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Use of OR Systems in the Chilean Forest Industries

Rafael Epstein, Ramiro Morales, Jorge Serón, Andres Weintraub,

To cite this article:

Rafael Epstein, Ramiro Morales, Jorge Serón, Andres Weintraub, (1999) Use of OR Systems in the Chilean Forest Industries.
Interfaces 29(1):7-29.

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Use of OR Systems in the Chilean Forest

Rafael Epstein Department of Industrial Engineering, University

of Chile, República 701—Santiago, Chile

Ramiro Morales Department of Industrial Engineering, University

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of Chile

Jorge Serón Bosques Arauco Los Horcones s/n, Concepción,


Andres Weintraub Department of Industrial Engineering, University

of Chile

The Chilean forestry sector is composed of private firms that

combine large timber-land holdings of mostly pine plantations
and some eucalyptus with sawmills and pulp plants. Since
1988, to compete in the world market, the main Chilean forest
firms, which have sales of about $1 billion, have started imple-
menting OR models developed jointly with academics from
the University of Chile. These systems support decisions on
daily truck scheduling, short-term harvesting, location of har-
vesting machinery and access roads, and medium- and long-
term forest planning. Approaches used in solving these com-
plex problems include simulation, linear programming with
column generation, mixed-integer LP formulations, and heuris-
tic methods. The systems have led to a change in organiza-
tional decision making and to estimated gains of at least US
$20 million per year.

T he Chilean forestry sector generates

about 13 percent of all exports. For-
estry exports include timber logs, pulp,
during the last seven years and has good
potential for further expansion during the
next 20 years. The forest sector has been
and sawtimber. It is the second largest sec- one of the drivers of Chile’s amazing eco-
tor in the country after mining. The sector nomic development during the last 15
has grown at a rate of 12 percent a year years.

Copyright q 1999, Institute for Operations Research INDUSTRIES—LUMBER/WOOD

This paper was refereed.

INTERFACES 29: 1 January–February 1999 (pp. 7–29)


The Chilean forestry sector is com- Fundación Chile. We will describe the sys-
pletely private, based mainly on large tems we developed, the problems we
firms that own pine plantations (some eu- solved, the process we used in developing
calyptus too) and are vertically integrated the systems, the methodology used, its im-
with pulp plants, sawmills, and paper plementation, and finally the results ob-
markets. Holding Arauco and Forestal tained in each case. The systems devel-
Mininco (CMPC), the two largest compa- oped deal with three operational
nies, are among the 50 largest forestry problems: daily truck scheduling, location
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firms in the world. Holding Arauco, which of harvesting machinery, and short-term
consists of Bosques Arauco and Forestal harvesting. A typical distribution of oper-
Celco, has 740,000 hectares of plantations ating costs is 30 percent for harvesting, 42
and annual timber sales of about $300 mil- percent for transportation, 14 percent for
lion. In addition, it purchases timber val- road building, four percent for loading,
ued at about $100 million. With its indus- and 10 percent for other processes
trial products (pulp and sawtimber) its [Weintraub et al. 1996]. The fourth prob-
total sales are about $1 billion a year. lem the systems deal with is medium-
CMPC, the other large firm, owns 490,000 range tactical harvest scheduling, and the
hectares and has annual timber sales of fifth problem is long-range strategic
$180 million. Timber purchases add an- planning.
other $120 million, and total sales are $1.3 All of these systems have evolved over
billion a year when pulp, paper, and saw- time as the firms’ needs have changed and
timber are added. Other important forest the systems have become more sophisti-
firms are Forestal Bio-Bio, owned by the cated. At the moment, each system is in
New Zealand group Fletcher (50,000 hec- version 2 or 3. The systems are designed
tares); Forestal Millalemu (60,000 hec- on PCs for ease of use and run in small
tares); Forestal Monteaguila, owned by CPU times consistent with time managers
Shell (30,000 hectares); and Forestal Copi- allocate for decision-making meetings. The
hue (20,000 hectares). systems have had an organizational im-
Chilean forestry firms have always had pact. Decision making at each level has re-
a high level of cooperation. In 1988, they lied on these systems, and successful man-
were organized into an association called agement is seen as associated with the use
Forestry Production Group (GPF), coordi- of these systems.
nated by Fundación Chile, a nonprofit in- Use of systems has led to annual sav-
stitution formed by the Chilean State and ings of at least US $20 million a year. This
ITT, to promote the development of Chile. amount is significant given the size of the
Within this initiative, the management of firms. For instance, due to the use of three
the Chilean forestry firms has changed OR systems, Bosques Arauco reports total
through the introduction of optimization savings of $8 million a year over a total
systems at different decision levels. Most annual timber production worth $140 mil-
of the systems were developed by the for- lion. The firm considers its use of these
estry firms in a joint effort coordinated by systems a strategic competitive advantage.


The systems have also had an important ucts, hauled from many origins to destina-
impact on management organization and tions, using 200 trucks with a small num-
have in some cases contributed to environ- ber of engineers. In this way, each
mental protection. This work has been rec- engineer is capable of managing about
ognized in other countries: South Africa 500,000 cubic meters of production per
and Brazil have implemented some of year, leading to a very productive man-
these systems, and New Zealand has ex- agement. Through better use of the har-
pressed interest in them. vesting machinery, we reduce erosion.
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This reduction in environmental harm is

Their joint development of vital though difficult to quantify. Overall, I
feel that the use of these systems has given
these systems means that the
us a strategic competitive advantage in the
software has become joint global timber markets, where our firm,
property, evidence of the which is significantly oriented toward ex-
willingness of the firms . . . to ports, competes in a very competitive
share technical developments. setting.”
We will comment on the relationship
Starting in 1993, a state agency that sup- between all the participants in developing
ports applied research, Fondef, funded the these systems: the University of Chile, the
development of basic tools, which were forest firms, and Fundación Chile, which
later transfered to forestry firms. This sup- coordinated the firms in the Forest Pro-
port came through a grant obtained by the duction Group. Their joint development of
group. these systems means that the software has
The positive impact of these systems has become joint property, evidence of the
led forestry firms to increase their profes- willingness of the firms in this industry to
sional development and training in the use share technical developments. This will-
of these quantitative tools. Some of the ingness exists not only among forest firms
professionals who directed successful im- within Chile, which could be explained by
plementations of these systems have been their need to collaborate in marketing and
promoted to higher positions within their technological development to compete
organizations. As Jorge Serón, CEO of with other timber-producing countries,
Bosques Arauco, said, “Our firm has been such as New Zealand, South Africa, and
using three systems developed by this Canada, but also extends to firms in other
group. These systems have had a deep im- countries. Visits of Chilean professionals
pact on our firm, as they have become ba- to forest areas in other countries are com-
sic tools in our forest planning and man- mon, and a culture of sharing knowledge
agement. Any new professional we hire is is far stronger than in other fields. This
required to learn the use of these systems has made the extension of the systems we
and make them part of their regular work. developed to multiple firms in Chile, and
This has allowed us to handle a large later to firms in other countries, much
number of timber stands, multiple prod- easier.

