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Experiences and visions GreenZone Umeå

Our own green office and home

Anders Nyquist Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

Architect SAR/MSA Pråmviken 128

Tel: +46-60-362 80 Fax: +46-60-364 69 Mobil tel: +46-70-399 88 68

GREEN BUILDING AND PLANNING................................ 4
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 4
BACKGROUND ............................................................................. 4
Our own green village .................................................................. 6
Our own green office and home.................................................... 9
Our business .............................................................................. 12
Influence on the environment .................................................... 13
The need of a holistic view ......................................................... 13
THE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ...................................................... 14
Global problems and some trends in the society of today. ........... 14
The world population................................................................. 15
THE LOCAL PERSPECTIVE ........................................................ 17
Linear thinking - circular thinking. ............................................. 17
The modern city - an unbalanced system .................................... 18
Basic needs................................................................................. 19
The situation in most local societies of today .............................. 19
Tools for eco-cycle-planning ....................................................... 20
Legislation as a base for planning ............................................... 20
Industrial production of today .................................................... 21
The real production takes place in the eco-system ....................... 21
Rebuilding the cities - one part of the future eco-city planning .... 22
Import and export in a well-balanced city ................................... 23
The way to eco-cycle cities .......................................................... 24
Eco-cities - a programme ............................................................. 24
For whom do we plan green villages and green cities? .................. 25
The life in a green city is a process that never ends ...................... 25
A programme for a green village or a green city........................... 26
What do you need to start a green project? ................................. 27
Guidelines for a future green city ................................................ 27
Area calculation for a future green city ....................................... 29
The infrastructure and land requirements to support a green city in
Northern Europe ................................................................... 33
THE PRIVATE PERSPECTIVE ..................................................... 34
Buildings in bad repair ............................................................... 34
The annual energy flow through a modern Swedish house .......... 34
Potential energy savings ............................................................. 35
A human being produces a lot of waste ...................................... 36
A human being produces per annum: ......................................... 37
Conclusions ............................................................................... 38
”Modern” waste-water treatment - linear technique ..................... 39
”Time-cost calculation” ............................................................... 39
EXPERIENCES FROM GREEN PROJECTS ....................... 41
SOME EXAMPLES FROM OUR OWN OFFICE .......................... 41
The Rumpan Village, Sundsvall, 1967 - 2003 .............................. 41
Earth covered house in the Rumpan Village, Sundsvall,
1991 - 1993 ............................................................................ 42

Laggarberg eco-cycle-adapted school, Timrå, 10 km north of
Sundsvall, 1995 .......................................................................... 43
GreenZone, Umeå .......................................................................... 49
Workshop, car-dealer, energy station and restaurant ................... 49
Eco-cycle-adapted homes ................................................................ 55
Projects under planning in different stages in Sundsvall, Robertsfors,
Härnösand and Höganäs. ...........................................................55
Eco-cycle adapted blocks of flats ..................................................... 65
A green project under discussion ................................................ 65
Ideas and experiences from the green projects .................................. 68
The construction of a building ........................................................70
Do-it-your-self building methods ......................................................70
Environmentally friendly demolition ...............................................70
Fittings and interior decorations ......................................................70
Energy effective buildings ................................................................71
To achieve an energy effective building you need to regard the
following ....................................................................................72
A building gets energy from ............................................................72
Use solar power and energy of low quality (exergy) ...........................72
Water-supply ..................................................................................73
Grey water ......................................................................................76
Rainwater .......................................................................................76
Split-Vision – a new product for waste water treatment technique .....77
Biological waste ...............................................................................79
Ashes .............................................................................................79
Used goods .....................................................................................79
Environmentally harmful waste .......................................................79
Economy and cost in an eco-project .................................................79
Rubbish and waste ..........................................................................80
Ventilation .....................................................................................80
Electric installations ........................................................................81
Transportation ...............................................................................81
Farming ..........................................................................................81
The interaction of the city and surrounding rural areas ....................81
Visible eco-cycles ............................................................................81
Maintenance ...................................................................................81
CHECKLIST ................................................................................. 82
Checklist for an environmentally friendly and eco-cycle adapted
home ..................................................................................... 82
Introduction and aim ......................................................................82
The aim of this checklist is ..............................................................82
Eco-cycle adapted homes .................................................................82
Environmental policy ......................................................................82
Information about the site ...............................................................82
A programme built of visions ..................................................... 83
Social ideal vision ...........................................................................83
Ecological and technical ideal vision ................................................83
Economic ideal vision ......................................................................83
Summing up and realization ............................................................83
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................... 84
From our green village projects we have learned the following: .... 84
Final words ................................................................................ 85

I will give you a background as to why I am concerned about the environment
and why we architects can play a vital role in creating a sustainable future for
mankind and our fellow passengers on the globe. I will start with the global
perspective, continue with the local perspective and end with the private

I will even give you some examples from our own practice - our own activities.
Some projects are already built, some projects are under construction, and some
ideas are still being developed.

For the last twenty years or so, we have been discussing here in Sweden, if it is
possible to build eco-houses and plan our cities in a more sustainable way. Very
often we have met professionals and politicians saying: ”It´s impossible”, ”We
have never done it before”, ”It´s too expensive”, ”It´s not working”. Now the
government has decided that all buildings should be built in a green or eco-way.
The market is still very conservative. Most green projects end up being
compromised, and houses and infrastructures end up being built using old
methods. But now we can see a change. Communities and private companies are
interested in building green as a part of their image and according to their
environmental policy.

We, human beings, have built homes and cities over thousands of years in the
most different environments and in all kinds of climates. Techniques have been
improved by trial and error. Old houses which still stand have a functional,
technical, esthetical and economical life. They are good examples of what we can
call sustainable buildings.

The way of constructing buildings has been developed by professional workmen,

proud of their skill and creativity. Today we have the best tools and the most
advanced technology in the history of mankind.

Local building codes have become a common basis of valuation for all kinds of
constructions. Consultants use computer-aided design; projects are performed
with co-ordinated project management, cost control, quality control,
environmental control, merchandise descriptions and agreed guarantees.

Global environmental problems created by man have been discussed for more
than thirty years. The insight to these problems led to an agreement in Rio
1992. Most of the countries present signed the documents in order to reduce the
burden on the environment caused by man. The agreement was called Agenda
21 – an agenda for the twenty-first century.

In Sweden every community has their own Agenda 21. The government has
appointed a special delegation called The Eco-cycle Delegation. They are
responsible for the implementation of Agenda 21.

The building branch (architects, engineers, contractors, material suppliers, real
estate companies) made an agreement with the delegation in 1996. The
agreement contains detailed guidelines for the building branch concerning
planning, design, construction and maintenance. To speed up the process the
government has sponsored various projects. The government has even approved
new environmental laws and environmental aims for the country. Most
companies have their own environmental policies which are certified according
to ISO 14001.

But still there is a long way to go before we can rebuild our old cities in a
sustainable way. New and different projects can therefore give us useful
knowledge and valuable experience. The market for new solutions and new
systems is huge. If we want to play a vital role in this market, we should start
building green projects ourselves. We should live green and let the market grow!

The Rumpan village


Outdoor lighting

Our own green village

35 years ago, in 1967, my wife and I started to build a village outside Sundsvall,
together with my brother-in-law and his wife. We bought 18 hectares of old
farmland and started to plan a holiday village. The land is close to the sea and
about 30 km from the city of Sundsvall. We started by thinking about the way
we wanted to live in the village.

The ideas behind the village are very similar to what we today call an eco-
village or a green village. At that time, we did not know about this word. The
ideas were written down and described the way of living in the village. Ever
since then, we have realised the ideas without compromise. 30 families live
together in the village. Local material is used in wooden houses. The village was
built using local techniques - very often by the families themselves. We are in
many ways self-sufficient. We have our own water supply. We have a small scale
waste water treatment. Most of the families use separating toilets. The village is
exploited without any loans. When we sold a plot we reinvested the money in
the village. That is the reason why it is very cheap to live in the village.

Extension to our old home

Each family has their own plot and a specially interior designed house suiting
the family and their needs. The houses look the same from outside with the
similar details and the same building material.

Our boathouse

We have a harbour with boat-houses, bridges and a public sauna. The green
areas in the village are used by all for recreation, firewood collection, farming
and grazing of sheep. There is a small portable sawmill in the village, and a shed
for storing things like bicycles, lawnmowers, skis, building material etc. All
members of the village have access to these and can use them whenever they
want. The members of the village are responsible for the managing of the
village. Each villager has his or her turn on the board for a maximum of two
years. This means that each one of us is responsible for the running of the
village. The social network works very well.

An example of an easy way to present the vision for a green village.

The visions for the future of the village are described and illustrated on a map.
They are decided consensually. Some visions are carried out by all members – we
call these primary common projects. Others are carried out by just a few
members – we call these secondary common projects. There is also a special
agreement which allows other members to join in the project.

Our own green office and home
When we started our own business in 1991 after 30 years working for larger
companies, we decided to build a new home, a green home, with an office. We
wanted to show that it is not impossible to build an eco-cycle adapted house. We
wanted to show the simple techniques used and prove that it is cheap to live in a
green building.


The roof and three sides of the house are covered with soil like an old Swedish
underground cellar. We use the roof area to grow potatoes and fruit. The
earth’s temperature never drops below 5 degrees, even during very harsh winters,
despite the fact that we live close to the Arctic Circle. This means that we only
have to increase the temperature from 5 to 20 degrees which saves a lot of
energy. The more snow we get in the winter, the better insulation. It is never
cooled by the wind, nor is it even over hot in the summer. It is a silent house in
a silent surrounding. The area of the house and office combined is 125 m sq and
uses only 6000 kWh per year. This is one fifth of what a normal Swedish house
of the same size would use, in our region of Sweden. Our energy costs are very
low and have been reduced even more by the type of electricity we buy, mainly
wind power.

