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Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 (RA 9520) cooperation;

●No extension can be made earlier than five (5) years prior to the original or
1. Concepts and Rules General Provisions subsequent expiry date unless there are justifiable reasons for an earlier
Definition of Cooperative extension as may be determined by the Authority.
- An autonomous and duly registered association of persons, with a
common bond of interest, who have voluntary joined together to Articles of Cooperation
achieve their social, economic, and cultural needs and aspirations ●Signed by each of the organizers and submitted to
by making equitable contributions to the capital required, the Authority;
patronizing their products and services and accepting a fair share ● The articles of corporation must be accompanied by a BONDs of the
of the risks and benefits of the undertaking in accordance with accountable officers and TREASURER’s affidavit showing that 25% of the
universally accepted cooperative principles authorized capital have been subscribed and 25% of the subscribed have
Cooperative Principles been paid
a. Voluntary and Open Membership
- Membership is open to all person without discrimination. By-Laws
b. Democratic Member Control ● The cooperative shall adopt by-laws not inconsistent with the Code and it
- “One member, one vote” principle. shall be filed at the same time as articles of cooperation;
c. Member Economic Participation ● It provides... (o) other matters incident to the purposes and activities of the
- Members receive limited compensation or limited interest, if any, on capital cooperative.
subscribed and paid as a condition of membership.
d. Autonomy and Independence Registration
- Cooperative is a self-help organization controlled by the members. ● Cooperative acquires its juridical personality from the date the Authority
e. Education, Training, and Information issues a certificate of registration under its official seal;
- The purpose is to contribute for the development of the cooperative. ● Certificate of registration shall be conclusive evidence that it is registered
f. Cooperation Among Cooperatives unless it is proved that the registration has been cancelled.
- Working together through local, national, regional, and international ● All application shall be finally disposed of by the Authority within 60 days
structures. from the filing thereof, otherwise the application is deemed approve, unless
g. Concern for Community the cause of the delay is attributable to the applicant;
- Sustainable development of the cooperative’s community ● That in case of denial of the application, an appeal shall lie with the Office
of the President within 90 days from the receipt of such denial;
Main Objective of Cooperative ● Failure of the President to act within 90 days from the filing thereof shall
- To improve the quality of life of its members. mean approval
● of said application.
2. Organization and Registration
Cooperative Powers, Rights and Capacities ● For primary cooperative, the paid-up capital shall not be less than fifteen
a. To the Exclusive use of its registered name, to sue and be sued; thousand pesos (P15,000);
b. Of succession; ● For multi-purpose cooperative, the minimum paid up capital is one
c. To amend its articles cooperation; hundred thousand pesos (P 100,000) or the amount stated in the feasibility
d. To adopt by-laws, amend and repeal the same; study whichever is higher.
e. To purchase, receive, take or grant, hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge and
mortgage, and otherwise deal with Cooperative Name
such real or personal property; ● The word “cooperative” shall be included in the name of the cooperative,
f. To enter into division, merger or consolidation; which name shall likewise specify the type of cooperative.
g. To form subsidiary cooperatives and join federation or unions; ● No Cooperative name shall be allowed by the Cooperative Development
h. To avail of loans, be entitled to credit and to accept and receive grants, Authority (CDA) if the proposed name is identical or deceptively or
donations, and assistance from foreign and domestic sources subject to the confusingly similar to that of any existing cooperative, contrary to public
conditions that these will not undermine the autonomy of the cooperative. policy, moral and existing laws.
i. To avail of preferential rights under the Local Government Code and other ● The use of the word “development”,“integrated”, “Federation and Union”
laws; in the cooperative name shall be discouraged.
j. To organize and operate school in accordance with RA 9155; Amendment of Articles if Cooperation and By-laws
k. Other powers as provided by the Code and those necessary to carry out its ● It requires 2/3 votes of all the members with voting rights, without
purpose as stated in the Articles of cooperation. prejudice to the right of the dissenting members to exercise their right to
withdraw their membership.
Organization of Primary Cooperative ● The amendments shall take effect upon its approval by the authority or
● It must be formed by fifteen (15) or more natural persons who are Filipino within 30 days from the date of filing thereof if not acted upon by the
citizens, of legal age, have a common bond of interest, and actually residing Authority for a cause not attributable to the cooperative.
or working in the intended area of operation.
