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00538 Financial Information: Auditors: Ernst & Young

BANK BUMIPUTERA INDONESIA, PT 31.12.04 31.12.05 Ticker Symbol: BMRI (Jakarta Stock Exchange)
Address: 14/F Wisma Bumiputera, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav Rp’000 Rp’000 Status: Public Company
75, Jakarta 12910 Profit before tax 4,506,050,000 5,123,618,000 Principal Shareholders: Negara RI (85%)
International tel: +62 (21) 570-1626 Profit after tax 3,195,421,000 3,597,400,000 Date of Establishment: 1998
International fax: +62 (21) 570-1635 Earnings per share RP360 RP406 Financial Information: Consolidated figures
Company email: Share capital 1,537,902,000 1,539,888,000 31.12.04 31.12.05
Website: Shareholders’ equity 13,925,401,000 15,847,154,000 Rp’000 Rp’000
Board of Directors: Adi Asri bin Baharom (Director), Achmad Total Assets 148,750,248,000 150,180,752,000 Profit before tax 7,525,002,000 1,232,553,000
Fadhiel (Director), Ghazali bin Mohd Rasad (President Direc- Profit after tax 5,255,631,000 603,369,000
tor), Boing Sudrajat (Director) Earnings per share RP262.15 RP29.90
00540 Share capital 10,066,427,000 10,127,859,000
Board of Commissioners: Harith bin Harun (Commissioner), BANK INTERNASIONAL INDONESIA TBK, PT
Bhupatrai Mansukhlal Premji (President Commissioner) Shareholders’ equity 24,934,707,000 23,214,722,000
Senior Executives: Tan Khen Lian (Company Secretary) Address: Plaza BII, 6/F Menara II, Jl. M H Thamrin Kav 22 - Deposits 81,221,639,000 112,726,204,000
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Banking 51, Jakarta 10350 Total Assets 248,155,827,000 263,383,348,000
Branch Offices: Balikpapan; Bandung (two branches); Den- International tel: +62 (21) 230-0888; +62 (21) 391-5585
pasar; Jakarta Barat (five branches); Jakarta Pusat (four International fax: +62 (21) 334-609; +62 (21) 314-2024
branches); Jakarta Selatan (12 branches); Jakarta Timur; Telex: 61691
Jakarta Utara; Jambi; Medan (three branches); Pekanbaru Company email:;
(three branches); Surabaya (five branches) Website:
Ticker Symbol: BABP (Jakarta Stock Exchange) Board of Directors: Satinder Pal Singh Ahluwalia (Director), 00542
Armand Bachtiar Arief (Deputy President Director), Rudy
Status: Public Company
N Hamdani (Director), Henry Ho Ho Cheong (President Di-
Principal Shareholders: CHE Abdul Daim Bin Haji Zainudin BNI
(58%); AJB Bumiputera 1912 (41%) rector), Prem Kumar (Director), Dira K Mochtar (Director),
Fransiska Oei (Director), Sukatmo Padmosukarso (Director) Address: PO Box 2955, Gedung Bank Negara Indonesia, Jl.
Financial Information:
Board of Commissioners: Choi In Gyu (Commissioner), Yong- Jend Sudirman Kav 1, Jakarta 10220
31.12.04 31.12.05
Kook On (Commissioner), Peter Seah Lim Huat (President International tel: +62 (21) 572-8387
Rp’000 Rp’000
Commissioner), Thomas Sodano (Commissioner), Ernest International fax: +62 (21) 572-8805; +62 (21) 572-8805
Investment income 220,255,720 –
Wong Yuen Weng (Commissioner) Telex: 65214; 65306; 65375
Profit (loss) before tax 44,783,403 (65,211,253)
Management: Rita Mas’oen (Chief Operating Officer) Website:
Profit (loss) after tax 31,642,564 (48,104,709)
Senior Executives: Dicky Yanuardi Noorkalam (Head of Cor- Board of Directors: Kemal Baiquni (Director), Achil Ridwan
Earnings (loss) per RP16 (RP24)
porate Banking), Birman Prabowo (Head of Commercial Djajadiningrat (Director), Suroto Moehadji (Director), Fero
Banking), Talip Rahman (Head of Business Management Poerbonegoro (Director), Sigit Pramono (President Direc-
Share capital 200,000,000 200,000,000
Information Systems), Jang Ki Sung (Head of IT), Djaja tor), Bien Subiantoro (Director), I Supomo (Director), Gatot
Shareholders’ equity 268,384,727 204,115,014
Surjanto Sutandar (Head of National Sales) Mudiantoro Suwondo (Vice President Director), Tjahjana
Total Assets 3,255,551,388 4,317,051,947
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Commercial banking Tjakrawinta (Director)
Branch Offices: 57 branches and 123 sub-branches. Over- Board of Commissioners: Zaki Baridwan (President Com-
seas branches: Cayman Islands; Cook Islands; Manila; missioner), Effendi (Commissioner), J B Kristiadi (Commis-
Mumbai; Singapore sioner), H M S Latif (Commissioner), Suwarsono (Deputy
Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): BII Fi- President Commissioner)
nance Company Ltd (Hong Kong Sar); PT BII Finance Centre Senior Executives: Intan Abdams Katoppo (Company Secre-
00539 Jakarta tary)
Address: 12/F Wisma BCA, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 22-23, Ticker Symbol: BNII (Jakarta Stock Exchange) Branch Offices: 630 branches and offices throughout Indone-
Jakarta 12920 Status: Public Company sia
