Calvert, Carboplatin Dosage Based On Renal Function, JCO, 1989

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Carboplatin Dosage: Prospective Evaluation of a Simple Formula

Based on Renal Function

By A.H. Calvert, D.R. Newell, L.A. Gumbrell, S. O'Reilly, M. Burnell, F.E. Boxall, Z.H. Siddik, I.R. Judson,
M.E. Gore, and E. Wiltshaw

A dosage formula has been derived from a retrospec- recommended for single-agent carboplatin in these
tive analysis of carboplatin pharmacokinetics in 18 patient groups. Pharmacokinetic modeling demon-
patients with pretreatment glomerular filtration rates strated that the formula was reasonably accurate
(GFR) in the range of 33 to 136 mL/min. Carboplatin regardless of whether a one- or two-compartment
plasma clearance was linearly related to GFR (r = 0.85, model most accurately described carboplatin pharma-
P < .00001) and rearrangement of the equation de- cokinetics, assuming that body size did not influence
scribing the correlation gave the dosage formula: dose nonrenal clearance. The validity of this assumption
(mg) = target area under the free carboplatin plasma was demonstrated in 13 patients where no correlation
concentration versus time curve (AUC) x (1.2 x GFR + between surface area and nonrenal clearance was
20). In a prospective clinical and pharmacokinetic found (r = .31, P = .30). Therefore, the formula pro-
study the formula was used to determine the dose vides a simple and consistent method of determining
required to treat 31 patients (GFR range, 33 to 135 carboplatin dose in adults. Since the measure of
mL/min) with 40 courses of carboplatin. The target carboplatin exposure in the formula is AUC, and not
AUC was escalated from 3 to 8 mg carboplatin/mL/ toxicity, it will not be influenced by previous or
min. Over this AUC range the formula accurately concurrent myelosuppressive therapy or supportive
predicted the observed AUC (observed/predicted ratio measures. The formula is therefore applicable to
1.24 ± 0.11, r = 0.886) and using these additional combination and high-dose studies as well as conven-
data, the formula was refined. Dose (mg) = target tional single-agent therapy, although the target AUC
AUC x (GFR + 25) is now the recommended formula. for carboplatin will need to be redefined for combina-
AUC values of 4 to 6 and 6 to 8 mg/mL • min gave rise tion chemotherapy.
to manageable hematological toxicity in previously J Clin Oncol 7:1748-1756. © 1989 by American Soci-
treated and untreated patients, respectively, and ety of ClinicalOncology.
hence target AUC values of 5 and 7 mg/mL • min are

CARBOPLATIN was introduced in 1981 as phase II and some phase III studies have been
an analogue of cisplatin, which possessed performed with carboplatin, the results showing
reduced nonhematological toxicities when com- that its antitumor activity and spectrum are
pared with cisplatin in experimental models. ' broadly similar to those of cisplatin.6
Early clinical studies established that carbo- Although carboplatin is not significantly toxic
platin, when administered at the normal phase II to the kidneys, it is clear that pretreatment renal
dose of 400 mg/m2, was virtually devoid of function markedly affects the severity of carbo-
nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, and peripheral neuro- platin-induced thrombocytopenia. In early stud-
toxicity. 3 5 The dose-limiting toxicity was to the ies it was noted that thrombocytopenia was more
bone marrow with thrombocytopenia being more prevalent in patients whose pretreatment glomer-
marked than leukopenia. A large number of ular filtration rate (GFR) was reduced.87' Phar-
macokinetic studies provided a rationale for this
observation. The carboplatin molecule is stable
From the Sections of Drug Development and Medicine, in plasma in vitro9-12 and remains so in vivo with
Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital,
the majority, if not all, of the plasma platinum
London andSutton, Surrey, England.
Submitted January30, 1989; accepted June 7, 1989. being accounted for as the intact drug over the
Supported by grantsfrom the CancerResearch Campaign initial 4- to 6-hour time period.9,13,14 Thereafter,
and MedicalResearch Council, England. protein-bound platinum becomes the predomi-
Address reprint requests to A.H. Calvert, MD, The nant species in the plasma. 9"' 3 18 However, as
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Division of Oncology,
platinum bound to plasma proteins is not cyto-
Cancer Research Unit, Medical School, FramlingtonPlace,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, England. toxic, 19'2 0 pharmacokinetic studies have focused
© 1989 by American Society of Clinical Oncology. on the fate of free intact carboplatin. The plasma
0732-183X/89/0711-0002$3.00/0 decay curves for intact carboplatin and free