Fresh air is cooled during the summer in pipes in the ground. We get warmer
air in the same way in the winter. When it is –20, outside the inflowing air
temperature is raised to 0 degrees in these same pipes. The warm out flowing air
is blown down under the floor by a fan, which heats the floor and the walls
around the building. The whole house is like a big heat exchanger.
If we leave the house in the winter for a couple of weeks when it is -20, the inside
temperature does not go below 10 degrees, even with the heating off. We usually
use passive solar energy, warmth from people inside the house and from electric
equipment and lighting. During the winter we use an Italian high-temperature
boiler for heating and hot-water-production in combination with solar panels.
The solar panels alone supply us with enough energy to heat water during a 6
month period. Wood is incinerated at a temperature between 900 and 1000
degrees centigrade with a high degree of efficiency and very few emissions.

Waste-water treatment with a separating toilet

We have our own well in the village. We have a toilet that separates waste: our
urine is used as fertiliser and our faeces become compost. Our waste-water is
treated at a local biological treatment plant which can be reused for irrigation.
We produce half of the food we need ourselves. We grow vegetables and we fish
in the sea. We can grow plants in our greenhouse all year around, which faces
south-west. Our vine gives us 100 kilos of grapes each summer. We even grow
tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables.

Some people ask us if it isn’t too dark inside the building but I can assure you
enough daylight comes inside the house. In the beginning it was so light so we
had to hang a used sail shading the house which together with the shade from a
grapevine gave us excellent daylight.

We used local green building-material with no or low emissions. The whole

construction was planned with reusing and recycling in mind. Most of the
components are screwed together so they can be taken apart and make changes.
We take care of our own waste. We sort out what can be reused or recycled.
Biological waste goes to the compost. Earthworms are the best domestic animals
I know! Silent, never complaining, you can leave them for months, they eat
everything, and give us the best topsoil possible.

The electric installations are encapsulated to reduce the radiation from the

The total monthly running cost of our house, of 125 m sq, is about 1.700 SEK,
cheaper than a student flat in Sweden.

So it is possible to build in an eco-cycle way – in a green way, and it is cheap.

The technique still works after more than ten years. From our experiences, and
those of the village, we have developed a self-building system using different
local building-techniques. It is possible to increase the level of self-sufficiency.
And today it is possible to run different types of business everywhere; in the
countryside doing business all over Sweden and, internationally using modern
equipment such as computers, faxes and e-mail. Living next to our office saves us
a lot of travelling time.

Our ethanol car

Five years ago, we bought an ethanol driven car - a flexible fuelled vehicle. The
fuel is called E85 and consists of 85% ethanol and 15% petrol. The ethanol is
bought locally. It is a bi-product of paper mills, part of the Swedish Forest
Industry. We can even use 95-octane petrol or a mix of them. This type of car,
coupled with a folding bicycle, makes the perfect travelling combination. The
bicycle can be taken in the car, on a subway, on a bus, on a tram, on a train or
when you fly. The folding bike: the transport mode of the future.

Our business
Our business is mostly involved in the eco-field, otherwise it is a normal
architectural studio. We develop new ideas together with different companies,
writing programmes for decision-makers, advising companies in the eco-field,
working with urban planning and designing buildings, working as project
manager and training enterprises. I even give lectures at universities in Sweden.
As a teacher, I try to find new ways of how communities, private enterprises and
universities can co-operate. We try to find projects or products to develop and
evaluate together in the eco-field.

Influence on the environment
Human beings have dramatically affected nature, especially during the last 200
years - the industrial epoch in the history of man. We have ruthlessly taken as
many accessible, but not necessarily renewable, resources and changed survival
opportunities for flora, fauna and ourselves. Our economy is still based upon
cheap fossil fuel and a constant growth of gross national product.

The effect on nature can be illustrated by two examples:

· The bio-diversity is reduced. Before the seventeenth century, man

extinguished only a few species per century. Today we root out more than
twenty species per day (birds and mammals). There are more than 250.000
plant species on the earth today, 10% of which can be lost in the near future.
· The lack of fresh water is one of the greatest threats for the survival of man.
Rivers as the Ganges and the Colorado River do not reach the sea for some
years. By 2050, one third of the global population will have a serious water
shortage. Today people have no treatment for waste water. Less
water returns to the water table than the amount we pump up. 45.000 dams
collect 14% of all fresh water. Irrigation causes huge losses of fresh water and
a continuous salinization of the topsoil.

The need of a holistic view

Can we continue to plan and build as we have done in the western society
during the industrial era? No! We must use our knowledge so that future genera-
tions can live in a more acceptable way. We must change our life-style from one
of endless consumption. We have to understand that over millions of years, we
have gone from chaos to order. Now we are going back to chaos. We have to
realise why we have to change our way of living. We cannot wait for decisions
to be taken by politicians. We have to start building a better future now. Where
are the good examples? What can we learn from others? What is working? What
is sustainable? How can we transfer this knowledge and experience to our
society? How can we transfer this knowledge to your projects? We must start to
plan and build sustainable cities. Green planning is one way of planning. Old
knowledge and established technical solutions are combined with new
sustainable technology. The concept of green city planning and eco-housing also
effects the social community. The city must be designed, taking into account the
fact that homes, work, culture and leisure will form an entity.

We need a new holistic view when we reshape our old cities and plan our new.

On planning a sustainable project, all those who want to be involved in the

project, must join the project team very early on in the process. Everyone must
be given the same information, the same knowledge and the same references. A
common language is essential. A project manager must be responsible from the
very beginning until it is up and running. Otherwise continuity is lost and the
standard of quality is lowered.

Global problems and some trends in the society of today.
We have many global problems to face. We are too many people and the popula-
tion continues to grow at an alarming rate. The distribution of resources is
wrong. Nature is overloaded and overexploited. Cities and many countries lack
self-sufficiency. Unemployment is increasing and social integration is diminishing
the world over. The zoning of cities and the urban sprawl causes unnecessary
traffic. The industrialised society is a tragic parenthesis in the history of man,
with massive demands on natural resources; industrial growth is based upon
gross national product and the interest rate has a negative effect on the
environment. We can call the interest rate ”the new slavery”. Some people
believe that money can multiply on its own, but it can’t!

Some of today’s trends are real challenges for town planners. The urbanisation
continues - half of the population lives in cities. Half of the population is
younger than 18 years old. The globalisation of trade is increasing. Local
products can not compete in price with products from other countries. Decision
making is centralized making it more difficult for people to influence them. The
latest technological explosion opens up new worlds for us, but how can we find
the right information - the real information? Our dependence on raw-material is
hard to break down. Food production is industrialised – making us dependent
on artificial fertilisers, artificial irrigation, biocides and gene manipulation.

The world population.

The world population during 10.000 years

(Bengt Hubendick: Människoekologi)

The world population 1900 – 2050

In 1900, the world population was about 1,7 billion. Of these about 0,25 billion
lived in cities. Today we are more than 6 billion inhabitants and half of the
population - about 3. billion - live in cities. The world population is growing by
2% per year which means it can be doubled within 35 - 50 years! By 2050, the
world population is estimated at 10 – 12 billion, 70% of which will live in cities,
ie 7 – 8,5 billion. At worst, new cities will be built for more than 4 – 5,5 billion
within a 35 - 50 year time span. Young university students of today will
experience this before they are retired.

In order to get an idea of the dimension of the problem we can make a


1 million seconds = 12 days.

1.000 millions seconds = 32 years.

What does it mean to build homes for 4 – 5,5 billion people within 35 years? We
need to build homes for 400.000 people each day for the next 35 years!

How can we sort out the need for fresh-water, handling of waste water, the need
for food, energy, building material and communication for these future cities?
And what about the rubbish? How can we educate young people to help them
find solutions for these gigantic problems?

We very often talk about progress. What type of progress do we want? What
type of progress do we want to hand over to future generations? Can a
developed eco-cycle society contribute to solving some of the problems? Are eco-
cycles the basis of sustainable urban development - a holistic vision of future city

How can we mobilize the whole world in accepting this challenge?

If you look upon the way the human beings have done until now, it is easy to be
pessimistic. The Finnish philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright believes we can
easily understand the environmental problems, but have we no ability to change
our way of living - change our lifestyle? Have we stopped evolving? Which way
for survival? If mankind is going to have a chance of survival, we must all start
to preserve the earth. If we are going to succeed in the greatest project in the
history of man - to actively take care of the globe - we must start now. Our
present cities must be changed and the new cities planned totally differently.
Eco-cycle adaptation and a higher degree of self-sufficiency must be guidelines
for future urban planning. If you are optimistic, you can imagine what an
enormous market for ideas – for green products, eco-cycle adapted systems and
transforming know-how. The eco-market is the fastest growing market on the

Linear thinking - circular thinking.

Our consuming society of today is built up around a linear thinking. Most of

our planning is illustrated as events organised in chronological order.

Production - Consumption - Wast

This sort of thinking can be found everywhere, in most company planning and
perhaps even in your own private everyday world.

· Linear thinking has its origin in the industrialised community.

· It is a large scale system.
· The community takes care of waste products.
All human activities are a part of nature’s eco-cycles. All human beings are a
part of nature. A city is a part of nature as an anthill is, with its intricate
functions, its roads and the way it obtains its nourishment. An anthill is
dependent on solar power, photosynthesis and biological life. There is no waste
in an anthill. Waste-products from an anthill are a part of new life.

