EDTECH 512 - Concurrent DESIGN - Storyboard and Prototype

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Storyboard and Prototype Introduction to Teaching Online with Blackboard 9.1 .

Thomas Robb | EDTECH 512 | Fall 2010 10/17/2010

Storyboard and Prototype

Message and Visual Design Guidelines ..........................................................................................................................2 Text Elements ............................................................................................................................................................2 Graphical Elements: ...................................................................................................................................................2 Media .........................................................................................................................................................................2 Balance ......................................................................................................................................................................2 Emphasis ....................................................................................................................................................................2 Unity ..........................................................................................................................................................................3 Interface Prototype .......................................................................................................................................................3 Primary Navigation ....................................................................................................................................................3 Breadcrumbs Example ...............................................................................................................................................3 Landing Page (Week 1) ..............................................................................................................................................3 Landing Page (Week 2-Week 5) .................................................................................................................................4 Primary Navigation ....................................................................................................................................................5 Weekly Module Navigation .......................................................................................................................................5 Flowchart .......................................................................................................................................................................7 Storyboard Streamlined.................................................................................................................................................8 Technical and Other Concerns .......................................................................................................................................9 General Technical Issues ............................................................................................................................................9 Server Capabilities .....................................................................................................................................................9 Computer Requirements ...........................................................................................................................................9 ADA Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................9 Copyright Requirements ............................................................................................................................................9 Web Editors .............................................................................................................................................................10

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Storyboard and Prototype


Feature/Principle TEXT ELEMENTS

GRAPHICAL ELEMENTS: Charts, labels, image maps, icons, and buttons




Application Ideas for Lessons Text will be larger sans serif font for accessibility related issues. Most likely Verdana-family Text on pages will be clear and focused with appropriate graphics when needed. Directions to the Blackboard Student Orientation will be provided Graphics will be used repeatedly within videos and text based items for consistency. Blackboard has icon based representations of various tools utilized. Discussion boards, journals, and mashup videos utilized will have consistent graphics. There are primary navigational buttons that are dark blue with white text that will be utilized for each button. Sub Headers will divide the courses primary navigation into intuitive sections. Linear navigation will be in a consistent layout within each Module titled Table of Contents for amore intuitive navigation. Tables will be used to organize the various Blackboard tools available to learners. Many videos utilized will be those developed in Blackboards On Demand Learning Center. These videos contain small graphics, straight forward text, and closed captions for accessibility issues. Animation is incorporated and accessible with keyboard shortcuts. Graphics will contain alternative text representations for screen readers. Pages will not scroll long and page headers will be used to logically divide longer text/graphics. Blackboards native navigational scheme provides a level of consistency and balance both on the primary course level navigation and within each content area. The Learning Modules provide a very consistent feel between each module and provide users with a linear process by which to complete content. Vocabulary terms will utilize bolded text. Assignment due dates are located within modules as bulleted text. Users have control over these messages and can delete them once theyve read them.
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Few web pages will be created; however, the use of multimedia videos and audio throughout the content will add variety and interest throughout the course. Consistent icons and colors are used within Blackboards course environment. Concept maps may be used to provide understanding of the various tools available in Blackboard and the ways in which they are commonly used.

INTERFACE PROTOTYPE The Interface is controlled by Blackboard to some degree. The primary navigational items will be placed on the left side of the page in an accessible format. Breadcrumb links are at the top of each page that assist users as they begin to click through the course. A sub navigation menu is available within each weekly learning module. PRIMARY NAVIGATION



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The main landing page when entering the course will be the Announcements and Tasks page, also known as Blackboards Home Page; however, this will be changed for the first week to an introduction page much like a website. WEEK 1 COURSE LANDING PAGE

LANDING PAGE (WEEK 2-WEEK 5) Afterwards, the landing spot will be the default Blackboard Home Page with modules for Announcements, Calendar, Tasks and Alerts. These modules will be manually populated in some cases (Announcements, Tasks, Calendar) while the Alerts and To Do List will populate based on information entered into Blackboards Grade Center or when searching for learners who did not submit assignments in the Early Warning System. My Announcements each week a newly created announcement will inform learners how to proceed. My Tasks each week a new task list will be created and populated within this module. My Calendar each week, due dates of assignments will be populated in this module. Alerts and To Do these features will populate when users do not complete assignments on time or when the instructor creates a rule to alert and message the learner. The Early Warning System will be utilized after grading has been completed as will the course Announcements. This EWS will also send the notifications to the learners email account unless the learner chooses to opt out of these notifications.

