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The Copperbelt University

School of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

2021/22 Academic Year

EM 560: Tribology

Test 2-Regular
Date: 10th May 2021
Duration: 1hr:30 min


There are three (03) questions in this test paper, each carries 20 marks and a total of
60 Marks for the whole test paper.
(ii) Answer ALL questions
List explanation accordingly in a concise and precise manner.
(ii) or

Question One
be light. Name
a) Abrasive wear occur between tribo-pairs sliding contact and can severe or

and explain the SIX other wear mechanisms and for each, explain ONE way you can

reduce or mitigate against the wear mechanism.

[9 Marks]

b) Abrasive wear can be destructive and thus needs to be avoided or minimised or can be
used constructively ( e.g polishing, blasting). Explain four mechanisms that bring about

Abrasive Wear. 4 Marks

c)Explain the types of Abrasive with respect to the number of tribo-pairs or bodies

involved. Which one expends lesser energy and why? [4 Marks

d)/According to Rabinowicz's Quantitative Law for Two-Body Abrasive Wear the load carried by
n-th asperity is

a ceramic material (ac) determine the
ASsume conical asperities, for a rubber materal (ar) and
Ceramic material
radii of rubber (ar) and ceramic(ac) asperities if the hardness of the Rubber and
is equal to 12.5 MPa and 44 MPa respectivel. Why does the rubber deform easily? |2 Marks

Question Two
Using sketches where possible,
(a) Elastic bodies in contact normally generate ellipt al

discuss three ways in which elliptical contacts arc generated. 3 Marks


Fig. 4: Two Elastic

Spheres under Load

data pertains to the two spheric il balls.

(b) The following

No. Parameter Ball A Ball B

Radius, R 13mm 17mm
Modulus of 3.63x 10 Pa 2.3 x 10 Pa
2 Young's
Poisson's ratio, v 0.27 0.33

Calculate the foliowing parameters;

The reduced radius of curvature for the tribo-pair.R" in metres. m. 12 Mark
b) The reduced Young's Modulus of Elastic ty E' in MPa.
12 Marks
c)The contact area "a" dimensions in squa: metres, m.
2 Marks
d) The average contact pressurc,
Pavetaye, In MPa.
2 Marks
c) The maximum Deflection, 0, in mctres, i
2 Marks
The maximum Shear Stress, Dmax in Mi a, 13 Marks
8) The deptlh (Z) at which the maximum siiear stress occurs in metres, m. (2 Marks

h) Why would an oil lubricated tribo-pai under high speed last longer than a grease
Jubricated tribo-pair of the same dimensions under the same high speed conditions? .
2 Mark

Question Three
10 m Dia. Rod

Lubricated Bash

2: lubricated bush for a small extemal combustion engine

lubricate rod on

A Student is designing an external combustic 1 engine and needs to a

2 above. He has the following data

reciprocating part as shown in Figure

Rotating Arm length 18mm


2200 Revolut ons per minute

Speed of ration of arm, X

D i a m e t e r of rod = 10 mm

50 (VW/m K)
Conductivity of rod and rubbing part

Force on the rubbing pair
87 Newtons
Lubricated Bush)
Coefficient of Friction of tribo-pair (Rod: nd
Iven that the
operating temperature Topt O
Answer he following questions;
yState four types of lubricants availablc. \hich type can you rccommend for lovw loads,
high speeds and high temperature? 3 Marks)
. ) State and explain the three types of oil ba: es for liquid lubricants available [3 Marks]

3.) Estimate the lubricant's operating temperature in the lubricating bush. 4 Marks]

4.) Based on your answer above and other given conditions stated carlier, rccomrncnd a
Suitable iubricant he should use in the lubr cating bush, and state your reasons for choosing
[4 Marks
that lubricant.

other attributes of the

types of additives, and their respective function(s)
State three or
help lubricate
ubricant that must be associated with the choice of your lubricant above

under these conditions? [6 Marks]


(All assumptions must be stated clearly where applicable)

.--End of test--

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