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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 164 (2023) 107642

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

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Analytical method for determining displacement and bending moment of

embedded cantilever retaining walls subjected to pseudo-static
earthquake accelerations
Ritwik Nandi, Deepankar Choudhury *
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, 400076, India


Keywords: The performance of embedded cantilever retaining (ECR) walls, such as the diaphragm and sheet-pile walls, is
Sheet pile measured by the permanent displacement they experience during an earthquake. In the conventional design
Embedded cantilever retaining wall methods, the embedment depth is derived by checking the wall’s stability against a probable collapse mechanism
and applying safety factors. Thereby, these methods are incapable of determining the wall displacement. The
Performance-based analysis
Earth pressure
present study proposes an analytical method based on the pseudo-static approach for calculating the earthquake-
induced permanent displacement of ECR walls in cohesionless soils. A displacement-dependent earth pressure
mobilization relationship, where the earth pressure mobilization is a function of the wall displacement, is used to
derive the passive resistance on the excavated side of the wall. With increasing earthquake acceleration, active
soil pressure on the retained side of the wall increases and drives the wall towards the excavated side, which
causes further mobilization of passive earth pressure; thus, the wall stability is maintained. In observations from
past experimental studies, the required embedment depth is derived by assuming rigid rotation of the wall about
a point near the wall base and balancing the forces and moments acting on the wall. Analytical expressions are
provided for determining bending moment distribution along the wall height. The proposed results are compared
with those of the available experimental and numerical studies, and they exhibit good agreement, which sub­
stantiates the validity of the proposed method. Parametric studies were performed to investigate the influence of
soil friction angle, wall roughness, the magnitude of the horizontal and vertical earthquake accelerations on the
wall displacement and internal forces of the wall.

1. Introduction seismic acceleration. Conventionally, the design of ECR walls is

accomplished by employing the pseudo-static approach, in which the
Embedded cantilever retaining walls such as diaphragm, sheet-pile, dynamic nature of the earthquake force is substituted by equivalent
and contiguous pile walls are widely used as quay walls, supporting static forces in proportion to the maximum acceleration expected at the
cutting slopes along highways and railway lines, flood protection walls, considered site. The wall’s stability is investigated against a possible
retaining excavations, etc. Generally, these walls stand cantilevered failure mechanism, and a safety factor is applied (reduction of the pas­
without any external support when the excavation height is less than 5 sive earth pressure and soil shear strength, increment of the calculated
m, and their stability is ensured by the mobilization of passive earth embedment depth by 1.2–1.4 times) to calculate the design embedment
pressure in the surrounding soil, mainly on the excavated side of the depth under working condition following the Blum’s [1] method or
wall. The mobilization of passive earth pressure requires wall move­ considering rectilinear earth pressures distribution as shown in Fig. 1(a)
ment, and the magnitude of displacement needed to reach the limiting and (b) [2]. In these methods, the soil is considered to be a rigid plastic
passive state is generally higher than the allowable strain level at a site. material; thus, the active and passive earth pressures are fully mobilized
The behavior of the wall-soil system becomes more complex during an regardless of the wall movement magnitude. Thereby, these methods are
earthquake because the soil pressure on the retaining side increases, and incapable of calculating the wall displacement and structural forces, i.e.,
the passive pressure on the excavated side decreases with increasing bending moment and shear force for a prescribed excavation to retaining

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Nandi), (D. Choudhury).
Received 18 April 2022; Received in revised form 27 October 2022; Accepted 1 November 2022
Available online 12 November 2022
0267-7261/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Technical Note

An Improved Method of Vertical Slices to Determine Seismic

Passive Earth Pressure and Its Point of Application
Ritwik Nandi1 and Deepankar Choudhury, F.ASCE2
Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay on 11/09/22. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for calculating seismic passive earth pressure, its point of application, and the approximate stress-
state within the rupture wedge. The method of vertical slices combined with the limit-equilibrium (LE) technique was used as the framework for
the analysis. While the available LE analyses used the rupture surface of predefined shapes, in this approach, the rupture surface is derived
through the analysis. First, the mobilized soil behind the wall was split into thin vertical slices and the rupture plane of every slice was calculated
by enforcing the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. Thereafter, by adding those rupture planes consecutively, starting from the wall toe, the pas-
sive rupture surface was achieved. The inclination of the rupture planes is guided by the soil friction angle, wall friction angle, seismic accel-
eration, and slice-interface friction angle. The distribution of slice-interface friction angle across the rupture plane was presumed to obey a power
function. The exponent of the power function, the seismic passive earth pressure, and its point of application were derived concurrently by sat-
isfying the static equilibrium conditions of the slices and applying a boundary condition. The results show that the outline of the rupture surface is
guided by the slice-interface friction angle, and the shape is curvilinear for rough walls. With increasing seismic acceleration, the passive pressure
decreases, and the point of application moves predominantly downward for loose sands. The obtained results were compared with those of pre-
vious numerical and experimental studies and were found to show good agreement, thus demonstrating the validity of the proposed method.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002488. © 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Retaining wall; Passive earth pressure; Seismic analysis; Method of vertical slices; Limit equilibrium.

