Red Sparrow

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Ervin Kyle Y.

Santiago Crim-3A




The Red Sparrow movie is an American spy film that tells the story of
a Russian intelligence officer who is sent to contact with a CIA officer to
discover the identity of mole. Dominika Egorova is a famous ballerina but
her career end with an injury. Ivan her uncle, the deputy director of the SVR
tasked her to seduce Dimitry Ustinuv, a Russian gangster and Sergei
Matorin killed him. Her next task is to gain Nash’s trust. Nash is a CIA
operative that is assigned to Budapest. Dominika contact Nash and agrees
to become double agent in exchange for protection for her and her mother.
Under Russian orders, Dominika travels to London to meet Boucher and
complete the trade. The Russian observe that Boucher realize their mission
and has been compromised. They were recalled to Moscow where they are
interrogated for days. Her comrade was killed but Dominika was proven
innocent from tipping the Americans. So, when they interrogating her with
some polygraph instrument her innocence is proven and she avoid being
executed by the accused of tipping the Americans about their mission.

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