1748 Journalof ClinicalOncology, Vol 7, No 11 (November), 1989: pp 1748-1756

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platinum following the administration of carbo- greater degree of thrombocytopenia and have
platin are almost identical and, in the majority of suggested an empirical dosage scheme.
patients, can be fitted by a mono-exponential A retrospective study of our own phase I and
curve,9,'13-15 although a rapid distribution phase pharmacokinetic data showed that the free carbo-
may also be detected. platin AUC was linearly related to dose only
Approximately 70% of an administered dose of when allowance was made for variations in
carboplatin is excreted in the urine and, when GFR. 27 This observation suggests that phase II
chemical decomposition in the bladder is ac- doses (usually 400 mg/m 2), which had been
counted for, it seems probable that most is as the established mainly on patients with filtration
intact drug.7-9 ' 13 -' 5"17' 2 1 22
, The renal clearance of rates in the region of 60 to 100 mL/min, would
carboplatin is closely correlated with the GFR, be inadequate (by as much as twofold) when
suggesting that the renal excretion of carboplatin administered to patients with higher GFRs.
is accomplished exclusively by glomerular filtra- Therefore, the aim of the present study was to
tion. 9 Experimental studies in rats have con- develop a formula by which the dose of carbo-
firmed that there is little tubular contribution to platin necessary to achieve a given AUC could be
the renal clearance of carboplatin and that less calculated. AUC, rather than a given thrombo-
than 2% of an administered dose is excreted in cyte nadir, was chosen as the end point for the
the bile. 23 Carboplatin unaccounted for by renal following reasons: (1) the development of drug
or biliary elimination is bound to tissues with the combinations containing carboplatin demands a
fraction of the dose present in this form being method by which the patient's exposure to carbo-
dependent upon the body size of the animal. platin may be kept constant, although the blood
Thus, in mice and rats less than 10% of the count nadirs will be affected by the other compo-
dose is unaccounted for by urinary excretion 23 nents of the combination; (2) when high-dose
while in patients the value is in the region of carboplatin is administered with hematological
30%.7-9,13-15,17,21,22 support the blood count nadirs are no longer
These relatively simple kinetics suggest that meaningful. A method to predict AUC in these
the area under the concentration versus time patients will allow consistent drug exposures to
curve (AUC) for carboplatin (and consequently be achieved and the existence of a dose-response
the toxicity and therapeutic efficacy of the drug) relationship to be investigated; and (3) the use of
will be dictated primarily by the pretreatment AUC allows a precise end point to be used as the
GFR and the dose administered with tissue basis for the model development. Thrombocyte
binding being the only other major determinant nadirs are time-dependent, are affected by previ-
of disposition. ous treatment, and can only be determined accu-
In view of this, and in the light of clinical rately with very close patient monitoring. Cer-
experience, several authors have recommended tain aspects of this study have been reported
28 29
adjustment of the carboplatin dose depending on before in abstract form. ,
renal function. Egorin et a18 showed that the METHODS
thrombocyte nadir (expressed as the percentage The current study was conducted in three stages. First, a
of the pretreatment count) was correlated with dosage formula was derived retrospectively from our previous
the free platinum AUC, following the administra- data collected during phase I and II pharmacokinetic studies
tion of intravenous (IV) carboplatin. These au- (part I). Second, this formula was used to determine the doses
thors derived a formula from which the dose of used in a prospective clinical/pharmacokinetic study in
which the AUC was escalated to validate the dose equation
carboplatin necessary to induce a chosen throm- derived in part I and to determine the AUC/toxicity relation-
bocyte nadir could be calculated for an individual ship (part II). Third, the new data derived from the second
patient from the pretreatment GFR, the surface stage were used to refine the dosage formula (part III) and
area, and the patient's prior therapy status. model-dependent pharmacokinetic analyses were performed
Although its predictive accuracy has been ques- to investigate the effect of one- and two-compartment pharma-
cokinetic models on the predictive accuracy of the formula
tioned,24 this formula was validated in a prospec- derived. Ethical permission was obtained for all clinical and
tive study. 25 Taguchi et a126 have also shown that pharmacokinetic studies from the Ethical Committee of the
impaired renal function is associated with a Royal Marsden Hospital.