January–February 1999 9

While forest professionals within the levels of truck drivers; and (4) the starting
firms have become quite proficient in un- and ending points of each truck’s daily
derstanding and using the systems, no route.
firm has hired technical personnel in OR. The basic objective is to satisfy the de-
Thus, all systems development depends mand for different products at each desti-
on the expertise of the university group. nation, while minimizing transportation
ASICAM: A Truck-Scheduling System costs within technical, policy, and labor
An important problem in forestry opera- constraints. A typical forestry firm oper-
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tions is deciding how to transport timber ates with approximately 10 to 90 origins,

each day from different stands (origins or five to 30 destinations, and between 50
sources), with known supplies, to destina- and 300 trucks. Depending on the distance
tions, such as pulp mills, sawmills, sorting involved, each truck can make from one to
yards, and ports, to meet their daily de- four trips per day. Since transportation
mands. The timber products transported costs account for about 40 percent of oper-
are characterized basically by the length ating costs, it is important to define and
and diameter of each log. The products control truck schedules efficiently.
available are usually stocks remaining The traditional log-transport systems
from the previous day plus production used in the Chilean forest industry were
throughout the day. Trucks transport inefficient and poorly organized. Essen-
loads of logs from origins to destinations. tially truck drivers had no well-defined
At origins and destinations cranes load schedules. This led to failures to meet de-
and unload the trucks. Although the firms mand, long waiting times in queues, fric-
typically subcontract trucks and cranes, tion among drivers, long working days,
they usually organize their schedules. The low utilization of equipment, and poor co-
basic decisions a log-transport manager ordination with downstream operations,
makes each day concern (1) the origins such as the conveyor belt at the mill. In
from which to transport product to satisfy 1988, Bosques Arauco produced 600,000
each demand, (2) what trucks and cranes cubic meters of timber per year, which
are needed at origins and destinations to was transported with a fleet of approxi-
satisfy all demands, and (3) the work mately 90 trucks. Jorge Serón, at the time
schedule for each truck and crane. head of production, and Pier Traverso,
Besides satisfying demands for prod- head of transportation, worried because
ucts, forestry firms must consider (1) the truck operations were difficult to handle
characteristics of trucks and cranes, basi- and expansion plans called for almost tri-
cally described by the time and costs in- pling production by 1990. They were con-
volved in trips and in loading and unload- vinced that their manual scheduling sys-
ing; (2) the arrival time of trucks at tem, based on a magnetic board, could not
destinations, which determines the num- handle the expansion in volume. That
ber of cranes needed for unloading and magnetic board was the first effort to or-
for coordinating deliveries of logs with ganize transportation in the forestry sec-
downstream operations; (3) the income tor. The managers realized the limitations


of their manual scheduling, which only al- ration between academics and managers
lowed them to define rigid trip cycles with of the forestry firms was a common factor
schedules that had to be kept for many in the successful implementation of all the
days and which limited their capacity to systems that we developed. The success of
respond to variations in production. They ASICAM showed the potential of opera-
needed a new and better tool to improve tions research tools for forest
the efficiency of the operation and to han- management.
dle the expansion. They were unable to
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find a system that handled forest- Eight Chilean firms have

transportation scheduling in high technol-
implemented ASICAM, and
ogy countries with forestry sectors, includ-
ing the USA, Canada, and New Zealand.
they report savings of 15 to 35
To improve this situation, they asked the percent of transportation
team at the University of Chile, Andres costs.
Weintraub, Rafael Epstein, and Ramiro
Morales, to develop an administrative and ASICAM is based on two notions: a cen-
computerized system for Chilean forest tralized administrative system that sched-
firms to program and manage an efficient ules and controls all trips, and a simula-
daily schedule of truck trips. This was the tion model for generating such decisions.
first such joint project of GPF, which was The administrative overhaul was essential
at the time directed by Marcelo Kunz, who to centralize and coordinate decisions and
is now CEO of Forestal Millalemu. to schedule trips efficiently. Determining
ASICAM took about a year to develop, efficient truck schedules is a complex com-
but a preliminary version was operative binatorial problem, which clearly could
after six months. The system was imple- not be solved well with a manual ap-
mented in January 1989 at Bosques Ar- proach using a magnetic board. We based
auco. Weintraub and Epstein designed the the computational system on a simulation
algorithm for ASICAM to be very robust, model driven by heuristic rules that assign
so that all firms could use it. Later Ariel trips to trucks. The system, which is run
Schilkrut, who also supported the other daily, takes the following as its main in-
systems, participated in maintaining and puts: the supply of timber products at ori-
developing newer versions of the system. gins or sources, demands at destinations,
Jaime Catalán and Jorge Gatica also con- truck fleet and crane equipment character-
tributed to this project. istics, costs and times for the different
ASICAM had a dramatic impact on for- trips and for loading and unloading, plus
est transportation. A main reason the pro- an additional set of relevant constraints.
ject succeeded was that Jorge Serón and As outputs, the system yields require-
Pier Traverso became directly involved in ments for trucks and cranes, a schedule for
developing and implementing the system each, and basic statistics to evaluate
and had a clear understanding of the performance.
problem and objectives. This close collabo- Given the high combinatorial complex-

