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MUMAX Summary

Xavier Cazor
February 2022

1 Introduction
MUMAX is an open source GPU powered micro-magnetic simulation program
which work with ferromagnetic magnetization properties exclusively by ten-
dency of align of ferromagnetic materials, for this simulation program MUMAX
describe magnetization as a continuous vector field as:

M (r, t) = Ms (r)m(r, t) (1)

This simulation program works in time intervals of ∆t = picoseconds and with

a lenght scale form 1nm to 1µm.
Magnetization dynamics is given by Laudau-Lifshitz-Gibert (LLG) equation:
ṁ = [m × Hef f + αm × (m × Hef f )] (2)
1 + a2

m × Hef f : damping coefficient

αm × (m × Hef f ): precision coefficient


Hef f : − µ01Ms δm : derivative of the energy into the magnetization field.

1.1 Adaptations of LLG equation

There is some adaptations to the LLG equation given by:
• Spin transfer torques:
ṁ = [m × Hef f + αm × (m × Hef f )] + τST T (3)
1 + a2

• Additional random effective field terms with temperature scales affection:

Hef f => Hef f + Hth (4)

where B.C:
– < Hth (r, t) >= 0
2kB T α
– < Hth (r, t), Hth (r′ , t′ ) >= Ms γ δ(r − r′ )δ(t − t′ )

1.2 Approaches to minimize free energy functional

• Standard minimization scheme (Steepest gradient)
• (LLG) equation with strong damping

ṁ = −m × (m × Hef f ) (5)

1.3 Script code

Code lenguaje is based on golang subset, similar to C++ and PhP.

1.4 Discretization
Remembering that the micro-magnetic theory is a continuous phenomena we
must be able to discretize the system to can solve it numerically, MUMAX di-
vide into cell the macro-model with an uniform magnetization condition, and
in every cell we will have a vector which give us information about the magne-

In example:
s e t g r i d s i z e (256 ,64 ,1)
s e t c e l l s i z e ( 1 e −9 ,1 e −9 ,1 e −9)
Notice that cell size must be thinner than grid size.
N.B: The cuda fft library is optimized for grid size dimensions with small prime

1.5 Shapes
MUMAX also allows us to use personalized shapes which is considered as a
function f(x,y,z), for that it have a special shape code section that can allows
us, to rotate, move, and cut different shapes as we need it. It´s important to
notice that all the shapes will be generated at the center of the grid, which
means in the origin (0,0,0)

In example:

Rotated c h e e s e

d := 200 e−9 \\ d i m e n s i o n o f s q u a r e
sq := s q u a r e d ( d )

h := 50 e−9
h o l e := c y l i n d e r ( h , h )
h o l e 1 := h o l e . t r a n s 1 ( 1 0 0 e −9 ,0 ,0)
h o l e 2 := h o l e . t r a n s 1 (0 , −50 e −9 ,0)

c h e s s e := sq . sub ( h o l e 1 ) . sub ( h o l e 2 )
chesse = chesse . r o t z ( pi /6)

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