· Circular thinking is based upon solar energy, photosynthesis and biological
· It is a small scale system.
· The inhabitants take care of waste products.
· There is no waste in nature. A fallen tree in the forest is not waste. It is the
start of a new life. Waste only exists in unbalanced systems.

The modern city - an unbalanced system

Modern cities are not self-sufficient, they are unbalanced systems. If a city is
going to survive, we must continuously provide the city with energy, water, raw-
material and food. A city gives off great amounts of molecular waste, wasted
energy and water, used products and rubbish. Molecular waste prevents eco-
systems from converting solar-energy to biomass. It affects the ozone-layer. The
waste of energy changes the local climate. Sewers drain the water table. Leakage
from the sewers poisons the groundwater with bacteria, viruses, metals, organic
material and so on.

The modern city – an unbalanced system

The development of Swedish cities has dramatically changed since 1850. Before
this time, Sweden’s economic base was agriculture; cities were still real cities
where everything was easily accessible: homes, work, leisure, culture and
commerce. At the beginning of the industrial era, between 1850 - 1900, industry
started to move away from cities. From 1900 until now, urban city commerce
and service have moved out to the periphery. Even cultural and leisure activities
have left the city centres. We have regional cities where work, homes, service,
shopping and leisure time activities are scattered over a huge area making trans-
port by car or other means essential.

The urban city as an idea is dead! ”The urban sprawl” - the land-consuming city
- has been the normal planning model. Suburbs will keep developing and we will
get cities with many centres.

The future cities must interact with surrounding rural areas.

Large companies must start to buy from local markets.

Buildings must be maintained in other ways in the future.

Our dependence on electricity and fossil fuel must change.

The transport system must be changed.

The responsibility for the environment must be shared by everyone. Yearly

profit should not be the most important consideration.

Basic needs

Once a city is planned, it should be build in accordance with the basic needs of
humanity. We need space, clean air, clean water, clean food, clothes, habitation,
culture and opportunities to self-realise and to be creative. We can even express
it as subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, laziness,
creation, identity and freedom. All these form our own personal ”quality of life”,
different for every human being, unlike the basic needs which are equal.

The situation in most local societies of today

· There is a need of different types of home.
· Maintenance costs in ordinary residential homes are expensive.
· The infrastructure is expensive and vulnerable.
· Energy consumption is increasing.
· Energy costs are getting higher.
· We do not educate people how cities and houses can be more efficiently used.
· Homes, work, culture and leisure are spread out in the community which
creates unnecessary travelling.
· Inhabitants have little or no influence on the planning of houses, towns or
· Capital costs are unreasonably high.
· People’s knowledge and abilities are poorly utilised.
· We have a linear system of ”buy, use and throw away”, instead of a system of
· We have buildings in bad repair instead of sound and environmentally
friendly buildings.
· Technical systems in buildings are difficult to understand and maintain.
· In some countries, terms and conditions for home loans encourage old

· The administration of housing makes it impossible for own initiatives to be
· Theories behind Gross National Product do not correspond with ecological
fundamental principles.
· Cultivation - in all forms - has to be included in the initial planning.
· The physical environment affects our health.
· Social consequences of housing have to be included in the initial planning.
· Our food - what does it consist of and where does it come from?
· Most cost calculations are based upon the investment cost instead of more
long term annual costs, life-time costs or community costs.
· Responsibility in communities is divided up into sectors and is a hindrance to
the vision as a whole.
· Monoculture methods are used in farming instead of permaculture.
· Artificial irrigation and fertilization impoverish the soil.
· We need informal systems that encourage people to co-operate / collaborate /
help / assist each other.
· We need ”meeting-places” where people feel comfortable.
· Building processes are fragmented, giving few opportunities to the sharing of
experiences or getting feedback.
· We are heading towards an ecological catastrophe.
· The politicians, civil servants and architects have to start to plan together,
with people, in order to obtain balance between human beings, techniques
and the environment.

Tools for eco-cycle-planning

· Agenda 21.
· Policy for planning and building.
· Make eco-cycles visible.
· Incentives for those who can change their way of living to become more
environmentally friendly. Everyone can be a winner: nature, local
authorities, companies and individuals.
· ”Good examples” based on experience.
· Rewarding of environmental efforts.
· Training/instructions/good advice.
· Environmental managership.
· ISO 14001, EMAS.

Legislation as a base for planning

In Sweden, The Natural Resource Act is an umbrella act and the piece of
legislation with the highest priority in relation to all regulation of water and
land utilisation. It provides a common reference point for all decisions,
irrespective of by what body they are taken or pursuant to what act. The Natu-
ral Resource Act is particularly important in solving conflicts that arise when the
external environment changes. The concept of eco-cities and eco-housing is
confirmed by the Swedish Natural Resource Act:1:

Section 1. ”Land, water and the physical environment in general shall be used so
as to promote positive long-term economisation from an ecological, social and
socio-economic point of view.”

Special requirements have been adopted with a view to increasing environmental

awareness. These new requirements mean that the future impact on the
environment must be measured and assessed before any permit is granted,
according to this Act, and other relevant acts. Any future municipal plans are
also subject to these acts.

Similar legislation can be found in many countries which should be used in

positive ways. Planners should be bolder, daring to propose creative ideas, which
can be then be tested. This experience can be used to ascertain if the ideas and
methods actually work.

Eco-city planning is a step towards a society where we live more in harmony

with nature, technology and each other. Eco-cities are examples of how
inhabitants, together with architects and planners, can design and take
responsibility for their own homes from an ecological view point. The
inhabitants take an active part in the cities’ development and management. Eco-
cities use less energy and water than other housing developments. The land in
and around the city is used for cultivation and animal husbandry. Eco-cities
create communities set at a level somewhere in between kinship and society at
large. Eco-cities provide lower running costs, partly through a developed
internal economy, but also through own production of goods and economical
green house-keeping. Eco-cities contain more than just housing: workshops,
offices, shops, community centres, cultural institutions, day care centres, among
others, are all available to the inhabitants as a part of the neighbourhood. The
houses in an eco-city use sound, local and environmentally friendly building
materials. The flow of water, air, energy, food and material is managed locally in
a closed loop. We can call this type of city an eco-cycle adapted city.

Industrial production of today

Raw material, energy and manpower are the base of industrial production today.
They produce useful products, waste, pollution and loss of energy.

The industrial ”production” in cities increases the disorder.

The real production takes place in the eco-system

All activities depend on support from functioning biological systems. These
systems are very often undermined by human activities.

As long as a tree is thriving, we can talk about production. Once we have cut
the tree down, we start a phase of destruction, even if we ”produce” a nice piece
of furniture. The industrial production is part of the consuming phase.

The real production takes place in the eco-system. In the future, planning of
cities with all their activities must be based upon interaction with nature.

Industrial production, even according to the laws of nature, needs raw material,
energy and manpower. This industrial production produces useful products,
waste and loss of energy but the waste can, together with solar energy, be retur-
ned to the eco-system and become resources for new raw material and energy.
Rebuilding the cities - one part of the future eco-city planning

The International Ecological Rebuilding Programme as adopted by the Third

International Ecocity Conference in Yoff and Dakar, Senegal, January 12, 1996.

1. Reshape cities and withdraw from sprawl:

A. Restore, establish and preserve village and city centres of great

economic and cultural diversity with people living, working and
taken part in full range of community activity in a small radius.
B. Write zoning laws that:
(1.) designate existing centres of diverse activity as pedestrian
(2.) identify areas for restoration of nature and agriculture.

2. Revitalise villages, small towns and rural areas:

A. Create economic bases and social and cultural incentives for people to
thrive in their activities.
B. Protect traditional villages from invasive urban sprawl.

3. Restore Natural Environments and Productive Ecosystems:

A. Restore, establish and preserve natural areas, and farm and garden
lands surrounding cities.
B. Restore , establish and preserve wildlife corridors for ranging and
migratory patterns of animals and provide continuity for plant
C. Promote reforestation and reverse desertification.

4. Design cities for energy conservation and recycling:

A. Design efficient, compact villages and cities with circular, integrated

systems in which the waste of one process becomes the raw material
for another. Reuse and recycle to the fullest extent possible.
B. Establish policies that encourage vigorous investment in renewable
energy and recycling technologies.
C. Minimise the production of non-recyclable waste and end the practice
of exporting non-recyclable waste.

5. Build foot, bicycle and public transportation.

Create a transportation infrastructure that makes walking, cycling and

public transportation safe, convenient and accessible.

6. End automobile subsidies.

Assess cars, petrol, roads bridges and car parks and collect taxes, tolls
and fees that reflect their true cost to environment and society. Spend
the revenue on ecocity rebuilding.

7. Provide strong economic incentives to business for the ecological rebuilding


A. Establish policies that encourage investment in ecological village and
city rebuilding.
B. Tax activities that work against ecologically healthy development.
C. Develop ample retraining programs - millions of jobs will be needed
to reshape our built environment and restore our natural

8. Create a government agency at all levels - city, state and national - for
ecological development:

A. In this agency, explore the ecocity vision.

B. Consolidate mutually supportive or interdependent functions
facilitated by government (such as transportation, energy and land
use) that are presently separated in bureaucracies.
C. Facilitate actual construction and restoration projects to build
ecocities and ecovillages.

Import and export in a well-balanced city

The structure in an ecological adapted

structure (Folke Günther)

An increasing integration between the farmers and citizens, combined with a

simple transportation of food and waste products, can give the following adv-

· The farmer’s income can increase to such a level that the profession can be
made more attractive.
· The inhabitants can buy locally produced food more cheaply.
· The waste can be used for energy production or as food for livestock.
· Decrease of vulnerable transpiration.
· Decrease of energy consumption for transportation.
· Elimination of the risk of losing important nutritional substances.
· Decrease of the total energy consumption for farming.
The way to eco-cycle cities
The way to eco-cycle cities is based upon:

· Knowledge about the connection between ecology and economy.

