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Summative Evaluation Plan

Introduction to Teaching Online with Blackboard

Thomas Robb


Summative Evaluation Plan EDTECH 512

SUMMATIVE EVALUATION PLAN The summative evaluation plan will consist of a Reflective Journals within each module, a Course Project Rubric and two survey instruments. At the conclusion of each learning module will be a journal tool where learners will reflect upon their learning and course project progress. The culminating assignment for the course is a project. The Course Project Rubric will be used by learners and the instructor to determine the learners grade on their final project. IN addition, learners will be asked to reflect upon this in a final journal entry. To assist with course design revisions, one survey instrument, called the Module Survey, will be deployed to learners at the conclusion of each learning module. The other survey, called the End of Course Survey, will be deployed to learners during the last five days of the course. Results from these surveys will be analyzed, a report will be made, and recommendations provided and used for course design improvements and for the addition or removal of course content. The timeline for this is in the next section. The surveys and rubric are included in this document. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS TIMELINE
2/1 Distribute Module 1 Survey Distribute Module 2 Survey Distribute Module 3 Survey Distribute Module 4 Survey Distribute End of Course Survey Analyze data Develop report Develop recommendations Communicate results to faculty and administration 2/11 2/21 3/3 3/13 3/23 4/2 4/12


Learner grades for the final project will be based on the following rubric. Much of this rating is based on Quality Matters Standards. You can read more about Quality Matters Standards used by many colleges and universities at Excellent (full credit) Course Navigation (Module 1) 25 points Good (partial credit) Needs Improvement (no credit) Course navigation was not modified and finding content was confusing or inconsistent. Little to no content was created inside of Blackboard. Quality Matters Standards

Summative Evaluation Plan EDTECH 512

Creating Content (Module 2) 75 points

Course Navigation has been modified and is logical and consistent for the chosen unit of study. (eg. Subheadings or dividers were used to logically break up navigation) Several content items were created inside of Blackboard. All of the following were present: The course Syllabus, class handouts or files such as Powerpoints, links to websites, digital mashups (You Tube, Slideshare), Link to Textbook. Custom text or graphics Faculty Information Page (Contact) Learning unit has incorporated the use of an Interactive component of their course including 2 or more of the following: Assignment

Course navigation has been modified but was somewhat confusing or inconsistent for the chosen unit of study. Some content was created inside of Blackboard.

6.3 Navigation throughout the online components of the course is logical, consistent, and efficient.

Interactive Tool (Module 3) 75 points

One or two of the following were present: The course Syllabus, class handouts or files such as Powerpoints, links to websites, digital mashups (You Tube, Slideshare), Link to Textbook. Custom text or graphics Faculty Information Page (Contact) Learning unit has incorporated the use of an Interactive component of their course including 1 or more of the following: Assignment

One or less of the following was seen. The course Syllabus, class handouts or files such as Powerpoints, links to websites, digital mashups (You Tube, Slideshare), Link to Textbook. Custom text or graphics Faculty Information Page (Contact) Learning unit has not incorporated the use of an Interactive Component of their course.

1.4 The selfintroduction by the instructor is appropriate and available online.

4.1 The instructional materials contribute to the achievement of the stated course and module/unit learning objectives. 4.3 The instructional materials have sufficient breadth, depth, and currency for the student to learn the subject. 6.2 The tools and media support student engagement and guide the student to become an active learner.

5.2 Learning activities foster instructor-student, content-student, and if appropriate to the course, studentstudent interaction. 5.4 The requirements for

Summative Evaluation Plan EDTECH 512

Excellent (full credit) Manager Discussion Board Blog Journal Wiki Good (partial credit) Manager Discussion Board Blog Journal Wiki Needs Improvement (no credit) Quality Matters Standards
student interaction are clearly articulated.