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Part I free platinum levels was determined using flameless atomic

absorption spectrophotometry.9 '8 The plasma-free platinum
The initial carboplatin dosage formula was developed
AUC, expressed as mg/mL • min of carboplatin, was
using pharmacokinetic data published previously., 27 The
calculated by the trapezoidal rule. The time 0 plasma
characteristics of these patients are given in Table 1.
carboplatin concentration was taken as 0 and no correction
for the period from the final time point to infinity was
The characteristics of the patients who were studied in part
II of the investigation are also summarized in Table 1. GFR PartIII
was estimated by the 5" CrEDTA method. 30 Full blood counts Using the data set generated in part II, a new dosage
were obtained before treatment and 3 weeks after treatment formula was derived using the simple one-compartment
in patients who received carboplatin at doses designed to model analysis previously described. 27 Although such a model
achieve AUC values of 3 to 5 mg carboplatin/ml • min. In fit the majority of our data, particularly over the 0- to 8-hour
patients treated with carboplatin at doses designed to achieve time period in which the majority of the AUC is defined, we
6 to 8 mg carboplatin/mL/min an additional blood count was also investigated a two-compartment model to see whether
performed, when possible, 2 weeks after treatment. Carbo- significant errors would be introduced if such a model were
platin (Bristol-Myers, Wallingford, CT) was administered operative. Two such models were considered. In the first, the
over 1 hour in a 500 mL 5% dextrose solution. The dose nonrenal elimination of carboplatin was assumed to be from
administered was derived from the formula developed in part the peripheral compartment, and in the second to be from the
I: Dose of carboplatin (mg) = Target AUC x central compartment. Analytical solutions were obtained
(1.2 x GFR + 20). In this formula, and throughout this from published literature" and by standard methods. 32 It was
report, the units for the carboplatin AUC are mg carboplatin/ possible to refer to the analytical solutions to investigate the
mL • min and not mg elemental platinum. The target AUC importance of body size"; numerical examples were used to
was escalated from 3 to 8 mg/mL • min and the number of assess the possible inaccuracy that might be introduced by
patients treated and courses studied at each AUC level are the assumption of an inverse linear relationship between
given in Table 2. The initial target AUC (3 mg/mL - min) AUC and GFR.
and subsequent increments (1 mg/mL • min) were based
7 9 27
upon the results obtained in our earlier clinical studies. ,' RESULTS
Pharmacokinetic studies were performed in all patients to Part I: Derivationof the Initial Carboplatin
determine the actual AUC achieved by collecting blood
Dose Formula
samples from an indwelling IV cannula placed in the arm
opposite to the one receiving the carboplatin infusion. The Figure 1 shows the correlation of free carbo-
patency of the cannula was maintained by flushing with 10 platin plasma clearance with GFR in 18 patients
IU/mL heparin. Blood samples were withdrawn prior to the
treated with carboplatin as part of the initial
start of the carboplatin infusion, at midinfusion, at the end of
the infusion, and at the following time points thereafter: 0.25, clinical evaluation of the compound. The equa-
0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 hours. Plasma was tion describing the correlation: Clearance =
prepared within 15 minutes by centrifugation at 40C and then Dose/AUC = 1.21 (± 0.19) x GFR + 23
plasma ultrafiltrates were prepared immediately as described (+ 16) (figures in parentheses are SEM) was
previously using Amicon Centrifree (Stonehouse, Gloucester-
rearranged and the constants rounded to give the
shire, UK) micropartition units.9"1 8 The ultrafiltrates of
plasma were then stored at - 20 0C until analysis of plasma- initial carboplatin dose formula: Dose (mg) =
AUC x (1.2 x GFR + 20).
Table 1. Characteristics of Patients Studied PartII: Prospective Evaluation of the Dosage
Part I Part If Formula
Number 18 31 Pharmacokinetics. The dose formula de-
M/F 11/7 4/27 rived in part I was then evaluated in 31 patients
Mean age (range) 55 (24-78) 57 (17-73)
GFR (range) 33-136 mL/min 33 to 135 mL/min
who received 40 courses of carboplatin. Figure 2
Carboplatin dose 150/500 mg/m2 shows the correlation of the predicted AUC with
Diagnosis Ovary 7 that actually measured and Table 2 shows the
Lung 3 actual doses given to the patients and their renal
Mesothelioma 2
function. During the course of the study the
Testicular 3
Head and neck 2 Ovary 24 method of reporting 51CrEDTA clearances used
Pancreas 1 Sarcoma 7 in our hospital was changed. Initially, the actual
Prior chemother- measured value was reported, but later the re-
apy 17 ported values were normalized for a body surface
No prior chemo-
area of 1.73 m2. This meant that some of our
therapy 14
doses were inadvertently calculated using the