· Solar power must be used.
· The growth takes place in nature.
If we want to change, we must do the following:

· limit the growth of the population.

· start industrial production according to the laws of nature.
· increase self-sufficiency with locally produced food.
· use renewable energy.
· learn how to clean our waste-water in local small-scale eco-cycle systems.
· limit the use of non renewable raw material.
· invest in reusable goods and material.

Eco-cities - a programme
The model for the eco-city is the old traditional farmer’s village with its close
human relations and the fundamental idea of keeping a good balance between
people and nature, with the difference that modern humane and ecological
techniques be used. Homes - work - leisure - culture all tied together.

The social consequences of housing are the centre of interest; ”life around the
houses” and ”life in the houses” are more important than the architecture.

The programme is based on an ecological vision.

It is energy saving - proven experiences together with new techniques.

They are more than just places to live in, with common production of goods and
reliable maintenance.

Local administration and responsibility of infrastructures.

The inhabitants take an active part in the city’s development and management.

To live in an eco-city is a long-term process during which the city and the
inhabitants continuously develop.

Energy-saving houses and environmentally friendly energy sources.

A small-scale water and waste-water technique.

Reuse and recycling of waste-products.

Adjustment to local environmental conditions.

Economy based on domestic production of essentials.

Possibility of keeping livestock.

Possibility of running a variety of small enterprises.

Collaboration, co-operative activity and an active informal economy.

Local input on living conditions and planning.

Solutions for coping in crisis situations (e.g. electricity failure).

For whom do we plan green villages and green cities?

We plan green villages and green cities for committed and responsible people
who would like to . . . .

· survey and understand their environment.

· influence the planning of their homes and their surroundings.
· develop themselves and their surroundings towards their own and common
· actively participate in effecting their own and the community’s common goals.
· have the responsibility for the administration of their environment, from an
ecological viewpoint.

The life in a green city is a process that never ends

The planning process in a green village

In a green city new ideas arise continuously.

The life in a green city is creative.

The inhabitants are allowed to take initiatives.

Green cities cost less per year for the inhabitants and the community.

The knowledge and skills of the inhabitants are resources.

Continuous information and exchange of ideas and experiences.

Common activities unite the inhabitants together.

Active participation in the eco-city’s committee - new members on the board

every second year.

Working together creates a feeling of freedom and responsibility.

New alternative solutions can be tested. The lowest investment cost is not the
most important thing when taking a decision. A holistic examination must be
done - the investment cost, the yearly cost, advantages, beauty and
environmental parameters are weighed together - then the decision can be made.

It is important to create a place where people can meet and exchange ideas.

Try to organise an informal economy in the green city - e.g. LETS - Local
Exchange and Trading System - ”Green money”: an exchange of manpower and
goods without using money as payment.

Different types of repayments for houses can be adopted in the city - privately
owned, co-operatively owned and other forms.

If possible, make decisions consensually, which are easier to carry out.

Try to involve everybody in the building process. No one can do everything,

but everyone can do something.

A programme for a green village or a green city

Never start with a compromise! Start with a clean white sheet of paper. Start by
asking the question: ”What kind of life do we want in this village or city?” ”What
is the business-idea behind the village?”

The starting up process can be very simple. Start with a written program which
can consist of:

· a social ideal vision

· an ecological ideal vision
· a technical ideal vision and
· an economic ideal vision.
After you have made all the essential investigations and chosen the site, the final

program can be written by using the different ideal visions. Not everything has
to be ready from the beginning. Building a green village is a process which takes
time to complete.

What do you need to start a green project?

You need a suitable piece of land, a road to the site, water supply, a small scale
waste water treatment system and energy - preferably renewable energy sources.
Start with a small project of just a few houses, which can be extended later on.
Build slowly. Use local building material and traditional building techniques
suited to the local climate.

Guidelines for a future green city

Guidelines for a future green city with 40.000 inhabitants

The city center in a future green city

Here are some guidelines for how a future eco-cycle city, with a size of about
40.000 inhabitants, can be planned.

The following presumptions can be made:

· Land requirements: 100 m2 per person.

· Possibility to build 1 - 2 storeys (or higher) self-built flexible buildings.
· The city should be adapted to the local surroundings, climate, culture,
traditions, building-material etc.
· A maximum walking distance of about 2 km to reach everywhere in the city.
· A city planned for the use of bicycles. Everyone should be able to get to
where they want within 10 minutes, without using a car.
· All parts of the city should be easily reached by vehicles (in the future ethanol
cars, electric cars or cars powered by hydrogen).

· Living - work - leisure time - culture - commerce are “mixed” in the same area.
· Self-sufficiency in food, energy and building material.
· Recycling of waste in co-operation with the city and its inhabitants.
· Fast intercity trains or buses to other green cities in the area. Only one bus
stop is needed.
· Different green cities can form a bioregion together. More than 300.000
people can reach each other within one hour using a bicycle and train.

Area calculation for a future green city

Living area. Plots 15x15 meters

A block with four plots

Compact house

Each plot can be a minimum size of 15x15 m sq. Four plots form a block 30x30
meters. The alleyways between the blocks can be 5 metres wide, with enough
space for installation of service and maintenance infrastructures (water, sewage,
electricity, telecommunication etc.), with streets 10 - 15 metres wide. Local
building material can be used to build houses 1-2 storeys high. The owners can
build their houses themselves after having been given instructions from a local
building code. The houses can be individually planned. Extensions can be done
when the families need one and can afford it. This type of site plan permits even
economic activities and trade within the blocks. The proposal is not a final site
plan, but can be used as an area calculation.

(30 + 5)x(30 + 10) = 1.400 m2 land. 4 families each with 4 members. 1.400
m2/16 people = about 100 m2 land per person. 10.000 people x 100 m2 =
1.000.000 m2. 1.000 x 1.000 m = 1.000.000 m2 = 10 hectares of land is needed
for building a part of a city for 10.000 people. For 40.000 people you need an
area of about 40 hectares, e.g. 2.000 m x 2.000 m.

A bioregion. 500.000 inhabitants can be reached within one hour with trains and a

The infrastructure and land requirements to support a green city
in Northern Europe

25 families x 4 members = 100 people.

8 - 10 cows, 25 sheep = 2 lambs /family = 50 kg lambmeat. 2 sows = 30 - 40
small pigs. 6 - 7 flocks of chickens, 25 in each, produce enough of eggs.

Private cultivation:
25 plots x 1.000 m2 = 2,5 hectares.

25 families x (heating 5.000 KWh + hot-water production 5.000 KWh) = 27
tons dry fire-wood. 8 hectares forest area.

In Sweden we calculate 12.000 kWh/year per family home (heating and

electricity) and 1.400 litres of ethanol, 8.000 kWh/year (15.000 km/year and 5
litres/100km driving) = 27.000 kWh/year. Each family can cultivate 50 m x 100
m, 0.5 ha land (energy forest – they can grow what they need to fuel their
homes, eg trees for wood, grass for animal fodder, etc).

Electricity usage:
Approx 5.000 KWh/family.

Separating toilets. Urine to be used as fertiliser. Faeces can be composed, burnt
or mixed with lime-stone. Shower-, dish- and bathwater is filtered. Rain-water
can be collected and stored on each plot.

Water for human consumption:

From a local well.

Water for irrigation:

Rainwater and treated waste-water.

Wind power:
Location for future windmills around the city.

Solar power:
Passive and active solar power for heating and hot water production. In the
future local production of solar electricity, perhaps even production of hydro-
gen. Roofs can be covered by solar-panels which at the same time protect them
against rainwater. Solar power is the only energy that is supplied continuously
to the earth. Everything else is given only once. Solar energy and photosynthesis
create biomass. The biomass is a wonderful way of storing energy. One log of
birch wood is equal to 1 KWh. Growth takes place in nature and the solar
energy nourishes that growth. We must learn to live from biological growth in
the future. The biomass in Northern Europe grows about 4 % per year. This
biological growth is a form of ”interest rate”. ”The funds or savings”, e.g. fossil
fuel, minerals and elements are limited resources that belong to even future
generations. The sun is the engine in the eco-cycle wheel. Every element we put
into this wheel has to comply with the flows of nature.

Organic waste can feed chickens and pigs, or can be composted. Used goods can
be reused or recycled. Combustible waste can be burnt. The ashes can be retur-
ned to the forests.

Community owned or co-operatively owned:

Underground food cellars for storage of fruit and vegetables. Store rooms for
common goods, freezers, workshops, greenhouses, offices for private business.

100 people are needed for the cultivation of 15 - 20 hectares land, private
cultivation 2,5 hectares, firewood 8 hectares = 25 -30 hectares. 2.500 m2 /
person. 40.000 people x 2.500 m2 = 100.000.000 m2 = 10.000 hectares. 10.000
m x 1.000 m = 100.000.000 m2 = 10.000 hectares. A self-sufficient city in
Northern Europe needs an area of 10 km x 10 km. Similar calculations can be
done in other parts of the world taking into consideration their environment.


Buildings in bad repair
30% of modern houses built during the last 50 years all over the world are
dilapidating, according to investigations made by WHO. New modern materials,
combined with short construction times, lack of feedback in the building-
process, moisture and botching are some of the problems we can still find in new
buildings. In the private perspective, I will focus on the ideas behind how to
build environmentally sound houses - eco-cycle-adapted houses.