Introduction assumption of a planar rupture surface. In addition, Coulomb’s the-

ory implicitly assumes a uniform stress field across the passive
In earthquake-prone regions, the accurate evaluation of seismic wedge, which is known to be incorrect (Mylonakis et al. 2007).
passive earth pressure, its point of application, and the extent of In Terzaghi (1943), James and Bransby (1970), and several other
the failure wedge is very important for the safety and economy numerical and experimental studies, it has been reported that, for
of several civil engineering structures, such as retaining walls, rough wall–soil interfaces, the rupture surface is curvilinear
ground anchors, and foundations, because the passive pressure pro- under passive conditions. Consequently, several researchers
vides the necessary resistance against structural instability. More- (Morrison and Ebeling 1995; Kumar and Subba Rao 1997;
over, the location of the point of application is particularly Kumar 2001; Subba Rao and Choudhury 2005; Shamsabadi et al.
important, as it directly influences the overturning stability of re- 2005; Liu et al. 2018; Baker et al. 2021; Wang and Xiao 2021;
taining walls. Due to the static indeterminacy of the problem and Xu and Lawal 2021) solved the passive earth pressure problem
the rupture surface being undefined, the topic is complicated, and by adopting the limit-equilibrium (LE) approach and a curved rup-
the complexity of the problem further increases when the wall– ture surface of predefined shapes, such as log-spiral, circular, ellip-
soil system is subjected to earthquake accelerations. Numerous re- tical, or composite log-spiral planar. The outline of the rupture
searchers (Okabe 1926; Mononobe and Matsuo 1929; Choudhury surface in these studies was selected based on judgment of the en-
and Nimbalkar 2005; Pain et al. 2017; Lin et al. 2017; Peng gineering, and the passive earth thrust was calculated by balancing
et al. 2018; Nandi and Choudhury 2018, 2019; Chen et al. 2020; the angular momentum of the ruptured soil block, which was con-
Jiang et al. 2021; Kundu and Chattopadhyay 2021) have emulated sidered to be a rigid body. Also, the point of application of the pas-
Coulomb’s (1776) earth pressure model and incorporated the effect sive thrust was presumed to be positioned at one-third the height of
of earthquakes into their analyses through pseudostatic and pseudo- the wall from its base, while disregarding the effect of earthquake
dynamic earthquake accelerations. However, it is well recognized acceleration, wall–soil interface friction, and soil friction angle. Lin
that Coulomb’s theory provides highly conservative passive earth et al. (2017) and Pain et al. (2017) reported that the point of appli-
resistance in the presence of a wall friction angle due to the cation of the seismic earth thrust is greatly influenced by seismic
forces, and that it moves downward with increasing earthquake
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of acceleration.
Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India. ORCID: https://orcid In the past, various researchers (Janbu 1957; Shields and
.org/0000-0001-8372-0182 Tolunay 1973; Rahardjo and Fredlund 1984; Zakerzadeh et al.
Professor T. Kant Chair Professor and Head, Dept. of Civil Engineer- 1999; Shamsabadi et al. 2013; Xu et al. 2015) have employed
ing, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India the LE method of slices to evaluate passive earth pressure coeffi-
(corresponding author). ORCID:
cients. However, very few researchers have investigated the effect
Note. This manuscript was submitted on September 27, 2021; approved of earthquake. Furthermore, due to the indeterminacy of the prob-
on March 29, 2022; published online on July 11, 2022. Discussion period lem, previous researchers have assumed a linear or nonlinear distri-
open until December 11, 2022; separate discussions must be submitted for bution of slice-interface friction angle along the rupture surface, or
individual papers. This paper is part of the International Journal of Geo- a smooth interface between the slices, in order to solve the problem.
mechanics, © ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641. It is well known, however, that unreasonable assumptions usually

© ASCE 06022025-1 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2022, 22(9): 06022025

Computers and Geotechnics 151 (2022) 104970

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Computers and Geotechnics

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Displacement-controlled approach for the analysis of embedded cantilever

retaining walls with a distanced strip surcharge
Ritwik Nandi , Deepankar Choudhury *
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India


