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This graph compares four different nations, namely Brazil, Malaysia, Angola, and
Germany, in term of changes in real about high school completers who go to
college over a period of ten years.
Overall, new graduate registered to for university among in all countries
increased. While the figure for students enrolling in universities in Brazil and
Malaysia fluctuated overtime, the percentage of other countries constantly
increased between 2010 and 2020.
 BODY 1
o Angola
+ 2010: có sự tăng tưởng thấp nhất (~40%), bằng phân nửa Brazil, 1/3 Malaysia,
và thấp hơn Germany gần 30%
+ 2015: Tăng khoảng 50%
+ 2020: Chậm mức trên 60%
o Germany
+ 2010-2020: saw a constant rise (~68%)

As can be seen from the chart, in 2010, Angola accounted for the lowest growth
percentage with over 40%, halfing that of Brazil, three times lowest the weakest
than that of Malaysia, and lower than Germany, around 30%. However, during
the following years, this country witnessed an incline in its growth rate, up to 50%
in 2015 and reach to 60% in 2020. Germany has quite the same trend as Angola, .
Over the period from 2010 to 2020, Germany experienced a constant rise in high
school graduates going to college, with the figures reaching the highest point of
about 68% in 2020.

 BODY 2
o Brazil
+ 2010-2015: Giảm nhẹ xuống 2%
+ 2020: shoot up by 6%
o Malaysia
+ đạt đỉnh năm 2015 (~64%)
+Và giảm ở năm 2020

Turning to the other two countries, we can see that Brazil reduced slightly
between 2010 and 2015. Deviating from the previous falling enrollment, were
2020 shoot up by 6%. In 2015, with numbers over 63%, Malaysia peaked and fell
more than 1% after 5 years laters.

Sửa bài
This graph compares four different nations, namely Brazil, Malaysia, Angola, and
Germany, in terms of changes in real about high school completers who go to
college over a period of ten years.

Overall, new graduates registered for university in all countries increased. While
the figure for students enrolling in universities in Brazil and Malaysia fluctuated
over time, the percentage of other countries constantly increased between 2010
and 2020.

As can be seen from the chart, in 2010, Angola accounted for the lowest growth
percentage with over 40%, half that of Brazil, three times the weakest than that
of Malaysia, and lower than Germany, around 30%. However, during the
following years, this country witnessed an incline in its growth rate, up to 50% in
2015 and reached to 60% in 2020. Germany has quite the same trend as Angola.
Over the period from 2010 to 2020, Germany experienced a constant rise in high
school graduates going to college, with the figures reaching the highest point of
about 68% in 2020.

Turning to the other two countries, we can see that Brazil reduced slightly
between 2010 and 2015. Deviating from the previous falling enrollment, 2020
shoot up by 6%. In 2015, with numbers over 63%, Malaysia peaked and fell more
than 1% five years later.

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