International tel: +62 (21) 571-1250; +62 (21) 520-8750; Principal Shareholders: Sorak Financial Holdings Pte Ltd Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): PT BNI
+62 (21) 520-8650 (57%); PT PPA/Sub Rek Saham Bank (21%) Multi Finance; PT BNI Nomura Jafco Manajemen Ventura
International fax: +62 (21) 571-0928; +62 (21) 570-1865 Date of Establishment: 1959 (51%); PT BNI Securities; PT BNI Ventura Satu (51%)
Telex: 60764 No of Employees: 8,200 Principal Banks: American Express Bank (USA); American Na-
Website: Financial Information: Consolidated figures tional Bank of Austin (USA); Ameritrust Company NA (USA);
Board of Directors: Dhalia Mansor Ariotedjo (Director), 31.12.04 31.12.05 Amsouth Bank of Alabama (USA); ANZ Bank Group (Aus-
Suwignyo Budiman (Director), Anthony B Elam (Director), Rp’000 Rp’000 tralia); Arab African International Bank (Egypt); Arab Bank-
Jahja Setiaatmadja (Director), Djohan E Setijoso (Presi- Profit before tax 815,213,000 916,252,000 ing Corporation (Bahrain); Arab Land Bank (Egypt); ASB
dent Director), Subur Tan (Director), Aswin Wirjadi (Deputy Profit after tax 821,582,000 752,118,000 Bank Ltd (New Zealand); Banco Bradesco (Brazil); Banco do
President Director) Earnings per share RP17 RP15 Brasil (Brazil); Banco Nacionale di Mexico; Banco Popular
Board of Commissioners: Renaldo Barros (Commissioner), Share capital 3,216,192,000 3,216,192,000 de Puerto Rico; Bank of America NT (USA); Bank of Boston
Eugene K Galbraith (President Commissioner), Cyrinus Shareholders’ equity 4,210,800,000 4,708,425,000 (USA); Bank of Montreal (Canada); Bank of New Zealand;
Harinowo (Commissioner), Tonny Kusnadi (Commissioner), Bank deposits – 1,879,269,000 Bank of Nova Scotia (Canada); Bank of Western Australia;
Raden Pardede (Commissioner) Customers’ deposits – 36,917,302 Bank Ohio National Bank (USA); Banky Fampadorosoana
Senior Executives: Gregorius Hanyanto (Head of Consumer Total Assets 36,077,143,000 49,026,180,000 ny Varota (Madagascar); Banque de l’Agriculture (Algeria);
Credit), Johnny Harjawan (Head of Credit Card Centre), Mr Banque du Caire (Egypt); Banque MISR (Egypt); Banque
Hermanto (Head of Legal and Compliance), Ricki Immanuel Nationale Agricole (Tunisia); Banque Nationale d’Algeria;
(Head of Finance and Accounting), Roy Kemur (Head of 00541 Barclays Bank of Canada; Commonwealth Bank of Aus-
Treasury), Indra Kuntoro (Head of Human Resources), Iwan BANK MANDIRI, PT tralia; Dresdner Bank (Canada); Faysal Islamic Bank of
Kusumobagio (Head of Logistics), Stephen Liestyo (Head of Address: 25/F Plaza Mandiri, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav Bahrain; National Australia Bank Ltd; National Australia
Consumer Banking), Purnomo Nurhalim (Head of Training), 36-38, Jakarta 12190 Bank of New Zealand; National Bank of Bahrain; National
David Harijadi Pangestu (Head of Operational Development), International tel: +62 (21) 526-5045; +62 (21) 5296-4023 Bank of Canada; National Bank of Egypt; National Bank of
Lena Setiawatin (Corporate Secretary), Eva Sumampouw International fax: +62 (21) 526-5008; +62 (21) 5296-4024 New Zealand; Royal Bank of Canada; Société Tunisienne
(Head of International Banking), Rudy Susanto (Head of Website: de Banque (Tunisia); St. George Bank Ltd (Australia); State
Credit Risk Analysis), Inawaty Suwardi (Head of Internal Board of Directors: Omar S Anwar (Director of Consumer Bank of New South Wales (Australia); Toronto-Dominio Bank
Audit), Darius Wanardi (Head of Information Systems) Banking), Thomas Arifin (Director), Agus Martowardojo (Canada); Westpac Banking Corporation (Australia)
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Commercial and retail banking (President Director), I Wayan Agus Mertayasa (Vice Pres- Auditors: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Branch Offices: 795 domestic branches. Overseas branches: ident Director), Abdul Rachman (Director), Riswinandi Ticker Symbol: BBNI (Jakarta Stock Exchange)
Nassau, Bahamas; New York, USA. Representative offices: (Director), Budi Gunadi Sadikin (Director), Sasmita (Director), Status: Public Company
Singapore; Hong Kong Sentot Sentausa (Director), Bambang Setiawan (Director), Principal Shareholders: Government of Indonesia
Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): BCA Fi- Zulkifli Zaini (Director of Distribution Network) Date of Establishment: 1946
nance Ltd, Hong Kong; BCA Remittance Ltd, Hong Kong; PT Board of Commissioners: Richard Claproth (Commissioner), No of Employees: 15,250
Bank Dana Asia (50%); PT Central Sari Finance Corporation Edwin Gerungan (President Commissioner), Muchayat (Vice Financial Information: Consolidated figures
