Forensic 5 - Prelim - Semis

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Forensic 5 – Prelim

1. Is defined as an act of convincing another to believe an information that is not true.


10. Type of liar have persistent anti social behavior, lack of empathy and remorse.

11. A system supplies oxygen and remove carbon dioxide in our body.
Respiratory system

12. It warms ,moisture and filter the air entering the body before it riches the lungs.
Nasal cavity

13. Give One factors that affects breathing patters.

All of these

96.Which of the following is not a factor affecting breathing pattern?


14. Refers to changes in the electrical properties in the skin.

Electrodermal Activity

15. Galvanic skin was named after

Luigi galvanic

16. Outer layer of the Skin


17. Lower layer part of the skin that contains tough connected tissue,hair follicles,and
sweat glands.

18. Was known as the first to use blood pressure cuff in an attempt to detect deception.
Dr. William M. Marston

19. Types of Sweat glands are located in the armpit and genital areas/
Apocrine sweat glands

2. A false statement made with deliberate intent to decieve.

21.The most emotional factor that must be present in the subject of a polygraph test, in
order for truth or deception can be depicted and interrupted objectively in the polygraph

22.It is considered as the primary objective of polygraph test is_______.

to determine if a person is telling the truth.

23.The components of polygraph machine that serve as a paper feed


24.The test used to determine the honesty and integrity of the present employee with the

pre-employment screening

25.It is a test commonly conducted in the field today when there is an incident or issue under

re-employment screening

26.It is the primary purposes of pre-test interview_______.

to explain to the subject the test procedures.

27.The primary objective of post-test interview_______.

to thank the subject whether he/she is cooperating.

28.The purpose why the subject is required to answer by yes or no only_______.

to shorten the examination

29.It is the type of lie consisting exaggerated claim typically found in advertising and
publicity announcements_________.
puffery lie

3. Is the act of lying by giving false statements regarding an important matter that is
made oath.

30.It is the type of lie usually used to mislead or dishonesty intended to obstruct
malicious lie

30.The lie that is often used to maintain harmony of friendship, in the home or in the
white lie

31.The type of liar that has no regret for his dishonest actions and no manifestations of
psychopathic liar

32.It is also described as "stretching the truth" or making something appear more
powerful, meaningful or real than it actually is______.

33.This person loves to be investigated in such a way that he will n e primary

purposl the truth______.
ethnological liar

34.It is the complex interactive regulatory system by which the body strives to maintain
s state of internal equilibrium________.

35.It is the hormonal stimulator of the sympathetic nervous system. It acts to constrict
peripheral blood flow, raise blood pressure, increase cardiac activity, promote metabolic
activity through the release of glucose, and inhibit digestive processes.

36.It is a series of groups of nerve cells of the brain that control the entire endocrine-
hormonal system_______.

37.The following are some signs of lie, EXCEPT.

swearing to God

38.When a normally person tells a lie, physiological changes occur within his body that
could be recorded by the instrument or polygraph machine and evaluated by the
polygraph examiner______.
emotional theory

39.Techniques of deception detection to transcripts of statements made by suspects or

by witnesses in which they detail what they did or what they saw are analyzed_______.
paper and pencil integrity test

4. A harmless lie intended to protect the feelings of others from being upset by the truth.
White lie

40.was first used in psychiatric proceedings to facilitate communication with the

emotionally disturbed patient_______.
word association test

41.The special form of consciousness which permits access to hidden parts of the

42.Use to detect changes in the infrasonic frequency modulation that vary between 5 Hz
and 20 Hz_______
psychological stress modulator

43.It is serve as the housekeeping or braking system. It is responsible for conserving

energy and ensuring necessary bodily functions_______.


44.It is our emergency, or action system. It is a system which causes sudden and
dramatic changes.
Parasympathetic Nervous System

48.The type of ordeal associated with the witch-hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, if
the accused sank, they were considered innocent, whereas if they floated, this indicated
ordeal by water

45.It is a person who loves to lie and is excited by the challenge of not being
tournament liar

46.One that would normally discord if uncovered but offers some benefit to the liar and
assists in an orderly society therefore potentially beneficial to others________.
noble lie

47.The ancient judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused was
determined by subjecting them to a painful, or at least an unpleasant, usually dangerous
trial by ordeal

68.Which of the following is not included in the phases of polygraph examination?

Chart Markings

5. Telling a statement to others that is minimization rationalization in a situation where

complete denial implausible.