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lllr117111111111111 lllrlll11111

Q / A 18
V 16g -4
0 / E
X 9
U 2
O 8
S12S U
iee -
E 7 4
U 7
7S I I .. I
U o
C 4
4.)' 10
5e iN
.0 L
LU 2 a
U 2
25 -

0 .0

0 25 56 75 1GO 125 158
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 11 12
GFR (ml/min)
Predicted Curboplatin AUC (mg/mixmin)

Fig 1. Correlation of free carboplatin plasma clearance

with pretreatment GFR in patients studied to derive the Fig 2. Correlation of observed carboplatin AUC with
initial carboplatin dose formula. The solid line is the linear predicted carboplatin AUC following dosage according to the
regression line and the broken lines the 95% confidence formula: Dose (mg) = Target AUC x (1.2 x GFR + 20). The
intervals. Mean + SE for the slope = 1.21 ± 0.19 and for the solid line is the linear regression line and the broken lines are
y intercept = 23 ± 16. Correlation coefficient r = 0.851, P = the 95% confidence intervals. Mean ± SE for the slope =
< .00001. 1.24 ± 0.11 and for the intercept -0.49 ± 0.58. Correlation
coefficient r = 0.886, P < .00001.

normalized rather than the absolute clearance.

We have compensated for this error by making a Thrombocytopenia. Table 3 shows the plate-
proportionate adjustment in the predicted AUC let counts observed in patients treated during
plotted in Fig 2. part II of the present study; data are given for the
From Fig 2 it is clear that there was a good first course of therapy only. There was a reduc-
correlation between the predicted and observed tion in the platelet count in all patients with the
AUC (r = 0.886, P = < 0.00001), despite the more severe thrombocytopenia occurring at the
wide variation in renal function and doses (ex- higher AUC values, and counts at 2 weeks after
pressed as mg/m2) administered (Table 2). For treatment were, in general, lower than at 3
example, at a predicted AUC of 4 mg/mL . min weeks. In all patients where data are available
the variation in the actual dose administered was (n = 21), platelet counts recovered to at least
3.3-fold whereas the variation in the ratio of the 60% of the pretreatment value by 4 weeks after
predicted to the observed AUC was only 1.5-fold. treatment with the absolute counts being greater
However, at higher target AUC values, notably 8 than 100,000 x 106/L in every case. In four of 21
mg/mL • min, the narrower range of GFR cases, platelet nadirs of less than 100,000 x
values resulted in little difference in the spread of 106/L were recorded (World Health Organisa-
dose and AUC values. Despite the good correla- tion [WHO] grade of thrombocytopenia > 0).
tion between the observed and predicted carbo- Two chemotherapy-naYve patients who achieved
platin AUC, the formula consistently under- AUC values of 11.7 and 9.9 mg/mL - min
predicted by about 20% (the gradient of the developed platelet nadirs of 15% and 18% (WHO
regression line being 1.24 ± 0.11), demonstrat- grades 1 and 2) of the pretreatment value. A
ing the need to revise the formula for subsequent third previously untreated patient achieved an
use. This revision constituted part III of the AUC of 7.7 mg/mL • min and experienced
study. grade 2 thrombocytopenia (7% pretreatment);

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Table 2. Carboplatin AUC Escalation

AUC Ratio*
Target AUC GFR* Dose* Observed/
(mg/mL - min) No. Patients No. Courses (mL/min) (mg/m ) Predicted
3 5 7 33-87 94-197 .99-1.10
4 5 6 37-119 125-412 .93-1.39
5 8 8 40-118 286-531 .96-1.29
6 11 11 49-135 281-642 .94-1.62
7 5 5 63-113 417-633 .90-1.48
8 3 3 60-77 423-581 .99-1.46
*Range of values.