Auditors: Prasetio, Utomo & Co President Commissioner), Soedarjono (Commissioner) 31.12.04 31.12.05
Principal Law Firm: Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners Senior Executives: Ekoputro Adijayanto (Company Secretary) Rp’000 Rp’000
Ticker Symbol: BBCA (Jakarta Stock Exchange) PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Banking Profit before tax 3,139,264,000 2,255,783,000
Status: Public Company Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): Bank Profit after tax 3,136,090,000 1,417,104,000
Principal Shareholders: Farindo Investments (Mauritius) Ltd Mandiri (Europe) Limited (UK); PT Asuransi Jiwa Mandiri; Earnings per share RP236 RP106
(52%) PT Bank Syariah Mandiri; PT Bumi Daya Plaza (93%); PT Share capital 7,042,194,000 7,042,194,000
Date of Establishment: 1955 Mandiri Sekuritas (92%); PT Usaha Gedung Bank Dagang Shareholders’ equity 12,858,301,000 11,894,914,000
No of Employees: 21,556 Negara (99%) Total Assets 136,481,584,000 147,812,206,000


Principal Shareholders: Tjin Kiat @ Tan Cheng Keat (5.87%); Financial Information: Consolidated figures 00900
Lee Ng Mah @ Lee Wai Chan (5.81%) 31.12.04 31.12.05 AFFIN BANK BERHAD
Date of Establishment: 1985 RM’000 RM’000
No of Employees: 113 (Group); 112 (Company) Sales turnover 75,274 80,409
Financial Information: Profit (loss) before tax (12,724) (5,572) Address: 17Fl Menara Affin, 80 Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200
31.12.04 31.12.05 Profit (loss) after tax (12,712) (4,340) Kuala Lumpur
RM’000 RM’000 Earnings (loss) per (16.28sen) (5.35sen) International tel: +60 (3) 2055-9000; +60 (3) 2055-9020
Sales turnover 22,564 22,595 share International fax: +60 (3) 2026-1415
Profit before tax 3,380 2,925 Share capital 40,000 40,248 Telex: 30448 HABIB MA; 32594 HABIB MA
Profit after tax 2,432 2,051 Shareholders’ equity 41,614 36,611 Company email:
Dividend per share 4.00sen 2.00sen Website:
Earnings per share 5.93sen 5.00sen Board of Directors: Dato’ Seri Ismail Haji Omar (Chairman),
Share capital 41,009 41,009 Dato’ Razman Md Che Din Md Hashim (Director), Dato’
Shareholders’ equity 48,615 49,979 00898 Abdul Hamidy bin Abdul Haziz (Managing Director), Dr Raja
Abdul Malek Raja Jallaludin (Director), Dato’ Haji Lodin Wok
AEON CO (M) BHD Kamaruddin (Director), Dr Lee Chee Kuon (Director), Dato’
Former name: Jaya Jusco Stores Bhd Seri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor (Director), Dato’ Abdul Aziz
00896 Address: 3rd Floor JUSCO Taman Maluri Shopping Centre, Abdul Rahman (Director)
ADVENTA BERHAD Jalan Jejaka, Taman Maluri - Cheras, 55100 Kuala Lumpur Management: Rohit Bhargava (Director of Consumer Bank-
Address: 1 Jalan 8, Pengkalan Chepa 2 Industrial Zone, International tel: +60 (3) 9207-2005 ing), Dato’ Abdul Hamidy Abdul Hafiz (President and CEO),
16100 Kota Bahru, Kelantan International fax: +60 (3) 9207-2006; +60 (3) 4149-0333 Zulkifee Abbas Abdul Hamid (Director of Enterprise Bank-
International tel: +60 (9) 774-4332 Website: ing), Ms Maimoonah Hussain (Director, Corporate and
International fax: +60 (9) 771-3072 Board of Directors: Dato’ Abdullah bin Mohd Yusof (Chair- Islamic Banking Division), Kamarul Ariffin Mohd Jamil (Se-
Board of Directors: Edmond Cheah Swee Leng (Chairman), man), Toshiji Tokiwa (Vice Chairman), Ramli bin Ibrahim nior Vice President, Corporate Strategy Division), Nimma
Low Chin Guan (Managing Director), Kwek Siew Leng (Di- (Director), Datuk Zawawi bin Mahmuddin (Director), Na- Safira Khalid (Company Secretary), Wahid Ali Mohd Khalil
rector), Norraesah Binti Mohamed (Director), Toh Seng gahisa Oyama (Managing Director), Mohd Idris bin Saman (Director, Banking Operations Division), Mohamad Aslan
Thong (Director) (Director), Dato’ Chew Kong Seng (Director), Tatsuichi Khan (Senior Vice President, Special Asset Management
Senior Executives: Chua Siew Chuan (Company Secretary) Yamaguchi (Director), Masato Yokoyama (Director) Division), Ahmad Ghuzal Mohd Tahir (Human Resources
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Investment holding company with Management: Encik A Rashid bin Adam (General Manager Manager)
subsidiaries involved in the manufacture and sale of sur- Corporate Affairs), Puan Nur Qamarina Chew (General Man- Senior Executives: Khatimah Mahadi (Chief Internal Auditor),
gical latex gloves, and the generation and transmission of ager New Business Development), Poh Ying Loo (General Azlan Rashid (Head of Information Technology), Lean Meng
electricity Manager, Finance), Yaacob bin Mahmud (General Man- Seong (Chief Operating Officer), Low Choon Seong (Head of
Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): Ad- ager Logistics & Loss Control), Puan Noryahwati Mohd. Credit Risk Management), Tan Kok Toon (Head of Treasury)
