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P,1gcNo. _Q~-1
in S1ud1l's w,~h elJ1fcal D>nsidEya-/ron1.> •

.1~ Fle~Jbili{~ : g,·~1le JYOUf de sun a/101.Js -f.oy -lh e

l)HUHfUlaJt'on or
mu/./11/a fndorenden-t Va'Y(ables OY 1hfl !
')1!fe()1Cd tr10nfrulo./ran or -Jhe £am[] (ndBrencl2n+ V(TY(able.J ;
Li.lhfr/1 Can fYOY(de v_alual,/e fnfoyma4,on QboU-f ..Jhe
11Jllc-ls of r-J-he fnderend11n-l- vaYfa.ble s on 1he
derendDnt VOY(ablt!s• _ - - -

1 1JJc. des1"jn __ {~ si"mrle and. s-J-raf;Jhffoywar1 ,_mal<uy J+-----1

.easu -fa__ 1n,rlernnnJ-~ ---
____ -~~--- __
- - ---- -- --~
r 71.e__ .de.5JJ11-
·· - -

Can ___bE ~ _ Jo Jf2-f1EY-fH£- hjp:Jlbesi.s __ .fay _

_ __Sur,J-bEv YesaaYCb • _ _ _ _
-- - - - - -----

_ ~me'Y1}s oI S(nJIed,...!...."Y.!!..10uL.J.r___ld~e:. .l. sWu.LLn__;_=--------

:_ -----

~ J yaf _g_;--ouf : 1h e ma in dtc;advartfqyes o[ £rqpe

3-rour dP~lJD ;s dha+ :lliEYe IS DO
8}1WJ' _! LJ 6a: 6 dba+ -I-be YE r's n n o
ron+-ro/ fay f2<4Yaoeous vay(abfes ar -.Jo dp.Jeym, nP,
1,1beJbe,, ---lb e cbanJL in :!be dP.rend!!n± - t..-........L...........__----i

- - is due _ --lo :1-na mancrula-lran ef dhe fodf!yendea 1-

vay;ablfl _[J'Y some o-lbeY _,_~o:c.. .!,_•.Y - - - - - - - ~

Teacher's Signature _ _ _ _ __

1',1gc Nn. O.S

Lra) ninJ :
- - - . lhe <J'YOCess o.r(eoYniru r's Cbn.ft'nuous whr
sfoyfS ,1j h/. f-totn ·fhl! -Jtm /!. c,f bi-rJh or an
rndividual and Con-J,'nues -101 -I he dea!I) .
-n 1'ersoos t,errs on fearntnJ ac-ross a11 -1hE SJOJES
of life .1 'Bj ['ons-h·ua-111u OY YfCon S-l-ruC1l°Q_Jexreyfences
undPl Jhe innuences ( or ei-na-Jronal and _fns~rnc~ual
d1t; J'O sd10 ns · __
T.s.3el1of0Jfsls fn . 3e11e)'al defrne 1PaYnlhJ Oh Ye1a-lrve!Y
ff)mnnen+ _ behav,o,al rnod,frca-Jrons _ Whfch_ .Jake rlace. _ Qb
u ') f suit of exre) ience_• r-11i,·s de[fn i"-J(on _ of lEaYnLg;.
. .":}-hrss £s on 41, Yee __ fmr,oy➔ ao+ . elem ends _ef _lE cttlHOJ ~

~ l.£a)1J.I°L2) fnvolves a _hehavi'oYa l _ Cb!l.nJ(,<..£_ W.h.11'h___Ca.o_ b_e. _

-- - h&i6' DY - l.JOY_s.E •
--- -
- -
ChOnJ.£ 4°uld ..:l.<7.KL 71_a.r.E 0...S a
_ .o£. rpac:l,1e onL e..xft¥(ente ·. ChuoJE~ _ --re.s_uJlLbJ ±YO
__rnoJuy~ IJY j -YotJJb ccm.ntl _ he _fg_n.si_rletl?_cl (lS_ _ -l

____ leatorru,
- -
--~ -Jbis beMYJ'ollio1 Cha tJJ-8 mu.s1 __b_e YelQ-/Lve~ _7eYrn an en+_-J
__ and las~ +av a yeJoli_v.Eb _Johi] -4rm.e _ eng½J.L~---t

-- -
- -
--- ·-
- -- ,-- T- - T

Teacher's Signature__ _ - - ~ - -
- -- - - - -- -
l ),Ill'

P1ll1l' No, 0j
~MEl HOV 1

VOYIO bl P.S : ..

