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AGA, Chapter 4

Crown competititions:
the events at Olympia, Delphi,
Nemea, and Isthmia
(Part II)
Gymnikos Agon
(footraces, contact sports, pentathlon)
Hippikos Agon
The Pentathlon
▪ stadion (footrace)
▪ Diskos (discus throw)
▪ Halma (long jump)
▪ Akon (javelin throw) f.130
▪ Pale (wrestling)
How was the winner decided?
f. 104
The diskos, f. 108
▪ Throw from rounded end of stadium
▪ Competitors given 3 throws? (37r)
Stone or bronze, c. 2 kg
(f. 106)
f. 107
The discus throw, f. 108
f. 109
f. 110
f. 112
Long jump (halma), f. 127
▪ Both footprints have to show
Pit dug in the stadium, f. 121
Flute, f. 122, 130
f. 104
f. 123
Hand weights: halter
(pl., halteres):1.5 - 2.5 kg
(f. 115)
f. 117,
Halma Technique (f. 122)
(40a, sect. 55)
f. 124
f. 126
f. 127
f. 128
f. 129
Akon (javelin throw)
‘thonged’ throwing, f. 134
Comparative Evidence
run up to the mark, 5 throws
f. 135
f. 140
Accuracy or distance? (15a)
javelins in
f. 132
Youths were not permitted
to compete in all events
f. 69
Hippikos Agon (f.144)
Numerous types, but limited
evidence (f. 146)
The Hippodrome, f. 166
▪ Just a cleared space, 600x200 meters
▪ Starting line, 2 turning posts
▪ 400 meters between posts; 12 laps
▪ 40 - 60 chariots, no barrier
Crashes (11a)
f. 149, 150
4-horse chariot race, f. 145
▪ most prestigious, very expensive
▪ (13a, 18a)
▪ procession: judges, chariots, & charioteers
Chariots, f. 147
charioteer, 5’11”,
c. 478
(sanctuary of
Apollo at Delphi)
Owner & charioteer, f. 155
Starting-gate at Olympia,
f. 157
horseback race
f. 152
f. 162
f. 154
cart race, f. 156
Other Olympic Events
Herald, f. 163
Trumpet, f. 164
Other Stephanitic Events
not found at the Olympics
singing w/ Kithara, f. 161
flute (w/ & wo/ singing),
f. 160
f. 158
Poetry, f. 165
▪ Problems with non-athletic events

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