venta Health Sdn Bhd; American Healthcare (Malaysia) Sdn Noh (General Manager, Human Resource, Administration PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: All aspects of banking and related
Bhd; Cozena Ltd (Hong Kong Sar); Kevenoll SA (Uruguay); & DOSH), Chong Swee Ying (General Manager Store & financial services including Islamic Banking. Subsidiary
Nusaco Sdn Bhd; Profit Point Manufacturing Sdn Bhd; Purn- Shopping Centre Operations) companies are involved in factoring of credit facilities,
abina Sdn Bhd; Suizze Health Ltd; Terang Nusa Sdn Bhd; Senior Executives: Saw Bee Lean (Company Secretary), Lum property management services, and nominee and trustee
Ulma International GmbH (Germany) Chee Yeng (Company Secretary) services
Principal Banks: Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad; RHB Bank PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Operation of a chain of superstores Company History: Perwira Affin Bank Berhad and BSN Com-
Berhad; Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad and shoping centres selling a broad range of goods includ- mercial Bank merged in January 2001 and adopted the
Auditors: Ernst & Young ing clothing, food, household goods, other merchandise new name of Affin Bank Berhad (Affinbank
ISIN: MYL7191OO009 Principal Banks: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd Branch Offices: 87
Status: Public Company (Malaysia) Berhad; Malayan Banking Berhad; Bumiputra Parent Company: Affin Holdings Berhad, Malaysia (00901)
Financial Information: Group figures Commerce Bank Berhad Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): ABB
31.1.05 31.1.06 Auditors: KPMG Desa Megat & Co Nominee (Asing) Sdn Bhd; ABB Nominee (Tempatan) Sdn
RM’000 RM’000 Ticker Symbol: JUSCO (Malaysia) Bhd; ABB Trustee Berhad; Affin Factors Sdn Bhd; PAB
Sales turnover 104,035 126,084 ISIN: MYL6599OO004 Properties Sdn Bhd
Profit before tax 12,612 13,677 Status: Public Company Auditors: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Profit after tax 11,429 14,869 Principal Shareholders: AEON Co Ltd (45.76%) Status: Public Company
Dividend per share – 0.30sen Date of Establishment: 1996 Principal Shareholders: Affin Holdings Berhad
Earnings per share 3.91sen 3.28sen No of Employees: 3,962 (Group) Date of Establishment: 1975
Share capital 45,000 45,000 Financial Information: Consolidated figures No of Employees: 3,345 (Group); 3,324 (Bank)
Shareholders’ equity 90,985 104,365 28.2.05 28.2.06 Financial Information: Consolidated figures
RM’000 RM’000 31.12.04 31.12.05
Sales turnover 1,784,564 1,962,445 RM’000 RM’000
00897 Profit before tax 99,010 112,198 Profit before tax 176,641 229,352
AE MULTI HOLDINGS BERHAD Profit after tax 62,247 73,204 Profit after tax 156,714 167,489
Dividend 15,163 – Earnings per share 15.4sen 14.2sen
Address: 51-8-B Menara BHL Bank, Jalan Sultan Ahmad
Dividend per share – 10.8sen Share capital 1,017,281 1,290,283
Shah, 10050 Penang
Earnings per share 36.6sen 41.7sen Shareholders’ equity 1,548,714 2,091,820
International tel: +60 (4) 227-9828
Share capital 175,500 175,500 Bank deposits 471,010 905,942
International fax: +60 (4) 227-9800
Shareholders’ equity 563,810 621,851 Customers’ deposits 12,498,829 17,839,098
Board of Directors: Wu-Hsiung Yang (Chairman), Saffie bin
Bakar (Director), Yeoh Cheng Han (Director), Tan Ah Lee Total Assets 18,030,771 25,004,412
(Director), Wee Cheong Poh (Director), Chao-Tung Yang
(Managing Director)
Senior Executives: Wong Yee Lin (Company Secretary), Foo Li 00899 00901
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Investment holding and management Address: Batu 8, Jalan Batu Caves, 68100 Batu Caves, Address: 1/F Bangunan LTAT, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100
company with subsidiaries engaged in the manufacture and Selangor Kuala Lumpur
sale of printed circuit boards, chemical processing, pro- International tel: +60 (3) 6189-8066 International tel: +60 (3) 2142-9569
vision of waste water treatment facilities, waste recycling International fax: +60 (3) 6189-6055; +60 (3) 6185-3633 International fax: +60 (3) 2143-1057
services and the trading of industrial chemicals Company email: Website:
Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): AE Cor- Website: Board of Directors: Gen (R) Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohd Zahidi
poration (M) Sdn Bhd; AE Multi Industries Sdn Bhd; Fensoll Board of Directors: Florence Suit Ling Choo (Executive Direc- bin Haji Zainuddin (Chairman), Raja Dato’ Seri Aman bin
Technology Sdn Bhd tor), Choo Fook Yen (Managing Director) Raja Haji Ahmad (Director), Dato’ Mustafa bin Mohamad
Principal Banks: Malayan Banking Berhad; Hong Leong Bank Senior Executives: Yu Kee Kai (Marketing Manager) Ali (Director), Maj Gen Dato’ Mohamed Isa bin Che Kak (Di-
