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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

For People Who
The Importance
Of Marketing

Quantum Change Seminars

Dedicated to Your Success

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 1

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Welcome to
Magnetic Copywriting

The Ultimate
Copywriting Training
for People who Understand the
Importance of Marketing

The History of Advertising could never be

written without first place being given to
John E. Kennedy, as every copywriter is today
guided by the principles he laid down
Albert Lasker

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 2

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Table of contents
Welcome to Magnetic Copywriting..........................................................................................2
Your Presenter..............................................................................................................................7
Why is Magnetic Copywriting Imperative..............................................................................8
What can Copywriting be used for?........................................................................................11
Other Trainings available..........................................................................................................12
Who will get more value from this training?.........................................................................13
Get the best from this training.................................................................................................14
What is this training about.......................................................................................................16
Social Introduction.....................................................................................................................17
Elevator Speech..........................................................................................................................18
Selling is the oldest profession & Copywriting followed in it’s footsteps!.......................19
Magnetic Copywriting Overview............................................................................................20
Cause and Effect.........................................................................................................................21
Myths & Excuses:.......................................................................................................................22
Perception is Everything...........................................................................................................23
Accept responsibility ... for your communication.......................................................25
Communication Model.............................................................................................................27
The 5 Steps to Learning.............................................................................................................28
4 Steps To Unconscious Competence.....................................................................................29
Vitamins for Success..................................................................................................................30
Calm Enthusiasm.......................................................................................................................31
Set YOUR Intention for this Special Training........................................................................32
Set your Copywriting Goals.....................................................................................................32

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

The Peter Principle.....................................................................................................................33

Parkinson’s Law.........................................................................................................................34
Magnetic Requirements for a Successful Professional.........................................................35
Magnetic Pre-Copywriting – Step One...................................................................................36
Your Attitude..............................................................................................................................36
Control YOUR State...................................................................................................................37
Above and Below the line.........................................................................................................38
Presuppositions, Aphorisms & Affirmations for Prosperity & State Control...................39
Incompletion Vs Completion...................................................................................................40
Anchoring – Circle of Excellence.............................................................................................41
The Making of a Copywriter....................................................................................................42
What are you reading?..............................................................................................................43
What are you listening to?........................................................................................................44
Who are your role models?.......................................................................................................45
Which books have you read more than once?.......................................................................46
Which Training Program have you listened to more than once?........................................47
Magnetic Pre-Copywriting – Step Two...................................................................................48
What are you Writing for? What’s the ‘Big Idea’? What are You Really Selling? Five Tests!..48
Seven Principles of Success......................................................................................................49
What’s in a name?......................................................................................................................50
Your Prospect wants to Avoid PAIN & Gain PLEASURE...................................................51
What are You Really Selling?....................................................................................................52
SWOT Analysis for Your Product............................................................................................53
Features-Advantages & Benefits..............................................................................................57
The SELL Formula.....................................................................................................................58
Five Crucial Tests!......................................................................................................................59
Reframe clarify & brag about your known Objections.........................................................60
Magnetic Pre-Copywriting – Step Three................................................................................61
The ‘Big Picture’ AIDAS............................................................................................................61
Attention – How? The Headline.............................................................................................63
Interest – How? The WIIFM Formula....................................................................................65
Don’t Tempt Fate Demonstrate................................................................................................66
Desire – How? Proof & Testimonials......................................................................................67
Action – How? Make it easy - Risk Reversal........................................................................69

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Call to Action..............................................................................................................................69
Satisfaction – How? Under Promise & Over Deliver...........................................................71
Magnetic Copywriting – Step One..........................................................................................73
Your Headline – The Ad for the Ad.........................................................................................73
Some Great Headlines...............................................................................................................74
Where do you find them?.........................................................................................................80
Create a Headline “Factory”....................................................................................................81
What’s the Headline for?..........................................................................................................82
Who’s talking to your Target?..................................................................................................83
How long a Headline?...............................................................................................................84
Magnetic Copywriting – Step Two..........................................................................................85
Your “Armour Piercing” Bullets..............................................................................................85
Why Bullets.................................................................................................................................86
What do Great Bullets do?........................................................................................................87
Bullets as Stop signs...................................................................................................................88
Create an “Armour Piercing” Bullet Factory........................................................................89
What are dud bullets?...............................................................................................................90
You know you’ve been hit by a bullet when.........................................................................91
Magnetic Copywriting – Step Three.......................................................................................92
Your Words & Your Stories.......................................................................................................92
Powerful & Impactful Words...................................................................................................93
Communicating with Rapport.................................................................................................94
Stories Sell...................................................................................................................................95
Become a Great Story Teller......................................................................................................96
Magnetic Copywriting – Step Four.........................................................................................97
Your Offer and Bonus as WMD...............................................................................................97
Importance of the OFFER.........................................................................................................98
Offer and Proof...........................................................................................................................99
Every Act a Moment of Truth.................................................................................................100
Magnetic Copywriting – Step Five........................................................................................101
Your Risk Reversal...................................................................................................................101
Jay Abrahams’ Ponies..............................................................................................................102
Magnetic Copywriting – Step Six..........................................................................................103
Your Call to Action...................................................................................................................103

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Maintain Dialogue - Assume the Sale & Go for the Call to Action...................................104
80/20 Rule.................................................................................................................................105
How Do I Order From You?...................................................................................................106
Magnetic Copywriting – Step Seven.....................................................................................107
Your Copywriting for the Body.............................................................................................107
Write with WIIFM Benefits Linking Needs/Wants/Values to Product/Service............108
How Do You Launch yourself into Copywriting?..............................................................109
Just for Starters:........................................................................................................................110
How Long the Copy?.............................................................................................................. 111
P.S. Jim Rohn ½ dozen things that make a difference:........................................................112
Magnetic Post-Copywriting – Step One...............................................................................113
Format & Layout......................................................................................................................113
Use a Template.........................................................................................................................114
Magnetic Post-Copywriting – Step Two...............................................................................115
Graphics! Vital or Overrated?................................................................................................116
Magnetic Post-Copywriting – Step Three............................................................................117
Test, Test, Test...........................................................................................................................117
Which Ad pulled better?.........................................................................................................118
Test one thing at a time............................................................................................................119
What Next?...............................................................................................................................120
Questions to Generate & Gain Testimonials.......................................................................121
Copywriting Check-List..........................................................................................................122
How to get to the sweet spot-Elements of Effectiveness....................................................123
Business Needs Analysis.........................................................................................................125
Your Positioning in the Market..............................................................................................129
Put a Goal in Your Future 1....................................................................................................132
Put a Goal in Your Future 2....................................................................................................133

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 6

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Your Presenter
George Faddoul has trained thousands of people
both in Australia & Overseas; he is a dynamic
presenter on a wide range of topics ranging from
personal growth to powerful sales trainings. His
unique style is at once informative & entertaining,
demonstrating his instinctive ability to convey
the most sophisticated topics to his audience in
an easy to understand manner.