Keywords: The available analytical methods are inadequate to quantify the displacement of embedded cantilever retaining
Sheet pile (ECR) walls in working conditions owing to the intricacies present in the problem. The complexity of the problem
Embedded cantilever wall further increases in the presence of a surface surcharge loading because, the loading intensity, width of the strip,
Earth pressure
and its distance from the wall significantly influence the wall behavior. This article presents an analytical method
Surcharge load
Retaining wall
for the displacement-controlled analysis of rigid ECR walls in cohesionless soils, with a uniform strip surcharge
Displacement-based method placed on the backfill surface. The proposed method can be used to calculate the required embedment depth and
the structural forces of an ECR wall while the wall displacement is prescribed. Alternatively, the wall
displacement can be determined when the embedment depth, retaining height, and surcharge pressures are
given. A displacement-dependent earth pressure mobilization approach is used to derive the soil pressures on the
wall. Surcharge load-induced additional earth pressure on the wall is derived by adopting a suitable load dis­
tribution in the subsurface. The embedment depth of the wall is determined by assuming rigid rotation of the
wall and satisfying the horizontal force and moment equilibrium. Analytical expressions are provided to
calculate the bending moment distribution and the ground settlement profile behind the wall. The analytical
results are compared with those of the numerical analyses performed in PLAXIS 2D. A parametric study was
carried out to investigate the influence of the surcharge loading intensity, width of the strip, its distance from the
wall, soil friction angle, wall roughness on the wall displacement and bending moment.

1. Introduction Choudhury et al., 2006; Babu and Basha, 2008 Conti and Viggiani, 2013;
Conte et al., 2017; Conte and Troncone, 2018; Nandi and Choudhury,
Embedded cantilever retaining (ECR) walls (sheet pile walls, dia­ 2019) have proposed analytical methods based on the theory of collapse
phragm walls, contiguous pile wall, etc.) are mainly used as makeshift or for the analysis and design of ECR walls. In these methods, the soil mass
permanent structures to hold back the ground when there is a sudden is assumed to be a rigid plastic material, and the earth pressures on both
change in elevation, like, supporting excavation, stabilizing cutting sides of the wall are fully mobilized irrespective of the magnitude of wall
slope along with the railway and highway, embankment support system, displacement. Accordingly, the distribution of earth pressures along the
flood protection wall, etc. These walls draw support from the passive wall depth is considered as either linear or rectilinear. Above all, the
resistance of the soil and can stand up to a height less than 5 m without serviceability limit state of the wall is constantly disregarded in these
any external supports (Conte et al., 2017). Uncontrolled displacement of methods. Factor of safeties in different forms and shapes, e.g., extending
these walls adversely affects their performance and can disturb the the design embedment depth by 20%, reduction of passive force, and soil
stability of adjacent structures, which eventually results in significant shear strength by empirical factors Fp and Fs, respectively, are used
economic losses. Accordingly, for most earth retaining structures, the regularly to prevent excessive wall displacement under working condi­
serviceability limit state of displacement becomes the governing crite­ tions, and keep it within the allowable limit. However, indiscriminate
rion for satisfactory performance of the walls (BS, 8002). Therefore, a use of such factors causes either unsafe or uneconomic design depending
simple to use design method that takes care of the safety and service­ on the stipulated limit of wall displacement in a project.
ability of ECR walls is highly desirable. Several researchers (Blum, 1931; The complexity of the problem further increases in the presence of
King, 1995; Day, 1999; Madabhushi and Chandrasekaran, 2005; surface surcharge loading because the intensity of the load, the width of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R. Nandi), (D. Choudhury).
Received 19 March 2022; Received in revised form 2 August 2022; Accepted 8 August 2022
0266-352X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Evaluation of Passive Earth Resistance Using an Improved
Limit Equilibrium Method of Slices
Ritwik Nandi1 and Deepankar Choudhury, F.ASCE2
Downloaded from by "Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay" on 08/26/21. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Abstract: The present study proposes a new approach to solve passive earth pressure problems using the method of slices, coupled with the
limit equilibrium (LE) technique. Unlike existing LE studies that adopted failure surfaces of predetermined shapes, here, the backfill was
discretized into thin vertical slices, and the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion was enforced at each slice. The failure surface was then derived
by joining the failure plane of the slices starting from the wall base. Consequently, the failure planes became the base of the respective slices.
The outline of the failure surface is governed by the soil, wall, and interslice friction angles. The variation of the interslice friction angle was
assumed to follow a power function, and the exponents were achieved by satisfying the static equilibrium of the slices and a boundary con-
dition. The proposed results were verified with the available numerical and experimental results, and they show excellent agreement. Also, the
results illustrate that the shape of the failure surface is majorly governed by the wall roughness and interslice friction function. For rough
walls, failure surfaces are composite curved planar, and the degree of curvature increases with increasing wall roughness. DOI: 10.1061/
(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002183. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Method of slices; Limit equilibrium; Passive earth pressure; Interslice friction; Retaining wall.