● A prospective member must have completed a Pre-Membership Education Definition of Terms in Cooperative Code:
Seminar (PMES) 1. Members – includes a person either natural or juridical who
adhering to the principles set forth in this Code and in the Articles
Liability of the Cooperative of Cooperative, has been admitted by the cooperative as member
- Registered cooperative has limited liability. Corporation General Provisions

Term of Cooperative Corporation defined (Sec. 2 of RCC).

● Cooperative shall exist for fifty (50) years from the date of registration - An artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of
unless sooner dissolve or unless said period is extended; successions and powers, attributes, and properties expressly
●The term may be extended for not exceeding fifty (50) years by amending authorized by law or incidental to its existence.
the cooperative articles of
Features of Corporation – Board of directors (BOD)/ Trustees are the managers of the corporation.
- Doctrine of Distinct and Separate Juridical Personality.
• It is regarded as a person. Classification of Shares (Sec. 6 of RCC)
- Doctrine of Limited Liability • Preference Shares
• The liability of a corporation is not the liability of the – Preference as to dividends
stockholders. – Cumulative or non-cumulative
– Participating or non – participating
Exception to the Doctrines UCNPB – Mixed of those
• Unpaid subscription; – Preference as to assets
•Commingling of assets during rehabilitation or insolvency proceedings; – With limited voting rights
• Nullification of unusual or unreasonable transfer of funds or
assets to the shareholders; during the 90-day pre-zone of insolvency; Preference Shares Voting Rights (Sec. 6 of RCC)
• Breach of fiduciary duties by the directors or trustees; • They shall vote under the following situations:
• Piercing the corporate veil. – Amendment of the articles of incorporation and by laws; Adoption of by
Piercing the Corporate Veil FDATD – Disposal (in any form) of all or substantially of corporate property;
• Fraud cases; – Creating, increasing or decreasing bonded indebtedness;
• To defraud third persons – Increase or decrease of authorized capital stock;
• Alter ego cases or business conduit of a person; – Merger or consolidation;
• Tax avoidance – Investment of corporate funds to another corporation;
• Defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime. – Dissolution
Note, It should be: • Right of Appraisal (out of unrestricted earnings)
• Done with caution;
• Clear and convincing evidence (cannot be presumed); – Redeemable preference shares (quasi-debt instrument)
• The mere ownership by one person is not sufficient ground. – Fixed period or date;
– Put option (holder) or Call option (issuer);
Case: Donnina Halley vs. Printwell, Inc. – No need for unrestricted retained earnings provided the corporation is
– The Court ruled stockholders of a corporation are liable to the debts of the not insolvent or it will not result to insolvency.
corporation up to the extent of their unpaid subscription. They cannot invoke
the veil of the corporate identity as a shield from liability, because the veil
mat be lifted to avoid defrauding corporate creditors. – Convertible preference shares
– Required to have unissued shares available without shareholder’s
General Classes of Corporation (Sec. 3 of RCC) approval;
1. Stock Corporation – No pre-emptive right.
– Capital stock divided into shares – Common Shares (must have in the corporation)
– Authorized to distribute dividends from unrestricted retained – No preference;
earnings or capital gains upon disposition. – Assumes all the risks but reap all the benefits;
– Has full voting rights; has equal rights except as provided by law or
2. Non – stock Corporation – “One share, one vote policy”;
– established for other purposes; without monetary benefits to – Each share shall be equal in all respects to every other common share.
person comprising it. – They have the same rights, privileges, and restrictions except for series
shares (seldom permitted).
Classes of Corporations
1. Close Corporation (e.g. family) Par Value Shares (Sec. 6 of RCC)
– Nature of incorporated partnership; – Par value shares may be issued for consideration equal to or more than the
– Composed of 2 to 20 shareholders; nominal value.
– Do business as partners but with limited liability as stockholders. – If less than the nominal value, it creates “Watered Stocks”.
– If it is more than the nominal value, it creates “Share Premium”.