George started his business career Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy
working in the Banking Industry for and Hypnosis, as well as a Certified
over eight years, where he began to Trainer of NLP. George took his new
develop his finance and customer service found skills to his New Car Dealerships,
skills. This time was punctuated by an taking them to a whole new level. During
eighteen-month break to do his National that time, he also took time off work
Service for Australia. Upon leaving the to assist at various Trainings both here
Bank, George entered the Car Industry in Australia and in the US. George then
and quickly became the top salesperson sold his Car Dealerships, and decided to
in a Group of 12 Dealerships. become a full time Trainer. That was
about nine years ago now, and George
Five and a half years later, he started has since conducted Seminars locally in
his own used car outlet, and operated Sydney, in Melbourne & in Brisbane, as
it very successfully for approximately well as Internationally both in the Middle
9 years. George decided to have a East & in the United States. During that
break from cars, and spent three years time, he also became a Certified Trainer
developing real estate and dealing in of Hypnosis & a Master Trainer of Time
Australian Art, and spent twelve months Line Therapy.
together with his darling wife Nitsa and
his four lovely daughters on the French George is the author of three bestselling
Riviera. Refreshed, George came back books 1) How To Get A Bigger Bite Out Of
to the Motor Industry, starting two Life, now in its sixth printing, 2) Secrets
separate New Car Dealerships and Of Great Success Coaches Exposed!, and
running them most successfully for about 3) The Modern Day Alchemist from the
eight years. Land of the Pharaohs.

During that time, as a result of his George loves to travel, and enjoys the
pursuit of practical knowledge & his company of motivated people.
insatiable appetite for personal growth &
development, George came across NLP he
then became a Practitioner and Master

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 7

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Why is Magnetic Copywriting


Have you ever had to use pen & paper to

communicate with anyone?

Have you ever had to persuade anyone to

your way of thinking?

Are you losing sales because your Marketing

is not up-to-scratch?

Are you a victim of myths and copywriting


If so then Magnetic Copywriting is for you!

The fact is, every business

needs clients to sell to.

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 8

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

What is Copywriting?

Anecdotally Copywriters
... Copy Writing

Seriously ‘Direct Mail’ Copywriting is

... Salesmanship in Print
John E. Kennedy

Or Internet Marketing is
... Copywriting on Glass, or
... Salesmanship on Glass!

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 9

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training


• Acquire a blueprint for Copywriting

• To bring out the best copywriter in you
• Learn copywriting skills to cover all media
• To make you bullet proof about
• Be able to add value to any organisation
• Join one of the World’s Highest paid
• Learn how to Sell your ideas easily &
• Move & influence people with your words
In short, become the Best “Copywriter” YOU
can possibly become, by learning foundational
yet very powerful copywriting techniques.

Remembering that ...

Copywriting is both an Art and a Science

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 10

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

What can Copywriting be used


• Mail Order Selling

• Direct Response Advertising
OK, What about:

• Raising employee Morale

• Helping the sales Team
• Initiating the Sales Process
• Bringing Customers into the Showroom
• Creating a Need
• Announcing a New Product
• Raising Money
• Resurrecting Old Dormant Customers
• And much more ...

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 11

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Other Trainings available

v We strongly recommend you learn NLP

• i-NLP Practitioner Certification

• NLP Master Practitioner Certification
• NLP Trainers Training Certification

• The Best Therapists are ...

• The Best Coaches are ...
• The Best Presenters are ...
• The Best Trainers are ...
• The Best Sales Professionals are ...
• The Best Copywriters are ...

... NLP Trained.

v Quit Cigarettes in 60 mins

v A Journey of Discovery ...

... Visit the land of the Pharaohs

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 12

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Who will get more value from

this training?

The person who has an open mind

The person who is open to new possibilities

The person who is willing to learn

The person who incorporates feedback well

The person who is prepared to practice

The person who is ready to give it their best

The person who is willing to do WIT

Do not measure your life by your goals,

but by what you are actually doing
to achieve them.

Peter Drucker

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Get the best from this training

• Notes
• Spy
• Listen / Participate
• Go for Excellence / Be Thankful
Paradox of Duality:

Genius is the ability to hold two opposing

thoughts in one’s mind simultaneously

Leonardo Da Vinci

Key Concept for a Professional Sales Person:

Assume the worst & expect the best
George Faddoul

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training


• Have fun
• Switch Mobile phones/ Pagers etc… off
• W e will have 15 minute breaks every
hour & a half

• This is an Intensive Training

a No recording of any kind

• Keep an Open Mind

• Itof someone
you have any problem at all, only talk
who can help ... and that’s the
coaches at the back.

• Remember to … Have fun!

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 15

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

What is this training about?

It’s about setting an intent to transform you

into the best:
Magnetic Copywriter Professional you can
possibly become...
Remembering that:
Copywriting is both Art & Science
So, we’ll work on your mind set to draw
copywriting out of you, and also add some
techniques to make it easy for you
You’ll have to put in the work, and take the
time to practice, and apply the skills.

The Art is hiding the Art

Laurence Olivier

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Social Introduction

Your name:

Where are you from?

How did you hear about this training?

What’s your background (briefly)?

What would you like to get out of this training?

Begin with the end in mind.
Steven Covey

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Elevator Speech

My name is ...
I’m from ...
• I help people get a bigger bite out of life
• I help people get more abundance
• I help people Quit Cigarettes in 60 mins™
• I help people sell oodles of products
• I teach Companies to double their income
• I help Companies double & triple their income
• I help Companies write effective copy that sells
• I teach people copywriting skills
o Guaranteed
o And I back it up with a Guarantee

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 18

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Selling is the oldest profession

& Copywriting followed in it’s

A sales professional sells one on one.

Copywriting sells to the masses.

Everyone lives by selling something.
Robert Louis Stevenson

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Magnetic Copywriting Overview

1) Your Attitude
2) What are you writing for? What’s
the ‘Big Idea’? What are you selling?
Five Tests!
3) The ‘Big Picture’ AIDAS

1) Your Headline – The Ad for the Ad
2) Your “Armour Piercing” Bullets
3) Your Words
4) Your Offer as WMD
5) Your Risk Reversal
6) Your Call to Action
7) Your Copywriting for the Body

1) Format & Layout
2) Graphics
3) Test, Test, Test

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 20

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Cause and Effect

An Ancient Hermetic Concept

To gain maximum power, take responsibility

for everything that happens
in your universe

Question is:
Which side of the C/E continuum are you on?
Are you at cause in your Universe, or
Are you at effect of circumstances in your life?

