PR2 Chapter 3

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Maryhill College, Inc.



A Research Paper

Presented to:

Ms. Marjorie D. Umali

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2

Jean Francel R. Paderon

Aleeza Mari M. Nuneza

Mark Zyrus A, Alcala

Ahron Tristan C. Oriel

Grade 11 STEM - Courage

April 2023

Maryhill College, Inc.



This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in conducting the study. It

consists of the research design, the location of the study, the population and sample from

which the data will be drawn, the data collection procedure, and the statistical treatment

of the data.

Research Design

This study uses the descriptive-survey method of research to identify and satisfy

the research objectives. The descriptive-survey method will be used to answer the

statement of the problem, such as the demographic profile of the respondents. A

descriptive-survey method was employed to determine the demographic profile and to

measure the level of the knowledge and the practices of grade 11 and 12 students on

Maryhill College on their awareness in the use of contraceptives and condoms in

preventing early pregnancy. The study uses descriptive-survey method to determine the

knowledge of the students in using contraceptives and condoms to prevent early


Maryhill College, Inc.

Research Locale

In order for the researchers to obtain and collect data and information regarding

the Students' Awareness on the Use of Contraceptives and Condoms of grade 11 and 12

students of Maryhill College with Preventing Early Pregnancy, the study was conducted

in Maryhill College, a Private Roman Catholic Education Institutional located at M.L.

Tagarao St. Lucena City Quezon. It was founded in 1938 and was formerly known as

Maryknoll Academy and Maryhill College. The institution has basic and higher

education which provides the quality education among students to become responsible

and competitive citizens. The said school was introduced in the modern way of teaching

and provides different learning instruments with the help of technology.

Maryhill College was chosen as the designated location for the researchers to

collect data from because it is the most accessible location for the researchers and

participants. It was accessible enough for them to gather the data and information

required for this study.

Research Population and Sample

The respondents will be chosen using systematic random sampling, a type of

probability sampling. Based on the population projection of Maryhill College Inc. for the

academic year 2022-2023, the senior high school department has a total population of

Maryhill College, Inc.
487 students with 214 grade 11 students and 273 grade 12. Thus, the total population of

the study is 487.

To determine the number of respondents of the study, Slovin’s formula will be

used as follows:

1+ N e 2

Where: n = sample size

N = population size

e = margin of error

1+(487) ¿ ¿

n = 82.9 or 83

Therefore, the total number of respondents for this study will be 83 students from grade

11 and 12 in Maryhill College. It represents 17. 04% of the total population of senior high

school students in Maryhill College.

Research Instrument

The researchers composed survey questionnaires that served as their instrument in their

study. The language of the questionnaire was in English. It was drawn out based on the

questions that were in the statement of problem of the researchers. The instrument was

divided into two main parts: the demographic profile of the respondents and the question

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proper. The demographic profile includes the name (optional), gender, and grade and

section . On the other hand, the question proper focuses on determining the students' level

of awareness on the use of contraceptives and condoms in preventing early pregnancy in

terms of knowing the sexual education , their knowledge about how sexually active they

are, knowing how to use contraceptives, and how aware they are when it comes to

entering on the risk of early pregnancy. The researchers are giving the participants the

freedom to express their views openly. The instrument was distributed and answered by

the respondents of Senior High School Students in Maryhill College, Lucena City.

Data Gathering Procedure

The developed questions were initially submitted for approval. Following approval, the

researchers will write letters requesting permission to conduct their study inside Maryhill

College to the principal and research adviser. Prior to conducting the survey, we must

obtain written agreement from the participants/respondents and inform them of what will

be required of them. The researchers will next move forward with using a descriptive

survey method with their selected participants. Building a rapport with the respondents

was done prior to data collection so that the participants could provide the information

required for the study. Then, using questions that will be presented to the respondents, a

detailed descriptive survey will be conducted. The information collected is reviewed and

analyzed by the researchers after the experiment.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Maryhill College, Inc.
In order to interpret the data, various statistical treatments will be applied as follows: For

sub-problem 1, the researcher ought to determine the demographic profile of the

respondents. The Percentage Formula will be employed. The formula for calculating the

percentage is:

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