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Lesson Plan in Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Grade 11

Learning Competency: Recognize signs of an impending volcanic eruption. DRR11/12-Ih-i-24

At the end of the session, 75% of the students should be able to:
1. Define impending volcanic eruption.
2. Distinguish the signs of an impending volcanic eruption through Pictionary.
3. Suggest ways to prepare before a volcanic eruption.


A. Science Concepts:
Volcanoes are described as active (in eruption), dormant (not erupting at the present time),
or extinct (having ceased eruption; no longer active). Some volcanoes explode. Others are
slow-flowing fountains of lava, which is hot fluid rock.
A volcanic eruption occurs when molten rock, ash and steam pour through a vent in the
earth's crust.
Impending Volcanic Eruption refers to the volcano that is about to burst.
Gas Emission refers to the rates of emission and type of gas changes in some volcanoes.
Surface Tilting is the recognition of changes in the land surface due to building pressure in
the conduit.
Earthquake is generated as the magma moves up the feeder conduit to the vent.

B. Materials: Laptop, projector, paper strips, Marker, paper tape,

C. Reference/s: USGS Prepared PPT,
Mantle Plumes (A Multi-Disciplinary Approach) pages 308- 309

D. Process Skills: Communication Critical Thinking

Observation Collaboration
Inference Analysis
E. Values Integration: One must be ready for any disaster or calamity therefore; preparedness,
skills and knowledge must be learned.


The students are going to accomplish a puzzle given to them within 3 minutes.
The students are going to have the activity called “Pictionary” wherein the leader of the
group is going to draw one of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption. Then,
members will have to write their answer on the given paper strip. This activity is time-
pressured therefore; if the group can’t guess the right answer within 5 seconds the other
groups are given the chance to steal.
The students will do the draw lots on what sign of impending volcanic eruption they are
going to represent. After which, students will pantomime the kind of sign of an
impending volcanic eruption they have picked within a minute. They are given 2 minutes
to prepare.
1. What is an impending volcanic eruption?
2. What are the signs of a volcanic eruption?
Students will answer the following questions.
1. How to prepare yourself in an impending volcanic eruption status?
2. What are the things that must not be done in an impending volcanic eruption

1. What is an impending volcanic eruption?
2. List down the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
3. How will you gear up yourself in an impending volcanic eruption if you are
residing in a frequently affected area?

(The student will receive handouts)
Interpret the different volcano hazard maps.


Category 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
understanding of understanding understanding of to understand
the topic of the topic parts of the topic the topic very
Teamwork All members Most of the Only a few of the Members do
shared their members members shared not seem to
ideas, showed shared their their ideas, care about the
support and ideas, showed showed support brainstorming
participated in the support and and participated activity
brainstorming participated in in the
activity. the brainstorming
brainstorming activity.
Draw/Act Draw/act clearly Draw/act Draw/act clearly Vague and
clearly and distinctly all clearly and and distinctly cannot be
(100-96%) the distinctly all most (89-85%) of understood
time (95-90%) the the time.

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