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Myths & Excuses:

• It’s Hard / It’s Easy / It’s Hard

• I’m so tired
• I can’t write
• You need to have the gift of the ‘gab’
• Copy writing, they’ve been doing it for years
• I can’t start, I’m not perfect
• I don’t like selling
• I don’t have time
• I’m not confident enough
• Always write Long Copy
• Learn one formula & apply it to all situations
• No one wants this ‘stuff’
• All products are the same
• Marketing is the only thing that counts”
• Make it loud, so they can hear it
• You don’t need to be cute or creative
C/E Remember WHO’s in charge ...

WIT Everytime …

Everything COUNTS

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Perception is Everything

Perception is reality

Perception is projection

Perception is a construction

Perceptions control behavior

Act as the CEO of your Conglomerate

As a CEO you act, you dress, you think

differently. You are no longer the victim, but
definitely at Cause

Attend the University on Wheels

Turn your driving time into learning time

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 23

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Accept Responsibility
Perception is everything
Your Focus – Your reality
You are the centre of your universe
State Control – Love, Joy & Happiness
Thoughts – Words – Actions – Habits
Not Ready, Aim, fire -
Ready (take action) FIRE … Aim
Get started not Get perfect
Don’t wish it was easier wish you were smarter
Everyone is tuned to WII FM
It’s never too late – Now is the right time

If I don’t get my clients involved in my product

to the point where they own my product,
I haven’t served them well

Remember: A sale is always taking place

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Accept responsibility ...

for your communication

The meaning of your communication

is the response you get

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• The Law of Requisite Variety

• People always make the best choice
• Resistance indicates a lack of Rapport
• Choice is better than no choice
• Just about anyone can learn to do anything
• People have all the resources they need
• There is no failure, only feedback
• Chunking, if it’s hard work reduce it down
• We are responsible for creating our
• Energy flows where attention goes
• There are no resistant clients, only
inflexible communicators
• Communication is redundant
• If what you’re doing isn’t working, do
something else, do anything else

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Communication Model

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

The 5 Steps to Learning

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 28

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

4 Steps To
Unconscious Competence

1) Ritual
2) Repeat
3) Rehearse
4) Reinforce

Practice / Drill / Rehearse

Write every day

Minimum 30 minutes to 60 minutes a day

Remember the 80/20 Rule

Without the right attitude a business with

everything going for it will fail
Robert Winship Woodruff

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 29

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Vitamins for Success

A) Attitude, including Ambition (hunger) intend to
be in the top 10% of your profession –Assume
the worst – Prepare
B) Belief, in you, your product & service (my
brother, my parents & I use this product)
Love what you do, it builds trust & credibility
C) Courage, to face your fears, rejection is not
personal, 2000 / 4000 commercial messages
Continuous improvements Read 30 mins a day
D) Discipline, to do what needs to be done, the
determination & dedication to stay on track
Expect the best, do your homework
E) Enthusiasm and your Evaluation of yourself
Professional, Consultant , Advisor, Expert
Guide (People accept your New You)
F) Fun, life is too short...

Take them in the morning

Take them during your break
Take them any old time...

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Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Calm Enthusiasm
1) It’s free and priceless
2) It’s the fire in your belly
3) It gives you lots of energy
4) It’s contagious

“You can do anything if you have enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes
rise to the stars. Enthusiasm is the spark in your
eye, the swing in your gait, the grip of your hand,
the irresistible surge of your will and your energy
to execute your ideas.
Enthusiasts are fighters, they have fortitude,
they have staying qualities.
Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress!
With it, there is accomplishment. Without it,
there are only alibis.”
Henry Ford

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Set YOUR Intention for this

Special Training

Set your Copywriting Goals

Start by doing what’s necessary

then do what’s possible
and suddenly you are doing the impossible
Francis of Assisi

Write every day
Minimum 30 minutes to 60 minutes a day

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The Peter Principle

Beware of the Peter Principle.
Never let it grab a hold of you.
Remember what it says:

People rise to the level of their

Laurence Peter

Some people see things and ask “Why?”

But I dream of things that never were
and say “Why not?”
George Bernard Shaw

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Parkinson’s Law

Beware of Parkinson’s Law.

Never let it grab a hold of you.
Remember what it says:

Work expands to fill the time available for

its completion
C. Northcote Parkinson

Here’s a question for you:

Is this the best use of my time right now?

Write every day
Minimum 30 minutes to 60 minutes a day

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 34

Magnetic Copywriting - The Ultimate Copywriting Training

Magnetic Requirements for a

Successful Professional

Know your Product

Know your Prospect
Know your Competition
Make your Word Law in the Universe
Be a great Time Manager
Excel at Customer Service
Continue to Learn by investing in YOURSELF

Remember: Your level of conviction is what sells

You may only be one skill away

from doubling your income
George Faddoul

You don’t get paid by the hour

You get paid by the value you bring to the hour
Jim Rohn

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Magnetic Pre-Copywriting –
Step One

Your Attitude

He that is good for making excuses is

seldom good for anything else.
Benjamin Franklin

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Control YOUR State

“The strong man is the one who

is able to intercept at will the
communication between
the senses and the mind”
Napoleon Bonaparte

“The Loose Canon”

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Above and Below the line

The Emotional Vibration Line

High Vibrations

+3 Ecstasy/Bliss/Unconditional LOVE

+2 Appreciation/Love/Joy

+1 Inspiration/Empowerment/Enthusiasm


___________Above the Line

Below the Line

Nitpicking/ Complaining/ Focus on Negatives

-1 Anger/Frustration/Blame

-2 Sadness/Depression/Guilt

-3 Fear/Anxiety/Shame

Low Vibrations

© 2009 Quantum Change Seminars Dedicated To Your Success 38

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Presuppositions, Aphorisms &

Affirmations for Prosperity &
State Control
•  live in an abundant Universe
• I’m a professional ‘Magnetic’ Salesperson
• I’m an awesome trainer
• The Universe wants me to Prosper
• I congruently believe in Abundance &
• Money is Energy
• I pay myself first
• I Project Financial Success
• Wealth is a State of Mind
• Good things come to me easily
• Money is a Valuable and Powerful Tool
• When it comes to Money, I’m in Charge
• I very successfully work for myself
• I associate with prosperous people
• I’m a great Sales person & I’m always
looking for Win/Win Situations
• I sleep well with a clear conscience

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Incompletion Vs Completion
Incompletion causes energy to drain
Completion restores energy

My List of Incompletions:

My Commitment to Completion:
I ………………………………… hereby declare that I will
complete the following items by the actual date
that I have nominated:
Situation: Completion Date:

Date & Sign

My Proclamation of Completion:
I ……………………………hereby proclaim that the
following items are now complete in my life:

Date & Sign

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Anchoring – Circle of Excellence

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The Making of a Copywriter

Here are five Questions for you:

What are you reading?
What are you listening to?
Who are your role models?
Which books have you read more than once?
Which Training Program have you listened to more
than once?