– Subscribed capital stock are assets or funds available to creditors and
2. One Person Corporation
further losses.
– One natural person, estate or trust
– Authorized capital stock is the minimum amount of capital that the
corporation may raise from its subscribers without further approval from its
3.Religious Corporation and Educational Corporation
existing shareholders.
Governing Laws of Corporation (Sec. 4 of RCC)
Par Value or No Par Value (Sec. 6 of RCC)
1. Private Corporations – General law (Revised Corporation Code)
– Banks, trust, insurance and preneed companies, public utilities, building
2. GOCC – Special Charter created by CONGRESS;
and loan association, and other corporations authorized to obtain or access
– Economic viability test;
funds from the public, whether publicly listed or not are not authorized to
– No private corporation under special charter;
issue no par shares.
3. Cooperatives – Cooperative Code;
– Preference shares may only be issued with stated par value.
4. Religious Corporation – General law (RCC);
5. Educational Corporation – special law and General law (RCC);
No Par Value Shares (Sec. 6 of RCC)
– NO par value shares are without nominal value.
Composition of Corporation (Sec. 5 of RCC)
– The shares may be issued at a lower amount but must not be
Corporators – those who compose the corporation.
lower than P 5.
– Incorporators are the one who originally formed the corporation.
– It is deemed fully paid and non – assessable and the holder
– Stockholders are the investors of stock corporation.
of such shares shall not be liable to the corporation or to
– Members are the corporators of non stock corporation.
its creditors in respect thereto. – Treasury shares are asset of the corporation. It may be sold more than its
– The entire consideration is the capital under the trust fund acquisition cost; excess is part of APIC.
doctrine. – The gain from the sale of treasury shares is taxable.
– It may be issued as property dividends.
Trust Fund Doctrine – It has no voting rights. It is not part of outstanding capital stock.
• allows the distribution of corporate capital when: – Shareholders has pre-emptive right over the shares.
– Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation to reduce
authorized capital stock; Important terms
– Purchase of redeemable shares by the corporation regardless of ❑ Outstanding capital stock (shares) – total shares of stock issued under
the existence of unrestricted retained earnings; binding subscription agreement to subscribers or stockholders, whether or
– Dissolution and eventual liquidation of the corporation. not fully or partially paid, except treasury shares.
• Without prejudice to the protection given by special laws and
contracts. ❑ Legal capital – reserved for the creditors in relation to trust fund
APIC (Sec. 6 of RCC) ▪ In case of par, it comprise of subscribed capital at par value;
• Additional Paid in Capital (APIC) or share premium is the ▪ In case of no par, the entire consideration shall be part of the capital.
excess of the consideration over the par value.
• May be used in capital restructuring; Incorporation and Organization of Private Corporation
• Premium is part of paid-in capital; but not under IAET;
• The aforementioned provisions do not possess by no Sec. 10 – Number and Qualification of Incorporators
par shares. – Corporation may be organized by: NLC
Classification of Shares (Sec. 6 of RCC) – Any person (for natural person, must be of legal age and
– The classification of shares, their corresponding rights, privileges, or capacitated);
restrictions and their stated par value, if any must be indicated in the articles – One (1) to fifteen (15) persons (be a BOD);
of the incorporation; – For lawful and legal purposes;
– Each share shall be equal, except as otherwise provided – Except to practice profession unless provided by special laws;
in the articles of incorporation and in the certificate of – Each incorporator must own at least one share of stock.
Sec. 11 – Corporate term (Old CC: 50 years life)
Founder’s Share (Sec. 7 of RCC) – It has perpetual term unless otherwise provided in the articles of
– Rights and privileges granted to the INCORPORATORS, which do not incorporation;
possessed by other shareholders; – Extending or shortening corporate term
– It must be clearly expressed in the corporate charter, and consistent – amend the articles of incorporation;
with the Code; – No extension earlier than 3 years prior to its expiry date of term
– The exclusive right to vote and be voted for in the election of directors, unless with justifiable reason;
it must be for a limited period of not to exceed five (5) years from the – Revival of corporate existence for expired term
date of incorporation; provided not against Anti-Dummy Law and – Subject to approval of the Commission.