Berhad; Bangkok Bank PCL PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Manufacture and distribution of latex rector), Datuk Azzat bin Kamaludin (Director), Tan Sri Dato’
Auditors: JB Lau & Associates foam mattresses and other bedding products Lodin bin Wok Kamaruddin (Managing Director)
Principal Law Firm: Wong Beh & Toh Trade Names: AEROFOAM, THERAPEDIC, MYLATEX Senior Executives: Sharifah Malek (Company Secretary)
Ticker Symbol: AEM (Malaysia) Status: Private Company PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Investment holding company with
ISIN: MYL7146OO003 Date of Establishment: 1969 subsdiaries involved in commercial and merchant banking,
Status: Public Company No of Employees: 200 property management, share nominee services, trustee
Principal Shareholders: Stanza Corporation Sdn Bhd Financial Information: management services, money-broking, stock-broking, asset
(17.79%); Peninsular Accord Sdn Bhd (12.96%) 2003 management, unit trust management, insurance broking,
Date of Establishment: 1990 RM’000 leasing and hire purchase financing and factoring services,
No of Employees: 461 (Group) Sales turnover 25,000 and general insurance


Website: Financial Information: Group figures 04137

Board of Directors: Fock Siew Wah (Chairman), Goh Choon 31.3.05 31.3.06 SINGAPORE BRITISH ENGINEERING PTE
Phong (President) S$’000 S$’000
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Provision of air cargo transporta- Revenue 12,012,900 13,341,100
tion and related activities; provision of cargo community Profit before tax 1,791,000 1,662,100 Address: 435 Orchard Road, #19-02 Wisma Atria, Singapore
systems Profit after tax 1,403,700 1,309,500 238877
Parent Company: Singapore Airlines Limited, Singapore Dividend 426,400 487,600 International tel: +65 6735-8328
(04135) Dividend per share 40.0c 45.0c International fax: +65 6735-8233
Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): Earnings per share 111.0c 101.6c PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Marketing of BAE Systems defence
Cargo Community Network Pte Ltd (51%); Cargo Com- Share capital 609,100 1,202,600 products
munity(Shanghai) Co Ltd (51%) (People’s Republic of China) Shareholders’ equity 11,733,200 12,268,000 Parent Company: BAE Systems plc, UK
Auditors: Ernst & Young Status: Private Company
Status: Private Company Principal Shareholders: BAE Systems (UK) (51%); Singapore
Principal Shareholders: Singapore Airlines Limited (100%) Technologies (49%)
Date of Establishment: 2000
No of Employees: 987
Financial Information:
31.3.05 31.3.06
Revenue 2,864,500 3,244,600 PTE LTD
Profit after tax 182,500 135,300 04136 Address: 20 Jurong Port Road, Jurong Town, Singapore
LIMITED International tel: +65 6265-0707
International fax: +65 6265-2226
SATS Company email:
Former name: Singapore Airport Terminal Services (Pte) Ltd Website:
Address: 20 Airport Boulevard, SATS Inflight Catering Centre Board of Directors: Renny Yeo (Chairman), Phyllis Fong
1, Singapore 819659 (Director), Yap Chee Kah (Managing Director)
International tel: +65 6542-5555; +65 6541-8100; Management: Stanley Chong (Sales Manager), Loh Yook
04135 +65 6541-8153 Leng (Finance and Administration Manager)
SINGAPORE AIRLINES LIMITED International fax: +65 6543-2063; +65 6541-8154 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Wholesale of wires and electrical
Address: Airline House, 25 Airline Road, Singapore 819829 Telex: 21143 SIASIN RS cables
International tel: +65 6542-3333 Company email: Parent Company: Draka Holding NV, Netherlands
International fax: +65 6542-3002; +65 6545-6083 Website: Principal Banks: DBS Bank Ltd; Hongkong & Shanghai Bank-
Company email:; Board of Directors: Edmund Cheng Wai Wing (Chairman), ing Corporation Chew Choon Seng (Deputy Chairman), Dr Richard Charles Auditors: KPMG
Website: Helfer (Director), Dr Hong Hai (Director), Khaw Kheng Joo Status: Private Company
Board of Directors: Stephen Lee Ching Yen (Chairman), Chew (Director), Ng Kee Choe (Director), Dr Ow Chin Hock (Di- Principal Shareholders: Draka Holding NV (95.9%)
Choon Seng (Chief Executive Officer), Chia Pei-Yuan (Di- rector), Michael Tan Jiak Ngee (Director), Yeo Chee Tong Date of Establishment: 1975
rector), Fock Siew Wah (Director), David Michael Gonski (Director) No of Employees: 75
(Director), Charles B Goode (Director), Ho Kwon Ping (Di- Management: John Chan Wai Leong (Senior Vice President,
rector), James Koh Cher Siang (Director), Sir Brian Pitman Corporate Business Planning and Development), Leong
(Director), Davinder Singh (Director) Yew Weng (Manager, Aerolog Express Pte Ltd), Leong Kok