'Dr. rt!ndenl Vovi'obles ~ UaYninJ [£;,roYs ancl •I fme~J

lndepcnde1JJ Vo-Yi ab Jes : rlu tn be Y of ~ryra}j •
t;u~rd fa)lfri ronls :-
Tun rar~rrrran~s ,e -Jo 20 gEaYS aye ~

obJornetl fn 1s .f) . i Sl Je°'Y and 10~0/ rorolCJJ.ron rs \

I SO •

~1ole) ials y·e '1 uhfd.. : - _ _ _J

Huma I) rnm.e-1211YDJ·v 'B_f-f-OXOf1JS ) fen.,. r.eneJJ.r :

PYas sr~'(_ ;f ·e:l: • _ _

- --------

-=_ \niJral frqara:ffon : In !bQ oul- of~dudlnJ-1) a-r-P - _j


_ __
iniliol~ ,2:,£/eci-ed
-hluJ eo ts
➔hPO tJs
O o4 Yl'Q d,:J
a p:olJem
bu l tb.e --?:ieleckd ~
OOJ IO ~+udeo J
Jay an . e
:fl:ts __ -b21 _d ;
*1 m;;;
ilfl: .C<UI!ff-vlI½:/ le r~·Yfrcfronls ~Y an exre>-1meu4· 1'JJLllon_;___ Jl,e ~eler1£d 701/-rcrrqnJ,-s a--ce ·r rov(~ ~

--- -1j .. .wnP - (oslxudioo - 1--/oiJ - fd Wo~ls ex,re~enl:J
>.,o, -fhE rSiJ-Eho4ffsJ. p:ovtdL Som 11 _ iosl"fllL'ill!'iL~:c~
+.oY (Jt) ~ - f:-XffY(,nen+• ~ -~~ r _,_l
-r --.---..-- - ~ - -

Teacher's Sign,1turc -~---

I) Ile

: \ ,._., > frne nt : I
Ffnn ))~ t.J i l1 ca 11 1h e su bj ec/- and 1
t.;~ rr.) i,l) ln J an j' • ..]en ~ ;,ral s t.1 r11
40 one su15ecJ and Hund,-ecf
be Jiveb
-h,. r a1s LJi 11
h£ J i'ven -Io 'Jen c, o) Subfet.l.!b • I
~esul 1- \

F111cl -lhL rnEan or +he mrs-f.akes rnade (n fh e 1
firs!- alktut1- Qnd +ind. -lhE mPon o+ _ -1-k£ -.
Lr s~'1J:R rn adB tn -l:hn _ f osl a-Hem rJ- • _ Frnd. _fhE_~
--r-~:s; re) __fhe mean a+ +he _ +r-r::s,L oJJcL _J
_ •~s~ ~~cnJrJ.tOJJQ]_• - - - ~ - - _ _ __
- ~_l[ the }l'r-s+ alJemrl f's_ cl 11e - (n +h~-
mean. fil -
_ ) 1:ben 4be___ Jci___ ruJ.2L f s _ ~
_ _ 10 +be mean rn _ a me._q_JJ1iylhl - lia,J<I-----L-----t
___ ,ib2n tJe _ will -?)£e +ha eftec+s of _JLL-1.h2,....___ __,1

_ _ DJ f shl keh an -fb R ~YD ey~ , \

~ _.It -}hi!_ f(ysJ aJJemrl Is_ donn _[_o +be tnean °£ \
.}he ::HroR ~ 1:1,en _ +bE l«.s.L TY6l} {!;y rs lb °i 1
mrao a[ _ -l-hD -l-rro.L rs Jess -1-b an_, ::l-M.h ~~ \
_ ___,ti,. .,__liL.U.11 ?')PP. }he_ £!.£feels of :f:b e fhfs+akf?;: oD
_ __ ____ lli_ _lg.a,,oeW> • __ - - - - - - -- ----------1

Teacher's Signature _ _
P,1gl' No. IJ
11' (l t11 P. a11 ar. tJ mJ? an d f?yyo Y-' of' .:J

-I) ; aI ,. s s(J n,. frea n-flj hJJ h r mr OY('Jf On >J


_e as.J -fyfal lJOU Can Sad OUY hJfa.JJ,ilsr~

(s ar.cerJ£d•

- -
X S-i11JhJ [o. ~) C2.02-o]_,_£xre-riroPnta/ _fsJChalaJJ / 1\/eb.J 1)2/_J.,[_;_ -
sOJ E f.u.h11r.a1rons.:_ __
-iJ1thuJJOJ), F•J · [111QJ • Exrer(men-Jq} fSJC-1°l°JJ_[-5t!!_ M~JOJJJ > - -
- _ ___ Ne1.1 Delbr ~ fyetJdfce Hall- _ _ _ _ --
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~ Has[ML,_S,fl and Mcrna:r4J .C· [2.0°3) .~2sPaYcb mP}/,od~ _ a_n_d__ ~

___ St(l trs JIT-4 fo f S# cl, oI~::J_..L~o~a!L1--=-:_.!,,L!,~- - - - - - - - .


Teacher's Signature _ _ _ _ __

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