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4 F isioterapie, M aart 1983, deel 39, n r 1


S A R A H F O R S Y T H B L A C H A , O.T.(C)*


Various fa c to rs which contribute to p ercep tu a l developm ent Verskeie fa k to r e wal bydrae to / perseptuele ontw ikkelin g en
and the d o se relationship o f sensory a nd m o to r influences to die n o u verband van sensoriese en m otoriese invloede tot
norm al d evelopm ent are discussed in the hope o f norm ale ontw ikkeling, w ord bespreek. DU is o m lerapeute,
encouraging therapists w ho w ork in the d evelopm ental fie ld wat m et kinders m et vertraagde o n tw ik k elin g werk, aan le
to incorporate appropriate, graded sensory stim u li into their m oedig o m toepaslike, gegradeerde sensoriese stim u li in hul
treatm ent repertoire. The sensory-m otor link and the behandelingsrepertoire insluit. Die sensoriese m otorskakel
im portance o f tactile and vestibular system s to the norm al en die belong van die taktiele en vestibulere stelsels vir die
developm ent o f a perceptual schem a are discussed. norm ale o n tw ikkelin g van perseptuele skem a word

The integration of sensory input is essential to normal also requires close exam ination. M oore (1972) noted that the
motor development. When an infant is deprived of sensory vestibular system has phylogenetic links with most o f the,
stimulus, the impact on m o to r and perceptual/cognitive major systems in the body. Ayres (1975) includes specific
development is devastating (Casler, 1968), subsequently vestibular therapy as an integral part of the treatm ent model
handicapping the child in understanding and interacting Am bulatory children seek vestibular input in their use of
with his environm ent. playground equipm ent, swings and merry-go-rounds as well
Two widely recognized approaches, Sensory Integrative as their activities, for example, rough housing play, jumping
Therapy (Ayres, 1972, 1975) and Neurodevelopm ental on beds and climbing furniture and trees.
Therapy (Bobath, 1971; Bobath and Bobath. 1975) Chee et at. (1978) studied the effects of specific vestibular
emphasize sensory awareness and input in their therapy s t i m u l a ti o n on child ren with cere bral palsy and
models to produce app rop ri ate m otor a n d / o r adaptive dem onstrated an overall im provem ent in m o to r behaviour
behavioural responses. over the control group. However, further investigation is
The integration of sensory and m otor information occurs needed to identify the long-term impact on vestibulo-ocular
at various levels o f the central nervous system (CNS). All function and other systems connected with vestibular
incoming in form atio n is processed by the C N S and sensory function, especially in infants.
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feedback is received from the body musculature to help

organize m o to r o u t p u t. This se n s o r y - m o to r-s e n s o r y
processing provides the basis for m oto r learning which, as Sensory m oto r learning coupled with innate biological
Moore (1972) noted, may be either conscious or factors assists the normally developing child to acquire skills
unconscious. Since therapy in young children frequently in antigravity mobility and initial concepts o f body schema,
attempts to activate or elicit unconscious responses, form and space. For many years therapists viewed motor
consideration must be given to the effects o f sensory input skills a nd sensory input as separate entities but it is now
received during treatm ent. known that some true sensory-motor tracts exist within the
Movement, which occurs at both an auto m atic and a CN S (Wall. 1970: Kornhuber, 1975).
voluntary level (conscious and unconscious), is essential to Se n so ry i n p u t is received th r o u g h e xteroceptive,
the development of body image and, thus, o u r ability to proprioceptive and interoceptive receptors thro ugh out the
respond to the environm ent. Perception of form and space is body. The normal CN S integrates external information with,
dependent on freedom of movement. In a study of physically feedback a b o u t m otor o r chemical reactions made i i
handicapped children, Wedell et at. (1972) found a high response to a given stimulus. This ongoing integrative
correlation between a lack of independent mobility and process contributes to norm al development.
inability to perceive size constancy at a distance. To develop In the normal person, exteroceptive receptors obtain
concepts of form, the child must not only view an object as it information from the external world which they transmit to
is presented; he must also move aro u n d it and perhaps move the brain where it is integrated with sensory feedback as well
it a round. Children with n eurom oto r disorders are often as previously stored perception. When the message is
deprived of these learning opportunities and may receive interpreted an appropriate auto m atic postural response
distorted feedback because of their limited independent (righting a nd equilibrium reactions) is coupled with planned
mobility or ab n o rm a l movement patterns. In preparing m oto r responses, which often incorporate cognitive and
children to obtain information independently, therapists linguistic domains.
must control a bn orm a l m ovem ent thro ugh “ handling” to The C N S instantly receives sensory feedback a b out the
minimize the potential for distorting sensory m otor learning. accuracy o f the response so that any necessary adaptation
The close link between movement and vestibular input is can be made. Through this continual sensory-motor-sensory
im portant when planning therapy program m es. Since all cycle children learn a bou t themselves and their environment,
personnel dealing with children provide vestibular input and develop the perceptual foundations required for higher
whether deliberately or not, its effect on the developing child cognitive learning.

