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Task: Assignment – Professions and Occupations


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Teacher: Andrea Isabel Manini Sosa

Week: 8

2023 – 1
(AC-S08) Week 8 - Task: Assignment - Professions and Occupations
Karla: Hi Alexandra, it's nice to see you again.
Alexandra: Hello Karla, I am also glad to see you. Do you remember that we used to
come to eat at this cafe very often when we were younger?
Karla: Yes, I do. Those were the golden days. But tell me, what is your job? 
Alexandra: I work as an organizational psychologist for Samsung.
Karla: Wow that's so interesting, you must be very hardworking. 
Alexandra: Thanks. And what do you do? 
Karla: I work as a financial consultant for small businesses. But my college career is in
Administration, Banking and Finance. 
Alexandra: That's great. My brother is studying Administration and he loves to read
every book about it. 
Karla: Awesome, it is very important to always have new informativo. How old is he? 
Alexandra:He is 19 years old. He and my mom inspired me to pursue the career of my
dreams. What I love about psychology is that I listen to a person, analyze their
problems and behaviors for their well-being. And what do you love about your career? 
Karla: I love to plan goals and strategies in a business that can bring more capital and
create a better brand. This not only helps the owners, it also helps the workers
because they can receive a better salary in the end. 
Alexandra: I see, well, see you later, I'm late. Take care of yourself
Karla: You too take care. I hope we see each other again. Bye.

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