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A different approach to the alien theory

Simon Bridge
There has always been a clash in what we see and what we believe. Life is all about how
we perceive it. Some consider it beautiful, some consider it to be struggle and some
perceive it as a school of learning. There has been and there always will be a difference in
our perceptions. What changes the facts...

Jatamanshi oil
Jatamanshi oilJatamanshi oil also known as Spikenard Oil is derived from the roots of
Nardostachys Jatamansi. It belongs to the botanical family Valerianaceae.The plant grows
wild and is occasionally cultivated in India, China and Japan.The dried roots are steam
distilled in India...

Patchouli oil
Patchouli oil The oil is produced by steam distillation of the dried leaves of Pogostemon
Cablin,a native of Philippine Islands and Indonesia where the bulk of today's patchouli
oil is produced. The plant is cultivated for production of essential oil in Sumatra, Malaya,
the Seychelle...

How Galileo’s Telescope Changed Astronomy

Will Kalif
Before Galileo turned his telescope toward the night sky the act of astronomy was pretty
much an astrological pursuit where objects and motions of object in the sky were
explained using ancient and archaic understandings of the universe and how it works. But
he didn’t just observe and note new...

Clove oils
Clove oilsClove oil is extracted from Eugenia caryophyllata of the Myrtaceae family.It is
a native of Indonesia and the Malacca Islands.It is an evergreen tree that grows to about
10 meters tall and has bright green leaves and nail shaped rose peach flower buds which
turn, upon...

Importance of Physical Education for Adolescents

Ron victor
For all young adults / adolescents / youths, physical education or physical activity is a
must and very important in their lives, as physical exercises help in the holistic
development of the individual which help them to make the transition and become
matured when they reach their adulthood. Today lifestyles ...

The Appalachian Trail and Natural Gas

bob Jent
The Appalachians are believed to be rich in coal and other resources including iron and
natural gas. American Indians observed natural gas forcing its way out from various
locations, mostly from the western side of the Appalachian Highlands. Known as the
Appalachians, they are a colossal system of mountains...

Population and Growth in energy

bob Jent
Historically when there were no uses for natural gas and no one to sell it to, it was burned
off. Some of the most visible areas in the night sky were those burning off natural gas.
They were seen in satellite images that were taken at night. Now the natural gas is mostly
put back in the earth for later...

A Timeline of Natural Gas

bob Jent
Historically when there were no uses for natural gas and no one to sell it to, it was burned
off. Some of the most visible areas in the night sky were those burning off natural gas.
They were seen in satellite images that were taken at night. Now the natural gas is mostly
put back in the earth for later...

Is the Serpent craftier than any other animal in Bible versus Quran?
Dr. Ibrahim Khalil
The Serpent Eats Dust in the Bible:Genesis 3:1-15, gives the story of The Fall of Adam
and Eve and the role of the serpent in such fall. The serpent was craftier than any of the
wild animals the LORD God had made.The serpent said to Eve, "Did God really say,
'You must not eat from any...

Is the Serpent craftier than any other animal in Bible versus Quran?
Dr. Ibrahim Khalil
The Serpent Eats Dust in the Bible:Genesis 3:1-15, gives the story of The Fall of Adam
and Eve and the role of the serpent in such fall. The serpent was craftier than any of the
wild animals the LORD God had made.The serpent said to Eve, "Did God really say,
'You must not eat from any...

Specialty Of Outdoor Education Camp

Ron victor
Outdoor education is a special program offered to kids, teens and adults in adventure
camps. Outdoor education comprises of organized learning of things which takes place
out of the environment. This is a special program which is considered to be important for
the people, especially students because it...

Allah Asks: Are the depths of darkness equal with Light?

Safaa Abdel-Aziz
In the Noble Quran, Allah is asking mankind some important questions.It seems
compulsory for the serious one who is looking for the truth to have a look at those
questions and if possible to answer them. Allah' questions are many. In this series, these
questions are chosen randomly.---------------...

A Closer Look At Who Invented The Sign Language?

Muna wa Wanjiru
Sign language is a very important mode of communication for people who cannot speak
or hear all over the world. This is an effective language which is a medium for imparting
education to the deaf communities. If you want to know who invented the sign language,
you must go back to the year 1620...

Why Its So Satisfying To Work As A Sign Language Interpreter

Muna wa Wanjiru
A sign language is a complete and comprehensive language of its own. It is not just some
gestures which are random and used to convey a meaning. Sign language also has a set of
grammar rules to go by. This language is mainly used by people who are hearing and
speech handicapped.People who are...

