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COMP 500

Advanced Operating Systems - Winter 2023

Lab 1 Submission
Due Date: 24 hours from the beginning of your lab period

Student Information:
Full Name:
Student ID:
Section Number:

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COMP 500
Advanced Operating Systems - Winter 2023


Please provide your answers below each question. You are not required to cite and
reference your responses for this activity.

1. What is the purpose of the apt-get command? Answer using your own words. A
response that is copied and pasted from the Internet, for example, will receive a mark of
zero for this question. (1 mark)

2. What command is used in Ubuntu Linux to update a single package? Type and bold the
full command below. (1 mark)

3. What command is used in Ubuntu Linux to set the time zone to Central Standard Time?
Type and bold the full command below. (1 mark)

4. Provide a screenshot that shows the Linux version of your Ubuntu Server VM. (2 marks)

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COMP 500
Advanced Operating Systems - Winter 2023

Submission Instructions:

1. Enter your “Full Name”, “Student ID”, and “Section Number” on cover page.

2. Review “Marking Rubric” and “Additional Deductions” below to make sure you
understand how this activity will be graded.

3. Submit this document in PDF format to the Lab 1 Dropbox folder with the following file
COMP 500 Lab 1 Submission

4. Do not include this page (Submission Instructions, Marking Rubric, and Additional
Deductions) with your submission. Only submit the cover page and your responses
below each question.

5. If you make changes to your original submission, you may resubmit your work as long as
you do so by the deadline. Your most recent submission by the deadline will be assessed.

Marking Rubric:
Completion of Lab*: /5
Answers to Questions: /5
Lab Total: /10

* Instructor will log into your Ubuntu Server VM to make sure you completed Lab.
Lab 1 is worth 3% of your final grade for the course and must be submitted by the due date
to avoid receiving a mark of zero on the activity. Please refer to course outline posted to
D2L for details on how late submissions are addressed.

Additional Deductions:
 2 marks for not entering “Student Information” on cover page.
 1 mark if “Student Information” entered is inaccurate or incomplete.
 0.5 marks for incorrect file name.
 0.5 marks for incorrect file format.
 0.5 marks for including Submission Instructions, Marking Rubric, and Additional
Deductions with your submission.
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