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Unseen occurrence medical evidence of no help in

such case conviction could not be held on the basis

of medical basis alone
2019 MLD-1808
Occurrence which was unseen to place 45 days
period to lodging of FIR, most of the witnesses in the
case was police officials
2019 PCRLJ 46
1999 SCMR 1220
2017 SCMR 144
PLD 2005-SC-63
2017 SCMR -724
Plea of Alibi of accused was available on record in
shape of documentary evidence
PLD 1951-LH-66
2022 SCMR -1567
In initial report of chemical examiner traces of chars
were not found impugned FIR quashed
2009 SCMR-141
Negative report of chemical examiner showed that
no poison had been detected inside the body of
deceased case was disproved
2014 SCMR-1197
Magistrate by holding that evidence of witness was
not confidence inspiring and could not be relied
upon after court would be justified to give a finding
that charge was groundless.
2003 YLR-2749
Prosecution witnesses did not support the FIR thus
charge was disproved. accused acquitted by the
2011 PCRLJ-933
Non-existence so probable uncertainty about the
truth proof practice after doubt conviction or
persuasion of the mind of judge by the exhibition of
In the view of Art 161 of Qanoon e Shahadat
“Provided that judgement must be based upon fact
declared by this order to be relevant and duly
Finding of guilt against accused cannot be based
merely on the high probabilities that may be inferred
from evidence in a genuine case.
PLD 1970 -SC -10
PLD 2003 -SC -56
2012 PCR-R (LH) 30
2016 SCMR -1019
2008 SCMR -336
2009 CRLJ 715
When two views are possible then the view favoring
the accused be given preference, coupled with fact
that benefit of doubt always gives to accused.
PLJ 2013 CRC -(LH) 18
Benefit of doubt as to right, is to be given to the
accused when there is equal possibility of the
accused being guilty or not.
PLJ 1984 -SC-61
PLJ 1990-CRC- LAH -273
2004 PCRLJ -68
Any reasonable doubt in a prudent mind arising in
prosecution case is to be resolved in favor of
2022 SCMR-1567
2022 SCMR -1540
2022 SCMR -1515

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