Going Out-Tercera Conversacion

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Going Out- Tercera conversación

Yanely: hi Marlen, nice to see you

Marlen: Hi Yanely, how are you?

Yanely: I’m good thanks, what about you?

Marlen: good for you, well.. I’m boring …

Yanely: oh really? That is bad, but I have an idea

Marlen: What are you thinking about?

Yanely: mmm do you want to go to my house to watch movies tonight?

Marlen: oh my good, great idea. What movie would you like to watch?

Yanely: well, I love the action and romantics movies, do you like any of these?

Marlen: yes, I like the romantic movies…but not today, because I broke up with my boyfriend.

Yanely: oh, I see…well in this case, do you like to see a comedy show?

Marlen: yes, do you know the Marlon show?

Yanely: mmm, no I don’t. But if u want ,we can see White Chicks, it’s a good movie, very funny.

Marlen: Perfect, Let’s have dinner after the movie.

Yanely: What would you like for dinner?

Marlen: whatever you want is good

Yanely: we can eat pizza or hamburger

Marlen: I choose the pizza, and we can buy soda

Yanely: yes, sounds good. We will have the best movie night

Marlen: if you want, we can see an action movie after dinner

Yanely: Great, we can see fast and furious, what do you think?

Marlen: its okay, I'll bring the popcorns

Yanely: Great, I'm going to clean my house for the night

Marlen: I will be at your house at six o'clock

Yanely: no, come earlier, like half past five

Marlen: are you sure?

Yanely: Yes, of course…well if you can

Marle: Yes, I can

Yanely: Perfect, I will be waiting.

Marlen: okay, thanks for the invitation, see you later

Yanely: No problem, see you later, bye

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