These questions will determine how quickly you

will become a copywriter…

And not only that…they will also…

get you started today…right now… immediately…

An Investment in knowledge always

pays the best Interest
Benjamin Franklin

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What are you reading?

Not only Books, but also Magazines:

• Readers Digest / BRW
• Fashion Magazines ie Cosmopolitan
• Health Magazines ie Men’s Health
• Martial Arts Magazines
• Rodale / Agora / Bottom Line Publications

What about Books:

• Reasons Why Advertising by John E. Kennedy
• Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy
• Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
• Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples
• My First 60 years in Advertising by
Maxwell Sackheim
• Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith
• Advertising Secrets by Joseph Sugerman

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What are you listening to?

Any Selling Programs

Any Phone Selling Programs
Any Marketing Programs
Any Advertising Programs
Any Copywriting Programs
Etc ...

If you really want to do something,

you’ll find a way, if you don’t you’ll find an excuse
George Faddoul

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Who are your role models?

Albert Lasker Pioneer

John E. Kennedy Salesmanship in print
Claude Hopkins Not features, but benefits
John Caples Headline
Victor Schwab Headlines
David Ogilvy Copywriting
Eugene Schwartz Copywriting
Maxwell Sackheim Summaries
Jay Abraham Risk reversal
Joseph Sugerman Advertising Secrets
Jack Trout Every act is a marketing act

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Which books have you read

more than once?

Nobody should have anything to do with

advertising, unless they have read
Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
seven times.
It changed the course of my life
David Ogilvy

What about YOUR favourites?

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Which Training Program have

you listened to more than once?

The Key to Living, is always learning how to live


If you want to be wealthy, study wealth

Jim Rohn

Remember Your:

• Selling Programs
• Phone Selling Programs
• Customer Service
• Marketing Programs
• Advertising Programs
• Copywriting Programs

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Magnetic Pre-Copywriting –
Step Two

What are you Writing for?

What’s the ‘Big Idea’? What are
You Really Selling? Five Tests!

A Gifted product is mightier

than a Gifted pen
Rosser Reeves

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Seven Principles of Success

1. Know your outcome

2. Take action

3. Have sensory acuity

4. Have behavioural flexibility

5. Time

6. Rapport

7. Operate from a physiology and

psychology of excellence

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What’s in a name?

Marion Robert Morrison or John Wayne

Norma Jeane Baker or Marilyn Monroe

Reginald Kenneth Dwight or Elton John

Hog Island or Paradise Island

Dormans Cheese or Deli Singles

Toys R Us



With every name comes a Story

The Best Story Wins

Perception is Everything

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Your Prospect wants to


What’s a problem your clients might have?

What will happen if you have to go through
that again?
What will happen if we don’t fix this?
What will happen if we don’t introduce
better training?

Then the PAY OFF

What benefits do you see ...

Why would you find this solution so useful?

Is there any other way this could help you?
If we can take care of that for you, what
would that mean for you?

If you are not moving closer to your sale

you probably aren’t doing enough asking.
Jack Canfield

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What are You Really Selling?

Remember: Salesmanship in Print

The Horse Shoe Manufacturers did not see

it coming

The Railroad Barons did not see it coming

Vinyl Records/ Magnetic Tapes/ Cassettes/ CDs

DVDs/ MP3s/ IPods etc...

Cars / all Black/ Style / Freedom

In the Factory we make Cosmetics

In the Store we sell Hope
Charles Revlon

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SWOT Analysis for Your


S trengths

What do you like about ...

What are your points of difference ...

What’s your ultimate experience with …

What’s your highest expectation from ...

If you can achieve the ultimate ... what would

that be ...

What are the most obvious Benefits and

Advantages to your Prospects from using
your product ...

Why is the product made in this particular way?

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W eaknesses

What would you change with ...

What’s your biggest headache with ...

What’s your greatest challenge with ...

Given a chance, what would you improve ...

How will your prospects want to see this

product improve ...

If you had an unlimited budget, how would

you improve the product?

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O pportunities

What are you doing to improve ...

What are you doing to upgrade ...

What problem is this product solving?

If you can create your ideal … What would it

be like ...

How’s this product better than the


How will your product affect your prospect’s

life in a positive way ...

What impact will your product have in helping

your prospect gain pleasure and avoid pain?

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T hreats

What do You fear?

What do Your Prospects fear?

What is it that costs them dearly?

What keeps your customers up at night?

What are your client’s worst nightmares?

Who & What makes them as angry as hell?

What frustrates the daylight out of them?

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Features-Advantages & Benefits

• Features are factual

• Advantages are what the feature will do for

your prospect

• Benefits are the reasons why the facts



Sell the sizzle not the steak

WIIFM ... They have to Say:

• This for me! These guys are the experts!

• This is new, unique, different!
• I’ve never seen anything like this before!
• I can’t imagine where else I can get it!
• I can get it right here, right now!
• I can get it fast, I can get it right away!

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The SELL Formula

Show the feature

Explain (That’s the Advantage)
Lead to a Client Benefit
Let the Client Decide

Create “Moments of Truth” or

Magic Moments

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Five Crucial Tests!

As you’re writing your copy, remember your

readers “Protection Filters”


2) I don’t trust you

3) It won’t work for me

4) I don’t have the time

5) I don’t have the money

Find the Objections Before You Start

Remember these 5 Tests throughout your

writing, and at every stage of your writing.

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Reframe clarify & brag about

your known Objections

Every sale has five basic obstacles:

“No need, no money, no hurry,

No desire, no trust”
Zig Ziglar

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Magnetic Pre-Copywriting –
Step Three

The ‘Big Picture’ AIDAS

Moments of Truth
The sequence of critical transactions across
each stage of the ownership cycle
Jan Carlzon

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A = Attention

Know Your Market

Remember to Anchor:

• Good & Bad

• Pain & Pleasure

as well as anything you might find useful,

such as ...Nostalgia etc…

Ideas are the only true fuel

for winning customers and growing profits.
Doug Hall

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A ttention – How?

The Headline

The ad for the ad – John Caples

Your Headline and your

Unique Selling Proposition – USP

Your Headline and your

Emotional Selling Proposition – ESP

Your Headline and your

Organisational Selling Proposition – OSP

When you absolutely positively need to

have it there overnight

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I = Interest

Know Your Product

Know Your Audience

Know Your Offer

Know Your Guarantee

And Speak in Terms of WIIFM

And invoke Curiosity

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I nterest – How?

The WIIFM Formula

That’s the only marketing station that counts

Feature – Advantage – Benefit & let

customer decide or lead to Curiosity

The Egypt tour is all inclusive

Which means no hidden costs
So you can budget before you leave
And that’s important to you isn’t it?