Management: Bey Soo Khiang (Senior Executive Vice Pres- Hong (Senior Vice President, Cargo), Andrew Lim Cheng 04139
ident, Operations and Services), Chan Hon Chew (Senior Yueh (Acting Senior Vice President, Apron and Passenger SINGAPORE CEMENT MANUFACTURING
Vice President, Finance), Huang Cheng Eng (Executive Vice Services), Lim Kei Hin (Chief Financial Officer), Denis Marie
President, Marketing and the Regions), Hwang Teng Aun (General Manager, SATS Security Services Pte Ltd), Ng Chin COMPANY (PTE) LTD
(Senior Vice President, Special Projects), Loh Meng See Hwee (President and Group Chief Executive Officer), Karmjit Address: 40 Pulau Damar Laut, Singapore 729061
(Company Secretary), Loh Meng See (Senior Vice Pres- Singh (Chief Operating Officer), Frankie Tan Chiew Kuang International tel: +65 6268-6560; +65 6269-6550
ident, Human Resources), Mak Swee Wah (Senior Vice (Chief Executive Officer, Country Foods Pte Ltd), Tan Chuan International fax: +65 6266-6957; +65 6261-4381
President, Planning), Subhas Menon (Senior Vice President, Lye (Senior Vice President, Catering), Wong See Heng (Gen- Telex: 21727 HONLE
Americas), Ng Kian Wah (Senior Vice President, North Asia), eral Manager, Aero Laundry and Linen Services Pte Ltd), Board of Directors: T Inoue (Director), Kwek Hong Lye (Direc-
Thoeng Tjhoen Onn (Senior Vice President, Europe), Mervyn Ms Shireena Johan Woon (Company Secretary) tor), George Teo (Managing Director)
Sirisena (Senior Vice President, Engineering), Tan Chik PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Investment holding and rental of Management: Chia Hui Teck (Company Secretary)
Quee (Senior Vice President, West Asia and Africa), Paul premises with subsidiary companies involved in airfreight PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Import, storage and packing of ce-
Tan Wah Liang (Senior Vice President, South West Pacific), handling services, passenger services, baggage handling ment; eclusive distributorship of the Onoda brand of Ordi-
Tan Pee Tek (Senior Vice President, Cabin Crew), Teh Ping services and apron services; inflight catering services nary Portland Cement
Choon (Senior Vice President, South East Asia, Japan and including aircraft interior cleaning and cabin handling ser- Principal Banks: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd
Korea), Teoh Tee Hooi (Senior Vice President, Corporate vices; aviation security services; airline laundry services and Auditors: Wee Cheong Yew & Co
Services), Yap Kim Wah (Senior Vice President, Product and airport cargo delivery management services Status: Private Company
Services), Gerard Yeap Beng Hock (Senior Vice President, Parent Company: Singapore Airlines Limited, Singapore Principal Shareholders: Hong Leong Asia Ltd (33.33%);
Flight Operations) (04135) Taiheiyo Cement
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Passenger and cargo air transporta- Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): Aero Date of Establishment: 1961
tion, engineering services, training of pilots, airport terminal Laundry and Linen Services Pte Ltd; Aerolog Express Pte No of Employees: 30
services, air charters and tour wholesaling and related Ltd (70%); Country Foods Pte Ltd (67%); SATS Airport
activities Services Pte Ltd; SATS Catering Pte Ltd; SATS Security
Parent Company: Temasek Holdings (Private) Ltd, Singapore Services Pte Ltd
(04306) Principal Banks: DBS Bank Ltd; Oversea-Chinese Banking 04140
Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): Abacus Corporation SINGAPORE CHEMI-CON PTE LTD
Travel Systems Pte Ltd (61%); SIA Engineering Company Auditors: Ernst & Young Address: 17 Joo Yee Road, Jurong, Singapore 619201
Ltd (83.9%); SIA Mauritius Ltd (Mauritius); SilkAir (Singa- ISIN: SG1I52882764 International tel: +65 6268-2233
pore) Pte Ltd; Singapore Airlines Cargo Pte Ltd; Singapore Status: Public Company International fax: +65 6268-2237
Airlines Ltd (Germany); Singapore Airport Terminal Services Principal Shareholders: Singapore Airlines Ltd (83.2%) Telex: RS 26391 SPOCHM
Limited (83.2%); Singapore Aviation and General Insurance Date of Establishment: 15 December 1972 Website:
Company (Pte) Ltd; Singapore Flying College Pte Ltd No of Employees: 7,660 Management: A Nakagawa (Finance Manager), Eric Ng
Principal Banks: DBS Bank Ltd; United Overseas Bank Financial Information: Group figures (Sales Manager), Jessie Ng (Human Resources Manager),
Auditors: Ernst & Young 31.3.05 31.3.06 Kaname Takahashi (Managing Director)
ISIN: SG1H95001506 S$’000 S$’000 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Manufacture and sale of electronic
Status: Public Company Revenue 975,733 932,027 components, including aluminium electrolytic capacitators