Introduction the Rankine theory, none of the prior mentioned studies reveal
the stress state within the backfill wedge and the Mohr–Coulomb
A correct evaluation of passive earth resistance, the extent of the failure criterion was not enforced along the failure surface.
passive wedge, and the stress state within the backfill plays a Various researchers have used the LE method of slices to solve
vital role in the safe and economical design of many geotechnical passive earth pressure problems in the recent past. Apart from the
structures such as retaining walls, foundations, ground anchors, passive thrust, an approximate stress state within the backfill in
and bridge abutments. The earth pressure theories of Coulomb the form of slice interface normal and shear forces can be evaluated
(1776) and Rankine (1857) are still used in geotechnical engineer- from these studies. Although the method of slices problem is inde-
ing practices regardless of the inherent limitations associated with terminate in nature, researchers have made various assumptions to
these methods. Although Rankine’s method is rigorous, it is appli- resolve it successfully. However, these assumptions often lead to
cable only to simple problems. Coulomb’s theory is flexible in unreasonable outcomes (Ching and Fredlund 1983). Janbu (1957)
accommodating complex loading and backfill condition; yet, it and Shields and Tolunay (1973) considered a smooth slice inter-
overestimates the passive earth resistance for rough walls owing face, whereas Rahardjo and Fredlund (1984) and Zakerzadeh
to the consideration of the planar failure surface. Terzaghi (1943) et al. (1999) adopted nonlinear and linear variations, respectively.
and various experimental studies (James and Bransby 1970; Fang Kumar and Subba Rao (1997b) considered a polynomial function
et al. 1994, 1997) reported that for rough walls, the shape of the to represent the variation of interslice friction angle in the backfill.
failure surface is complex, and it can be idealized as a composite However, all these researchers considered the failure surfaces of
curved-planar failure surface. Numerous researchers (Terzaghi predetermined shapes, and the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion
1943; Morrison and Ebeling 1995; Kumar and Subba Rao 1997a; was not applied along the surfaces. Thereby, the inclination angle
Kumar 2001; Subba Rao and Choudhury 2005; Patki et al. 2015, of the failure plane (slice base) of each slice is governed by the cur-
2017; Liu et al. 2018) dealt with passive earth pressure problems vature of the assumed failure surface, which is independent of the
using the limit equilibrium (LE) approach and by adopting a curved stress state in the soil mass and the Mohr–Coulomb failure crite-
failure surface of predetermined shapes, that is, the arc of a log spi- rion. Shamsabadi et al. (2005, 2007, 2013) and Xu et al. (2018,
ral, circle, ellipse, or a composite log spiral planar. In these studies, 2019) also considered a composite log spiral planar failure surface.
passive earth pressure coefficients were determined by satisfying Yet, they enforced the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion along the
the moment equilibrium of the mobilized passive wedge. Except failure surface by back-calculating the interslice friction angle
from the slice base inclination using Mohr’s circle analysis and
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of made the problem determinate. However, a major limitation of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India. ORCID: https://orcid their studies is that they grossly overestimate the point of applica-
.org/0000-0001-8372-0182. tion of the resultant passive earth thrust. The point of application
Professor T. Kant Chair Professor and Head, Dept. of Civil Engineer- varies between 0.4Hw and 0.5Hw (Hw is the height of the wall)
ing, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076, India from the wall base for cohesionless, horizontal backfills, carrying
(corresponding author). ORCID:
no surcharge pressure. On the contrary, experimental studies by
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 7, 2020; approved
Fang et al. (1994, 1997, 2002) and a numerical study by Shiau
on June 29, 2021; published online on August 26, 2021. Discussion period et al. (2008) reported that at the limiting condition of passive
open until January 26, 2022; separate discussions must be submitted for in- earth pressure, the earth pressure distribution is nearly hydrostatic
dividual papers. This paper is part of the International Journal of Geome- and the resultant passive earth thrust acts at Hw/3 from the wall
chanics, © ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641. base. The existing LE method of slice studies either disregards

© ASCE 04021207-1 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2021, 21(11): 04021207

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