The annual energy flow through a modern Swedish house

Linear house – circular house

In a modern Swedish house we use 400.000 m3 clean air. The same amount of
used air leaves the house. 20.000 KWh energy becomes 20.000 KWh lost energy.
1.000 - 2.000 kg of food and goods which are brought to the house leave the
house as waste. 200.000 litres clean water are converted into waste water. The
average car uses about 20.000 KWh and causes 2.000 kg of pollution. The food
for 4 people ”costs” about 40.000 KWh to produce from the farmland to the
dinner table. The energy consumption is about 1.000 KWh per person per year.
The annual energy flow through houses varies of course in different parts of the
Potential energy savings

Total potential of energy savings for a household In Northern Europé

The cultivation and preparation of food from the farmland to the dinner table,
for a family of 4 in Northern Europe, uses 40.000 KWh/year as mentioned
above. The heating uses 20.000 KWh/year and a car 20.000 KWh/year, if you
drive it 20.000 km. The potential savings are, for locally produced food 30.000
KWh, for a well insulated house 10.000 KWh and if you change to an energy
saving car or drive a shorter distances, you can save up to 10.000 KWh/year. If
the cost per energy unit was SEK 1, you could save SEK 50.000 per year!

In total potential energy savings for a household of 4 people in Northern Europe

can easily reach 50.000 KWh/year.

A human being produces a lot of waste

A human being produces a lot of waste

Waste products:

For local disposal: For community disposal:

Composted material Dangerous waste products

Kitchen waste Destruction
Waste from the garden Safe keeping
Faeces Non recyclable material
Urine Destruction
Grey-water Safe keeping
Used goods Recyclable material
Recycled paper
Oil, paint etc.
Fabric, wool
Used goods

Organic kitchen waste and waste from the garden can be composted at home.

Ashes can be returned to the forests or to areas that produce bioenergy.

Grey water can be cleaned in local biological waste-water treatment plants and
be used for irrigation.

Rainwater can be collected and used as fresh water - not drinkingwater.

Faeces can be composted in special composts.

Urine can be diluted with ten parts water and used as fertiliser.

The nourishment in faeces and urine can be returned to nature. When we eat,
we only use a part of the energy and nourishment in the food. Most of it just
goes through the body. We have ”borrowed” a lot of nourishment from farm-
land and which has to be returned.

A human being produces per annum:

6 kg N Nitrogen
1 kg P Phosphorus
1 kg K Potassium and lot of other chemical products.

In Northern Europe, 500 m sq of cultivatable land needs the following for


6 kg N Nitrogen
1 kg P Phosphorus
1 kg K Potassium and a lot of other chemical products.

On 500 m2 of cultivatable land you can produce 75% of someone’s nourishment

requirements, if you cultivate according to the ideas of ”permaculture”.

Of plant nourishment that leaves the body, 80 - 90% goes out through urine
and only 10 - 20% through faeces. There are a lot of different species of bacteria
in faeces. They live about 3 months and are destroyed in sewage treatment
plants. However, many viruses also leave the body, a total of 25 different species
of which all are pathogenic and which can spread disease to us humans. Their
lifespan is between 3 to 24 months, but they can be encapsulated for an even
longer time. These cannot be destroyed in traditional waste water treatment
plants. If someone has a stomach ‘bug’ or illness, up to viruses
can be produced per day. If 99% are destroyed in extreme waste water treatment
plants, 10.000.000 still go through. If someone gets 1 or 2 of these viruses, they
will contract the illness. The urine is normally free from bacteria and viruses.
Small parts of medicine can be found in urine, most of which are broken down
in the earth. Urine is so clean, that historically, in some parts of the world, it
has been used as a cleanser of wounds. Urine only contains bacteria when you
have an infection of the urinary tract.

Every day, 50.000 children die from diseases from polluted water caused by
bacteria and viruses.

The waste water treatment technique of today is more than 2000 years old. It is
the same technique as used in Roman cities, with its aqueducts and sewage
canals. It is another example of linear technique.

Today, new problems are solved with new techniques.

Before you decide which sewage treatment method to use …

· avoid making the water dirty in the first place!

· avoid using environmentally harmful cleaning detergents!
· avoid mixing - then they don’t need to be separated!
· reduce the amount of waste. Use returnable packaging!
· recycle and reuse as much as possible!
· study nature’s own way of transforming matter with solar power to high value
products! There is no waste in nature.

Note! Everything you flush away in your toilet will end up back in nature
sooner or later!

· Do not mix urine and faeces with grey water!
· Separate urine and faeces!
· Pasteurise the urine if necessary or store it cooled in an underground tank for
six months before using it!
· Use the NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) that the human body
produces naturally.
· Break down the faeces by vermiculture (faecal matter and earth-worms) or
burn it (it has the same energy value as fire-wood) or mix it with lime (viruses
and bacteria die at pH 12).

”Modern” waste-water treatment - linear technique

Water comes from surface water or from different types of well. The water can be
cleaned if needed in a water-treatment plant and distributed to the community.
In most countries, water pipes leak because of either mismanagement, or the
pipes are old and in poor condition. In some communities, up to 30 % of the
water is lost in this way. The clean water is used for irrigation, human
consumption and as part of industrial processes. After mixing, the waste water
goes on to a waste water treatment plant which can also have leaking pipes.
When it rains, the pipes can overflow whilst returning to the waste-water-
treatment plant. After processing the water, it goes back to a river or a lake. The
sludge is sometimes used as fertiliser but most of it goes to rubbish tips, 10% of
which leaks away. The sludge and the treated waste water very often contain
metals, organic waste, bacteria, viruses etc. risking spread of disease and pollu-
tion. The ”modern” waste water treatment technique is a linear technique.

”Time-cost calculation”

Very few people really know how much money they spend on housing, food and
a car. ”Time-cost calculation” is a tool which compares the income per hour with
how many hours you need to work in order to afford certain things. The
calculation can even be used when you want to make a rough estimate of how
many hours you have to work before making a new investment.

A Swedish example in SEK:

Salary per month SEK 21.000 x 12 months = 252.000

Income taxes in % 33%
Purchasing power per year 168.840:-
Working-hours per month including travelling 200 h x 11 months =2.400 hours
Purchasing power per hour 70:-
Builder fees per hour + VAT 25% = 280:-/h 280:-
Working hours to pay a builder per hou 4 hours

Housing costs Amount of working-hours

Eco-houses Normal houses
Normal costs SEK 6.000/month x
12 months = SEK 72.000/year
72.000/70= 1.029 hours
Eco-housing costs SEK 2.500/month x
12 months = SEK 30.000/year
30.000/70= 429 hours


Normal living 4 people SEK 15.000/month x

12 months = SEK 180.000/year
180.000/70= 2.571 hours
Green living 4 people SEK 7.500/month x
12 months = 90.000:-/year
90.000/70= 1.286 hours


25.000km/year á SEK 2/km = SEK 100.000/year

50.000/70= 1.428 hours
15.000km/year á SEK 2/km = SEK 30.000/year
30.000/70= 858 hours

”The normal family” 5.028 hours
”The green family” 2.572 hours
”Working time”. Months per year 13 months 25 months

Potential savings for ”the green family” is 12 months hard work!

Conclusion: live green and work part-time and you have the same purchasing
power. It is even very profitable to build your own house partly as a do-it-
yourself project using time-cost calculation.

If the cost of driving a car is SEK 4 per km and your salary is SEK 70 per hour
you have to work 0.06 hours to pay for each km. If you want to visit someone
living 80 km away and you drive at a speed of 80km/hour, you have to work
(0.06x80 + 1 hour driving) = (4.8 + 1) = 5 hours and 48 minutes to go 80 km.

Average speed 14 km/hour!

The Rumpan Village, Sundsvall, 1967 - 2003

The Rumpan village

After 35 years of living in the village, we have gained much experience. Some is
described in the beginning of this pamphlet together with a description of the
village. Here is some more:

· Allow people to live wherever they like – in cities, in villages, in small towns
or in the country.
· Allow people to take an active role in the planning.
· People are creative and can take responsibility.
· Not everything has to be ready in the village. Changes must be planned for,
as needs change.
· Changes must be decided consensually.
· Invest in complementary buildings when you can afford it.
· Mix people with different backgrounds, experience and ages.
· A village must have a ”business” idea. It creates fellowship and identity.
· Every village needs ”directions for use”; the way of living in the village,
opportunities etc.
· Everyone needs to be ”educated/informed” in order to take advantage of the
way of life in the village. This is not an information pamphlet, it is a process.
· A village must have the right balance of life, work, culture and leisure.
· Each village is unique.

· The village must be eco-cycle-adapted.
· Self sufficiency and possibilities for small scale farming is encouraged.
· Those who live in the village must be a part of the planning, construction and
· Plans and provisions must be made in case of crises, eg loss of electricity.
· Life in and around the houses is more important than the architecture.

Earth covered house in the Rumpan Village, Sundsvall, 1991 -


Our earth-covered house

Ten years ago, we have moved out to this village to our earth covered house,
where we now live all year around. Information about the building can be found
at the beginning of this document.

The building program for the earth-covered house:

· Natural and durable materials with no or low emissions.

· Simple, but environmentally friendly techniques.
· Energy from local renewable energy-sources.
Solar power, firewood and green electricity from a windmill. 6000 kWh/year.
· Passive and active solar energy.
Red painted walls in the greenhouse absorb heat from the sun, pipes in the
earth preheat the fresh air, energy from the greenhouse, 7,5 m sq solar panels
produce enough of hot water for a six month period.
· Simply constructed with screws. The building material can be reused.
· Low radiation from the installations.
Encapsulated electric installations.