Foreign Investment Act. – Not allowed to corporation engaged in money business and other
– The other rights and privileges are not subject to 5 year period financial intermediaries unless with recommendation from appropriate
limitation, provided consistent with this Code. government
Redeemable Shares (Sec. 8 of RCC) – Change in corporate term, with right of appraisal.
– With fixed period or date of redemption;
– Put option (holder) or Call option (issuer); Sec. 12 – Minimum Capital Stock (not required)
– No need for unrestricted retained earnings provided will not – No minimum capital stock except specifically provided by special law.
result to insolvency. – Authorized capital stock
– Must be expressly provided in the articles of incorporation; – Minimum amount of capital from all the issuance of it shares.
– Subject to rules and regulations of the Commission; – Subscribed capital stock
– May set up a sinking fund. – Committed amount of capital from subscribers;
– Paid up capital (paid portion) and subscription receivable (unpaid);
Treasury Shares (Sec. 9 of RCC) – Trust fund doctrine
– Shares which have been issued and fully paid for, but – Subscribed capital stock
subsequently reacquired by the issuing corporation – Pre – incorporation subscription is irrevocable except
through purchase, redemption, donation, or some other – All other subscribers consent to the revocation; or
lawful means. – Fails to incorporate within six month from the date of subscription or
– It requires unrestricted retained earnings. within a period stipulated in the contract of subscription, whichever is longer.
– Such shares may again be disposed of for a reasonable – No revocation after the articles of incorporation is submitted to the
price fixed by the BOD. SEC.
– It arises in two ways: – Paid up capital
1. contract (redeemable, convertible, fractional shares); – Paid portion of the capital subscribed
2. Law (close corporation to break the deadlock); – APIC
– It does not require unrestricted retained earnings; – Received or paid in excess of the par;
– Must be expressly provided in the articles of – Donation
incorporation. – Gains from other share capital transactions.
– The redemption of redeemable shares does not necessarily make them as – Status of paid up; part of the trust fund, not available unless for
treasury shares. Approval by the stockholders and the Commission is restructuring;
necessary. Articles need to be amended.
Sec. 13 – Contents of Articles of Incorporation
– Articles of incorporation serves as a contract;
– May stipulate terms and conditions subject to minimum requirement of the Sec. 17 – Corporate Name
Code; consistent with the objective of the law; – No corporate name is allowed under the ff:
– Minimum contents: – Not distinguishable;
– Corporate name – Protected by law;
– “OPC” must written after or below the corporate name. – Contrary to existing law, rules, and regulations.
– Trade name (may be more than one) – Penalized unauthorized used of corporate name; revoke the registration,
– Purpose/s (primary and secondary) remove materials attached to the name.
– May adopt as many secondary purposes except if the business
activities in the primary and secondary are prohibited. Sec. 18 – Registration, Incorporation, and Commencement of Corporate
– Proposed action in relation to secondary purposes requires Existence
approval of the shareholders or members. – Verification and reservation; submit articles of incorporation and by laws;
– For non – stock, it cannot include secondary purpose that would – The issuance of certificate of incorporation signals the grant of corporate
change its character. charter.
– Place of principal office – It acquires juridical personality and corporate existence.
– Basic records are kept; stockholder’s meeting is held;
– Local tax purposes; Sec. 19 – De facto Corporations
– Insolvency proceedings, proper place is the RTC. – The due incorporation of any corporation claiming in good faith to be a
– Corporate term corporation under this Code;
– Perpetual, except otherwise provided. – Its right to exercise corporate powers, shall not be inquired collaterally in
– Incorporators, directors, or trustees; any private suit;
– Must not exceed 15 directors except trustees which may be more than – Such inquiry may be made by the Solicitor General in “quo warranto”
15. proceedings.
– Directors or trustees must be a natural persons; incorporators – Principle of estoppel applies to a person who dealt with de facto
may not be a natural person; corporations.
– Majority of the incorporators, directors or trustees may not
be residents of the Philippines. Sec. 20 – Corporations by Estoppel (Ostensible)
– Capital (Authorized capital, subscribed and paid in capital) – Persons who assume to act as a corporation knowing it to be without
– Paid in any lawful currency authority to do so shall be liable as general partners (solidary);
– Pre-incorporation subscription is irrevocable for at least six months – It cannot use the defense of lack of corporate personality.
from the date of subscription, unless – De facto corporation.