‘ Occupational Therapist
The Occupational Therapy D epartm ent, The Hospital for The tactile system incorporates exteroceptive touch and
Sick Children, T oron to, Ontario, C anada proprioceptive and kinesthesiatic in form atio n which is
Received 28 October 1982. carried to the CNS.
physiotherapy, M arch 1983, vol 39, no 1 5
Ayres (1975) has divided the tactile system into the retricular activating system. It is also necessary for the
protective and discriminatory systems. 1 he protective development of concepts about the self and ou r relationship
system is phylogenetically very old and highly developed in to our environm ent, and the ability to sequence high-level
the newborn infant. It warns o f potential harm and produces tasks.
various responses, such as “ fight or flight” m o to r reactions. The integration of vestibular functions with tactile and
The discriminatory system provides information about visual input occurs early in the developm ent of righting and
the nature, quality, qua ntity and arrangement of stimuli. It equilibrium reactions. This close link between movement
gives precise tactile input about time and space. Throug h the and somatosensory information is a major prerequisite for
combined effects o f touch proprioception and kinesthesia normal antigravity mobility.
the child develops body image and awareness of spatial The combined effect of all sensory input results in a
relationships. The phylogenetically newer discriminatory developmental progression of perceptual schemas. Initially
system modulates the effects of and responses to stimuli the normal child comes to know how one part of his body
received through the protective system (spinothalamic relates to a nother and how it relates to gravity. Later he
tracts). develops concepts of laterality, directionality and spatial
relationships. Eventually, by accurately judging distance,
size, shape and form, the child can move freely. At this stage
developm ental sequence
these concepts are further refined and the child gains the
In early development, the protective system is highly ability to attend to a particular stimulus in the midst of
active in detecting pain and temperature. The newborn is many.
acutely aware of ha rd and firm pressure. His responses to Normally, the initial perceptual processes are developed as
light touch are initially nonspecific or generalized unless the a result of sensory and m oto r integration, but they must be
light touch is rapid or unexpected in which case the linked to meaningful experiences to be integrated.
appropriate response will be one of protection. Gradually
the child learns to give a less generalized response and in so
doing develops an aw'areness ol specific body parts so that he F U N C T IO N A L A P P L IC A T IO N OF SENSORY
can be visually attentive to them and eventually localize the DEVELOPM ENT
stimulated area with his hands.
The discriminative system progresses sequentially. The The normal, developing infant is exposed to varied tactile,
newborn demonstrates his awareness of input by increasing vestibular, visual and auditory input when his m other
his activity level or a tte ntion/o rie nting until he can localize cuddles and rocks him alter he has been fed. When he is
touch through vision. He progresses to developing manual awake his parents talk to him. High frequency hum an
form and space perception initially by mouth ing objects and speech, variety of speed, pitch and rhythm will increase his
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later, when upper extremity skills are adequate, by attention. Parents also increase their body's sensory
manipulating them within his visual field. As his cognitive awareness ol the parts ol his body by kissing and stroking his
abilities develop he d istin guishe s objects th ro u g h feet and hands, thus affecting his level of alertness through
stercognosis or touch alone and later through grapliesthesia, vestibular and proprioceptive stimulation (Korner and
i.e. by discriminating shapes draw n on the skin. T h om an , 1972). If the child’s spatial orientation is altered
A balance is necessary between the protective and and an a p p r o p r i a te stim u lus is presented , visual
attentiveness can be increased.
discriminatory systems for som atosensory events to be
transmitted simultaneously and interpreted accurately. An Brazelton (1973) discussed various adaptive behaviours
imbalance is seen in children with disturbance in the neonates use in dealing with their environment, such as the
somatosensory process or tactile defensiveness (Ayres, ability to sell quieten. In addition, infants control the input
1975). they receive from their parents by the response they make to
the pa ren t’s overtures. F o r example, wriggling or crying
Taptile input has major social and emotional implications
establishing the child’s identity and security within his usually persuades the parents to change the type of input
they are giving. Awareness of behavioural responses is
■fnvironment. When mobility and subsequently touch and
'pressure are restricted, the touch pressure receptors adapt e s p e c ia lly i m p o r t a n t w he n t r e a t i n g i n f a n t s with
ncurodevelopm ental disorders.
very quickly, decreasing afferent flow to the CNS. From a
developmental treatment viewpoint, it is im portant not only As the normal infant grows he acquires a greater
to maintain the balance between the protective and repertoire o f more or less rand om m ovem ents that bring him
discriminatory systems but also to provide adequate into contact with his own body. When he bobs his head up
mobility so that proprioceptivc and kinesthetic feedback can and down while lying prone or being held he will attempt to
be integrated in developing perceptual domains. fix on visually interesting objects; his neck proprioceptors
and vestibular-ocular receptors send ongoing feedback to
the CNS about the normal position of the head and eyes in
VESTIBULAR S Y S T E M space. The visual system is extremely im portant in
controlling the head and its movements. For this reason, the
The vestibular system, which is phylogenetically old, child must practice controlling his eye movements while
detects speed and direction of m ovem ent and may even receiving vestibular input or, in m ore basic terms, while-
stimulate movement in utero (Wyke, 1975). Because of its practising head control.
many neural connections it is essential in developing The normal child can put his hands to his mouth when he
postural security against gravity, distinguishing movement is 2 to 3 m onths old. While lying supine he will watch his
onginating within the self from that originating in the hands, thus connecting tactile, visual, proprioceptive and
surrounding visual field and developing a fluid body schcma kinesthetic information to achieve early sensory awareness
as opposed to a static body image. It affects postural tone, of the upper extremities. Later, as he holds objects or
especially in the cervical area. attempts to reach for them, he becomes a w a r e 'o f the
he vestibular system or movement is essential for arousal relationship between his upper extremities and the
an inhibition of the CNS through its connections to the environment. Once basic graspingabilitiesare present he will
6 F isioterapie, M aart 1983, dee/ 39, n r 1

explore objects visually and orally. This explo ration is appropriate and graded sensory stimulus related to a
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