The Crumbling Facade Of The Theory Of Evolution

Josh Greenberger
The scientific concept of the origin of life on earth begins with the premise that life first
appeared billions of years ago with the formation of microscopic organisms out of
inanimate matter. In the billions of years which followed, small organisms evolved into
higher and more complex forms of life...

Proposed Guidelines for Science Teachers

Anirban Bhattacharya
Science and technology education are co-related with each other and cannot be separated
to gain the real meaning and essence of science education. From last many years, science
education has seen numerous changes and transformations to pass on the true value of
scientific theories and strategies. It...

Science and Environment: From Nothing, to Thing, to Something

-- --
Almost 55 years have passed since the publication in Nature of Francis Crick and James
Watson's description of the structure of DNA. It was on February 28, 1953, that the two
Cambridge colleagues actually pulled together the crystallographic and chemical data to
form the original model of the double...

Five Tips for Math Education

Anirban Bhattacharya
Many people think that studying subjects such as mathematics and sciences can be tricky.
It is not as convenient as other subjects could be. Not everyone is comfortable with the
concepts and inner learning of scientific and mathematical theories and need greater skill
and hard work to get the bets results....

Drug Delivery System

Marcia Henin
Drug delivery refers to the delivery of a pharmaceutical substance to human beings or
animals. Modes of delivery include oral, nasal and rectal. However, administration of
drugs through these modes may lead to terrible conditions. Therefore, physicians prefer
to deliver several peptides and protein...

Cyclosporine and Paclitaxel

Marcia Henin
Cyclosporine is a strong immunosuppressant medication considered as a disease
modifying anti rheumatic drug (DMARD). Medical terms for this drug are Gengraf,
Neoral and Sandimmune. Cyclosporine not only reduces the soreness and inflammation
of arthritis, but it also minimizes the risk of long-term immobility.

What Is Evolutionary Economics?

Steve Gillman
Haven't heard of evolutionary economics? It's not surprising. This is a new area of study
that looks into the biological and evolutionary forces that shape our economic decisions.
It is related to behavioral economics, another discipline you don't hear much about.The
behavioral perspective...

Air Pressure? Feel the Weight on your Shoulders.

Mark Boardman
The weight of air resting on a given area of the Earth's surface is known as air pressure.
Air pressure (or atmospheric pressure) is always greatest at sea level, where the air is at
its most dense. Therefore at the top of a mountain the air is less dense and therefore the
pressure is lower.The...

Your Creativity Quotient - How To Boost It

Steve Gillman
We don't have a precisely-numbered measure of your "creativity quotient," yet, like we
have for your intelligence quotient, or "IQ." But tests which do try to measure your
creative ability generally look at three criteria. These are the quantity of your ideas, their
originality, and the possible...

An Explanation of the Resolving Power of Telescopes

Will Kalif
Magnification of a telescope is easy to understand. The higher the power the closer the
look we get at images in the night sky (the bigger they look). Resolution is another
critical component of telescopes and it is very easy to understand if you think of it like
television sets. Older televisions have...

A History of Magnets And Their Many Uses

Ellen Bell
Magnets have been in use for thousands of years. The first known reference to magnetism
dates back to the 4th century B.C.E. from a Chinese literary work called "Book of the
Devil Valley Master." In this book, it was written that "lodestone attracts iron to it."
Lodestone is a type of magnetite metal...

Blavatsky’s Message and Teaching

Edi Bilimoria
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (HPB) task was to act as a messenger to bring the
knowledge that there is a Divine Wisdom – Theo-sophia as the root and basis upon which
all philosophies, sciences and religions are founded and which guides the cosmos, nature
and human life. This Divine Wisdom is variously...

Will The Phoenix Lander Make A Mockery Of Evolution?

Josh Greenberger
(June 24, 2008) The Phoenix lander's May 31st, 2008, transmission of photos of ice on
Mars is being hailed as a possible breakthrough in our search for life on other planets.
The hope is to test the ice for evidence of organic compounds that are the chemical
building blocks of life. This kind...

Science and Religion

peter hutch
The relationship between religion and science takes many forms as the two fields are both
broad. They employ different methods and address sometimes different questions. The
scientific method relies on an objective approach to measure, calculate, and describe the
natural/physical/material universe. Religious...

A brief on Celery seed oil

A brief on Boronia oil It is a highly priced extract of the flowers of Boronia
megastigma.It is an endemic woody shrub found in the southwestern region of West
Australia.It has cassie, violet, warm, sweet , woody, fresh, fruity, green odor.It is used up
to 3% in fragrance...

