Ag SG Catalogues KL II

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Oil floodedscrewcompressorsgeneralcatalog

Eier!! sztviig

. ,t . , , , . , ( r , , , .
"..!L!t?!level ofdischargevolume in lhe clnss.ll.\.r
\l!\ih!'n rl,e (orld
N T r \ i m u Dl e l c l o f e n c r e ye m c i e n c yi n t h c c h s s i l l o \ . r r h c $ o r l { l
\.\ lllrc ofKobeliont s.rcN unit inshllcd

rdrrc! s in-qk)gic li,ncrio,

I l i g h l r c r l i ) n n r n cS
c l c l i i n rl i l l c i
I rr{e \.rle Dr.l fihel
o r r r n n r ls i r i n go l d i s c h n r g c, i f .

F i . r s t i N n r ! ( l . r i g nd l b r r l l . r nd r \ . i r d r J n \ , L . n o n l\ r h !
l\\o !r r rLlcr r..pc r ioDiinctro i ol rc$ ll1rcol elcclrrf r. rrDroi
Llerlric r.rnrn.rl tor !rotrt crnrtd dlrcrrrrnr
r'fi.75l\\ nrc I \

J Achieved 21%jncrease
the discharge inthewodd'sbestlevel

unnunderthon)lsh& turdlnrcnhldcsiun

@ 2.75 3.91 5.8 7.2 10.7 14.9

E 20./" 67" 18% 190/" 21%

I Encrgysavingperformance
ln pursuit
J Load/ Unloadcontrol of reduction
of energy
loss .:
( l . p l ! D o f L - . d ' L i l . 0 r L e o r n \ ni n , \ ( i r S a ir e r i c \ . a
\ l u c h b c t r . ' c n c , g \ s r \ i n g r c n i , r n r . n c ed u r l o . d r n g r i n r e . . n r t r r i n g :
l v r l hr h 0o n eo i n r c l i r I t h n r l r l ! ] gr ] ] r c .
s r r b l . n r l u f l r l ) . ! c i c r ! \ : . \ i r e b a c k . du n b y N l r ! b l . l . o i r l t r l o r d
c o d r r o lr h l n k \ l o t h . c r t r e i t v . o i l n , l \ a l v c ! t u c e $ e d b ! . s t . c i r
r r o d i r e { li l u n ' i n u n r( , ' \ l u r r r i . 2n, r -
-r'T - I
A , . o n s u m p ro n ( 1 l

J Energysavinglogicfunctionforoptimalmntrol
Posible to get maximum6% ofenergysavingerecl by Energysxvinglogic tundioi. which couldmirimizc cxccsivc load
oFrationlbr optirnalcontrolaccording
h A(i seies.

I PossbLeto gei energysavirgeffec1s I Energysavingogiccontrol

z ' ":'li*t* *'^

: .'.

J Nobeltstructure
Adoplionofstep up genrasdrne systemto niiiDizc cncrgylosscauscdby bclt drivcsystemReplacemnt&Adtustmentofthe belris no

StepupEeardLivc(Ac,'Sc) Bell dnve (convent.nnl machine)

J Adoption
of invertermoling
fan I Coolingfan molor:invener6nhol ed
Achicvcdsuprclrereduction ofene€y lo$ by invenerconlrolcoolingfan.
\\hstcii'l enerSyconsumplionis minidized by lhe conriolof fan sleedin propo,tionro
thedischarge nir iemperature =
And.thc durabiliBis improvedby slabilizinglhe tenperarreinsidethe@mp.essorunit
If AC/SGscrics.thelnvertercoolingfanis arailableonly lor sj ' 75kw h.chi,re.

J Technical of basicperformances
.\chicvcd thc Maximum level ofdisch.rge vohme and high efllcien.y in the chss all
ovcr thc {,odd by inproring allpans ofcomponenls ofscrev unil in Kobelnrnll. Fanmotorotarions
I'... L

fl r-F-,".- - -d."F""-.b"

Ll h{D{mdio,dKM$ r!$!! 6!

1: t -- *'."
-,t.,l:1, rG.,r,,.
l,ennonenr lil-critr1.,Nc$ K{)belion's ser.} rclo6 irrtallcd o
M r x n n u nO l c h r L l i r c ^ 1 , 1 o f 6y e r . s a)
Longlime r)alnrcMiccinrcrvallor uscrscnvironrncntalconditiol
longse^lcc lil-critrlc& nignpe.fonnrncc.Kobclcoscnujic lubrici|lingoil l)
No nrotorbc. 'S srtucrure
)o capacinonR)l \rhe ntucrde
Doubl. 1ips.illng ntucture a
Lrrye sc.leDuir l:ilrc' i.strlled
Wrler ReDolrl oNkiiof lirnclioninsuLlcd al
.r hnguigesrlrihblc, Ncrvliquidc,rsralclodhnic monnorlnsrrLlc(l
l'C conneclivilynulbus.cady
I lar-qu.gcs disdx)cd.Nc\vconrollerin\hllcd