6.2 The tools and media support student engagement and guide the student to become an active learner.

Communication Plan (Module 4) 25 points

Course Project has plans to utilize 3 or more of the communication tools: Announcement Course Task Course Calendar Event Plans for emails (reflected in journal or DB) Early Warning System Rule faculty information page (from Module 3)

Course Project has plans to utilize 1 or more of the communication tools: Announcement Course Task Course Calendar Event Plans for emails (reflected in journal or DB) Early Warning System Rule faculty information page (from Module 3)

Course Project has plans to utilize none of the communication tools: Announcement Course Task Course Calendar Event Plans for emails (reflected in journal or DB) Early Warning System Rule Faculty information page (from Module 2)

6.7 The course design takes full advantage of available tools. 1.1 Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components. 1.2 A statement introduces the student to the purpose of the course and to its components; in the case of a hybrid course, the statement clarifies the relationship between the face-to-face and online components. 1.4 The selfintroduction by the instructor is appropriate and available online. 1.6 Minimum student preparation, and, if applicable, prerequisite knowledge in the discipline are clearly stated. 1.7 Minimum technical skills expected of the student are clearly stated.

Summative Evaluation Plan EDTECH 512

Excellent (full credit) Good (partial credit) Needs Improvement (no credit) Quality Matters Standards


The survey instrument on the next page will deployed at the conclusion of each module. The results of this survey will be analyzed after the conclusion of the course to make relevant changes to the course design or course content. The focus of this survey is to determine the effectiveness, efficiency, and appeal. It was modified based on the survey instrument questions in the book Web-Based Learning: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation by Rasmussen and Davidson-Shivers.

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Introduction to Teaching Online with Blackboard 9.1 Survey Canvas : Module 4 feedback

Tests, Surveys, and Pools


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Survey Canvas: Module 4 feedback

The Survey Canvas allows instructors to add and edit questions, reorder questions, and review the survey before deploying it to users. Surveys are intended to gather feedback from users and are not graded. More Help

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Question Settings

Name Description Module 4 feedback

As the designers of this course, we are interested in your feedback about this module. Information from this survey will be used to improve this course. We are concerned mostly with Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Appeal of the course content. In that regard, the questions you will answer are designed to address these three concerns. Answer the following questions:

Instructions Total Questions Alignments

Select: All None Delete

Select by Type:

Question Type --Question Type --

Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the clarity of the stated objectives in this module.: The stated objectives in this module ...
Question Answer

The stated objectives in this module are clear.

Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the congruency of objectives and content: The content presented in this module ...

The content presented in this module was sufficient to meet the stated objectives.


Opinion Scale/Likert: Content Clearly Presented: The content in this module was clearl...
6[11/24/2010 10:15:00 AM]

Blackboard Learn

Question Answer

The content in this module was clearly presented.

Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the functioning content in this module.: The text, graphics, links, and videos...

The text, graphics, links, and videos functioned properly. (ie, the text was large enough and legible, graphics appeared with no problems, and the videos worked).


Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the organization and structure of this learning module: The organization and structure of the...

The organization and structure of the this module was coherent and clear. (ie, the navigation made sense)


Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the length of this module: I had enough time to complete all act...
Question Answer

I had enough time to complete all activities within this module.

Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the learning activities in this module:: The asynchronous activities were suff...
Question Answer

The asynchronous activities were sufficient to meet the learning goals.

Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the relevance of this learning module to your course project:: Did this module help you to develop y...

Did this module help you to develop your course project? Was it necessary?


Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the relevance to you as a learner: The information in this module was re...
Question Answer

The information in this module was relevant to my needs.[11/24/2010 10:15:00 AM]

Blackboard Learn

Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the appeal of the articles, text, graphics, and videos: The articles, text, graphics, and vid...

The articles, text, graphics, and videos were enjoyable to me as a learner.


True/False: Spelling/Grammar/Mechanics: Did you find any spelling, mechanics,...


Did you find any spelling, mechanics, or grammar errors in this module?
True False


Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the appeal of the navigation: The navigation was intuitive and easy...

Question Answer

The navigation was intuitive and easy to follow (pointing and clicking)

Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the language and tone: The language and tone utilized in the...

