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APPENDIX R (required activity)

Maintenance self-care activity

INSTRUCTIONS: List those activities that you engage in regularly (like every day or a week) under
“current practice” within each domain . Identify new strategies that you would like to begin to
incorporate as part of your ongoing maintenance self-care—pay particular attention to domains
that you have not been addressing in the past.


Current practice- When I’m close to bursting out Current practice- I eat on time but I eat whatever I
because of problems, I overthink the possible like.
outcomes. - I do some physical activities such as playing
- I normalized lying to myself. with my cousins.

New practice- I refresh my mind by listening to songs New practice- I will introduce myself to healthy
and kinds of music. eating habits.
- I will validate my feelings more. - I will start my day doing home workouts


Current practice- I choose not to express what I really Current practice- I let the feeling of abandonment eat
feel and just say “I’m fine, this will pass” me.
- I compare myself to others as my way of - I let myself be a prisoner of my past.
motivating myself.

New practice- I will give myself time and feel what I New practice- I spend my leisure time with my loved
really feel, and share my emotions whenever I’m ones and have healthy communication with them.
ready. - I will look forward to life lessons and new
- Less comparing, more acceptance. opportunities.


Current practice- When I find the tasks hard, I just Current practice- I am afraid to cut off connections
give up. even if they’re clearly abusing me.
- I focus on just complying with what - I still hold on to promises even if it’s
is given to us students without obvious they do not have the
carrying new learnings. intention of fulfilling them.

New practice- I seek help and reach out to my New practice- I tell myself that it’s okay to unfriend
classmates and instructors. and block people.
- I will make sure that I absorb set of - I will stop being manipulated by
information before proceeding to their words, and start to focus on
assessments. myself.

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