Principal Shareholders: Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited Profit before tax 217,315 246,029 Parent Company: Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation, Japan
(56.41%); DBS Nominees Pte Ltd (11.56%); HSBC (Singa- Profit after tax 168,131 189,219 Principal Banks: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd; DBS
pore) Nominees Pte Ltd (7.63%); DBSN Services Pte Ltd Dividend 367,218 83,123 Bank Ltd
(5.56%) Dividend per share 9.0c 10.0c Auditors: Deloitte & Touche
Date of Establishment: 1972 Earnings per share 16.3c 18.1c Status: Private Company
No of Employees: 13,729 (average number of employees Share capital 147,079 179,812 Date of Establishment: 1974
2,005-2,006) Shareholders’ equity 913,908 1,022,630 No of Employees: 410


04485 04488 04491

Address: 18/F Ocean Tower 1, 170/57 Rachadapisek Road, Address: Ground Floor Ploenchit Tower Building, 898 Ploen- Address: Indra Regent Hotel, 120/126 Rajprarob Road,
Bangkok chit Road, Lumpini-Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Bangkok 10400
International tel: +66 (2) 261-2518 International tel: +66 (2) 305-7000 International tel: +66 (2) 208-0022
International fax: +66 (2) 261-2548 International fax: +66 (2) 263-0313 International fax: +66 (2) 208-0388
Company email: Company email: Telex: 82723 INDRA TH
Website: Website:; Company email:
Board of Directors: Chatchaval Bhanalaph (Chairman), Payont Board of Directors: Veraphan Teepsuwan (Chairman), Jarern Website:
Sakedjyont (Vice Chairman), Anuphong Assavabokhin (Chief Jirawisan (Director), Surachai Prukbamroong (Director), Board of Directors: Dr P A Poon (President)
Executive Officer), Jaroonsak Buntoonginda (Director), Dr Chet Raktakanishta (Director), Chusak Salee (Director), Management: Kosit Manowalailao (General Manager)
Naris Chaiyasoot (Director), Vilas Pilakasiri (Director), Pong Virojn Srethapramotaya (Director), Suwat Suksongkroh PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Operation of hotel; management and
Sarasin (Director), Shaw Sinhaseni (Director), Chaiyarat (Director), Metha Suvanasarn (Director), Laksan Thongthai ownership of commercial buildings
Thampeera (Director), Pichet Vipavasuphakorn (Director) (Director), Savang Tongsmutra (Director), Andreas Wilhelm Trade Names: Indra Regent Hotel
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Property development (Director) Status: Private Company
Ticker Symbol: AP (Thailand) Senior Executives: Adisorn Tantianankul (President), Sally Date of Establishment: 1967
Status: Public Company O’Hara (Chief Marketing Officer), Andreas Rosenthal (Chief No of Employees: 725
Financial Information: Actuary), Veera Srichanachaichok (Chief Financial Officer),
31.12.04 31.12.05 Sugunya Tongchenchitt (Chief Life Operations Officer) 04492
BT’000 BT’000 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Non-life insurance
Sales turnover 5,879,190 5,413,990 Parent Company: Allianz AG, Germany
Profit before tax 1,506,410 1,127,440 Principal Banks: Bank of Ayudhya Address: 210 Sukhumvit 64 Road, Phrakanong, Bangkok
Profit after tax 1,116,180 790,500 Auditors: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Jaiyos 10260
Earnings per share Bt0.48 Bt0.34 Ticker Symbol: AYUD (Thailand) International tel: +66 (2) 335-4999
Share capital 2,275,000 22,719,000 Status: Public Company International fax: +66 (2) 335-4009
Shareholders’ equity 4,412,640 3,994,890 Principal Shareholders: Allianz AG; Bangkok Broadcasting & Company email:
Television Co Ltd; Chai Thongthai; Great Fortune Equity Co Website:
Ltd Board of Directors: Tawat Ken-Unkoon (Chairman), Anusorn
Financial Information: Sangimnuan (President), Pichai Chunhavajira (Director),
04486 Wirat Iam-Ua-Yut (Director), Pranom Kowinviphat (Director),
31.12.04 31.12.05
ASIAN SEAFOODS COLDSTORAGE PCL BT’000 BT’000 Apisit Rujikeatkamjorn (Director), Chai-Anan Samudavanija
Address: 5/F 3388/14 Sirinrat Building, Rama IV Road Klong Premium income 1,386,190 1,529,290 (Director), Sayan Satangmongkol (Director), Nares Satta-
Ton, Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110 Investment income 243,890 215,150 yarak (Director), Nipon Suraponggrukchareon (Director),
International tel: +66 (2) 367 5300 Profit before tax 328,000 225,120 Chularat Suteethorn (Director)
International fax: +66 (2) 367 5302 Profit after tax 281,940 214,130 Management: Anusron Tamaji (Director)
Company email: Retained profit 1,376,200 440,580 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Oil refining; sale of petroleum prod-
Website: Earnings per share Bt1.13 Bt0.86 ucts; operation of filling stations
Board of Directors: Somsak Amornrattanachaikul (Chairman), Share capital 500,000 500,000 Trade Names: BANGCHAK