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PRIMARY NAVIGATION The primary navigation has been divided by subheaders to help make the scheme more intuitive. To help learners stay organized, direct links to Announcements and Tasks (The Blackboard Home Page pictured in the previous section) and to My Grades and Feedback are placed on the primary navigation. Users can navigate using the primary navigation to Weekly Modules, Discussions, and Journal Reflections.


The Weekly Modules will open as Weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5 progress. Once accessed users will get a sub navigation menu titled Table of Contents with links to their content. Users will click through a navigation arrow going through the content in a linear fashion. Inside of each module will be links to content items such as reading assignments, links to articles, and other course materials. In addition, assessments such as the discussion boards and journals will be within this Table of Contents submenu when learners are to complete that particular

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assignment. That said, the Primary Navigation only contains links to Discussion Boards and Journals for user convenience. This scheme will be consistent for each of the weekly modules.

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Start Course


Blackboard Student Orientation

Course Introduction

Week 1

Week 2 (Module 1)

Week 3 (Module 2)

Week 4 (Module 3)

Week 5 (Module 4)

Ice Breaker









Revise Week 2

Revise Week 2

Revise Week 2


Learning Community

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Objective Number Course Introduction (Getting Started)

Topics Intro to course Video Link to Blackboard Student Orientation Getting Started Syllabus

Navigation Landing page of course in Blackboard; thereafter, part of primary navigation scheme. Primary Navigation


About the Course

1, 2, 3, 4

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

Primary and Subnavigation

Blackboard Navigation

Primary, Subnavigation, Breadcrumb Navigation

Creating Content

Creating Interactive Tool

Student Communication Plan

Primary, Subnavigation, Breadcrumb Navigation Primary, Subnavigation, Breadcrumb Navigation Primary, Subnavigation, Breadcrumb

Refer to Screenshot for Module 1 All instructional activities indicated in the Instructional Strategies will be placed here. Refer to Screenshot for Module 1 All instructional activities indicated in the Instructional Strategies will be placed here. Refer to Screenshot for Module 1 All instructional activities indicated in the Instructional Strategies will
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be placed here.

Learners will be able to access the site via assigned laptops or home computers with their college assigned user name and password. Learners can check their home computers against the computer requirements website located at http;//www.westhillscollege.com by clicking on Is Online Right For You. Learners who cannot access streamed video from home computers will be able to access them from work computers, and will be provided with some technical software that enables them to download the streaming videos using Real Player if at home with a slow connection speed. SERVER CAPABILITIES Learners already have access to the Blackboard site with their LDAP Authenticated user name and password. The blank course shells will be manually entered into the LMS by the WHCCD ATT Staff, and enrollment into the course will be based on a snapshot tool run at the college after they officially register for the course through the college. COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS The software, hardware, and other technical requirements are available on the West Hills College website. Blackboard requires a specific operating system and browser configuration. The Blackboard Student Orientation ensures learners review this material prior to starting the course. ADA REQUIREMENTS Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires all web content to be accessible to learners wit hdisabilities. All videos in the course will be closed or open captioned. All text will be in a readable font. Blackboard 9.1 has improved accessibility in terms of navigation of the site with keyboard shortcuts. Information about this interface is available on the LMS Login page. Accommodations can be provided to learners when assessed by college staff for necessary accommodations. COPYRIGHT REQUIREMENTS

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Images and graphics are largely a part of the Blackboard Learning Environment. All facilitator produced graphics will be Creative Commons or produced in house. All sources for articles provided will be cited. Written permission from any copyright material will be obtained unless only a small portion of the original work is used under Fair Use Guidelines. WEB EDITORS Blackboard 9.1 has an html tool that will be utilized when necessary to develop html pages.

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