All electric installations are fixed in the suspended ceiling allowing for
· Separating toilets. Faeces are composted. Urine used as plant-nourishment.
· Cultivation in the green-house.
· High levels of self sufficiency.
50% of the food can be locally produced. Own water supply. Timber and
firewood from the forests around the village.
· Recycling of waste products.
· Natural ventilation.
· Low investment costs.
SEK 8.000 per m sq when the house was built 1993. Similar to a ”normal”
· Low annual costs.
SEK 1.700 per month, during 2002.
· Living, work and leisure activities in the same place.
Less use of the car.

Laggarberg eco-cycle-adapted school, Timrå, 10 km

north of Sundsvall, 1995

Laggarberg school. Site layout

An old school from 1933 is restored and extended during 1994 – 1995.

The building program for the school:

· Natural materials with no or low emissions.

· Energy from local renewable energy-sources.
Wood pellets, solar panels.
· Passive and active solar energy.
Dark painted walls, solar panels, pipes in the earth heat the inflowing air.
· Simply constructed, screwed together. Building material can be reused.
· Low radiation from installations.
Encapsulated electric installations.
· Rainwater collection. Soil infiltration.
· Separating toilets.
Faeces can be composted. Urine can be used by farmers as plant-nourishment
or by the local golf-course as lawn fertilizer. Composted material is used in the
· Cultivation in the greenhouse and green areas around the school.
The children have been taught how to plant apple trees and fruit bushes.
· Recycling of waste products.
The children are responsible for handling of the waste.
· Natural ventilation.
· The whole school with its design, materials and construction can be used as
examples in environmental education.
· Experiences from this school will be used when the council restores all other
schools in the future.

Second to fourth floor



Ventilation in the old part

Waste-water treatment
Greenhouse and gym



· The heating system has worked without any problems.

· It has the best ventilation system compared to all other schools in the area.
Maximum 700 – 900 ppm CO2. The natural ventilation even works during
· The toilets are now working well after a few problems in the beginning.
· The composting system on the ground floor has had problems with flies. It is
difficult to transfer this material outside the building.
· The intake of fresh air through pipes in the earth is working well. Marginal
energy contribution.

GreenZone, Umeå
Workshop, car-dealer, energy station and restaurant

New buildings with a total eco-cycle concept – a green concept. Construction on

the site started in March 1999 and the buildings were finished in April 2000.
More information can be found on homepage and in the
information paper called “A Road To Sustainability”.

GreenZone was developed with a holistic view based on how we can, in best
possible manner, conserve natural resources within the building sector, without
compromising function or comfort. This comprehensive approach has
characterised the project from the outset, from the design and building phases,
as well as having strongly influenced the various activities in the area.

All who have participated in the project, from the building process to
subsequent business activities, have been educated in environmental issues and
all undertakings in the GreenZone are being certified in accordance with ISO
14001. The aim of GreenZone is to stimulate innovative thinking and increase
knowledge in the field of environmentally sound buildings.

Now in full operation, the GreenZone in Umeå is estimated to attract around a

million visitors annually.

Examples of savings at GreenZone

Examples of savings at GreenZone, which have a positive impact on both the
environment and economy, are:

· recyclable material: 99%

· reduced electricity consumption: 60%
· possible reuse of nutrients: 100%
· reduced introduced heat energy: 60%
· collected surface water: 100%
· renewable energy: 100%
· reduced fresh water consumption: 70%
· minimized use of environmentally hazardous chemicals.


· An ecological programme in line with the visionary plans of the municipality

of Umeå.
· Total recycling in harmony with nature.
· Maintaining the balance of nature.
· Consideration of biological diversity.
· Dry building methods.
· Bolts and screws make reuse possible.
· Materials with several functions.
· Heat recycling from kitchen and fridges.
· Heat pumps from the ground for heating and cooling.
· Solar panels heat the inflowing air during autumn, winter and spring.
· Lantern skylights reduce artificial light use. 600 lux in the workshops from
· Green cables free of PVC and halogen can be reused.
· All electric installations in the facility are designed and installed to reduce
electric pulse and magnetic fields which means the effect on people is minimal.
All workplaces have electric pulse values that are more than five times lower
than the recommended dose.
· The employee car park is equipped engine heater outlets gauged by a time and
temperature thermostat.
· Tropical plants freshen the air.
· Natural ventilation system in the car dealership. Wind powered fans and
aspirators that enhance natural ventilation.
· The clients are vitally important to the project.
· FLIMMER FILTERS purify the air using micro-fibres instead of forcing the
air through filtration material.
· Self-sufficient water supply and green roofs. 50% of all rainwater is collected
which becomes part of the cooling system: as the rainwater evaporates, the
roof temperature drops causing the indoor temperature to fall.

· Hardy grass instead of asphalt.
· “Water garden” reservoir. Natural purification and filtration.
· Local waste water treatment plants.
· 100% of the waste water, used in the car wash, is purified through an inbuilt
· Toilets with low water consumption. Vacuum toilets.
· Very short construction time caused problems; 11 months was too short.
· Changes under construction are always difficult to sort out and are costly.
· The consultants followed the project from the very beginning until it was in
· LCC (Life Cycle Cost) has been made. Compared to ordinary buildings, the
Green Zone project was 17% more expensive but the LCC cost however was
7% lower. The quality standards are higher, the indoor climate is improved,
the negative effect on the environment is reduced and there are fewer absences
from illness.

Eco-cycle-adapted homes

Eco-cycle adapted homes

Projects under planning in different stages in Sundsvall, Robertsfors,

Härnösand and Höganäs.
A lot of people are interested in influencing the design of their own homes and
the environment around them. The possibility of getting their involvement
today is very small. As an individual, it is very difficult to build an eco-cycle-
adapted house in an urban environment.

· Very few plots are available for low-cost houses with the opportunity of using
do-it-yourself building methods.
· The production costs for traditionally produced houses are high.
· A lot of families lack the economic resources. They already have too many
loans and are heavily in debt with many monthly repayments.
· Unemployment is a threat for many families.
· It is difficult to get loans.
· Capital costs are high.
· Grants for housing projects have been drastically reduced.
· Inflation is low.
· Land taxes are high.

· The costs of connecting up to water, sewage and electricity systems, and
heating, are very high.
· There are no incentives for environmentally friendly solutions and for those
who can save energy and water.
· Houses that can be built according to a time-schedule that matchs a family’s
financial budget and their needs, are few.

The first step and planned extensions

Bild: J Kretsloppshus sektioner Different types of sections

Every family can get there own design

Every family can get their own kitchen-design

Ventilation by using ”Levande Filter” – tropical plants

Waste.water treatment by using separating toliets

Environmentally sound materials.

· No or low emissions.
· Natural materials: wood, plaster, ecofibres, masonite, linseed-oil based paint
and tiled, wooden or green roofs.

Environmentally sound designs.

· Simple design, constructed together with screws. The parts can be reused.
· Minimal foundation work.
· Encapsulated electric installations.
· Do-it-yourself options.
· Designs for easy conversion or extension.

Energy-efficient heating.
· Bio-fuel boiler, wood pellets.
· Passive and active solar energy.
· Floor heating.
· Low-energy lighting.

Environmental solutions.
· Separation toilets.
· Recycling of purified waste water. A root zone water filtering system cleans
the grey water so it can be used as fresh water.
· Underground cellars.
· Environmental stations for the recycling of everyday materials.

The advantages of such a project are:

· Low investment costs.
· Low capital costs.
· Low energy costs.
· Local small scale water-provision and waste-water treatment.
· Low costs for water and waste-water treatment.
· Major contribution of own working-hours.
· Local building material adapted to local building traditions.
· Less transport of building material.
· The houses’ living area can be increased within their volume: empty parts
can be fitted up and furnished; new parts can be added on later.
· The house can be adapted to the families’ needs.
· The self-sufficiency can be higher than in traditional urban developments.

Site plan 1 – 6 houses

A hamlet with six houses and common buildings

The first stage can consist of a hamlet with six houses and a common building
close to the entrance. The next stage is to create a village with 20 - 30 houses
with many common resources and opportunities.

A village with thirty houses

In each project, we will combine professional building methods with do-it-

yourself building techniques and use a combination of reused material with new
locally produced building materials.

Eco-cycle adapted blocks of flats

Eco-cycle adapted blocks of flats

A green project under discussion

Blocks of flats for the aging population in Sweden. A similar vision of green
architecture as detailed above, especially designed for those who need a safe
way of living. Different kinds of services can be provided within the house eg
an indoor ”botanical garden” as part of the ventilation system and a place to
enjoy. Common rooms and lounges with glassed verandas for all those who
live in the building. Guest apartments.

Section with a common green room in the middle

First floor with a garden, shops, offices, technical installations, workshops and a
common livingroom

Second floor.The flats can be individual designed

Examples of apartments with one to three rooms and a kitchen

Example of an apartment with four rooms and a kitchen

An eco-cycle adapted project

Ideas and experiences from the green projects

What is an environmentally friendly and eco-cycle adapted home – a green

Green homes are:

· energy efficient – energy saving
· resource-effective
· well insulated
· built with local environmentally friendly material
· adapted to the needs of the users
· built in accordance with the users’ economy
· adaptable as demand changes
· cheap to build with low costs
· durable
· well located
· coexisting with nature
· adapted to the local climate
· reducing illness

· energy efficient
· easy to maintain
· effective – even when you use it in a way that is not planned
· instilling a feeling of confidence in the inhabitants
· forming a stimulating environment and stimulate contact with others
· planned for reusing and recycling
· planned for gradual expansion of the concept
· can be changed when the needs change
· cheap to maintain
· equipped with technical systems with standardised functions and limitations.