January–February 1999 11

ity of the problem, we chose an approach truck drivers are managed by the truck
that simulates daily operations. We tried owners, not the forest firms). However,
to replicate real-time scheduling, given the the firms realized that in the long run they
volumes of products that have to be needed to consider the real costs the truck
hauled from origins to destinations and owners faced (for example, to consider
the trucks available. In the simulation pro- also queuing and empty trips). So the ob-
cess, we assign trucks following specific jective was defined to minimize the real
rules. The simulation starts, for example, costs of transportation. Total real costs
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at 6:30 AM as the first group of trucks faced by truck owners include operational
starts loading and later are dispatched to costs (fuel, tires, maintenance) and fixed
their destinations. As the cranes at origins costs (capital depreciation, insurance, sala-
become available again, new trucks enter ries). The penalty for congestion at origins
the system. After trucks unload at destina- is a heuristic estimate that depends on (1)
tions, they are assigned new trips. The the trucks that may load at the same time
system moves along in this manner during at a given origin, (2) the alternative trips
the day. available for those trucks, and (3) the
To assign trips in a coordinated way, we probability of selecting a conflicting trip.
chose a moving time horizon of one hour. The simulation process estimates the con-
Given a starting time t0, the system evalu- gestion effect as it analyzes possible future
ates all possible trips for all trucks that trips to origins to be made in addition to
will become free before t0 ` 1 hour. Only those already scheduled. The congestion
those trips that are assigned by the simu- penalty is not a real cost; it is just a device
lation process during the first 15 minutes to reflect the loss of efficiency some trip
are actually fixed. Then the starting time assignments cause to other trucks, and it is
moves to t0 ` 15 minutes and the trip as- not included in the reports.
signment process is repeated (Figure 1). The selection of the next trip to be as-
The assignment of trips is based on evalu- signed is based on the desirability index
ating every feasible option a truck has af- just described but in the context of trip
ter unloading. An option is a trip to an priorities. Priorities are based on the
origin to load a product and another trip model’s perception of urgency in schedul-
to a destination for unloading. An option ing trips. Thus, the first priority is for trips
is feasible depending on truck-frame and to destinations with urgent requirements.
engine characteristics, and on policy deci- For example, if a destination requires four
sions. These options are evaluated based truckloads per hour, and the simulation
on priorities and desirability of the trips. has assigned only two between 14:00 and
To evaluate the desirability of each fea- 15:00 with few options available to pro-
sible trip, we define an index that consid- vide the remaining two truckloads, those
ers the total real cost plus a congestion trips become first priority. The schedule
penalty. The typical contracts with truck programs efficient trips to minimize trans-
owners link payment with the length of portation costs and reduces queuing at
the loaded trips carried out (salaries to origins and destinations.

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Figure 1: Between t0 and t0 ~ 1, trucks 1 and 2 arrive at destination D1, and trucks 3 and 4
arrive at destination D2. At t0 the simulation model assigns a trip for trucks 1, 2, 3, and 4. Deci-
sions for trucks 1 and 3 are performed while decisions for trucks 2 and 4 are released. The
simulation time is increased by 15 minutes and the process is then repeated at t0 ~ 15*. A deci-
sion consists of an unloaded trip to an origin and a loaded trip to a destination. For instance, a
decision for truck 1 could be loading at origin O2 and unloading at destination D2.

Because destinations and downstream tem but not a high level of technical prep-
operations have limited unloading capac- aration. Typically, the operator needs
ity, arrivals at destinations must be regu- three or four runs of the system to evalu-
lar. This is not trivial because complete cy- ate several scenarios before choosing a
cles (trip to origin, load, trip to solution.
destination, unload) can vary significantly The implementation of the system has
(1.5 to five hours) depending on the loca- provided significant benefits, both quanti-
tions of the origins and destinations. Dur- tative and qualitative. The quantitative im-
ing the simulation, the system dynami- provements have been measured in terms
cally determines when a destination will of numbers of trucks, numbers of cranes,
be in critical need of supply in order to operational costs, and total transportation
continue regular operations. costs. More efficient assignment of trips
The development and fine-tuning of leads to shorter trips and less queuing. As
these heuristic rules took over a year, in- trucks’ productivity increases, fewer
cluding tests in different firms. The final trucks are needed (Table 1). This allows a
algorithm turned out to be robust for all decrease in capital investments. Because
firms and situations. Weintraub et al. the firms usually share the savings with
[1996], give a detailed description of the the trucking firms, the trucks that remain
system. The system runs on a PC and in the system have improved the income
takes approximately three minutes to find they produce for their owners. In most
a solution. The operators need to have cases, reorganizing the administrative sys-
good knowledge of the transportation sys- tem was responsible for a significant frac-

January–February 1999 13

tion of the improvement. As peak arrivals Traverso, head of transportation, said in

at destinations flattened, the number of 1992, “ASICAM has been in operation for
cranes needed for loading and unloading three years in Bosques Arauco with very
decreased by about 20 percent. significant benefits, which were especially
Eight Chilean firms have implemented evident when a new plant came into
ASICAM, and they report savings of 15 to operation. We went from 120 trucks to 300
35 percent of transportation costs, equiva- trucks in a peak month, and in spite of
lent to total annual savings of more than this expansion, there was no chaos, no dis-
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$8.5 million a year [Weintraub et al. 1996]. order. In addition, the quality of work of
The firms also achieved qualitative im- the drivers improved as well as the con-
provements, such as improved overall trol over the system, especially with re-
control of the system, by organizing tim- spect to loading and unloading.”
ber stocks at origins, keeping trucks and Leonidas Valdivieso, head of the De-
cranes in good shape, and handling dis- partment of Harvesting and Transport at
ruptions that occur during the day, and Mininco, said, “We have been able to opti-
smoother downstream operations by mak- mize not only transport, reducing the
ing regular deliveries at demand nodes. In number of trucks, favoring the remaining
addition, the system has improved the with more trips, but we have also
quality of life of workers, reducing their achieved better coordination between har-
workdays from 14 to 11 hours, and in- vesting operations and demand centers.”
creasing their salaries because of higher Mauricio Peña from Forestal Millalemu
productivity. Managers of forestry firms commented, “The most visible and imme-
have commented on these improvements diate effect was the reduction in the truck
[Weintraub et al. 1996]. Claudio fleet from 80 to 50 trucks. Additionally,
Rodriguez, head of the Division of Timber the number of internal personnel dedi-
Supply at Forvesa (presently Forestal Min- cated to programming and supervising
inco), noted, “We have reduced our fleet transportation was reduced. Further bene-
by 32 percent, but the most positive as- fits obtained have included the detection
pects, in my judgment, are the qualitative of equipment shortages, a reduction of
benefits concerning people.” Bosques Ar- wood stock at origins, and the subsequent
auco tripled its operations in 1990; Pier decrease in losses due to degradation.”
The system has proved to be extremely
Before After
Company ASICAM ASICAM portable to different realities. For instance,
Sawmills Arauco, a subsidiary of Holding
Bosques Arauco 156 120 Arauco that handles sawtimber produc-
Forestal Millalemu 80 50 tion through eight sawmills, has used a
Forestal Bio-Bio 118 76 version of ASICAM to schedule its truck
Forestal Rı́o Vergara 120 80 fleet since 1997. Mondi in South Africa im-
Table 1: The number of trucks four forestry plemented ASICAM; we are developing a
firms required for hauling similar volumes of
timber decreased with the implementation of version of ASICAM for Aracruz, a large
ASICAM. Brazilian forest firm; and according to