Not I or Me or We BUT You & Your

Your client doesn’t care how great you are!
Your client just wants to know WIIFM…
You / Feature / Advantage / Benefits = WIIFM

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D = Desire

Turn Features into Benefits

Make an irresistible Offer

Prove its accuracy

Demonstrate its scarcity

And let the customer decide

And always let the Prospect TRY it out NOW

Don’t Tempt Fate Demonstrate

Don’t test drive this car,

unless you want to take it home,
because you know what,
the last 8 people who drove it bought one.
George Faddoul

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D esire – How?

Proof & Testimonials

Paint a picture of how they will get more good

stuff and how they will avoid bad stuff

“This is how specifically

You will be able to benefit,”

“This is how specifically

You will save money,”

“This is how specifically

You will have peace of mind,”

“This is how specifically

You will have increased health.”

And Who says I (Your Prospect) will profit?

Your Testimonials

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A = Action

Answer their Objections and use Power Words

for the Call to Action

And remember every act

is a Marketing act

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A ction – How?

Make it easy - Risk Reversal


Risk Reversal Strategy

Putting it all together

Call to Action

Designed for your clients to take action now

Not next week
Not later
Not tomorrow

But right now

And you’d better hurry ‘cause it may not last

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S = Satisfaction

This is not the end

This is the beginning of a long term relationship

This is where you turn your client into a ‘Friend

for Life’ or a ‘Customer for Life’

This is where Testimonials come from

This is where repeat business comes from

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S atisfaction – How?

Under Promise & Over Deliver

Important personal endeavours, including

choosing a marriage partner, maintaining a
friendship, and getting a job require selling.
Selling requires a buyer, reaching the buyer
requires marketing in some form, and when the
sales are made the customers must be cared
for to ensure they will buy from the business
again and also tell others to do the same.
Wes Zimmerman

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Under Promise & Over Deliver

Remember to SMILE

For you, this is the moment of truth

For your customer, this is his golden moment

Look at the delivery as the beginning of the
long term relationship AND of YOUR next sale

Make a FUSS

Make the invisible visible AGAIN

Refresh your customers memory on all the

benefits associated with your product/service

Make sure they have your contact details handy

If you have not already done so, now is the time

to ASK for referrals

Remind your customer that your very existence

relies on the next sale they will introduce you to

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Magnetic Copywriting – Step One

Your Headline – The Ad for

the Ad

On average five times as many people read

the headlines as read the copy.
It follows then, that unless your headline
sells your product,
you have wasted 80% of your money
David Ogilvy

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Some Great Headlines

1. How to win friends and influence people
2. Do you make these mistakes in English?
3. How I improved my memory in one evening
4. Is the life of a child worth $1 to you?
5. To people who want to write – but can’t
get started
6. They laughed when I sat down at the
piano, but when I started to play!
7. To men who want to quit work someday
8. Imagine me – holding an audience
spellbound for 30 minutes
9. New shampoo leaves your hair smoother
& easier to manage
10. Announcing the new edition of the
encyclopaedia that makes it fun to learn
11. 77 reasons why it would have paid you
to answer our ad a few months ago, and
here’s what you can do about it now.
12. Free book tells you 12 secrets of better…
13. How to live to be a hundred
14. How to give your child the top grades in
school he deserves!
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15. Why haven’t you and your family been

told these facts?
16. How to avoid lawyers
17. 17 Stocks you should dump right away
18. From 4 packs a day to zero, in 4 hours!
19. Do you remember any commercials you
saw last night?
20. Seven deadly advertising mistakes
21. How to write a good advertisement
22. 100 good advertising headlines … and why
they were so profitable
23. 6 basic principles that have helped build
the fortunes of self-made millionaires
24. You a black belt? Why not?
25. Amazing new method makes drawing easy
26. Your one chance to earn the biggest
money of your life!
27. Who else wants to learn to play …
28. How to get enthusiastic applause – even a
standing ovation – every time you speak!
29. Frankly, the way I see it, there are only
three reasons why you wouldn’t move
heaven & earth to be here ...

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30. At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in

this new Rolls-Royce comes from the clock
31. I like Aeroplane Jelly
32. You oughta be congratulated
33. We try harder
34. I.C.S. The University of the night
35. Steinway The Instrument of the Immortals
36. Often a bridesmaid but never a bride
37. How to give your children extra iron –
these 3 delicious ways
38. Who else wants a whiter wash
39. How to obtain guaranteed credit
anywhere on the planet
40. To Peggy for marrying me in the first place
41. What everybody ought to know…
About this stock and bond business
42. Time for a Kit-Kat
43. The man in the Hathaway shirt
44. 9 out of 10 Screen Stars care for their
skin with Lux Toilet Soap
45. If you don’t like New York why don’t you go
back to where you came from
46. Lazy man’s way to riches

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47. Warning
48. Wanted
49. Skinny
50. Jamaica
51. Lemon
52. Think small
53. Which Bank?
54. Phone Wizard
55. Overcome Arthritis
56. Coke is it
57. 3 Free books
58. Louie the Fly
59. Money to Loan
60. Sell your ideas!
61. Hard of Hearing
62. Need more money?
63. Alive with Pleasure
64. An educated failure
65. Why publishers buy?
66. Improve Company Image
67. Dare to be Great
68. Dare to be Rich
69. 7 Steps to Freedom

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70. Anyhow have a Winfield

71. Fatten your Bank account
72. 7 Deadly Advertising mistakes
73. Your office on the go
74. How to pay Zero Taxes
75. How to retire with money
76. Is your home picture poor?
77. How to improve your memory
78. The lowdown on Self Publishing
79. The Art of Selling by Telephone
80. How to write a great Advertisement
81. Who else wants to learn to play
82. 7 ways to collect your unpaid bills
83. We’re looking for people who like to draw
84. Kleenex towels absorb 50% more, because
they’re two layers thick
85. Your one chance to earn the biggest money
of your life
86. Here’s a business for $2,000 That can
make you $55.00/hr right from the start
87. Knowledge that has endured with the
Pyramids, A secret method for the
Mastery of Life

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88. Fountain of Youth Discovered by little

known civilisation over 2300 years ago
89. Hands that look lovelier in 24 hours – or
your money back
90. The amazing secrets of the hottest
investment of the last 5 years
91. Which of these 5 skin problems do you have?
92. The Chinese secrets of weight control
93. Who else wants to make big money in
94. Confessions of an underground property
95. Too busy earning a living to make any money
96. Fresh piping hot pizza delivered to your
door in 30 minutes – or it’s free!
97. Give me 2 days and I’ll show you how to be
debt free for life
98. You can laugh at money worries – if you
follow this simple plan
99. How we made $250,000 in our first year on
line ... Now it’s your turn!
100. Released at last – 143 perfectly legal ways
to get a big fat tax refund!

