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Read And Write in your Book!!


Definition of Invitation

Invitation is used to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something.

The Purpose of Invitation

“To invite someone attend/come an event.”

Generic Structure of an invitation

In general/basic part of the text of an invitation include:

1. Receiver/To: the name of the person being addressed/invited

2. Body of invitation: The contents of the invitation are usually the following:

• Subject: Event Name

• Day or Date: The day and date.
• Time: Set time.
• Place: The place where the event is held.

3. Sender/from: The person who sent the invitation

Kinds of invitation expressions:

Inviting :

- Would you like to………..?

- Would you like to come to………….?

- Do you want to………?

- We would like to invite you to…………..

- We would like you join us for……….

- How about………….?

- Do you mind to come to………..?

- Please come to………….

- I’ll be happy if you come to………

- Let’s we go to…………

- Etc.
Accepting an invitation :

- Of course !

- Thank you, I will come.

- OK!

- I’d love to……….

- I’d like to………….

- That sounds great.

- It sounds a nice idea.

- That would be terrific !

- That would be amazing!

- That would be wonderful!

- Thanks for inviting me.

- It’s very kind of you to invite me.

- I’d be happy to……..

- I like that.

- I’d be delighted to……..

- Surely.

- That’s nice.

- Etc.

Declining an invitation :

- No, thank you.

- I’d love to, but………….

- I’m sorry. I can’t.

- I’d like to, but I have many thing to do right now.

- I don’t think I can go. Sorry.

- I would love to, but………..

- It’s good, but………….

- Sorry. It’s good, but I can’t.

- Etc.
There are 2 type of Invitation:

a. Formal invitation

Formal invitation is usually originate from university, companies, and a kind of it. Normally
formal invitation is written invitation.

Example of formal invitation :

Palangkaraya, 28th September 2012

To : Mr. Stewart

Jalan Hiu Putih No. 9

At Palangkaraya

Good morning, Mr. Stewart. We are from the jewelry company want to inform you that we have
make a meeting on :

Day/date : Monday, 5th October 2012

Time : at 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

Place : at Aquarius Hotel Ballroom

It’s a pleasure that you would like to come.


Jewelry Company
b. Informal invitation

Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can
be written invitation and verbal invitation.

Example of informal invitation :

Hi, guys.

I’d like to invite you to come to my halloween party on :

Saturday, 2nd November 2012

Tonight at 9 p.m.

At my home, jalan Badak No. 97

Don’t be late guys ! trick or treat ! yeaahh .....

With love,


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