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Figure 2: In this analysis of the use of two different bucking patterns, pattern 1 first tries to
obtain a piece 12.10 m long and at least 24 cm in diameter. After that, the pattern looks for a
piece 4.10 m and 20 cm. Finally, the remainder of the tree goes to pulp. Similarly for pattern 2.
The diameters shown in each schematic figure are actual values obtained. Since in pattern 2, at
8.10 m long the diameter obtained (29 cm) is larger than the minimum required (24 cm), the
first piece can be cut.

Cossens [1992, p. 18], “ASICAM appears creased dramatically, and Mondi saw dou-
to have good potential for use in New bling of vehicle utilization and a halving
Zealand.” (However, it has not been im- of the fleet transporting some 400,000 tons
plemented in New Zealand.) per annum. The system now forms the
Mondi’s implementation of ASICAM re- cornerstone of a quality initiative where it
quired minor modifications to account for is essential that we feed the merchant mill
the fact that Mondi works around the with a consistent supply of timber with
clock. ASICAM was one of the tools that similar properties.”
led to Mondi Forests being awarded the OPTICORT: A Short-Term Harvesting
1996 South African Logistics Achievement System
Award. As Don Alborough, supplies and After implementing ASICAM, the fo-
logistics manager of Mondi-Natal, ex- resty firms initiated a project to support
plains, “Over a period of years ASICAM short-term harvesting. For the purpose of
was purchased and implemented very harvesting decisions, forests are divided
successfully into our Natal operations. The into reasonably homogeneous stands,
control over our and contractor fleet in- similar mainly in tree age, site quality, and

January–February 1999 15

management state. Short-term harvest de- forest-inventory system based on sample

cisions can be viewed as follows: for a pe- plots, which indicate for each stand and
riod of typically three months, demands given bucking pattern how much volume
for timber products, defined by length and can be expected for each product. Figure 3
diameter of each piece, are known. At shows how a sample tree might be visual-
times, the average diameter of all the ized by the inventory system before buck-
pieces making up a complete sale is also ing, while Figure 2 shows a schematic so-
important. Typical demands are (in order lution for two given bucking patterns.
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of decreasing commercial value) export Short-term harvest planning takes into

logs (long pieces of high diameter), saw- account harvesting and transportation de-
timber (shorter logs of high diameter), and cisions. Transportation costs used in OPTI-
pulp timber (any diameter). CORT are based on observed-average or
In harvesting, firms use different types estimated transportation costs for different
of machinery for different types of terrain. origin-destination pairs. Traditionally, an
They harvest areas with steep slopes using experienced planner did short-term har-
towers or cable logging, and they harvest vest planning manually. The planner ana-
flat areas using tractors or skidders. When lyzed the demands for different products
loggers harvest trees they cut them into in the near future (one to three months
several products or pieces to respond to ahead), the standing timber available in
demand. This cutting operation is called that period, and the firm’s capacity for
bucking. Bucking can be carried out on the harvesting, which depends mainly on the
ground and individual pieces are trans- availability of harvesting equipment (tow-
ported to their separate destinations from ers, skidders) and trucks for transporta-
there, or the whole log can be transported tion. With this information, the planner
to a sorting center, where the bucking is scheduled a sequence of stands to be har-
carried out. vested and the machinery to be allocated.
The bucking instructions are given as a The planner defined bucking patterns so
set of lengths and diameters to be ob- as to yield the products needed, including
tained in sequence, of decreasing diameter stocks, to satisfy each period’s demand,
and value. Loggers are instructed to ob- typically a week. The information on
tain as many pieces as possible of each de- standing timber came from preharvest-
fined piece, in the given order. Thus, from inventory systems.
bucking pattern 2 in Figure 2, the logger Matching standing timber with product
first tries to get a piece which at 8.10 m demand turned out to be a difficult combi-
has a diameter of at least 24 cm. If at that natorial problem, which led to significant
length the diameter falls below 24 cm, the losses as mismatches led to harvesting
logger then tries to obtain a piece of length more timber than was really needed and
4.10 m and diameter 20 cm. After that, the to the degradation of much of the excess.
rest of the tree is used for pulp, which has An additional problem, though of lesser
a minimum diameter of 8 cm. impact, was that less than optimal deci-
Each forestry firm has developed a sions were made in the use of machinery

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Figure 3: In this representation of simulation criteria in bucking patterns, the bottom part of
the tree, below the defect, leads to an export piece, with some residual timber useful only as
pulp. The six-meter section above the defect can be used as sawtimber.

and transportation. definition of bucking patterns. The num-

OPTICORT seemed a logical way to get ber of such patterns is exponentially high.
better schedules. The development was At first, we built the model with a pre-
led by Jorge Serón and Enrique Nieto, defined, moderate set of such patterns for
head of planning from Arauco. Sergio each stand, trying to cover a reasonable
Alvarez, regional chief, and Eduardo range of options. When the model was
Tapia, a senior manager from Forestal successfully implemented, we developed a
Mininco, also played important roles. De- column-generation approach to automati-
velopment of the system took about two cally generate the bucking patterns. This
years, and its implementation at Arauco, new feature overcame two main draw-
Mininco, and Bio-Bio was very successful. backs: first, for users it was too time con-
OPTICORT is based on an LP model suming to generate a “good” set of pat-
with a column-generation procedure (ap- terns, and second, the sets of initial
pendix). The main decisions the model bucking patterns were probably missing
covers are which stands to harvest among better options. We based the column-
those with mature trees ready for harvest- generation scheme on a specially devel-
ing that are already accessible by existing oped branch-and-bound algorithm linked
roads, what type of machinery to use in to each firm’s forest-inventory system.
each operation, what volume to cut each The basis of the column-generation
week or period (with the corresponding scheme is shown in Figure 4. At the root
bucking patterns to be used), and what node, the scheme chooses a first cut. For
products should be delivered to different example, it cuts a piece 12.10 m long and
destinations to satisfy demand (stocks can 24 cm in diameter. From each node, the
also be accumulated for future use). scheme defines new branches according to
A main methodological point was the the next cuts that are possible. Thus, after