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Where do you find them?

Your headline can be found in:

• Your Product
• Your Prospect
• Your Offer including: your Guarantee
• Your Story
• Your Proof including your Testimonials
• Your Scarcity factor including Limited Time

Advice to Copywriters:
When you are assigned to write an ad,
write a lot of headlines first.
Spend hours writing headlines,
or days if necessary.
John Caples

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Create a Headline “Factory”

Begin Your headline with Power Packed Words: :

• Introducing
• Announcing
• Presenting
• New
• Now
• At last
• Beginning / Starting / Date
• How
• How to
• Why
• Which
• Who
• Who else
• Wanted
• This
• Because
• If
• Warning:
• Advice
• Free

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What’s the Headline for?

It’s the Ad for the Ad. Use your headline to:

• Arrest Your Prospect

• Make a quality announcement
• Make it newsworthy & Editorialise it
• Put a price in your headline, or a reduced price
• Put a date in your headline or a limited offer
• Make a Special Offer
• Feature a payment plan
• Pose a question
• Offer valuable information
• Offer a story
• Offer a test
• Offer some amazing testimonials
• Offer benefits, facts & figures

75% of the buying decisions,

are made at the headline stage
John Caples

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Who’s talking to your Target?

Always Remember your “Raison d’être”

Your target is your prospect

Always speak directly to your prospect, be it

a specific person or a group of individuals

Either speak to your target / prospect

directly, or allow your Manufacturer to speak
to your target, or allow the person making
the delivery to speak to your target

Your Prospect gets to say:

• I have to read this now!

• What? Impossible! but I sure hope it is true
• At last someone understands me!

Specificity Builds Credibility

George Faddoul

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How long a Headline?

How big should the headline be?

How long is a piece of string?

• One word
• Two words
• Three words
• Four words
• A Sentence
• A Short Paragraph
• A Long Paragraph
• Half the page


Go ahead, make my day

Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry

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Magnetic Copywriting – Step Two

Your “Armour Piercing” Bullets

The Art of Copywriting

is in the creation of
fabulous penetrating bullets
that hit the target every time!
George Faddoul

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Why Bullets?


Bullets are Most Important on line, because:

Most people don’t read everything,

They scroll, skim & scan

Bullets are vital, because they act as:

Stop Signs

So what are Bullets used for:



The Sales Letter

The Order Form

The Call to Action

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What do Great Bullets do?

They Wound

They Arrest

They Penetrate

They Emphasise

They bring a point to life

They make pledges & promises

They get the Reader’s Attention

They create Drama and Curiosity

They list Benefits by converting Features

They get the Reader to say “This is for me”

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Bullets as Stop signs

Talk about Benefits

Make every word count

Beware of Big Clever Words

Beware of long sentences (7 to 9 words)

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Create an “Armour Piercing”

Bullet Factory

Discover how to …
Be warned avoid ...
The truth behind ...
The seven steps to ...
How to get the best ...
What you must do now ...
18 Miracles of research ...
What’s the safest way to ...
The single most important ...
Why using this simple device will ...
Sex in Advertising – good and bad ...
What two vitamins you can never mix ...
The one Secret you need to know about ...
How to write bullets that penetrate the armour

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What are dud bullets?

List of features
Water off a duck’s back
Tell the world how great you are
They don’t pass the Five ‘Critical’ Tests

If you want to be wealthy, study wealth

Jim Rohn

If you want to be a Copywriter ... Write!

George Faddoul

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You know you’ve been hit by a

bullet when...

You walk past and...

Your life is now miserable
You can’t keep walking without buying
You’ve been teased – you’ve been provoked
You’ve been wounded – you’ve been tormented
You can’t get the good reasons out of your head

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Magnetic Copywriting –
Step Three

Your Words & Your Stories

Words are empty sounds.

It is the images back of them that count!
Robert Collier

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Powerful & Impactful Words

• Advice to • New
• Amazing • Now
• Announcing • #
• At last • Offer
• A to Z • People
• Bargain • Practical
• Because • Proven
• Challenge • Quick
• Compare • Reasons
• Discover • Results
• Easy • Revolutionary
• Experts • Safely
• Free • Save
• Gift • Secrets
• Guaranteed • Startling
• Health • Step by Step
• How • Suddenly
• How to • The Truth about
• If • This
• Improved • Want
• Introducing • Wanted
• Last chance • Warning
• Love • Who
• Magic • Who else
• Miracle • Which
• Money • Why
• 100% • You
• A Date • Yours

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Communicating with Rapport

Communication is:
7% Words
38% Tonality
55% Physiology


See Hear Feel Sense
Look Listen Touch Experience
View Sound Grasp Think
Clear All Ears Concrete Understand
Picture Rings a bell Get a handle Process

WORDS (7%)
Key words
Common experiences & associations
Content chunks

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Stories Sell
The great Sales people are great story tellers
Great sales letters incorporate great stories
Remember Metaphors from your NLP Training

Metaphors bypass the conscious mind

allowing the unconscious to accept the story

Stories can be found in and around your product

• The origins of the Product

• How was it developed
• Who by
• What about the ingredients
• Where did they come from
• Do they imply a ‘Secret’
• How have others benefited so far
• Case Studies
• Testimonials
• Success Stories

Remember: Amazing Discovery … implies a story

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Become a Great Story Teller

A metaphor (STORY) reframes LIFE into a
more powerful EXPERIENCE.

Everyone needs to come up with a story for:

• You Personally
• Your Product
• Your Business

All the World’s a Stage,

and all the men and women merely players
William Shakespeare

In i–NLP we teach given a choice we prefer

a trivial story well told rather than a brilliant
story badly told.

You get to be the Driver of the Bus, and the

Reader is your Passenger

Remember you might be able to keep some

loops open & get to close them later...

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Magnetic Copywriting – Step Four

Your Offer and Bonus as WMD

Make Your Offer so good that only a

Lunatic would refuse to buy
Claude Hopkins

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Importance of the OFFER

1) Your Target Market – List 40%

2) Your Headline – catches them
3) Your OFFER – 40%
4) Your Creativity – 20%

In Summary:
Make a Promise
Prove the Promise
Give them reasons to ACT now
Encourage the Prospect to Decide NOW ...
with a Free bonus / Early Bird / Special Gift
or Surprise Gift

The Free bonus can be the catalyst for the Sale

Remember Your Reasons Why ???