If you want to build a healthier, greener home pay attention to:

· warmth and cold

· air movement
· light (daylight)
· noise
· air quality
· emissions from building material, interior decorations and equipment
· moisture and
· radiation
The construction of a building
Insulate according to the local climate. Estimate the energy use before deciding
upon insulation, energy-system or ventilation method.

Make an air tight construction.

Versatile building structures, assembled with screws, nuts and bolts. which can
be changed or extended later.

Healthy building materials without any emissions.

Use clean building materials that withstand the test of time and aging.

Avoid building components containing many different materials.

Keep the building dry and use waterproof covers. Put the roof on as soon as

Use environmentally friendly finishings, facings and paint, both internally and

All kinds of waste should be sorted and recycled during construction time.

Buy pre-cut building material in order to minimise the waste on the building

All in-built material should have a declaration of contents and/or emissions.

This information should be filed with other building documentation and used
when the building is demolished.

Do-it-your-self building methods

It is possible to combine professional building methods with do-it-yourself
methods during the different construction stages. A contractor can do the
foundation, the weight bearing walls and the roof, leaving the owner to
complete the rest of the building under professional supervision. Special
prefabricated wooden structures are available for this type of construction. This
method offers opportunity to reuse old building material and components. The
electricity, heating and water installations should be done by professionals for
obvious security reasons. The cost of the investment can be spread over time.

Environmentally friendly demolition

Start with making an inventory list of all material used in the construction.

It is important to plan a demolition carefully.

Selective deconstruction to remove what is polluted, what can be reused and

recycled, what can be used for energy production and finally, the waste material.

Fittings and interior decorations

On choosing interior fittings and interior decorations, use the same criteria as
for the building material.

Energy effective buildings
Reduce, reuse, recycle and restore are important words if you want to minimise
your energy requirements. Good insulation is important. Energy efficient
installations are important. Reuse all kinds of energy that come into contact
with the building. Buy green energy.

Energy production in the future

Solar power is the only energy fed continuously to the earth. Solar power is the
”interest” that is the base of our lives. Solar power is the basis of photosynthesis.
Firewood is stored solar power. One block of firewood is comparable to 1 kWh.
Fossil energy and material in the earth are ”funds” which can be used of even
future generations. The easily accessible fossil energy is a limited resource. First
of all therefore, use solar power and energy that has already used carbon dioxide
and that are part of the ecological cycle, namely firewood and ethanol. In the
future we can use hydrogen as a part of an energy system.

The need of energy in a modern building is very low. There are houses in
Sweden that have no heating system. They are heated from passive and active
solar energy and energy from people living in the building and, electrical
equipment and installations within the building. This system can be
complimented by using heat exchangers.
To achieve an energy effective building you need to regard the following
Heating method.
Ventilation method.
Personal hygiene.
Washing up.
Food preparation.
Food storing.
Installations of electric devices.
Electricity for fans and pumps.
Loss of energy.

A building gets energy from

· electric installations
· distant heating
· local heating
· the sun as passive and/or active solar energy
· wind generators
· solar panels
· heat pump installations. Energy from the air outside, from outgoing air, from
the ground, from water currents or from lakes

Use solar power and energy of low quality (exergy)

All energy that comes into contact with a building turns into heat. Therefore it
is important to adapt the building to take advantage of this energy. An electric
bulb gives light but most of the energy is transformed to heat.

Passive solar power is energy you can take advantage of without using any
technical equipment. A dark painted house retains more heat than a light-
coloured one. Even flooring can be used as ‘solar panels’ if dark tiles are fitted
close to windows. Large windows fitted on the sunny side of a building will let in
‘solar warmth’ during the daytime. Use windows that let short wave radiation
into the building but keeps the long wave radiation out.

Active solar energy is energy you can take advantage of by using technical
equipment. Solar panels for electric power or hot water production. You can
even pre-heat the incoming fresh air by fitting solar panels on the roof or side of
the building. If you are going to use solar energy, an accumulator tank that can
store water in layers according to its temperature – stratifying – is best.

Energy from people in the building, from installations and equipment can be

Drinking water and water for cooking is less than 5% of the total water usage in
a home. There are many ways to organise the water-supply. First of all, you can
use surface water from a well. The second choice is groundwater from an
artesian well, or from the local water-supply system.

Drinking water, water for cooking, bathing and showering must be of high
quality, but water used for flushing, if you use this type of toilet, can be of lower

Waste water from cooking, bathing and shower – grey water – can be used for
irrigation. Untreated grey water is less polluted than water processed in local
waste water treatment plants.

All installations must be done to avoid pipes from leaking. Safe installations are

Waste-water treatment in an eco-cycle adapted house. Urine separating


For many years, we have been using so called composting toilets in which you
mix faeces, urine and sometimes even kitchen waste. The problem with this type
of toilet is that the composting process is anaerobic, which means a process
without air. In this process, we loose much of the fertilising effect in the
composted material. Furthermore it gives off bad odours, and can attract flies.

Urine separating toilets without flushing water

Urine separating toilets with flushing water

Urine separating toilets are used nowadays in eco-cycle houses. There are diffe-
rent types of urine-separating toilets on the market. Some types work without
water and other types use flushing water. In both cases, the urine goes into
separate pipes and into an underground tank, where it is kept cool in the earth
to prevent the ammonium from evaporating. The urine is flushed away with
very little water - usually 0,1 - 0,2 litres. It can then be used as fertiliser. One
part urine is mixed with ten parts of water. The urine should preferably be
stored for about six months before it is used as fertiliser. The natural potassium
stored in the earth will diminish and disappear completely within the next 10-15
years. Potassium is an important part of fertilisation. As mentioned, the contents
of urine, N, P and K, among other minerals, are necessary for plant growth.

In dry separating toilets the faeces are stored in a container or a plastic sack. If
this is not mixed with water or urine, it dries out and after a while has no
odour. The faeces then decompose in a special composter, can be burnt or mixed
with lime. The composted faeces can then be used as fertiliser for bushes and

Separating toilets which flush are supplied with a special separator (Aquatrone-
separator) which remove faeces and papers from the flushing-water. The separa-
tor is normally placed in the basement where the faeces and papers fall down
into a special container under the house, where they decompose. A fan is
connected to the container which keeps the whole lavatory ventilated and takes
away any odours. In hot climates, the whole lavatory can be placed in a small
building in the garden. The urine is collected in a tank and the faeces in a
composting container. The flushing water goes through a process where the
bacteria and viruses are killed by UV-light. Then the water goes to the waste-
water-treatment plant or for infiltration.

Grey water
The grey water from showering and washing-up can be separated from urine and
faeces in separate pipes and after sedimentation and local biological cleaning, be
filtered. The unprocessed grey water is quite clean. The cleaned water can be
used for irrigation or returned back to the water-table. Untreated grey water
contains only 10% Nitrogen.

The rainwater can be stored locally and after sedimentation be used as water for
washing, flushing water in toilets or for irrigation mixed together with urine.
The rainwater collection system needs a large roof-area. The relation between
the required roof-area, the yearly rainfall and the local consumption of water
can be calculated. Rainwater can be stored in an underground container.

Storm water should be able to drip through into loose covered containers on
each plot. This water can then be filtered or used as flushing water for toilets.
Special green roofing can store up to 50% of the storm water on the building.
When it evaporates it becomes a part of the cooling system for the building.

While returning to local waste water treatment plants, water from flushing toilets
– black water - looses very important nutritious substances that can be used as
fertilizers. One part of urine and ten parts of water is the best fertilizer for plants.

Black water can be stored in a septic tank equipped with filters but even in this
process, the same substances are lost. This in turn can cause problems with
bacteria and viruses contaminating the ground water. Flushing toilets can be
combined with separating devices. More information on www.wost-man- Urine and flushing water are separated from faeces and paper which
can be composted on site. The urine and water can, after ultra-violet radiation,
be used as fertilizer. Flushing toilets can even be combined with vacuum
installations which use less water, which in turn can be processed as waste water.
Urine can be separated, and faeces can be treated locally with, for example,
quicklime, which decomposes them and kills the viruses and bacteria.

Separating toilets also use dry methods for taking care of faeces. Water flushing
separating toilets are available on the market today.

· separating of ”black-water”,
dry method
with flushing toilets
with lime
locally taken care off
distributed to farmers
· reuse of waste-water
· rainwater.

Split-Vision – a new product for waste water treatment technique

A lot of new products in the eco-field are under discussion. I will mention one
product or system of particular interest. It is a totally new idea - a drain-system
combined with a ventilation system.

Drainage gutter takes even care of exhauste air

The risks associated with traditional plumbing systems, that is, leaking pipes and
joins, are caused by incorrectly installed pipes, or pipes which are unsuitable for
the purpose. Leaking pipes and joins can easily cause flooding and extensive
water damage. The current plumbing systems in use are built around a single
mains pipe to which the other pipes are connected.

Split-Vision pipings in a city

Split Vision divides the waste water system into three parts. One for waste water
with a relatively high degree of pollution (”black water”), and the other two for
waste water with less pollution (”blue” and ”green” water). The advantage of this
division is that the different grades of waste water can be treated or reused in
different ways. However, in a system which uses waste pipes in three or more
functions, the different ‘units’ (drains, WCs, sinks, etc.) can be used as
ventilators. Fans, connected up to the respective pipes, enable the waste system
to function as a ventilation system for certain rooms in the building. The
pressure which is created helps to transport the water and faecal matter, whilst
the flow of air dries out the pipes so that they are ”dry” for most of the day. The
inflowing air is warmed by warm out flowing air, through a heat exchanger.
There are valves and flaps on each part of the waste system to stop unpleasant
waste gases coming up into the building. The different types of waste water are
led away into tanks. Green and blue water can be used as a reserve supply for
irrigation in the local neighbourhood. This system is of great value in arid areas
where access to fresh water is low. In the Split Vision system, there are savings
both in water quantity and financially, due to the separation of the different
water qualities. The reduction in total consumption of fresh water comes partly
from the reuse of a small part of blue water (which represents approximately 20%
of household consumption) for flushing toilets. However, the greatest gain comes
from the fact that the remainder of the household waste water can be used for
irrigation, fire fighting, etc. The system can even be used for separation of urine
and faeces.