Somchai Amornrattanachaikul (Director), Sarita Bunnag Shareholders’ equity 5,095,210 5,477,540 Principal Banks: Krung Thai Bank
(Director), Sarawut Maneesaowanop (Director), Somboon Ticker Symbol: BCP (Thailand)
Phaobanchong (Director), Anek Pichetpongsa (Director), Status: Public Company
Sit Vipoonittisilakul (Marketing Director), Morakot Viriyat- Principal Shareholders: Ministry of Finance (48%); Petroleum
eveechai (Director) Authority of Thailand (24%); Krung Thai Bank (8%)
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Production and export of frozen Date of Establishment: 1985
seafood 04489 No of Employees: 850
Subsidiary Companies: (100% owned unless stated): Asian AYUDHYA INVESTMENT & TRUST PCL Financial Information:
Surat Products Co Ltd Address: 3/F Ploenchit Tower, 898 Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, 31.12.04 31.12.05
Principal Banks: Bank of America; Standard Chartered Bank Bangkok 10330 BT’000 BT’000
Auditors: SGV-Na Thalang Co International tel: +66 (2) 263-0355 Revenue 80,189,300 86,527,860
Ticker Symbol: ASIAN (Thailand) International fax: +66 (2) 263-0388; +66 (2) 2263-0763 Profit before tax 3,420,850 3,850,290
Status: Public Company Telex: 82334 AYUDHYA TH Profit after tax 2,636,430 2,926,720
Principal Shareholders: Amornrattanachaikul Family Board of Directors: Virojn Srethapramotaya (Chairman), Retained profit 2,612,410 –
Date of Establishment: 1982 Chareon Jirawisan (Vice Chairman), Abhai Asavanund (Di- Earnings per share – Bt4.36
No of Employees: 4,500 rector), Nuttawit Boonyawat (Director), Montree Chotikapra- Share capital 660,560 687,480
Financial Information: cal (Managing Director), Jarern Jirawisan (Director), Prasert Shareholders’ equity 9,780,810 12,870,270
31.12.04 31.12.05 Tanchajja (Director), Nopporn Tirawattanagool (Director),
BT’000 BT’000 Savang Tongsmutra (Director)
Sales turnover 4,811,640 5,323,270 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Securities broking; provident fund
Profit before tax 255,510 163,670 management services BANGKOK AGRO-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS
Profit after tax 198,650 117,590 Parent Company: Bank of Ayudhya PCL, Thailand (04520) PCL
Earnings per share Bt0.90 Bt0.52 Ticker Symbol: AITCO (Thailand) Address: CP, 313 Tower, Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok
Share capital 410,000 228,180 Status: Public Company 10500
Shareholders’ equity 1,156,070 1,219,520 Principal Shareholders: Bank of Ayudhya PCL International tel: +66 (2) 638-2000
Date of Establishment: 1974 International fax: +66 (2) 638-2676
No of Employees: 280 Board of Directors: Jaran Chiaravanont (Chairman)
04487 Financial Information: Management: Adirek Sripratak (President)
31.12.04 31.12.05 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Manufacture of feedstuffs; breeding
ASTRAZENECA (THAILAND) LTD BT’000 BT’000 of pigs and poultry
Address: 20/F Phairojkilja Building, 400 Bangna-Trad Road Revenue 413,610 546,670 Principal Banks: Bangkok Bank
Km 4, Kwaeng Banga/Khet Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Profit before tax 328,960 216,370 Status: Private Company
International tel: +66 (2) 739-4700 Profit after tax 281,880 216,370 Principal Shareholders: Charoen Pokphand Feedmill PCL
International fax: +66 (2) 739-7499 Earnings per share Bt1.20 Bt0.92 Date of Establishment: 1977
Company email: Share capital 2,850,000 2,850,000
Website: Shareholders’ equity 1,743,000 1,958,400
Board of Directors: Sitthichai Olankun (President) 04494
Management: Eakachai Leelathanaporn (Finance Director), BANGKOK AVIATION FUEL SERVICES PCL
Sirilak Meksang (Human Resources Manager), Suchart Address: 171/2 Moo 10 Vibavadee-Rangsit Road, Don
Saengsubin (Sales Director) Muang, Bangkok 10210
Senior Executives: Thara Sompan (IT Manager) International tel: +66 (2) 565-3811
PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Manufacture and sale of pharmaceuti- 04490 International fax: +66 (2) 565-3823
cal products BAAN SANSIRI PROPERTY FUND Website:
Parent Company: AstraZeneca PLC, UK Address: 15, 17-18/F Sinthorn Tower, Wireless Road, Board of Directors: Dr Srisook Chandrangsu (Chairman),
Status: Private Company Lumpini - Pathum Wan, Bangkok Narongsak Sangapong (Vice Chairman), Tasnai Sudasna Na
Principal Shareholders: AstraZeneca plc PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: Property investment and development Ayudhaya (Director), Vinai Chamlongrasdr (Director), Pisal
Date of Establishment: 1983 Ticker Symbol: SIRIPF (Thailand) Chayakula (Director), Supadis Diskul (Managing Director),
No of Employees: 175 Status: Public Company Asada Harinsuit (Director), Navee Lertpanichkul (Director),


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