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Offer and Proof

Make an irresistible offer:

• Free Gift – Free Sample

• Free Report – Free Information
• Free Trial – Free Consultation
• Easy Terms – Free Shipping
• Extended Payment Plan
• No Interest
• Early Bird Savings
• Save Now
• Special Bonus
Always Add a BONUS

And … Prove that it’s true, using everything at

your disposal:

• Any case studies you might have

• Any Testimonials you can get your hands on
• Any specific information or numbers

Tell the reader:

Don’t take my word for it
Try it out for yourself

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Every Act a Moment of Truth

Approach any medium, be it:

• Phone
• Email
• Brochure
• Advertisement
• Web Site
• In fact any Interaction…

With a SMILE

Every Act is a Marketing Act – Harry Beckwith
This is your ‘Bread & Butter’ and ...
Robert Cialdini

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Magnetic Copywriting – Step Five

Your Risk Reversal

If you want a Guarantee

Buy a toaster

Clint Eastwood

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Jay Abrahams’ Ponies

The better the Guarantee ... The better the Sales ...
• Risk-free trial
• No Questions asked
• 100% Money Back Guarantee in Writing
• Take a Free look, I won’t process your cheque
for 30 days
• Don’t pay for it now, postdate your cheque for
30 days – Guaranteed in Writing
• If your car is stolen we’ll pay you $500
• Delivered in 30 minutes or less or it’s FREE
• Your money back PLUS 10% as a Thank You
• Absolutely delighted, or your money back with a
smile, plus 10% as a Thank you!
• Have it in your hot little hands for 30 days
before you say Yes, Yes, Yes
• No competitor dares match this guarantee
• Double no Triple Guarantee
• Invite them to try now & if you don’t like it
return it

Long Term Guarantees reduce refunds

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Magnetic Copywriting – Step Six

Your Call to Action

Credit card facilities and

a phone number
always increase the response rate

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Maintain Dialogue - Assume the

Sale & Go for the Call to Action

If you opened the door properly,

closing it is Easy

Remember the YES set

There is only one way...

to get anybody to do anything. And that is by
making the other person want to do it.
Dale Carnegie

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80/20 Rule

Connect Emotionally and Intellectually.

Can we go ahead…!
You want to start right away, don’t you?
How soon can we start! Simply pick up the …
Why don’t you just take it and give it a try!
you have nothing to lose and everything to gain,
just go ahead and reserve your place!

Words that kill sales:

BUT in the wrong place instead of AND…

Cost/Price = Investment
Sell/Sold = Took it home, got involved
Contract = Paperwork or agreement

We don’t close sales, we begin relationships

When dealing with people, remember

you are not dealing with creatures of logic
you are dealing with creatures of emotion
Dale Carnegie

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How Do I Order From You?

Here’s your next step ...
• Simply fill out the enclosed registration form
• Simply call now toll free on 1800
• The smartest decision right now is to jump
on the phone and dial 1800
• Avoid disappointment, grab your spot
now before somebody else does call 1800
right away
• Again, this is a time sensitive offer.
You’ll get the works, but you have to get
online now at and
register immediately
• Act now or you’ll miss out on ...
• Order before the end of April and you’ll
receive a Special BONUS
• This event starts xx/xx You’re either
there or you miss out. Bookings close xx/xx
• Frankly I’m puzzled… You didn’t respond
• I was sceptical, but…then I tried it
• My accountant thinks I’m crazy

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Magnetic Copywriting – Step Seven

Your Copywriting for the Body

Rehearsal is the WORK

Performance is the relaxation
Michael Caine

So Rehearse, start writing every day for at

least 30 minutes with no interruptions.

Your writing is like a muscle,

You need to exercise it.

George Faddoul

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Write with WIIFM Benefits

Linking Needs/Wants/Values to

Be enthusiastic & confident yet comfortable

Write conversationally, just as you speak
No one cares how great you are, WIIFM
Highlight the benefits to your reader
Be positive about your Product
Remember Specificity builds Credibility

Read your Copy aloud to make sure it flows nicely

If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative

David Ogilvy

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How Do You Launch yourself

into Copywriting?
Ironically a ‘Copywriter’ should start by being …

1) A Great Listener: You have two ears, one

mouth – you don’t need the ‘gift of the gab’
you need to be an attentive, curious and
interested listener
2) Get to know your ‘Product’ and your
‘Target Audience’
3) Do a SWOT analysis
4) Refine your Offer and Risk Reversal
5) Remember “Salesmanship in Print” which
really means “YOU” on “Paper”
6) Remember: A) A.I.D.A.S.
B) S.M.A.R.T.S.
C) W.I.I.F.M.
7) Start with: Bullets, Headings & Headlines
8) Write the ‘copy’ Remember the BONUS
9) Make sure you anticipate and answer, in fact
brag about Your objections
10) Summarise
11) Have a strong “Call to Action”
12) Remember Colombo: Always have a P.S.

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Just for Starters:

• Tell a story or metaphor ...

• Ask a question ...
• Invite the reader to ...
• Challenge your prospect ...
• Ask your future client for assistance ...
• Restrict the offer to your audience ...
• Paint a picture of a different future ...
• Ask them to do something ...
• Make a news worthy announcement ...
• Let your readers know they are one of us ...
• Make your reader an Offer ...
• Use connecting words ...

Tease them and send them on a Treasure hunt

Get them involved (Imagine or Get Your

Calculator out) etc...

At every stage:
1) Answer the question Why? ...Because &
2) Check the 5 Crucial Tests on page 58

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How Long the Copy?

• 10/20 words ... to
• 6,540 words New York Times

Always write for two types of prospects

1) The word by word reader (the minority) &
2) The skimmer & scanner (the majority)

Always make available both paths, using:

• Headlines & sub headlines
• Bullets
• Visual Aids
• Underlining
• Highlighting – yellow words stand out great
• Diagrams or Pictures – always with a caption

There is just one reason why your prospects

will keep reading – They expect a reward –
That’s the key to holding their interest
Robert Collier

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P.S. Jim Rohn ½ dozen things

that make a difference:
Check your sales letter, website, speech or
Review – structure, content & delivery
Get rid of the I, I , I or the WE, WE, WE
and add lots of YOU

If in Person:
More eye contact, less I, more you & stories
– will help you connect emotionally

Remember a Yes Set will get you more –


Always use a P.S. (The Colombo approach)

Reinforce by summarising the offer at the end

Read your writing aloud to make sure it flows

P.S. Always strive to improve one step at a time

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Magnetic Post-Copywriting –
Step One

Format & Layout

Eye Path is Crucial

The eye of the reader moves from the
Top Left Hand side (Headline – Photo etc...)
To the Right Hand Bottom
(Call to Action – Cut out box etc...)

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Use a Template

Pre-Headline (left aligned)

Headline (Centred)

Sub-Headline (left aligned)

• Bullets (alternate between bold)
• Bullets (and normal)
• Bullets

Text Text Text Text

Testimonial Box

Always put a caption under any photograph or


Remember Short sentences are punchy

Short paragraphs get read more
Remember Your Contact Information – preferably on
every page!
Always use a P.S.