50.Took place between two parties in a dispute, either two individuals, or between an
individual and a government or other organization_______.
trial by combat

6. This type of liars is very successful and effortless in telling lies.

Natural liars

7. Types of liars have chronic behavior of habitually or compulsively lying even without
apparent person for doing so.
Pathological liars

8. Are about spite or revenge.

Red lie

9. Lies meants in jest.

Jocose lie

64.A polygraph test conducted to determine the denial of an examinee to the relevant
questions pertaining to various issue of concerns.
Screening test

57.An exclusionary phrase is used to separate the relevant and comparison questions.
Which of the following is a not an exclusionary phrase?
Prior to 2020

99.Which of the following is not a pattern indicative of respiratory suppression?


95.The type of muscles in the respiratory system that are involved during breathing
Diaphragm and intercostal
98.A type of sweat glands that is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system involve
in maintaining body temperature.
Eccrine sweat glands
86.It refers to the measurement of electrodermal response generated by dermis without
applying an outside current.

77.Acquaintance test is employed to familiarize an examinee with the process of

examination. Which of the following is not a type of acquaintance test?
Peak of tension test
79.Which of the following is not a factor that disqualify a polygraph subject?
have enough sleep
55.An evidence connecting question connects the examinee with the elements of the
crime, a typical example of evidence connecting question is
Do you know for sure the caliber of the fire arm?
81.During the attachment of the arm cuff, the ideal position of the polygraph examiner is
Beside the subject
89. It refers to a phasic electrodermal response recorded through endosomatic
Skin potential response

53.A probable lie comparison question is designed to create doubts on honesty of a

polygraph subject ,which of the following is an example of probable lie comparison
In your whole life ,did you ever make a mistake ?

74. The ideal position of a polygraph examiner when attaching the peumograph sensor
is of the subject.
In front of the subject useful in a situation where there is no available information or witness that will
prove or disprove a particular allegation.
Diagnostic test employed to familiarize an examinee with the process of examination.
Acquintance test
92.It refers to the descending limb of the pulse wave,

91.The layer of the skin containing tough connective tinue, hair follicles, and sweat

87.The layer of the skin containing the secretory portion of eccrine sweat glands.

48.Is designed to create doubts on honesty of a polygraph subject.

Probable lie comparison question

97.It refers to tonic electrodermal level recorded through exosomatic methods.

Skin conductance level

Forensic 5 – Prelim

1. Is defined as an act of convincing another to believe an information that is not true.


10. Type of liar have persistent anti social behavior, lack of empathy and remorse.

11. A system supplies oxygen and remove carbon dioxide in our body.
Respiratory system

12. It warms ,moisture and filter the air entering the body before it riches the lungs.
Nasal cavity

13. Give One factors that affects breathing patters.

All of these

14. Refers to changes in the electrical properties in the skin.

Electrodermal Activity

15. Galvanic skin was named after

Luigi galvanic
16. Outer layer of the Skin

17. Lower layer part of the skin that contains tough connected tissue,hair follicles,and
sweat glands.

18. Was known as the first to use blood pressure cuff in an attempt to detect deception.
Dr. William M. Marston

19. Types of Sweat glands are located in the armpit and genital areas/
Apocrine sweat glands

2. A false statement made with deliberate intent to decieve.


20. Was known as the first to use blood pressure cuff in an attempt to detect deception.
Dr.william M.Marston

21.The most emotional factor that must be present in the subject of a polygraph test, in
order for truth or deception can be depicted and interrupted objectively in the polygraph

22.It is considered as the primary objective of polygraph test is_______.

to determine if a person is telling the truth.

23.The components of polygraph machine that serve as a paper feed


24.The test used to determine the honesty and integrity of the present employee with the

pre-employment screening

25.It is a test commonly conducted in the field today when there is an incident or issue under

re-employment screening

26.It is the primary purposes of pre-test interview_______.

to explain to the subject the test procedures.

27.The primary objective of post-test interview_______.

to thank the subject whether he/she is cooperating.

28.The purpose why the subject is required to answer by yes or no only_______.

to shorten the examination

29.It is the type of lie consisting exaggerated claim typically found in advertising and
publicity announcements_________.
puffery lie

3. Is the act of lying by giving false statements regarding an important matter that is
made oath.

30.It is the type of lie usually used to mislead or dishonesty intended to obstruct
malicious lie

30.The lie that is often used to maintain harmony of friendship, in the home or in the
white lie

31.The type of liar that has no regret for his dishonest actions and no manifestations of
psychopathic liar

32.It is also described as "stretching the truth" or making something appear more
powerful, meaningful or real than it actually is______.

33.This person loves to be investigated in such a way that he will never reveal the
ethnological liar

34.It is the complex interactive regulatory system by which the body strives to maintain
s state of internal equilibrium________.

35.It is the hormonal stimulator of the sympathetic nervous system. It acts to constrict
peripheral blood flow, raise blood pressure, increase cardiac activity, promote metabolic
activity through the release of glucose, and inhibit digestive processes.

36.It is a series of groups of nerve cells of the brain that control the entire endocrine-
hormonal system_______.