January–February 1999 17
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Figure 4: In this branch-and-bound tree for generating bucking patterns, an arc leaving the root
node corresponds to the first cut in the bucking pattern (level 0), and a path from the root node
to the bottom of the tree represents a bucking pattern. Each arc represents a product defined by
length and diameter, while its level indicates the position of the product in the bucking pat-

a cut 12.10 m long and 24 cm in diameter, model.

a next cut 8.10 m long and 20 cm in diam- The system has been in use since 1991 at
eter is one logical alternative. The value of Bosques Arauco, Forestal Celco, Forestal
each branch is defined by the sale value of Mininco, and Forestal Bio-Bio. They typi-
the corresponding piece, given its length cally run the model about every two
and diameter, and the dual variables of weeks, in a rolling horizon of three
the present solution. Each path from the months. The model runs on a commercial
root node to the bottom of the tree corre- LP code on a PC in about 10 minutes.
sponds to a bucking pattern. The scheme, Quantitative savings, obtained mainly
including branching and stopping rules, through a better fit of supply of standing
has been implemented at Bosques Arauco. timber to demand for specific products,
Tests showed that using column genera- have been estimated at about $3 million
tion improved the objective value by three per year for the larger firms, and a total of
to six percent over just using a limited $7.7 million for all firms [Epstein et al.
number of bucking patterns in the LP forthcoming]. Using OPTICORT, they


make better use of timber to satisfy de- what type of tower to use. Towers typi-
mand by reducing the amount of timber cally range from 300 to 1,000 m, with the
degradation. The better match has reduced direction of pull upwards or downwards.
the need for cutting extra volume. Finally, the planner must design roads to
OPTICORT also produced savings in access tower landings, where a small, flat
transportation. For instance, Bosques Ar- area in necessary to store logs and load
auco saved $250,000 per year when the them into trucks. Also, skidders should
model indicated that it was better to trans- work near roads. It is most economical for
Downloaded from by [] on 16 May 2015, at 11:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

port directly to destination about 50 per- skidders to work no farther than 300 m
cent of the volume that was being trans- from the road. Harvesting operations us-
ported through intermediate sorting ing skidders and towers and building the
centers. Enrique Nieto, head of planning access roads account for about 45 percent
for Arauco, explains that OPTICORT has of the total operating cost, so this is an im-
been useful in evaluating the overall plan portant problem.
for each season and in estimating the like- The main decisions in planning are (1)
lihood of satisfying the demand for the re- which areas to harvest by skidders and
mainder of the season. As far we know which by towers, (2) where to locate the
[Weintraub and Bare 1996], this is the first landings for towers, (3) what area should
system developed that optimizes detailed be harvested by each tower, (4) what
short-term harvesting decisions. We are roads to build, and (5) what volume of
developing a similar system for Aracruz- timber to harvest and transport.
Brazil. In addition, since Chilean forests are
PLANEX: A Machine-Location and Road- mostly in mountainous areas, the design
Design System of harvesting systems is complex and
The third system deals with the optimal must take into account a variety of techni-
location of harvesting equipment and ac- cal constraints that govern (1) locating the
cess roads. Harvesting planners allocate landings for towers according to topo-
harvesting machinery and design the road graphical conditions; (2) locating each
network to reach that machinery. When tower to comply with its range of reach,
the firm plans to harvest a defined area of depending on the type of tower, operating
400 hectares in the next three to six conditions, and the characteristics of the
months, the planner must decide how to terrain (for example, ensuring that the
allocate harvesting machinery to most effi- reach of the cable for logging is not inter-
ciently carry out the harvesting operations. rupted by a river); (3) ensuring that topo-
Cable-logging or towers are used for steep graphical conditions permit skidder opera-
areas and skidders or tractors for flat ar- tions, basically determined by the terrain
eas. Cable-logging operations, which are slope; (4) building roads with appropriate
more expensive than tractor operations, characteristics, including acceptable slope
have longer reach and thus require less and minimum radius of turn for trucks;
road building and hauling. The planner and (5) availability of equipment. Cable-
must decide where to place towers and logging operations from a specific location

January–February 1999 19

are carried out by moving the cable into tions and characteristics, and topographic
set positions in a radial sequence, so as to accidents, such as rivers or ravines. There
harvest all the timber that is within the are two main standards for storing geo-
reach of the cable and is topographically graphic data, the raster format, which di-
feasible. vides the area into small polygons, usually
Traditionally, planners allocated ma- squares, to which all the information is as-
chines manually by analyzing topographi- sociated; and the vector format, which
cal maps in a laborious exercise, which al- stores the data using the exact coordinates
Downloaded from by [] on 16 May 2015, at 11:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

lowed the planner to evaluate only a very of each graphic element (Figure 5). Each
limited range of options. Jorge Serón of has advantages and disadvantages. Man-
Bosques Arauco led an effort to mechanize aging information is usually easier in ras-
these decisions. The best-known systems ter format, particularly when designing a
available were PLANS, developed by the road. In this case, information that comes
US Forest Service [Twito et al. 1987] and from the GIS in vector format is trans-
PLANZ [Cossens 1992], a similar system formed into raster format in cells of 10 2
developed for New Zealand. Both inter- 10 square meters, to cover topographic
acted with a geographic information sys- conditions, existing roads, and standing
tem (GIS) and worked basically as simula- timber.
tors. The user defines the location of We have developed, jointly with John
harvesting machinery on a screen, and the and Bren Sessions of Oregon State Univer-
system, based on GIS information, then sity, a friendly, interactive, graphic user
generates the road to link the machinery interface that allows the user to visualize
with the existing roads and to allocate the and modify solutions. The system incorpo-
timber to be harvested by each machine. rates the information from the GIS, plus
Not satisfied with the existing systems, additional information obtained through
Jorge Serón met with Epstein and the interactive interface regarding possible
Weintraub and asked for a “system to tell locations for towers, relevant costs, and
me where to locate the towers and skid- such technical parameters as maximum
ders and the complete road network.” slope for designing roads. The system de-
We developed PLANEX to support signs an approximately optimal allocation
these decisions. Arauco senior managers of machinery based on a heuristic algo-
Enrique Nieto and Pedro Sapunar were rithm. The objective of the system is to
also heavily involved. Later, Fernando harvest all volume that is profitable to har-
Bustamante and Hugo Musante, senior vest while minimizing costs. Basic costs
managers from Bio-Bio and Mininco, re- considered are installing and operating
spectively, worked on the project for their towers, operating skidders, road building,
firms. and transportation, often of little signifi-
PLANEX requires a large amount of in- cance given the short distances within the
formation provided by the GIS that each harvesting area.
firm has developed, such as altitude-level The system has an internal heuristic al-
curves, timber volume, existing road loca- gorithm that obtains a solution based on