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Magnetic Post-Copywriting –
Step Two


Like me, Lasker hated reverse type,

if it was natural to read that way, the
New York Times would be printed that way

David Ogilvy

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Graphics! Vital or Overrated?

No to:
Special effects, Unusual fonts & Reverse type
YES to:
Eye appeal, Project the Right Image, that’s
your image projected to your target audience
TYPE of Font:
Serif Preferable on paper
Sans Serif Preferable on glass
Size of Font: 12 points minimum
Size Matters: Headlines in Bigger size
Special Treatment:
italics, underline, yellow highlights
Like photos of children & Women
Like photos of anything with an engine,
plus women

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Magnetic Post-Copywriting –
Step Three

Test, Test, Test

There are only 2 rules in direct marketing,

Rule 1, Test everything.
Rule 2, Refer to Rule 1.
Richard Benson

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Which Ad pulled better?

• 50% Off
• Buy one Get one Free
• Half Off Sale
• Fire Sale! 50% off everything in the
store because of our recent fire
• Are you afraid of making mistakes in
• Do you make these mistakes in English?
• Two-thirds bank financing on silver & gold
• If gold is selling for $300 an ounce, send
us just $100 an ounce and we’ll buy you all
the gold you like.
• Tension Headaches?
• When Doctors have a headache, what do
they do?
• This is a Millionaire Maker. Can he make
you rich as well?
• If you have 20 minutes a month, I
guarantee to work a financial miracle in
your life

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Test one thing at a time

Test Headlines

Test Offer

Test Price:

Ted Nicholas says Test Price ending in 7...

‘Nothing is difficult once you learn how to do it’

Ancient Wisdom

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What Next?

Don’t Major on the Minors

Don’t Wish it was easier Wish you were smarter
Jim Rohn

The difference between you now and you in

5 years will be the books you read and the
people you meet
Charlie Tremendous Jones

The difference between you now and you in 5

years will be the books you read, the people
you meet and the seminars you take
George Faddoul

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Questions to Generate & Gain


What do you think of our service?

What did you like about buying from us?

Why did you buy from us in the first place?

What problem did you have before you

bought from us?

How did we help you solve those problems?

How are things better for you now?

Would it be OK if I email you a testimonial,

then feel free to edit it and send it back to
me on your letter head. Would that be OK?

If you want an unfair advantage

ASK for referrals and testimonials
at every opportunity

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Copywriting Check-List

1) Does your Headline pass the 5 BS Tests?

2) Do your Bullets ‘Wound’?
3) Is the piece pleasant to the eye?
4) Have you read it aloud?
5) Does it flow nicely?
6) Can you hear and distinguish AIDAS
7) Have you counted the I, We & You’s
8) Are your ‘words’ provocative? Do they
trigger the right emotions?
9) Do you have an irresistible offer?
10) Have you proved all your claims?
11) Do you have a great ‘risk reversal’?
12) Do you have a strong ‘call to action’?
13) Do you have a great P.S.

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How to get to the sweet spot-

Elements of Effectiveness

Remember your i-NLP Foundation Principles:

• Cause and Effect
o Your Reasons and Your Results
o Your Word – Law in the Universe
• Perception drives Behaviour
o Clean up your Intention
o Pay attention to your Resistance
• Response-Ability for Change
o Surrender to the process
o Don’t die to be right

Remember your i-NLP Presuppositions:

• If what you’re doing is NOT working...
o Admit it
o Change it
• You have all the resources you need...
o Calibrate Present and Desired State
o Find what’s missing.

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Remember your i-NLP Principles for Success:

• Know your outcome

• Take Action
• Have Sensory Acuity
• Have Behavioural Flexibility
• Time
• Rapport
• Operate from a physiology and a psychology
of excellence.

Remember your Winning Qualities:

• Listen attentively
• Be “Interested” NOT “Interesting”
• Focus on what you want
• Think outside the ‘Box’
• Add value to all your interactions

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Business Needs Analysis

• Why do you think you need me?

• How’s business?
• What are your main Problems?
o What are your main Strengths
o What are your main Weaknesses
o What are your main Opportunities
o What are your main Threats
• What do you measure?
o Leads
o Conversions
o Effectiveness
o Marketing
o Employees
o Closing Ratios
o Break Even Points
• What Growth are you looking for?
o What are your Objectives?
o What are your Projects?
o What are your Tasks?
o What are your Sub-Tasks?
o What’s in your to-do list today?
o Does everyone have a to-do list?

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• What have your employees learned?

o Where’s their curriculum?
o What’s their learning curve like?
o Where are they in relation to the 5
steps to learning?
• What do your employees think they need?
o Has anyone ever asked them?
• What are the reasons why some prospects
don’t buy from you?
• What objections do you mostly get?
o What are the top 5 objections in
relations to Sales?
o What are the top 5 main issues in the
• What about the phone?
• What about Loyalty Programs?
• How’s Staff Morale?
o How many sick days do they get?
o What’s your entry level staff turn-over
• What about Customer complaints?
o What are the 5 main ones?
o What’s the one that hurts you the most?

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• What about Debtors?

o What’s the Oldest?
o What’s the Average?
• What about Old Stock?
o What’s the Oldest?
o What’s the Average?
• How’s your Bottom line trending?
• How are your Margins trending?
• Do you have a Vision/Mission Statement?
o How was it put together?
o Does everyone relate to it?
o Is everyone in alignment with it?
• Do you have and encourage written goals?
o Are they regularly updated?
o Do you have sufficient guide posts along
the way?
o Do you have a warning system that
activates when you are off target?
• If you had a Magic Wand what would be
the one thing that you’d like to see happen
straight away?

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Every act is a marketing act:

• Check your Attitude

• Prospect/Find leads

• Meet & Greet – Build Rapport

• Qualify to find need, want & values

• Link need & values to your product or

service by Presenting WIIFM benefits

• Be prepared, reframe & clarify


• Maintain dialogue and assume sale

• Ask for referrals and testimonials

• Deliver and follow-up

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Your Positioning in the Market

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Put a Goal in Your Future 1

Let’s take a Magic Carpet Ride

Reach for your

Aladdin’s Lamp

One Wish
Last Step

Make an Internal Representation

Step into it, looking through your own eyes

Adjust the SMD – Control Panel

Fine Tune your I/R using your Control Panel

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Put a Goal in Your Future 2

Let’s take a Magic Carpet Ride

Step out of your I/R leaving your body in it

See yourself in picture (Dissociate)

Now take it with you and ...

Step onto your Magic Carpet

Allow your Magic Carpet to take you to the

right time in your future

Be happy and grateful Knowing …

That the Universe is Delivering

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