Roald Dahl - Verb Tenses Revision

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Read the text and put the verbs in the correct tense

Roald Dahl _____ (TO BE) one of the greatest storytellers the world has ever known.
He _____ (SELL) well over 200 million books. Maybe you also know stories like Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr Fox, The BFG and Matilda from the film versions.
Roald _____ (BE BORN) in Llandaff in Wales on 13 September 1916. His parents were
both from Norway but they decided _____ (MOVE) to the UK before he was born.
During his childhood, he _____ (GO) to several different boarding schools. He didn't enjoy
_____ (LIVE) away from his parents for most of the year. Teachers ______ (NOT / TREAT)
him very well, he was usually punished.
Roald hated violence and cruel behaviour, and in many of his stories, the main characters
are treated cruelly by their family, carers or teachers. Fortunately, his stories usually
_______ (HAVE) a happy ending.
_____ you _____ ever (HEAR) of any of these stories?
Listen to some information about him and answer the questions

1. How old was he when he joined the British Air Force?

2. What did he do during the war?

● He was a doctor
● He was a pilot
● He was a soldier

3. Where did he go after the war?

4. What were his first stories about?

5. How many children did he have?

What is your favourite Roald Dahl story? Write a paragraph describing your favourite
character and why you like him/her so much.

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