first defining the areas to be harvested The machine-location and road-design

with skidders and towers according to mathematical problem behind PLANEX
slopes. The most attractive locations for in- can be reduced to an uncapacitated net-
stalling machinery are then sequentially work design (UND) problem (appendix).
determined based on a criterion of mini- Moreover, if we discard the transportation
mum cost per cubic meter, where costs in- cost, which is small compared to the other
clude harvesting, road building, and trans- costs, the problem can be reduced to the
portation. A shortest-path algorithm well-known Steiner tree problem. The
Downloaded from by [] on 16 May 2015, at 11:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

determines the best new roads to build to greedy heuristic can be thought of as a
link machine locations to existing roads. A dual ascent algorithm, which has proved
local search routine looks for changes of to be very efficient for solving UND prob-
machine locations to improve the solution. lems [Balakrishnan, Magnanti, and Wong
Once all locations are defined, a heuristic 1989]. We attempted to solve small in-
routine finds a road network of minimum stances of this UND problem as a mixed-
cost. integer LP. To improve the solution speed

Figure 5: GIS data are stored and presented in raster format or in vector format. The squares
represent the raster pixels. The bold line shows a road in a vector format while the thin lines
represent isometric altitude curves in vector form. The shaded area represents areas with stand-
ing timber in raster form.

January–February 1999 21

of the algorithm, we implemented and built. The system then optimizes the re-
tested several options: strengthening the maining part of the problem and presents
linear relaxation and using Lagrangian re- a new global solution. Using this option,
laxation and Bender’s decomposition tech- the user can analyze different scenarios in
niques. These exact approaches were not a simple and visual way. PLANEX runs
competitive with the heuristic approach, on a PC with 128 Mb of RAM memory
because they required much more CPU and needs 15 minutes to solve an instance
time. For real-life large-scale instances, of 1,000 hectares.
Downloaded from by [] on 16 May 2015, at 11:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

these exact approaches were unable to The system has been used since 1996 by
handle the problems. Holding Arauco, Forestal Bio-Bio, Forestal
Mininco, and Forestal Copihue. Its use has
made life easier for planners, and it has
“Good harvesting planning
led to an improved use of harvesting
will be critical to ensure that equipment over previous manual ap-
harvesting is profitable while proaches. The companies are still evaluat-
environmental quality is ing the quantitative savings. Preliminary
maintained.” estimates from Forestal Bio-Bio suggest
savings ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 dollars per
The system presents the solution in two cubic meter (Bio-Bio harvests 400,000 cubic
forms. A graphic menu shows on screen meters per year). The experience of Hold-
all the relevant aspects of the solution, ing Arauco and Forestal Mininco shows
such as the locations of towers, the areas gains of 0.5 dollars per cubic meter. For-
that are harvested by each tower, the areas estal Bio-Bio reported instances in which
harvested with skidders, the areas not PLANEX reduced the road network by as
reachable or not harvested, new roads, old much as 50 percent. The cost reduction is
roads used, and old roads not used (Fig- due mainly to less road building. These
ure 6). The system generates conventional estimates translate roughly into a total
reports that contain location (coordinates annual saving of at least $2 million.
x-y) of installed towers, volumes har- In addition, use of the system benefits
vested, average costs of harvesting (towers the environment because fewer roads lead
or skidders), road-building cost, and trans- to less damage during the harvesting pro-
portation cost. cess. We believe PLANEX, an interesting
PLANEX is operated by a forest engi- application combining OR tools with GIS,
neer. With its use, the planner can spend is the most advanced system of its kind
more time analyzing different scenarios in- and the only one that automatically gener-
stead of generating maps. The graphic in- ates a solution to the harvesting problem,
terface allows the planner to analyze pos- indicating the locations of machinery and
sible modifications to solutions. Using the the road network
mouse on the screen, the user can, for ex- OPTIMED: A Tactical Forest Planning
ample, choose towers that should be se- Tool
lected or design a road that should be In making tactical decisions, forestry

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Figure 6: In this PLANEX output example, the light shaded area shows the area harvested with
skidders, while the dark shaded area represents tower harvesting. The full lines show the con-
necting road network, while the black dots indicate the position of the towers.

companies look ahead at two to five years or cheaper, dirt roads that can be used
of planning divided into summer and only in the dry summer season. Usually
winter seasons. They decide which stands the firms store timber in stockyards dur-
to harvest and in what order, how much ing the summer for later use in winter.
timber they will be need to satisfy pro- Each firm has growth-simulation models
jected demands, and what roads they will that estimate timber yields in future
need to gain access to the areas to be har- periods.
vested. At this level, managers view pro- To support these decisions, we devel-
duction in an aggregate form divided into oped OPTIMED, a 0–1 mixed-integer LP
export logs, various classes of sawtimber, model. The 0–1 variables correspond to
and pulp logs. Usually forests are near road building or to upgrading road stan-
paved public roads, but firms need to dards from dirt to gravel, and they take
build internal roads. These can either be into account the fixed costs of harvesting
gravel roads that can be used year round operations. We handle fixed costs by re-