– All consent to the revocation;
– Failure to incorporate within the stipulated period; Sec. 21 – Effect of Non-Use of Corporate Charter and Continuous Inoperation
– No revocation after submission of the articles of – Within 5 years from the date of incorporation – certificate of incorporation
incorporation. is deemed revoked;
– Shareholder’s agreement; – Commence but become inoperative for at least 5 consecutive years,
– Stipulations is not binding to the corporation and third parties; only corporation be placed under delinquent status; the operation can be
between the parties unless in the form of close corporation. resumed within 2 years, otherwise, certificate will be revoked.
– Arbitration agreement; – Reasonable notice is required.
– Intra corporate controversies
– Electronic form in accordance with the rules;
– Attestation as to the receipt of initial subscription is Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010 (FRIA)
incorporated in the articles of incorporation.
- A proceeding in rem (involves real properties
Sec. 14 – Form of Articles of Incorporation - Conducted in a summary and non-adversarial manner
- More systematic framework for insolvency proceedings
Sec. 15 – Amendment of Articles of Incorporation - Equitable treatment to all parties involved in a financial
– Majority vote of the BOD and at least 2/3 vote of the outstanding restructuring or rehabilitation
capital stock of stockholders, without prejudicial to the appraisal right of the - Maximize chances of survival by providing the ailing enterprise of
dissenting stockholder; four (4) remedies namely fast track rehabilitation, court-
– For non-stock, majority vote of the trustees and at least 2/3 vote of the supervised rehabilitation, negotiated rehabilitation and
members; dissolution-liquidation.
– Amendment shall take effect upon approval of the SEC; or not acted within
six months from the date of filing of the amended articles. Persons Involved
1. Insolvent debtors which includes: (1) sole proprietorship, (2)
Sec. 16 – Grounds for Disapproval of Amendments partnership, (3) corporation, and (4) individual debtor
– Not substantially in accordance with the Code; But excludes (1) banks, (2) pre-need companies, (3) insurance
– The purpose/s are patently unconstitutional, illegal, immoral or contrary to companies, and (4) Government.
government rules and regulations; 2. Creditors which includes natural or juridical person which has a
– The certification concerning the amount of capital stock subscribed and/ or claim against the debtor that arose on or before the
paid is false; commencement date.
– The required percentage of Filipino ownership of the capital stock under - Commencement date refers to the date on which the court issues
existing laws or Constitution has not been complied with; the commencement order, which shall be retroactive to date of
– For financial intermediaries, it will not be approved unless accompanied by filing the petition for voluntary or involuntary proceedings.
favorable recommendation of appropriate government agencies. - Creditors are either general unsecured creditors or secured
– The Commission shall give the incorporators, directors, trustees or officers creditors.
a reasonable time to modify the objectionable portions of the articles or
amendment. Liability for Unlawful Disposition of Property Under Proceedings
- Double the value of the property sold, embezzled or disposed of d. Prohibit the debtor from making any payment of its
or double the amount of the transaction involved, whichever is liabilities outstanding of the commencement date except as
higher to be recovered for the benefit of the debtor or creditors. may be provided herein.