however, this patient had a deep vein thrombosis, similar to that derived retrospectively from pa-
suggesting the possibility of platelet consump- tients evaluated in initial clinical studies with
tion. A final patient (patient A), who achieved an carboplatin (Fig 1) except that the gradient is
AUC of 7.7 mg/mL - min, developed grade 3 closer to unity. Therefore, the revised dosage
thrombocytopenia (6% pretreatment), probably formula derived from the regression analysis of
as a result of her prior treatment with six courses these data is: Dose (mg) = AUC x (GFR + 25).
of doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and cisplatin This dose formula is consistent with a single-
combination therapy. compartment pharmacokinetic model for phar-
Leukopenia. Only one previously treated pa- macokinetics. Although there is now a large body
tient (patient A) experienced a greater than 50% of data demonstrating that following a rapid
reduction in the white cell count following the distribution phase, plasma free carboplatin/
first course of therapy. In chemotherapy-naive platinum levels can be described by a one-
patients, a 50% to 80% reduction in the leukocyte compartment model for up to 6 to 8 hours after
count was observed in five of 13 patients 3 weeks administration and possibly longer, 9"1318 ,21,22 we
after treatment. This represented WHO grade 1 also investigated whether the operation of a
toxicity in four cases and grade 2 toxicity in the two-compartment model would introduce signifi-
other patient. cant errors in the AUC prediction.
Other toxicities. The only other toxicity seen In the initial solution of the one-compartment
in this study was mild nausea and vomiting, model, the renal carboplatin clearance was as-
which were well controlled by standard antiemet- sumed to be proportional to the GFR.27 The
ics in all cases. nonrenal clearance for these patients was mea-
sured as the difference between the renal clear-
PartIII: Revision of the Dosage Formula and ance and the total plasma clearance. No correla-
Investigation of the Model Dependency of the tion was found between this nonrenal clearance
Formula and body surface area (Fig 4) so the nonrenal
Figure 3 is a plot of carboplatin plasma clear- clearance was assumed to be constant. The solu-
ance (dose/AUC) versus GFR for the patients tion of the model yielded the formula: Dose
investigated in part II of the study. The graph is (mg) = AUC x (A x GFR + B) where A is the

Table 3. Thrombocytopenia Following the First Course of Carboplatin


Observed AUC Prior Observed

% AUCPror
Pretreatment Thrombocyte Count (x 10'/L)
(mg/mL - min) No. Patients Chemotherapy 2 Wk 3 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk
<4 2 2/2 - 51%,76% - 121,191
4-6 5 5/5 27% 45% (36-83%) 103 164 (110-189)
6-8 9 1/9 18% (6-58%) 61% (36-73%) 113 (21-139) 237 (153-484)
>8 5 0/5 15, 18, 26% 81% (63-110%) 51, 85, 100 302 (244-637)
*Thrombocyte counts are expressed as both % pretreatment and as the absolute counts observed. For n > 5 observations the median and
range of values are given, and where n < 5 individual counts are given. Although 3-week blood counts were not available for all patients whose
target AUC was 3, 4, or 5 mg/mL - min, counts are given for all patients whose first course target AUC was 6 mg/mL
t min or greater. The only
exception was a patient who died unexpectedly of rapidly progressive disease before reaching the nadir.

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P'1' I"T'1 ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' 'r
175 ±16

E 5

6 125


E 100
a 6B
"75 L.0
34 C
6 56e
LI 40 SD
.1 0 jJo S

0 20

a 25 B5 75 18 125 150 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2

QFR (ml/min) Surface Area (Sqr.m)

Fig 3. Correlation of free carboplatin plasma clearance Fig 4. Relationship between nonrenal clearance and
with pretreatment GFR in patients studied during the body surface area in the 13 patients studied retrospectively.
prospective validation of the dose formula derived in Part I. The -- is that given by linear regression analysis and the
The - - is the linear regression line and the - are the 95% -- the 95% confidence intervals (r = 0.312, P = .30).
confidence intervals. Mean ± SE for the slope = 0.93 ± 0.08
and for the y intercept 26 + 6. Correlation coefficient r =
0.875, P= <.00001. achieved when an individual patient is given
carboplatin using a simple dosage formula in
ratio of GFR to the renal clearance of carbo- which the only variable is renal function. The
platin and B is the nonrenal clearance. pharmacokinetically derived dosage formula may
This solution implies that the dose required to
produce a particular AUC in the patient is Central K Peripheral Model A
Compartment Compartment
linearly dependent on the GFR but is indepen- tacelular fluid)
dent of any measure of the patient's size, a result Renal Tissue
that is rendered less surprising by the knowledge Excretion Binding

that, in the normal population, GFR tends to

vary in proportion to body surface area.
The two further models studied in order to C..m Pemiphersl Model B
establish whether the existence of a two-compart- (excrsoellulsr fluid) Kv
ment system would significantly affect the dose
Renal Plasma
predictions are shown in Fig 5. Excretion Protein
It was possible to demonstrate analytically
that the AUC obtained was independent of
compartment size, providing that the nonrenal GFR 120 60 30 GFRVaried

clearance was constant.31 It was also possible to AUC so69 131 232 Weight 70kg rudican