January–February 1999 23

quiring that any harvested tract be of a into the model. The difference in net bene-
certain minimum area. This model is simi- fit between runs with and without these
lar to models the US Forest Service devel- stands indicates their value to Millalemu.
oped for long-range planning [Kirby, Because of transportation costs, the loca-
Hager, and Wong 1986; Weintraub et al. tion of these potential timberlands is im-
1996]. Solving this mixed-integer LP portant. Also, tree age may make a stand
model poses difficulties because of road- of timber more valuable to one firm than
building variables. To overcome this dis- to another. A firm with a shortage of ma-
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advantage, we need a combination of ture trees will have more urgent need of
schemes, including strengthening the LP timberland purchases to satisfy product
formulation and heuristic rounding off of demand. We are developing a tactical-
variables. The model runs on a PC using a planning tool, somewhat similar to OP-
commercial LP code and takes about 30 TIMED, for Aracruz, Brazil.
minutes for a typical run. Lagrangian re- MEDFOR: A Strategic Planning Tool
laxation was useful in some cases but was MEDFOR deals with long-range strate-
not implemented for the users. Monique gic decisions, in a typical horizon of 50
Guignard of the University of Pennsylva- years, which corresponds to two forest ro-
nia collaborated with us in developing the tations. The model is designed to support
algorithms. Andalaft et al. [1998] describe decisions on the sustainable production of
the model and its solution approach in timber through the planning horizon,
detail. maintaining a consistent supply for the in-
Marcelo Kunz at Millalemu first sug- dustrial plants (mainly sawmills and pulp
gested the development of a tactical plan- plants), and to estimate the volume of log
ning system. Alexis Wainer, regional man- exports, to select silviculture regimes for
ager for operations, and Cesar Lagos, a plantations, to establish policies for the
senior manager, worked very closely with purchase, sale, and rental of timber lands,
the academic group in developing the sys- and to project cash flows. The main prob-
tem. Forestal Millalemu has used OP- lem is to maintain a consistent relationship
TIMED regularly since 1994, running it over time between timber availability and
every few months. Improvements in this demands from sawmills, pulp plants, and
case are difficult to estimate because of the export opportunities.
long planning horizon, but it does help the The model was developed by Ramiro
firm to make better use of standing timber. Morales. Simon Berti, CEO of Forestal Bio-
Alexis Wainer, regional head at Millalemu, Bio, Mariana Lobel, senior manager of
estimates revenue gains of about $200,000 Forestal Bio-Bio, and Carlos Granier, se-
per year from improvements in this area. nior manager of Cholguan, participated in
In addition, Millalemu has used OP- developing and implementating the sys-
TIMED to evaluate the purchase of land tem. The model considers both data and
with mature timber, an option large for- decisions in a very aggregate form and is
estry firms frequently face. Once a forest is a moderate-sized LP model. It is run sev-
offered, Millalemu incorporates its stands eral times a year. An important aspect in


defining the model is the process of aggre- In addition to the present implementa-
gation, in which stands with similar char- tions in Chile, South Africa, and Brazil, we
acteristics (site quality, tree age, density of are planning a joint venture with the For-
planting, geographical location) are est Research Institute (FRI) of New Zea-
grouped into macro-stands and timber land to combine PLANEX, our machine-
products are grouped into export, sawmill, location system, with MARVL, a New
or pulp type. Information on future yields Zealand advanced inventory system. As
is obtained through inventory-growth sim- Bruce Manley, portfolio manager at FRI,
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ulators. Costs, revenues, and technical explains, “Good harvesting planning will
production coefficients corresponding to be critical to ensure that harvesting is prof-
these aggregate activities must be esti- itable while environmental quality is
mated with care. It is difficult to evaluate maintained. Consequently I anticipate that
quantitative gains obtained from the use PLANEX will have great applicability for
of the system, given the very long-range harvest planning in New Zealand. I also
planning horizon. Simon Berti estimates believe that there are real opportunities for
savings of between $2.5 and $5.0 million a linking PLANEX in with our MARVL pre-
year due to better use of the timber. harvest inventory system, with environ-
The system is being used successfully by mental data, and with harvesting cost in-
Forestal Bio-Bio and Cholguan and par- formation to provide an integrated harvest
tially by Masisa. We are currently imple- planning system.” Interest in some of
menting a similar model for Aracruz, Bra- these systems has also been expressed in
zil. It explicitly includes industrial-plant Canada, Zimbabwe, and Colombia.
decisions, such as building, expanding, Chile is now structuring more stringent
and closing processing installations, in a environmental controls for implementa-
mixed-integer LP model. tion in the near future. There is an obvious
Conclusion economic cost in implementing environ-
These five systems have had a profound mental protection measures, such as costs
organizational impact on the forestry firms associated with avoiding the use of heavy
and have led to savings the firms estimate machinery on fragile soils to limit erosion
to be at least $20 million annually. We feel or avoiding harvesting near river banks to
that ASICAM, OPTICORT, and PLANEX, limit water sedimentation. The impact of
in particular, have been pioneering efforts these controls is typically reflected in an
in the forestry-management field. We con- increase in harvesting costs or in a de-
tinue to collaborate with the forestry firms crease in harvested timber. One present
to enhance these systems by including ad- line of development, started in 1997 and
ditional management options and improv- supported by the forestry firms and a
ing the user interface. The systems OP- grant from Fondef, is to modify our mod-
TIMED and MEDFOR have not been used els to evaluate the trade-offs between
extensively in the industry, because the these costs and environmental protections
large firms had established systems for to support the political discussion on these
dealing with these problems. issues. Once the government has defined

January–February 1999 25

environmental protection rules, we will in- stand i to destination d, of product k in pe-

corporate these environmental protection riod t (m3).
Kijt: Volume of timber produced in stand i
constraints into the systems that support
using bucking pattern j in period t (m3).
the planning processes of the forestry Objective function
firms, allowing them to comply with the
rules in an optimal way.
Max o
(PVdk 1 CTAidk) Yidkt

We wish to acknowledge the participa-
1 o COSTiKijt.
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tion for this project of the Chilean Forest Constraints

Companies in the Forestry Production (1) Total volume harvested is bounded by
Group headed by Fundación Chile and the existing timber.
support of Conycit through its programs
o Kijt # VOLi for all i.
Fondecyt and Fondef. We wish to thank j,t

Lynne McCullough, our coach for the Ed- (2) Timber harvested is bounded by pro-
elman presentation, for her very valuable duction capacity.
advice, and Carmen Ortiz, Pablo Santiba-
nez, and Glen Murphy for their help in
Kijt # CACt for all t.

preparing the Edelman presentation and (3) Volume transported is bounded by

this paper. production of each product in each stand
APPENDIX and period.
Mathematical Formulation of the Short-
Term Harvesting Model oj RENkijKijt 1 od Yidkt > 0 for all i, k,t.
We show a simplified version of the
model solved by OPTICORT. (4) Demand must be satisfied for each
Parameters product at each destination during each
VOLi: Volume available in stand i (m3). period.
RENijk: Fraction of product k obtained per
each cubic meter bucked using bucking
ktd <
DDmin oi Yidkt < DDktd

pattern j in stand i. for all k, d, t.