Rehabilitation Management of the Business

- Refers to the restoration of the debtor to a condition of successful - Generally, the board of directors or management of the debtor
operation and insolvency; if it is shown that its continuance of shall continue to function while the Petition for Rehabilitation is
operation is economically feasible and its creditors can recover by pending
way of the present value of payments projected in the plan, more - However, upon motion the court may appoint either the
if the debtor continues as a going concern that if it is immediately Rehabilitation Receiver or a Management Committee to
liquidated. undertake the management of the debtor when there is:
Kinds of Rehabilitation 1. Actual or eminent danger’s asset or properties
1. With court supervision; 2. Paralyzation of the business operations of the debtor
2. Agreed upon out of court 3. Gross mismanagement of the debtor, or fraud, or other
3. Pre-negotiated rehabilitation wrongful conduct on the part, or gross or willful violation of
the FRIA by existing management of the debtor, owner,
Rehabilitation with Court Supervision partner, director, officer, or representative in the
- Voluntary Rehabilitation – verified Petition for Rehabilitation is management of the debtor
filed by the debtor and must prove (a) the insolvency of the
debtor; (2) viability of rehabilitation Disposition of the Case
- Involuntary Rehabilitation – Petition of Rehabilitation is filed by 1. Give due course to the Petition;
the creditor or group of creditors with claim if, or the aggregate of 2. Dismiss the Petition
whose claims is, at least 1M peso or at least 25% of the subscribed 3. Convert the Proceedings to Liquidation Proceedings
capital stock or partner’s contribution, whichever is higher, and if:
 No genuine issue of fact or law on the claim/s of the
petitioner\s, and that due or demandable payments thereon Out-of-Court-Rehabilitation
have not been made for at least 60 days or that the debtor
has failed generally to meet its liabilities as they fall due; or Minimum Requirements
 A creditor, other than the petitioner\s has initiated 1. The debtor must agree to the out-of-control or informal
foreclosure proceedings against the debtor that will prevent restructuring/workout agreement or Rehabilitation Plan
the debtor from paying as they become due or will render it 2. It must be approved by the creditors representing at least 67% of
insolvent the secured obligations of the debtor
3. It must be approved by creditors representing at least 75% of the
Pre-Negotiated Rehabilitation unsecured obligations of the debtor and
- Petition for approval of pre-negotiated rehabilitation plan is filed 4. It must be approved by creditors holding at least 85% of the total
by the insolvent debtor and the Rehabilitation Plan is endorsed or liabilities, secured and unsecured, of the debtor
approved by creditors holding at least 2/3 of the total liabilities
including secured creditors holding more than 50% of the total Standstill Period
secured claim and unsecured creditors holding more than 50% of - An agreement on standstill period may be binding if the following
the unsecured claims. requisites are present:
1. Agreement is approved by creditors representing more than
Rehabilitation Plan 50% of the total liabilities of the debtor
- Required attachment in the Petition for Rehabilitation 2. Notice thereof is published in a newspaper of general
- It refers to a plan by which the financial well-being and viability of circulation in the Philippines once a week for two
an insolvent debtors can be restored using various means as may consecutive weeks.
be approved by the court or creditors. 3. Then standstill period does not exceed 120 days from the
- It may also be pre-negotiated rehabilitation plan or out-of-court date of effectivity
informal rehabilitation
Cram Down Rule - It is the winding up, that is the comprehensive process of settling
- Under this rule, the Rehabilitation Plan confirmed by the court accounts, ascertaining and adjusting debts, collecting assets and
shall be binding upon the debtors and all persons who may be paying off claims.
affected by it, including creditors, whether or not such persons - It is a declaration by the trial court of the corporation’s insolvency
have participated in the proceedings, opposed the Plan or so that its creditors may be able to file their claims in the
whether or not their claims have been scheduled. settlement of the corporation’s debts and obligations

Stay Order (Equality is Equity) Suspension of Payment

- This order included in the Commencement Order issued by the - It shall be filed by an individual debtor who has assets that exceed
Court having jurisdiction over the rehabilitation case of the his liabilities but foresees the impossibility by paying his debts as
debtor. It shall: they fall due (palugit)
a. Suspend all the actions or proceedings, in court or
otherwise, for the enforcement of claims against the debtor; Liquidation Order
b. Suspend all actions to enforce any judgment, attachment, or - Order issued by the court in liquidation proceedings involving
other provisional remedied against the debtor individual and juridical debtors
c. Prohibit the debtor from selling, encumbering, transferring - It does not affect the rights of the secured creditor to enforce his
or disposing in any manner of its properties except for in the lien in accordance with the applicable contract or law, unless he
ordinary course of business, and
waives his right. He may elect to enforce or maintain his right
under that security or lien at his option.
- As a minimum, it shall enumerate all the assets of the debtor not
exempt from execution, a list of all creditors and their claims
which have been duly approved as shown in the final registry of
claims, and a proposed mode and schedule of liquidation of the
assets and payment of the claims.

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