140 Weight Varied dousing

demonstrate numerically that the AUC was Weight 35 70

approximately linearly related inversely to GFR AUC 131 131 131 GFR 60ml/mln

with the values estimated for A and B.

Fig 5. Two possible two-compartment models used to
DISCUSSION represent carboplatin disposition. The nonrenal component is
(a) placed in either the peripheral compartment, (to simulate
The results described in this report show that it tissue binding), or (b) in the central compartment (to simulate
is possible to predict the AUC that will be plasma protein binding).

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be used to minimize the variations in the AUC in mL - min being the highest AUC achieved. The
different patients by taking account of their renal dose prediction formula should also be of value in
function. If one considers the use only of the high-dose carboplatin studies.
conventional mg/m 2 basis for adult patients, Both the one- and two-compartment model
considerably greater variations in the AUC (and analyses described here predicted that a measure
thus the exposure to the toxic and therapeutic of body size (weight or surface area) would be
effects of the drug) may be expected. In our unnecessary, providing that the nonrenal clear-
experience, the actual GFR of patients with ance remained constant between patients. The
overtly "normal" renal function may vary from results obtained on adult patients reported here
60 mL/min (or less) to 180 mL/min. If the AUC seem to vindicate the prediction. Nevertheless,
required was 5 mg/mL - min the doses predicted since the nonrenal clearance is almost certainly
for two such patients would be 425 and 1025 mg, due to irreversible tissue binding, it is reasonable
respectively. If we assume that the same patients to suppose that it will vary with body size. The
both had a body surface area of 1.7 m 2 and were formula derived here predicts reasonably accu-
given 400 mg/m2, then the actual dose given rately, probably because the nonrenal component
would be 680 mg, which would be expected to of elimination is small (approximately 30% in
result in AUCs of 8 and 3.3, respectively, suggest- patients with average renal function) compared
ing substantial under-dosage for the high- with the total and the variations between the
clearance patient. The idea of reducing the dose weights of the adults studied were only about
of a drug in patients with poor renal function is twofold. One could expect errors of about 10% in
well accepted. The current data also suggest that the predicted dose for adults. Because of these
increasing the dose in patients with "normal" but considerations and the difficulty in obtaining a
higher-than-average clearances will be necessary clear relationship between body size and AUC
to exploit the full therapeutic potential of carbo- from the retrospective data, we felt that the
platin. assumption of invariant nonrenal clearance was
Although the central aim of the present study reasonable for the adult population. If children
was to validate and refine the carboplatin dose are to be treated, particularly if they have im-
formula, the toxicity data obtained do allow paired renal function, the assumption of constant
recommendations to be made for the carboplatin nonrenal clearance might introduce greater er-
AUC values that can be safely achieved when the rors. For this reason, we have started studies to
drug is used as a single agent. In previously measure directly the nonrenal clearance in chil-
treated patients, AUC values within the range of dren and to correlate this with some measure of
4 to 6 mg/mL - min were well tolerated, whereas their body size.
in previously untreated patients, AUC values in The carboplatin dose formula derived by Egorin
the range of 6 to 8 mg/mL - min were associated et a18 took account of surface area but also
with manageable thrombocytopenia. On the ba- predicted the dose to be administered in terms of
sis of these data, 5 and 7 mg/ml • min are mg/m2. The equation described by these authors
recommended as target AUC values for previ- may thus be rearranged to provide a formula that
ously treated and untreated patients, respec- gives the absolute dose to be administered. This
tively. In combination therapy, the appropriate rearranged formula has two components, a large
AUC value depends upon the other drugs con- one dependent upon renal function and a small
cerned. For example, in the combination of one dependent upon surface area. These results
etoposide, bleomycin, and carboplatin (for testic- confirm that the body surface area of adult
ular teratoma) a value of 4.5 mg/mL - min has patients is of relatively little significance in deter-
been used with acceptable and predictable myelo- mining the dose of carboplatin that should be
suppression even though the actual doses given given to adults, providing that an accurate esti-
were as high as 900 mg. mate of GFR is available.
Retrospective analysis of data obtained from In the present study, GFR has been measured
patients treated with 800 to 1600 mg/m2 by the method of 5 1CrEDTA clearance. 30 The
carboplatin1 8 indicates that the AUC predicted advantage of this technique is that it allows
by the revised dosage formula is in all cases direct measurement of GFR to be made, in
within 20% of the observed AUC with 28 mg/ contrast to creatinine clearance where other