J Possibleto useKobelion's
screw ) Veryeasydailymaintenance
rotorspermanently Adotlronoidoublc lip scrl lbr shxfcsealingp.fl High [fticiqrcy Intcror Pcr
S c f c r R o t o r sd c ! c L { ) f c db } S l e e lD . r ! i l , c l u , c . o r DnncnrMr-snelMolors (1PNl Nlor(tr)rhanlheoncsoiolhcr iN,crrerconrprcs*fs
Kobclco rvilh KobclNs o$n rechnology h!!i!! noanalnrducljornhror
Po\siblc l{i us. pcnrnerll} Scre$ Rolds. $hich rre No Dccd10Emolc dmirrNrlc! iioin oilrechnner rl rhdrksto \vatcrRcnr\{l
nr col >I'.ci,l\lc.l.
l l c d r u l i o no f t h c t i n r ca n dr h cl . b o r f o . d a i l l m . i n t c r n n clch a n k sr o t h . c l c .
l.onlcDu'ilor \ynhs.lfdi.gtroscInnctn'n

J l\,4aximum
Overhaul 6 years J Highperformance,
Intervalof genuinelubricating
Kobelco oil
Achieled lhe ld's s$vicc life bl rdorling conrblr! Longscrvicclife.Hielrscpdr ioi cilicicncyoioil/$ltcr andLes c.rbor bhck.
l i o no f r c l i r b l c ' s ! l a r b e a r i n g s Berlcrpcrforn).rccnot only lnr the serlicelife ofrhc lubflcalnrgoil itsclll brr
J l ! r n t rr l , (d r . c h . t r pi rcr d . r h cr , r u n d l, r n r n ,o f r l ( u n r




Oil filtef

kbehonl-'' Ai,lG,,^,"
P o s s i b l c1 { )s c l c c iI l 0 n g u a g e(sE n g l i s h .J a p a . e \ c .! n d C h i -
nes!) in \c$ ll!uirlcryn.l .lectonic froniLor
\tr, crsy r{) hridlc il'c eleciionic nonil[ for dail} mIrrc-
r ' r n f r ' I . h . . . r r ( . . " r . - r t i n i n r r a i . . na c d c \ c r i n ! .
lanlu.gc displ.y scrtinr..nd $on
r:rcn in. dn,k rirc. pos\iblc to rerd rh. infomation dispt.)cd
on tlic clcctronic onnor of rtunslucenttyIE (Bact lighr rypc).

PC connectivity
()urptrrol nracln'ccondnions
ro DCS
lnp!l ol o|^-rrlionsrgnrl.

I Exampe) VS'AG

Di\thI ol ncccss.ryi'rlbnnrrioDfo. opedrion& maintenrncc \ irhcrsy lirddlinr
I ' { x s i b l ck ) s c l c c tI D r d u n l o d dm o d e( E C m o d c )o r l o a du n l o r - r t r r ( n n r r i (
naa sropm({lc(lil nrodc)h opedrionnode
o D r s p l not l i I ( J r i , ' n { n u \ o Emeryency srop(Codc)

(i crl ol o]trrri(!r ndus Con{cnl dJ e.rergcnc} noti

vs42aA22 vs730a-37 vs102055 vst5004-75
06[,lPa/6Bar !M! $9:1 18 1.19-7.30 1.69-10.20 2.55-15.00
ur$ra€e: r I 69-9.50 2.55-1390
rcTMPatBar 41ry! $9:q91 1.19-6.80
fo.or'triibe* 0.66-3.60 1 19-6.33 1 69-8.83 2 55-13.00
Consiar pressure,Erab e oulpLnw lh variableshaftpower
Nom na odpd 22't5.h
nlenal Pemane.rtMagnel
Motor Insuaton

fv"n"r" 380/415,50HZ
vo !me
Lubricanl(oil)inilla 25 45 51
! (A) !!89 641661 65[66]
81 R1.112 R2
1350 1650 2050
!I 850 950 1200 1200
13'.0 1500 1550 1550
^ 665 ioao Ttqzo lATA

i 1G,,,,,,
sG280A-15 SG390A
22 SG580A-30 sG7204-37 sG10704-55SG14904-75
3!1 4 191
0.85[4Pa18.5Bar 3.67 qr 101
!1 5.8 8.1

22 n

d14 6 [65! b2 ob b5loo] 6a b6l b4lb8l
4 Rl Rr.1/2 R1.18 R2
IIl t!!q rrso f roso I 1650 ,oso
q4 850 e5o s5o I 95o I rzoo
1!!s rJ50 r 500 1500
kg 620

{ 1 ) r h e d i s c h q u l i r l o l u n e s N l n n e d a t s ' c t o r t m p e r u r u r ci 0ocf a d r 7 5 % R l l
(l)Thc p.mnriblr .prisrillgrnbtr
(r)Noiscrlruricncsuredir :
riom rh! ron' I I itu rorvrruesi.r v.rus tor sidesrnd rcr.
Mod el
A G7 I A 3 J T

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