A brief on Boronia oil

A brief on Boronia oil It is a highly priced extract of the flowers of Boronia
megastigma.It is an endemic woody shrub found in the southwestern region of West
Australia.It has cassie, violet, warm, sweet , woody, fresh, fruity, green odor.It is used up
to 3% in fragrance...

A short note on Hinoki oil

A short note on Hinoki oilThe essential oil is obtained by the steam distillation of root or
leaves or the wood of tree Chamaecyparis obtusa L.The Hinoki Cypress (also known as
White Cedar) is a slow growing evergreen tree in Japan.Hinoki oils are known for their
ability to kill...

Melissa (Lemon balm) oil

Melissa (Lemon balm) oilMelissa oil is extracted from Melissa officinalis of the Labiatae
family and is also known as Lemon balm.This plant from the Mediterranean region grows
to about 60 cm and likes soil with high iron content and has small serrated slightly hairy
leaves and small white-pink ...

Tangerine oil
Tangerine oil Tangerine oil is extracted from Citrus reticulata (also known as Citrus
nobilis, C. madurensis, C. unshiu and C. deliciosa) of the Rutaceae family and is also
known as European mandarin.It is a native of China, but was taken to Europe and USA in
18 th century who, now are...

Kewda oil
Kewda oil It is obtained by steam distillation of flowers of Pandanus Odoratissimus,
native of the South Pacific islands. Kewda [Ketaki] is a densely branched shrub. It is
rarely erect and is generally found along the coast of India and the Andaman Islands. The
stem is usually up to 6...


TAGETES OIL AND ITS CHEMICAL COMPOSITIONTagetes essential oil is extracted
from Tagetes minuta or Tagetes glandulifera of the Compositae family and is also known
as marigold .Tagetes oil has a wild, sweet, fruity almost citrus-like smell and is yellow to
reddish, amber in color. The freshly...


oil is produced from Anthemis nobilis or Chamaemelum nobile of the family species
Asteraceae . It is also known as English chamomile, sweet chamomile and garden
chamomile.German chamomile essential oil is extracted from...


from Salivia sclarea of the Labiatae family and is also known as clary wort and muscatel
sage.It is a clear to pale yellow essential oil, and the oil has a sweet, nutty fragrance,
somewhat herbaceous, tea weedy, dry...

One Of the Simplest Subliminal Techniques

Steve Gillman
You may think you're not susceptible to subliminal techniques, but the research says that
virtually all of us are. And of all the various techniques out there, one of the most
common is a simple trick called "anchoring." Here is a look at how it is used on
you.Suppose I were to ask you and...

Cumin oil and its chemical composition


Prashantkumar Kudli Shrinivas has a vast industrial experience of Aroma

chemicals,Essential oils,Perfumery and Flavour formulations....

Cassia oil and its chemical composition

Cassia oil and its chemical compositionCassia oil is extracted from Cinnamomum cassia
also known as C. aromaticum and Laurus cassia of the Lauraceae family.It is also known
as false cinnamon and cassia lignea.Cassia oil is extracted from the leaves, bark, twigs
and stalks by steam...

Marjoram oil and its chemical composition

Marjoram oil and its chemical compositionThe oil of Sweet Marjoram (Origanum
marjorama or Marjorana hortensis) is obtained from the dried flower heads and leaves of
the plant by steam distillation.The plant is probably originated in the eastern
Mediterranean countries and is now cultivated...

Quality assurance systems for Aroma chemical industries

Quality assurance systems for Aroma chemical industriesBy Prashantkumar Kudli
Shrinivas and Prabhakar Rao MallavarapuUnlike other industries, aroma chemical
industry requires additional care and quality systems to take care of the odor. Actually we
can visualize this industry as...

The scientific fact of the sweet versus salt sea in the Quran
Safaa Abdel-Aziz
Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know
and acknowledge their Creator.Verses 35:10-12 of the Noble Quran says that all glory and
power belong to Allah; and Everything is recorded in the Guarded and Preserved Tablet.
Then the verses talk about the outcome...

Only those who have Knowledge fear Allah

Safaa Abdel-Aziz
Many people do not know Allah. This series is an attempt to help them in order to know
and acknowledge their Creator.Verses 35:25-28 of the Noble Quran says that: 1) Allah is
Almighty in His dominion, 2) if the disbelievers deny you O Muhammad; how many
Messengers which Allah has sent were denied?,...

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