The language and tone utilized in the instructional messages were appropriate for me as an instructor in terms of technical language or flow of the message itself.


Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the screens: The screens in this module were free ...

The screens in this module were free from clutter and had plenty of white space.


Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the color and typeface: In this course, we utilized black tex...

In this course, we utilized black text with a verdana font throughout. The font and color utilized were both readible and legible.


Opinion Scale/Likert: Rate the graphics utilized: The graphics utilized in this segment...

The graphics utilized in this segment enhanced my learning experience.[11/24/2010 10:15:00 AM]

Blackboard Learn Answer Select: All None Delete


Select by Type:

Question Type --Question Type --[11/24/2010 10:15:00 AM]

Summative Evaluation Plan EDTECH 512


The survey instrument on the next page will be deployed at the end of the course to determine the overall value of the course and ways in which it can be improved. This survey instrument has been developed by the West Hills Community College District for student evaluations of fully online courses. It has been in use since 2006.


Blackboard Learn
Thomas Robb
My Places Home Help Logout

My Institution


System Admin


Introduction to Teaching Online with Blackboard 9.1 Survey Canvas : End of Course Survey

Tests, Surveys, and Pools


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Survey Canvas: End of Course Survey

The Survey Canvas allows instructors to add and edit questions, reorder questions, and review the survey before deploying it to users. Surveys are intended to gather feedback from users and are not graded. More Help

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Question Settings

Name End of Course Survey Description As a student taking online courses in our district, we are asking you to complete the Online Course

Student Evaluation.Please take the time to evaluate this course. The results received from student evaluations are used by WHC faculty and staff in the continued effort to ensure quality teaching and learning in all courses. All responses are fully anonymous. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Instructions The first sixteen questions are in a multiple choice format. The last two questions are in essay format. Please be thoughtful and candid in your responses. Be assured that you will remain anonymous in this process and that your answers will be given the highest consideration. Total Questions Alignments 18

Multiple Choice: Text(s) and/or other instructional ma...

Question Answer

Text(s) and/or other instructional materials related to the course.

Multiple Choice: The course syllabus adequately explai...

Question Answer

The course syllabus adequately explained learning objectives, grading procedures, and course policies.

Multiple Choice: Course assignments were appropriate.

Question Answer

Course assignments were appropriate.

Multiple Choice: Course was well organized.

11[11/24/2010 11:33:24 AM]

Blackboard Learn

Question Answer

Course was well organized.

Multiple Choice: Tests and assignments were returned w...

Question Answer

Tests and assignments were returned within a reasonable amount of time.

Multiple Choice: Exams and other assessments were a fa...

Question Answer

Exams and other assessments were a fair test of the course materials.

Multiple Choice: The instructor demonstrated enthusias...

Question Answer

The instructor demonstrated enthusiasm for the subject.

Multiple Choice: The instructor encouraged student int...

Question Answer

The instructor encouraged student interest and intellectual effort.

Multiple Choice: The instructor encouraged students to...


The instructor encouraged students to ask questions and participate in online learning activities.


Multiple Choice: The instructor encouraged individual ...

Question Answer

The instructor encouraged individual thinking and differences of opinion.

Multiple Choice: The instructor provided effective onl...

Question Answer

The instructor provided effective online contributions and sites.

Multiple Choice: The instructor maintained an online c...

Question Answer

The instructor maintained an online course environment conducive to learning.

12[11/24/2010 11:33:24 AM]

Blackboard Learn

Multiple Choice: The instructor presented ideas and th...

Question Answer The instructor presented ideas and theories clearly.

Multiple Choice: The instructor was accessible for ind...

Question Answer

The instructor was accessible for individual communication.

Multiple Choice: The instructor provided course materi...

Question Answer

The instructor provided course materials regularly and on time.

Multiple Choice: I would take a class from this instru...

Question Answer

I would take a class from this instructor again.

Essay: What did you like about this course?


What did you like about this course?

Essay: What about this course could be impro...

Question What about this course could be improved?


13[11/24/2010 11:33:24 AM]

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