New types of shower drainage systems are in use in blocks of flats in Sweden
which even take care of warm out flowing air. The warm shower water is stored
in a special tank. A heat pump which returns the energy into the building and
is reused. The humidity in the shower-room is also reduced in a very short time.

Biological waste
All types of biological waste from households and gardens can be composted.
Avoid composting fish, meat or bananas. Fish and meat can smell and attract
rats. Bananas can attract small flies. Biological waste can be used as feed for
chickens and/or pigs.

When bio-fuel is used for heating there are a lot of ashes. The ashes should be
scattered in forests or on fields, but not where root vegetables are grown.

Used goods
Used goods can be re-used, recycled or if it combustible, chopped up and used as
bio-energy. Paper, glass, metal, oil, plastic, wool, fabrics etc. can be recycled. If a
Local Exchange and Trading System (LETS) is organised in the city, some of the
used goods can be sold in return for ”green” money.

Environmentally harmful waste

Imported goods or goods that cannot be reused or recycled must be deposited in
a recycling station for developed for containing harmful waste. This station must
be professionally made, sealed and covered.

Economy and cost in an eco-project

When you estimate the costs for a project you have to consider many different
viewpoints. Traditionally, we have only taken into account the investment costs,
but this is only one part in the total evaluation. In order to make the best
decision, you have to analyse the following:

· investment-cost
· annual cost
· life-cycle cost
· cost to the community
· cost of financing
· incentives for minimising:

water use
energy use
rubbish or waste
capital costs
insurance costs

The interest rate has an effect on the environment. The higher interest rate the
more you have to work and the more you effect the environment. Interest-free
economy and banking is a solution. We have used this system in parts of
Sweden for many years.

Rubbish and waste

Local sorting of rubbish during construction time and once the houses are in
use. Biological waste, waste from the garden and faeces can be composted on
site. Advanced composting equipment is available.

Simple techniques should be used. Natural ventilation can be used but it is not
so effective during summer months, when fans are needed.

Reuse of energy from out flowing air.

Preheating of fresh air using solar panels on the side of the house or pipes in the

”Levande Filter” – ventilation by using tropical plants

”Levande Filter” such as tropical plants clean the air. The air in the house is re-
circulated. It is energy saving and increases the humidity in the house. More
information can be found on homepage

Electric installations
Awareness of electromagnetic radiation.
Lighting activated by movement.
Green cables – PVC-free and halogen-free installations.
Preparation for photovoltaic cells and a 12-volt-system.

Public transportation, bicycles, cars, car-pool, parking.

Own production of vegetables on site.
The edible park.
Green roofs.
Other forms of city-farming.

The interaction of the city and surrounding rural areas

Food, waste, energy, water, waste-water, ash.

Visible eco-cycles
Visible eco-cycles can be a part of a pedagogic message - rainwater, farming,
waste-water, waste-handling, compost, active and passive solar energy.

Written instructions on how to maintain each home, both long and short term
maintenance, and alarm systems.

Checklist for an environmentally friendly and eco-cycle adapted
Introduction and aim
This checklist can be used as a simple guide and inspiration for when you want
to build an environmentally friendly and eco-cycle adapted home. It is
important to have a holistic vision of the whole project, each building, the
building technique, the technical systems, each part of the building and the
whole lifecycle of the building.

The aim of this checklist is

· to minimise the effect on the environment during the whole lifecycle of the
· to help record the effect on the environment from the building,
· to increase the attraction to the building
· to gradually improve the quality of the building and thereby increase the
knowledge amongst those who are involved in the project and,
· to reduce the annual running costs of the building.

Eco-cycle adapted homes

Eco-cycle adapted homes are built from raw material and resources that are
carefully taken from nature. The homes should be used, reused and recycled
using minimal resources and without damaging the environment.

Environmental policy
The project and the company involved need to have a common environmental
policy and express clear opinions on the aims of the project.

Information about the site

Before starting the planning and designing of the project, the following should
be surveyed:

· Topography. Maps, etc

· Information about the property; area measurements, potential hold ups,
planning permission, structural plans, a comprehensive development plan,
land use plan, ordinance survey maps etc.
· Microclimate
· Geology
· Hydrology
· Flora and fauna
· Local building tradition
· Type of nearby village or city. Styles of buildings.

· Public transportation from the building site to the city
· Noise from immediate surroundings
· Electric power lines, telephone lines
· Water quality, quantity and supply
· Sewage and waste water treatment
· Waste handling
· Radon in the earth
· Electromagnetic fields
· Agenda 21 in the community

A programme built of visions

Social ideal vision
An ideal vision means just an ideal vision. Write down dreams without any
compromises. Try to figure out together with the client a vision in your mind’s
eye of what your dream home and environment looks like. Try to figure out
what kind of client will live in the village? How much space do they need? How
do they live? What are their expectations of how the site should be maintained?
Can we combine living, working, leisure activities and culture in the same place
or should we plan somewhere we only stay in at night? Can we describe a
development plan taking into consideration a vision of future needs? Can we
describe new lifestyles of quality and responsibility for the future? Can we
produce a settlement together – a living space - which is socially, ecologically,
technically, economically sustainable?

Ecological and technical ideal vision

Building material. Paint. Building methods and techniques.. Electric
installations. Supply of heat. Ventilation. Waste water treatment (grey water,
faeces, urine). Storm water treatment. Water supply. Heating using passive and
active solar power. Cooling. Energy efficiency. Handling of waste (composting,
reusing, recycling). Visible eco-cycle systems. Management. Maintenance. Food
production. Co-operation between the ”eco-villagers” and the farmers. Etc.

Economic ideal vision

Investment cost.
Financing cost.
Annual cost.
Life cycle cost.
Community cost.

Summing up and realization

The final programme consists of all the above ideal visions, which once decided
upon, should not be changed, but adhered to keep the total vision alive.

In green projects you need a project manager from the first ideas until maintenance

The project organisation must be decided upon early in the process, with each
member’s responsibilities made clear. One person should be appointed super-
visor of the whole process from the outset, until the project is up and running
and the houses become homes. This is important for controlling and
monitoring the environmental design and the general quality of the building.

The whole process is a learning curve. The client and his organisation, the local
authorities, the contractors and their employees, the suppliers and those who are
going to buy the homes, must be educated and informed about why we have to
build environmentally friendly and eco-cycle adapted homes, what we can learn
from other projects and how ideas and experiences can be shared. Living in
green homes becomes a new way of life.

From our green village projects we have learned the following:
Building green villages is a step towards a society where we live more in balance
with nature, technology and each other.

Green villages are examples of how the inhabitants, together with architects and
planners, can design and take responsibility for their own homes from a
sustainable view point.

The green village inhabitants take an active part in the development and
maintenance of the village.

Green villages use less energy than other housing developments.

The land in and around the village can be used for cultivation and animal

Green villages create communities set at a level somewhere between kinship and
society at large.

Green villages can reduce living costs partly through low energy consumption
and partly by own production of goods and economical green house keeping.

Green villages are more than just housing: workshops and day care centres,
among other facilities, are available to the villagers and other neighbourhoods.

Final words
For more than thirty years, we have been working with what we today call
“green” architecture and eco-cycle planning. From our experience, we have
found that if you want to build “green” architecture, you need to have an ideal
vision. Never start with a compromise.

Bring all these ideas together in a building or planning programme to create a

holistic vision. The economical aspect is very important. For further reading on
this subject, I suggest the following book by Margret Kennedy: “Inflation free
economy”. Today’s interest rate in the western world is impossible to pay. It is
modern slavery: we pay for it by hard work while simultaneously spoiling

We – my wife and I - have tried to practice what we preach. Credibility is an

important part of our image. We live in a “green” village. We have built a green
home and office. We can produce half our food ourselves. We try to buy what
we need from the local market. We have a small loan with only 1,9% interest
(The normal rate in Sweden is between 5-6%). We drive a car powered by
ethanol. We buy our electricity powered by windmills. We work with green
projects. We believe it is possible to live “green”. It
is fun it is cheap and it is less time consuming.

The stairway towards the eco-cycle adapted society (Nils Tiberg)

Which type of society should we start promoting? Today’s, or an eco-cycle
adapted society? Few of us actively recycle our waste products. We must start
using less material, reuse and reduce our rubbish production. We must look for
materials that last for long time. We must change our lifestyle and reduce our
consumption if we ever want to reach the eco-cycle adapted society vision.
Where are you standing on the stairway? Are you a part of the problem or a
part of the solution?

To make the right decisions in the future on a global, local or private level you
must have a holistic vision. Cities and human beings are a part of nature. It is
nature that makes the demands now and in the future. We human beings must
listen to nature, understand it and see its limitations. If we want to build houses
and cities, we must do it together with nature. Once we have understood the
holistic idea, we are ready to meet the future as individuals, as members of the
global family coexisting with other travelling companions on the globe.

Companies that cannot make money in an ecological way, can in the

future find that there is no money to make.

A housing area built up around an ecological vision

Anders Nyquist
Architect SAR/MSA

Anders Nyquist Arkitektkontor AB

Pråmviken 128

Tel.: 46-(0)60-362 80
Fax.: 46-(0)60-364 69
Car: 46-(0)70- 399 88 68


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