DDmin max
ktd , DDktd : Minimum and maximum
(5) For the set of products at destination d
demand for product k in period t at desti-
in period t, a minimum average diameter
nation d (m3).
must be satisfied.
DIdt: Average diameter required at desti-
nation d in period t (cm). oi kosDMkYidkt > DIdtoo
[ i k s
DMk: Diameter of product k (cm).
CACt: Production capacity in period t (m3). for all d, t.
PVdk: Sale price for product k at destina-
tion d ($). (6) Nonnegativity.
COSTi: Cost of harvesting in stand i Kijt > 0, Yidkt > 0 for all i, d, k, j, t.
CTAidk: Transportation cost for product k The actual model is more complex. For
between stand i and destination d ($/m3). example, the model considers the use of
Variables different types of harvesting machinery,
Yidkt: Volume of timber transported from the grouping of neighboring stands for
transportation purposes (this significantly


reduces the size of the model), and the the addition of the values of each branch
constraining of the supply to ensure that a leading to that node, that is, the value of
specific demand is regular over several pe- node 14 is defined by the value of prod-
riods (a shipment for export for example). ucts (12.10,24 / 4.10,30 / pulp). The yields
A cost of standing timber, which is not a of each product are determined by the
financial one, is added to the objective preharvest-inventory system. Suppose the
function to avoid nearsighted solutions, in yields for node 14 in the example have
which more valuable trees could be har- proportions (50%, 30%, 20%), then for
vested to save, for example, on transporta- given dual values b1, b2, b3 for these three
Downloaded from by [] on 16 May 2015, at 11:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

tion costs. While this would improve the products and a for the corresponding
short-term profits, it would decrease the stand, all in period t, the value of node 14
value of the firm in the long run. will be
The Scheme for Generating Bucking
a 1 0.5b1 1 0.3b2 1 0.2b3.
Given the solution to the LP problem, The column-generation feature was im-
with a given set of bucking patterns, new plemented mainly by Jaime Gabarró and
bucking patterns are defined as follows. In Philippe Chevalier. The rules for branch-
the LP model, constraints (1), (2), and (3) ing and bounding are described by Ep-
involve bucking patterns. Let ci, di, and bikt stein et al. [forthcoming]. The search with
be, respectively, the dual variables of con- this column-generation scheme can be car-
straints (1), (2), and (3). Then the reduced ried on to optimality or stopped after a
cost of a bucking pattern variable Kijt will number of improving patterns have been
be found. Figure 7 shows the variation in ob-
C̄ijt 4 cl ` dt 1 ok biktRENkij 1 COSTi. jective value in a test problem for two
strategies: the column generation carried
on to optimality or stopped after three im-
We need to find bucking patterns with proving patterns are found.
value C̄ijt . 0 to improve the current solu- Mathematical Formulation for PLANEX
tion. Note that bucking patterns are gener- We show a mathematical model formu-
ated for each stand and period. If we lation for the problem behind PLANEX.
define Parameters
ait 4 ci ` dt, V: Set of pixels or points in the study area,
as shown in Figure 5.
the dual variables ait represent the value E: Set of road links in the form (i,j) where i
assigned to one cubic meter of a mix of and j are pixels of V.
products already defined for stand i in pe- X , V: Set of exit points. We consider the
riod t, while bikt represents the value of a timber to be outside the study area when
cubic meter of product k obtained in pe- reaching one of these points. One of the
riod t in stand i. exit points is a dummy pixel to which we
To generate improving patterns, we de- send timber that is not worth harvesting.
veloped a branch-and-bound algorithm as Q: Set of machine types.
shown in Figure 4 in the text. In the Tq: Total harvesting capacity of machine
branch-and-bound tree, in each branch, type q.
the length and minimum diameter of a Gqi , V: Set of pixels that can be harvested
product is defined. For example, branch 1– from pixel i with a machine type q.
2 defines a product of length 12.10 m and ni: Timber volume on pixel i.
minimum diameter 24 cm. D 4 o ni: Total demand on the study
The value at each node is determined by i[V

January–February 1999 27

area. (2) All the timber must be harvested. A

ce: Fixed cost of building link e. dummy exit point represents the unreach-
aqi : Fixed cost of locating a machine type q able or uneconomical harvesting pixels.
on pixel i.
be: Transportation cost, per cubic meter, on o Si 4 D.
link e [ E.
gqij: Cost, per cubic meter, of harvesting (3) To harvest pixel j from pixel i using a
pixel j from pixel i using machine type q. machine type q, we have to locate such a
Variables machine on the pixel.
Downloaded from by [] on 16 May 2015, at 11:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

xe: 1 if link e 4 (i,j) is built, 0 otherwise. wqij < vj yiq for all i, j [ V, q [ Q.
yqi : 1 if machine type q is located on point
i, 0 otherwise. (4) The harvesting is bounded by the tim-
wqij: Timber volume harvested on pixel j ber supply of each pixel.
from pixel i using machine type q.
fe: Timber flow on arc e 4 (i,j).
q i
wqij < vj for all j [ V.

si: Timber exiting the forest at pixel i [ X

(5) Each machine type has a maximum
(si 4 0 for all i [ V\X).
volume capacity.
Objective function
Min o cexe ` oo o gqijwijq
i j
wqij < Tq for all q [ Q.
e E [
q Q i[Vj[G i

` oo
aqi yqi ` o befe
(6) To carry timber on a link, we have to
build the link beforehand.

Constraints fe < Dxe for all e [ E.

(1) Flow balance constraint at each pixel. (7) Nonnegativity and integrality of the
oj fji 1 oj fij ` oo
q j
wqji 4 si decision variables.
x, y [ {0,1}w, f > 0.
for all i[V.
In this formulation, since the road ca-

Figure 7: The pattern generation approach produces improvements on the objective function
value. The full line represents increments in the objective value when the column-generation
scheme is stopped after three improving patterns have been found. The dotted line shows re-
sults when the column-generation scheme is run to optimality. The solutions show steep im-
provements at some iterations followed by a number of iterations with negligible improve-
ment. The approach of stopping the column-generation scheme when three improving patterns
are found appears superior.


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January–February 1999 29

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