
(b) Give two uses of proteins in the body.
Proteins are required to build new cells and to repair the damaged cells in the body.

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Q.7 Match the column A with column B. ( /6)

Column A Column B
1. Micro-organisms a. The smallest living organism on Earth. One type
can cause hepatitis A ifthey get into food.
2.Pathogens b. Microorganisms that allow bread to rise but
can cause other foods to spoil.
3.Bacteria c. Tiny single-celled organisms that can be seen
only with a microscope. Examples are bacteria,
moulds, yeasts.
4.Viruses d. Harmful microorganisms that can make people
5.Parasites e. Microorganisms that can be either helpful or
harmful in foods.
6.Yeasts f. Tiny, microscopic animals such as amoebas. Can
cause amoebic dysentery.
Answer: 1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-a, 5-f, 6-b

Q.8 Ali has been given a vaccine for measles. What do you think is there in the vaccine? ( /1)

The vaccine has dead or weakened germs of measles in it.

Q.9 White blood cells are the part of human immune system. How do they help us resist and prevent
infectious diseases? ( /2)

White blood cells carry out many functions in our body. Some of them engulf and kill germs which enter
our body. Some make antibodies to mark the antigens of the germs. Some kill the infected cells.

Q.10 Look at the diagram below. Identify and write down two of its characteristic. ( /2)

__The diagram is of a virus. It is microscopic particle having a single strand of DNA or RNA and an outer
covering or capsid made of protein.

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