Reenaction Budget - Reaction Paper

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The Philippine government has been under immense pressure to pass its 2019 budget.

However, with
the current impasse in Congress, the government has been forced to operate under a reenacted budget,
which allocates the same amount of funds as the 2018 budget.

I can infer from the video that there were numerous issues with the reenacted budget. There can be
positive effects that might help the Philippines manage its finances better, but there might be negative
effects, such as a slowing in economic development.

One of the main benefits of the reenacted budget is that it will force the government to be more
disciplined in its spending. With the same amount of money being allocated as last year, the government
will have to carefully prioritize its spending in order to avoid overspending. This will help to ensure that
taxpayer money are being used efficiently and effectively.

This could lead to a more efficient use of government funds, as the government will be forced to focus
on priority programs and projects. By streamlining the government's budget, fewer taxpayer dollars will
be wasted on unnecessary programs and projects. The proposed budget includes several measures that
aim to increase transparency and reduce corruption. For example, funds will be automatically released
to designated recipients, and there will be more oversight of how those funds are used. This could help
to reduce the opportunity for officials to misuse or embezzle funds.

While the reenacted budget may have some benefits, it is also important to consider the potential
drawbacks. One of the main risks is that it could lead to a slowdown in economic growth. The budget
deficit will likely increase in the coming years, which will put strain on the government's ability to invest
in new infrastructure projects or provide other forms of economic stimulus. This could lead to slower
economic growth and less opportunity for people across the country.

In addition, If the reenacted budget is not successful in reducing government spending, it could lead to
an increase in government debt. This is because the government would have to borrow money to cover
any shortfall in funding, which could put further strain on the country's finances.

Therefore, reenacted budget has its own weakness and strength. Ultimately, it is up to the government
to carefully manage the reenacted budget in order to maximize its potential benefits and minimize its

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