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Facultad de derecho y Ciencia Política









1).- ABSTRACT OF JUDGEMENT. - It is a document disclosing a monetary

award issued by the court in favor of a person who won the lawsuit against a losing


2).- ABUSE OF PROCESS. – The tort of bringing and following through with a civil

or criminal action for a purpose know to be different from the purpose for which the

action was designed compare malicious.

3).- ACCRUAL. – The action or process of accruing claim must be brought within

two years of the date.

4).- ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE. – Is that evidence which may be received by the

judge or jury in a case in order to decide the merits of a controversy.

5).- ADD–ON. – Being or able to be added on no fault benefits.

6).- ADOPTIVE ADMISSION. – Mean san act or declaration by a party indicating

the approval of statement made by the other.

7).- AGGRAVATING FACTORS. – Are relevant facts and circumstances that

increase the severity or culpability of a criminal act.

8).- AGREED STATEMENT. – Is a agreement between two parties to a law suit

or an appeal of a judgment which is field before a court.

9).- AID & ABET. – Means to assist another person in the commission of a crime

by words or conduct actively, knowingly and intentionally.

10).- BAD FAITH. – Intentional deception, dishonesty, or failure to meet an

obligation or duty no evidence of bad faith comparare good faith.

11).- BANK RUPT. – A debtor as an individual or organization whose property is

subject to administration under the bankkruptcy laws for the Benefit of the debtor’s

creditors was adjudicated a see also debtor.

12).- BANK RUPTCY. – The administration of an insolvent debtor’s property by the

court for the Benefit of the debtor’s creditors the debt was discharged in proceedings

see also adequate protection.

13).- BENCH. – The place where a judge sits in court asked counsel to approach

the compare bar, dock, jury box, sidebar, stand.

14).- BREACH. – A violation in the performancce of or a failure to perform an

obligation created by a promise, duty or law without excuse or justification.

15).- CASE LAW. – Law established by judicial decisions in cases as

distinguished from law created by legislation called also decisional law see also

common law.

16).- CIVIL ACTION. – Is a action that is brought to enforcé, redress or protect a

private or civil right.

17).- CIVIL CASE. – A lawsuit broght by a party the plaintiff against another party

the defendant claiming that the defendant failed to carry out a legal duty owed to the
plaintiff and that the defendant’s breach of duty caused financial or personal injury to

the plaintiff.

18).- CHILD SUPPORT. – Payment made for the support of the children of

divorced or separated parents while the children are minors or until they reach an age

set by the separation agreement or in a court order.

19).- GUILTY. - Involving guilt or culpability knowledge.

20).- HEARING. – A proceeding or relative formality at which evidence and

arguments may be presented on the matter at issue to be decided by a person or

body having decisión making authority compare trial.

21).- JOURNAL. - A formal allegation of an offense or wrongdoing based on a that

was dismissed.

22).- LITIGANT. – An active party to litigation.

23).- MISTRIAL. – A trial that terminates without a verdct because of error,

necessity, prejudicial misconduct, or a hung jury see also manifest necessity

compare dismissal, trial de novo.

24).- MITIGATING FACTORS. – Refer to those factors involved in a crime that

tend to lessen the sentence for the crime with which the person is charged.

25).- OATH. – A solemn attestarion of the truth of one’s words or the sincerity of

one’s intentions specif.

26).- PASS LAW. - They are legislative committees that are discussed for

27).- PETITIONER. - who requests or requests a statement.

28).- PRIOR. – Taking precedence as in importance a lien.

29).- STATEMENT. - It is a statement that under oath communicates a situation

that has been perceived and that evokes facts that may constitute the basis for the

determination of the particular object of evidence.

30).- SUSPECT. – Presumed guilty of a crime committed or conjecture of an act.






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