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Submitted to

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Department of Computer Application

Tribhuvan University

In partial fulfillment of the Bachelor in Computer Application

Submitted By:
Ankit Kumar Vaishya

Dinesh Shahi

Under the Supervision of

Er.Deependra Ramtel

April ,2022
Table of Contents

2.Problem Statement…………………………………………………………………………..

3. Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………

4. Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………...


5.1 Requirement Identification…………………………………………………………….

5.1.1 Study of existing system…………………………………………………………...

5.1.2 Requirement Collection…………………………………………………………...

5.2 Feasibility Study…………………………………………………………………………...


5.2.2 Operational…………………………………………………………………………

5.2.3 Economic……………………………………………………………………………

5.3 High Level Design of System……………………………………………………………..

6. Gantt Chart…………………………………………………………………………………

7. Expected Outcome………………………………………………………………………….


9. References…………………………………………………………………………………...

An student management mobile app is a cross platform mobile application for android ,
ios and web that can be used to manage the databases of the school's students , their
details , fee , notices given by the school , e- library , class works , home works etc.

As per the change in technology , today we are in the stage of digital world where almost
all the tasks are carried out in the digital form. Hence to digitalize the fee management of
the students , providing notices , managing the classworks and homeworks , providing the
e library etc , this mobile application has been designed.

Student Management Mobile App is helpful for students as well as the school authorities.
In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and
costly. Our Student Management System deals with the various activities related to the
students. There are mainly 2 modules in this application. They are
Teacher's module
Parent's/Student's Module
In this application , we can register as a teacher and as a parent/student. the app has two
version for the different roles i.e. one for the teachers and next for the student.

2. Problem statement

To developed this cross platform student management mobile app , we tried to solve the
following given problems :

1. To change the traditional system of students management into modern digital form.

2. To provide the solution for supervision of the parents towards their children’s
academic studies.

3. To provide a global app for android, IOS and for web.

3. Objective

The objective of this project is to study how the mobile application system works and the
process of the system followed by the users. Some of the main objectives of this project is
discussed below:

1) Digitalized the system of students and school management.

2) Multiple platform supports like Android , IOS and Web.

3) Easy supervision of the parents towards their children’s academic performance.

4) To reduce the paper works and have a proper managed database of the school's
staff , teachers and students.

4. Literature Review

We have been to many schools , colleges and universities to understand their process of
maintaining database and the level of efficiency they have in their system and drawbacks
of their existing systems. After visiting many such centre we thought of developing an
application which will overcome the drawbacks of the existing system that they are using

Primary sources
 Web sites
 Books
 Discussion with principals of different schools.
 Suggestion from friend.
 Suggestions from school students
Secondary sources
 Referenced Materials


The methodology are use for provide a clear vision on methods and methodologies used
for this project. In first,it is describing the methodology and method selected for the
reseaarch and gives rational why these methods and methodology have been used.then it
discusses about software development methodology and give rational for it.

5.1 Requirement Identification

Requirement study or analysis is important for development of new system, different

requirements are taken into consideration. The project is based on educational sector.The
different requirements identification are following:

5.1.1 Study of existing system

Information and communication Technologies are a promising and a reliable solution to

providing information at a very cheap cost.The entire process is very time consuming and
involves tons of paper work-mostly manually, which is both error prone and time consuming.

The educational sectors uses a traditonal manual file processing,which is too time consuming
and the institutions that uses the applications were not cross platform and having no any
billing features.In the existing system the assessments are done only manually but in
proposed system we have to computerize the assessments using this application.

 Time consuming
 Lack of security of data
 More man power
 Consumes large volume of paper work
 No any cross platform app
 No proper billing system for students

5.1.2 Requirement Collection

The key area of the project is Student Maanagement system. Therefore,Requirement

collection is done by visiting various schools , universities and colleges using various data
collection techniques.

5.2 Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is a test of a system proposal. According to its workability, impacts on the
organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of the resources its main task done
during feasibility study are:

5.2.1 Technical

Technical feasibility this project will be focused on gaining an understanding of the present
technical resources of the organization and their applicability to the expected needs of the
proposed system. It is an evaluation of the hardware and software and how it meets the needs
of the proposed system. The systems project is considered technically feasible if the internal
technical capability is sufficient to support the project requirements. The main technologies
and tools that are associate with Student Management system are:

 Dart
 Flutter
 Firebase

5.2.2 Operational

Operational feasibility is the measure of how well the project will support the teachers ,
students and the service provider during the operational phase.

5.2.3 Economic

This is very major aspect to be undertaken while developing a project. We have estimated
that the cost for the development of this website will be minimum which will benefits the

5.2.4 Data Flow Diagram

Fig: Data Flow Diagram

6. Gantt Chart(showing the project timeline)

7. Expected Outcome

After the completion of the project we are expecting the following outputs which will
minimize the problems as well as solve the existing problem.

 To automatically compute the bill.

 Ensure educational institute satisfaction.
 Accommodate huge amount of data and processes time.    
 Improve the communication between the client and the server
 Expected to be efficient in terms of time


Hence we have conclude that this project can be beneficial in daily life of people and will
save a lot of time by providing the details to the parent of their children academic
progress and also this will also help us to manage the bills of the students , their home and
class works , getting the e materials to read and many more.






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