37.The following are some signs of lie, EXCEPT.

swearing to God

38.When a normally person tells a lie, physiological changes occur within his body that
could be recorded by the instrument or polygraph machine and evaluated by the
polygraph examiner______.
emotional theory

39.Techniques of deception detection to transcripts of statements made by suspects or

by witnesses in which they detail what they did or what they saw are analyzed_______.
paper and pencil integrity test

4. A harmless lie intended to protect the feelings of others from being upset by the truth.
White lie

40.was first used in psychiatric proceedings to facilitate communication with the

emotionally disturbed patient_______.
word association test

41.The special form of consciousness which permits access to hidden parts of the

42.Use to detect changes in the infrasonic frequency modulation that vary between 5 Hz
and 20 Hz_______
psychological stress modulator

43.It is serve as the housekeeping or braking system. It is responsible for conserving

energy and ensuring necessary bodily functions_______.


44.It is our emergency, or action system. It is a system which causes sudden and
dramatic changes.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
48.The type of ordeal associated with the witch-hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, if
the accused sank, they were considered innocent, whereas if they floated, this indicated
ordeal by water

5. Telling a statement to others that is minimization rationalization in a situation where

complete denial implausible.

45.It is a person who loves to lie and is excited by the challenge of not being
tournament liar

46.One that would normally discord if uncovered but offers some benefit to the liar and
assists in an orderly society therefore potentially beneficial to others________.
noble lie

47.The ancient judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused was
determined by subjecting them to a painful, or at least an unpleasant, usually dangerous
trial by ordeal

5. Telling a statement to others that is minimization rationalization in a situation where

complete denial implausible.

50.Took place between two parties in a dispute, either two individuals, or between an
individual and a government or other organization_______.
trial by combat

6. This type of liars is very successful and effortless in telling lies.

Natural liars

7. Types of liars have chronic behavior of habitually or compulsively lying even without
apparent person for doing so.
Pathological liars

8. Are about spite or revenge.

Red lie

9. Lies meants in jest.

Jocose lie


Question 1

47.The most emotional factor that must be present in the subject of a polygraph test, in
order for truth or deception can be depicted and interrupted objectively in the polygraph

Question 2

13.The following are patterns of electrodermal response indicative of sympathetic

nervous system stimulation, except one.

Question 3
39 is a test commonly conducted in the field today when there is an incident or issue
under question___
case investigation

Question 4

38.It is a series of groups of nerve cells of the brain that control the entire endocrine-
hormonal system_______.

Question 5

18.Which of the following is a feature use in the evaluation of cardiovascular activity

associated with the stimulation of sympathetic nervous system?
Baseline arousal

Question 6

19.It refers to the descending limb of the pulse wave,


Question 7

34.The person who deliberately use ambiguity in order to deceive or mislead


Question 8

23.A type of sweat glands that is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system involve
in maintaining body temperature.
Eccrine sweat glands

Question 9

45.Component of polygraph that will records the amplitude and changes of blood
pressure is______.

Question 10
43.The word polygraph is a combination of two words “poly” which means_______.

Question 11

9.Deception test is conducted to determine the level of involvement of a polygraph

subject on a particular issue being investigated. Which of the following is not a type of
deception test?
General Question Test

Question 12

25.The type of muscles in the respiratory system that are involved during breathing
Diaphragm and intercostal

Question 13

41.The scientific method of detecting deception with the aid of a scientific


Question 14

30.What is the name of the part of the galvanogaph to be attached on the index and ring
finger of the subject’s right hand?
Finger plate electrode

Question 15

42.How shall the scientific method of detecting deception be administered?

By observing the psycho-physiological reactions of the subject.

Question 16

48.It is considered as the primary objective of polygraph test is_______.

to determine if a person is telling the truth.

Question 17
16.The layer of the skin containing tough connective tinue, hair follicles, and sweat

Question 18

17.It refers to the descending limb of the pulse wave,


Question 19

11.It refers to the measurement of electrodermal response generated by dermis without

applying an outside current.

Question 20

33.Among the four components of polygraph, the most valuable or reliable indicators in
detecting deception are__

Question 21

2.Acquaintance test is employed to familiarize an examinee with the process of

examination. Which of the following is not a type of acquaintance test?
Peak of tension test

Question 22

36.It is the complex interactive regulatory system by which the body strives to maintain
s state of internal equilibrium____

Question 23 conducted to determine the level of involvement of a polygraph subject on a

particular issue being investigated.
Deception test

Question 24
22.It refers to tonic electrodermal level recorded through exosomatic methods.
Skin conductance level

Question 25

3.Acquaintance test is employed to familiarize an examinee with the process of

examination. Which of the following is not a type of acquaintance test?
Peak of tension test

Question 26

29.It is the component of the polygraph designed to record changes in skin resistance of
the subject________.

