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Game Round

player phase zombie phase end phase

Activation Noise Tokens
Players take turns in clockwise order. They may
During the Zombie Activation phase, all zombies take Remove all noise tokens from the board
activate their survivors in any order they choose
one action to attack a survivor in their zone or move First Player
before the next player takes their turn. On each towards a survivor. Some zombies (ex. runners) receive Pass the first player token clockwise
survivors turn, they may take 3 actions by default: two actions. Reload
Resolve all attacks first, then resolve moves Weapons are reloaded for free at the End Phase
1. Move 5. Use Weapon or Enchantment
2. Search 6. Take/Activate Objective 1. Attack During a round, a reloadable weapon that has been
3. Open Door 7. Make Noise Each zombie inflicts one wound to a survivor in their fired must be reloaded by using an action
4. Reorganize/Trade 8. Do Nothing (Pass) zone (zombies in a survivors zone inflict all Two identical Dual weapons can be reloaded
attacks/wounds at once, even if it would be overkill) with one action (if held by one survivor)
1. Move If survivors share a zone when zombies attack, If passed to another survivor without being
Move orthogonally one zone per action. Moving out of players choose how to assign hits (even if all wounds reloaded, it must be reloaded before being fired
a zone with zombies costs +1 action per zombie exceed survivors HP)
Move action ends when entering a zone with All hits must be assigned before armor rolls If all Quest Objectives have been completed, survivors
zombies, even with multi-move skills or slippery If a survivors Wound Bar reaches 3 after any
win immediately
2. Search (once per turn) applicable armor rolls, they are eliminated
Search can only be performed once per turn
All survivors are eliminated
If no zombies are on your indoor zone, draw 1 If a survivor is wearing armor, roll 1 die per wound. A
Too many Necromancers escape
equipment card and add it to your inventory or discard roll that equals or exceeds the armor rating blocks.
Quest specific condition for losing is activated
it. You may perform a free reorganize/discard action Armor cannot block Abomination/Dragon Fire
after searching.
3. Open Door
Shield other rules
Use a melee item to open a door (no weapon bonuses). If a survivor is holding a shield, roll 1 die per wound. A
roll that equals or exceeds the armor rating blocks. Dragon Bile/Fire
If your weapons door symbol includes dice, you must Dragon Bile can be discarded from Hand to place a
roll your weapons dice value. Your roll must meet or Shields cannot block Abomination/Dragon Fire
wounds Dragon Bile pool at Range 0-1. A Torch can be discarded
exceed the number of dice pips to open it successfully. from Hand onto it at Range 0-1 to create Dragon Fire.
If no die roll symbol is shown, no roll is required. Armor & Shield
If a survivor has armor and a shield equipped, they can Dragon Fire does not make noise
Spawn Zombies inside all rooms of a building that Dragon Fire kills any Actor in the Zone, regardless of
is opened for the first time choose to roll for either the Armor or the Shield
(not both). If they chose Armor, they may re-roll all dice Damage threshold, Armor, or wounds
Add a Noise token to the zone (if required) Dragon Fire removed after use, along with all Actors.
from the previous Armor roll (new result taking place of
4. Reorganize/Trade Survivor who threw torch gains all XP from kills
the previous one)
Spend an action to reorganize your inventory and Vaults
exchange any number of cards with a survivor in your 2. Move
Each zombie that did not attack or has a second action Survivor must spend one action to pickup vault item
zone. The other survivor in an exchange/trade can No line of sight across open vault door.
perform a free reorganize action too. (ex. runners) may move towards the survivors. Zombies
move towards zones in the following priority order: A vault is considered a building zone, but cannot be
5. Use Weapon, Spell or Enchantment searched and does not spawn zombies on reveal
1. Zone containing survivors that's in Line Of Sight
An action hits when dice rolls are equal to or higher Accessing a new building from inside a vault will
with the most Noise Tokens
than accuracy. A weapons damage value must equal or spawn zombies inside the new building
a. Survivors count as noise tokens
exceed a zombies min damage value to damage it. Out of Miniatures
b. Distance does not matter
If required, add a noise token to the survivors If you run out of miniatures during a zombie spawn, all of
2. If survivors are not in Line Of Sight, zombies move
zone. the minis on the board of the deficient type activate
towards the noisiest zone.
Melee: Use an item in-hand to attack a Zombie in your
a. Distance does not matter. Survivors = Noise Abominations
zone. +XP per kill.
Zombies use an action to move 1 Zone towards their Wounds from an Abomination cannot be blocked
Divide hits among possible targets in the Zone
target Zone, taking the shortest available path. Necromancers
Ranged: Use an item in-hand to attack a zone (a range
If 2+ zones contain an equal number of Necromancers are considered Zombies
of 0 is still considered a Ranged attack). +XP per kill.
survivors/noise tokens, Zombies split into equally When a Necromancer spawn card is revealed:
Cannot attack Zones closer than minimum range
sized groups and move towards each Spawn a Necromancer
If indoors, Line of Sight is reduced to one
If split, add zombies to make groups equal size Add A New Zombie Spawn (Necromancer side)
neighboring zone (shared opening/one zone away)
Do not duplicate Abomination/Necromancer where the Necromancer appeared and spawn
Hits are assigned according to targeting priority
If there are no open paths to the noisiest zone, zombies on that zone
Misses inflict friendly fire: assign hits to a survivor
Zombies move towards it as if all doors were open Give all Necromancers on the board an extra
1 wound per damage. Cannot hit yourself
(but cannot move through locked doors) activation (regardless of Necromancer type)
Armor roll can block friendly fire
Necromancers A necromancer always attempts to flee the board
Spell/Enchantment: Use a spell/enchantment item in-
Necromancers always move towards the nearest non- If no Survivors are in a Necromancers Zone, it
hand and apply its effect on a target or zone within line-
Necromancer Spawn Zone moves 1 Zone towards the nearest Spawn Zone
of-sight (can target self if target is survivor). +XP per kill.
"Once per turn" limit applies to each copy of the Spawn (not including the entry zone)
same enchantment/spell separately. This limit is Draw 1 Zombie Card per Spawn Zone & add zombies If several Spawn Zones are at an equal
applied per survivor (an exchanged item can be according to the highest survivor level color. distance, choose one as its target zone
used by each survivor in one phase) Cards should be drawn in same order each round If a Survivor is in a Necromancers Zone, it attacks
Magic/Combat Spells follow ranged attack rules If spawn deck empty, shuffle discard into new pile A Necromancer escapes if it activates (ie. takes a
Blue/Green Spawn zones only spawn as per quest move action) while on the escape zone
6. Take/Activate Objective
rules Replace Necromancer Spawn with a regular one
Take or activate an objective in your Zone. See the
Extra Activation Game over: If a Necromancer escapes the board
Quests description for game effects.
No zombies spawn in that zone. Instead, activate all when there are 6 Zombie Spawn tokens on the
7. Make Noise zombies of that type immediately board, the players lose the game
Place one Noise token in the survivors Zone Double Spawn If you kill a Necromancer, remove a Spawn zone
8. Do Nothing No zombies spawn in that zone. Instead, draw two cards Level Up & Gain Skills
Survivor does nothing. All remaining Actions are lost. for next zone. See page 26 for examples. When leveling up, choose one skill per danger level color

Zombicide Black Plague Rules Reference 1.1 by LamarrsAnomaly

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