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factors can influence serum creatinine levels and supports the idea that the pharmacokinetic as-
hence the calculated GFR. In a recent study, sumptions made here are reasonable.
Daugaard et a134 have shown that prior to the The clear relationship between dose and toxic-
initiation of cisplatin therapy 51CrEDTA and ity for carboplatin has been described in numer-
creatinine clearances correlate well with a ratio ous phase I investigations, and the relationship
close to one (0.91). However, once patients had between AUC and thrombocytopenia has been
been treated with cisplatin there was no relation- described in other studies.8 26 The justification for
ship between the true GFR (as measured by the use of pharmacokinetically guided dosage
" CrEDTA) and creatinine clearance. Although regimens to increase the therapeutic efficacy of
it would be possible to use pretreatment GFR as carboplatin relies on the idea that there is also a
measured by creatinine clearance to determine dose-response (or AUC-response) effect. Labora-
the correct dose of carboplatin, any subsequent tory evidence, both in animal tumors and in
adjustment in the face of altered renal function human tumor xenografts, suggests that this is
would require the use of an isotopic method. indeed the case,"' 2 and certain clinical studies
Similarly, in patients who have previously re- also suggest a dose-response effect. For example,
ceived nephrotoxic chemotherapy, creatinine a randomized study in ovarian cancer in which a
clearance may not represent a valid measure of low dose (150 mg/m2) was used showed a poor
GFR. These considerations make "5 CrEDTA result for carboplatin compared with cisplatin,3 7
clearance, or similar techniques, the method of while studies in which 400 mg/m2 has been used
choice for the determination of GFR for carbo- show similar efficacy. 38 We plan to undertake
platin dose determination. studies comparing two AUC values to further
Collins et al have shown that when various investigate this point. It is hoped that, as has
cytotoxic drugs are given to different species at recently been shown for teniposide, 39 an exposure-
an LD 10 or maximum-tolerated dose, the plasma efficacy relationship may become apparent.
AUC tends to be more or less constant across the To conclude, this study describes the deriva-
species."s This is particularly true in the case of tion and prospective validation of a simple for-
platinum complexes.3 6 If it is assumed that nonre- mula for the calculation of carboplatin dosage in
nal clearance is directly proportional to body adults. The formula compensates for variations
weight, then for both mice and rats the nonrenal in pretreatment renal function that might other-
component of carboplatin clearance can be ig- wise result in either underdosing (in patients with
nored since it will be small (ie, for a 20 g mouse above average renal function) or overdosing (in
nonrenal clearance will be 0.02/70 that of a patients with impaired renal function). As carbo-
human, and for a 200 g rat 0.2/70 that of a platin plasma AUC, rather than toxicity, is the
human). The carboplatin dose formula then measure of drug exposure defined by the for-
simplifies to: Dose (mg) = Target AUC x GFR. mula, it can be applied to both combination and
For mice, the LD10 of carboplatin is 165 mg/ high-dose therapy. It is recommended that future
kg 36 and the GFR 27 mL/min/kg (Jodrell and studies with carboplatin be conducted with the
Newell, personal communication, 1988) and dose determined by the formula described here to
therefore, the AUC at the LD10 is calculated as ensure that the full therapeutic potential of this
6.1 mg/mL - min. For rats, the MTD is 60 drug is realized.
mg/kg and the GFR 10 mL/min/kg2 3 and hence,
the calculated AUC is 6.0 mg/mL . min. These ACKNOWLEDGMENT
values agree well with those observed in patients, The authors gratefully acknowledge the medical and
and the ability of the dosage model to extrapolate nursing staff of the Royal Marsden Hospital for their skilled
so precisely across species so variable in size care of the patients who were treated as part of this study.

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