Question 27

49The components of polygraph machine that serve as a paper feed


Question 28

32.Component of lie detector which records the pulse rate, amplitude and changes of
blood pressure is_______;

Question 29

1.It warms ,moisture and filter the air entering the body before it riches the lungs.
Nasal cavity

Question 30

14. It refers to a phasic electrodermal response recorded through endosomatic

Skin potential response

Question 31
28.The type of lie that would cause only relatively minor discord if it were uncovered and
typically offers some benefit to the hearer_____
white lie

Question 32

50.The test used to determine the honesty and integrity of the present employee with
the company______.
periodic audit

Question 33

46.Physiological changes recorded on the polygraph caused by this emotion being

experienced by a deceptive subject_______.
fear of detection

Question 34

4.Which of the following is not a factor that disqualify a polygraph subject?

have enough sleep

Question 35

7.A screening type of polygraph testing is use for the following, except one.

Question 36

21.Which of the following is not a factor affecting breathing pattern?


Question 37

20.The type of muscles in the respiratory system that are involved during breathing
Diaphragm and intercostal

Question 38

26.It is the type of lie consisting exaggerated claim typically found in advertising and
publicity announcements_____
puffery lie

Question 39

24.Which of the following is not a pattern indicative of respiratory suppression?


Question 40

27.It is the type of lie usually used to mislead or dishonesty intended to obstruct
malicious lie

Question 41

15. Which of the following is not a factor affecting electrodermal response?


Question 42

12.The layer of the skin containing the secretory portion of eccrine sweat glands.

Question 43

6.During the attachment of the arm cuff, the ideal position of the polygraph examiner is
Beside the subject

Question 44

35.He is the type of liar trained not to be squealer. This person loves to be investigated
in such a way that he will never reveal the truth___
ethnological liar

Question 45 employed to familiarize an examinee with the process of examination.

Acquintance test

Question 46
44.The component of the polygraph machine that will record the skin resistance of the

Question 47

37.It is the hormonal stimulator of the sympathetic nervous system. It acts to constrict
peripheral blood flow, raise blood pressure, increase cardiac activity, promote metabolic
activity through the release of glucose, and inhibit digestive processes.

Question 48

31.It is the type of liar considered as the most difficult type of liar to deal with because
such is a good actor_
black liar

Question 49

8.Was known as the first to use blood pressure cuff in an attempt to detect deception.
Dr.william M.Marston

Question 50

40.It is defined as a scientific instrument purposely designed to record the psycho-

physiological changes that occur within the body especially of lying when

12. A type of question intended to generate a response in an innocent subject and

provide the basis for assessing the subject’s perceptual set .
Irrelevant question
20. Who is the first man to use the word Polygraph?
John A.Larson
18. In the polygraph parts specifically in galvanic section there are two small metal
plates are connected to the subject finger , that two small metal plates are also called as


1. A signs of lying observe in a person through patterns of body movements, gestures,

facial expressions, body posture, positioning and movements used to explain chosen
Non-verbal Clues
15. What is the use of narcotic or an aesthetic drug in which drugs was injected
hypodermically or intravenously but dangerous and the result is not admissible?
Narco analysis test
8. Refers to the house keeping or braking system. it is responsible for conserving
energy,and making sure necessary bodily function?


6. Refers to the three stereotypic behavioral responses to threat sometimes simply

called F3?
9. Refers to a hormone secreted by adrenal gland,it works alongside with
epinephrine/adrenaline to give the body sudden energy in times of stress ,known as the
fight or flight response.


10. Also know as adrenaline in british.


17. A part of polygraph specifically in the pnuemograph section in which used to release
excess pressure from the system

2. Refers to non-verbal gestures or signs that can be directly translated into or

substituted for words.


14.Who is the doctor mentioned this ordeal in his famous book on criminal investigation
in which beans were thrown into a sieve as the name of each suspect was called . also
called the hereditary sieve.
Hans gross
5.What are the Rules on Formulation of the test question?
All of these
11. Is a hindu book of science and health around 500.B.C. considered as an earliest
known referrence to a method of detecting deception.
Ayur vida
16. Is an English heart specialist who published in two British journal the machine he
used in his work and named it "INK POLYGRAPH"
James mackenzie
4. What is the purpose of polygraph Examination?
To determine truth or deception based on the presence of emotional disturbance of the
subject as appearing on the recorded physiological responses to question relative to the
case under investigation.
19. What are the uses of irrelevant question?
All of these
3. Inconsistencies,Repetition of Question,Speed of speech are parts of What clues of
7. What is the System that composed of the brain and the spinal cord.
13. Shall refer to a direct acknowledgement of guilt or a statement of guilt?

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